UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /15 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:22] * valorie hands out extra pliers
[08:46] <RikMills> santa_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1883501
[08:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1883501 in Ubuntu Groovy "[needs-packaging] plasma-wayland-protocols" [Undecided,New]
[09:29] <santa_> RikMills: ack, thanks for fixing my typo in the changelog XD
[09:36] <IrcsomeBot> <myfenris> @RikMills, Good luck! 💪
[10:58] <mparillo> Did KDE Frameworks 5.70 land in GG? Well done; no immediate breakage.
[11:00] <santa_> 5.71
[11:07] <mparillo> Thank you, but not yet for me. I will update again tomorrow.
[11:35] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[11:38] <RikMills> santa: plasma-wayland-protocols is now in the NEW queue
[11:39] <RikMills> I guess kwayland-server might be better to wait for 5.19.1 tomorrow
[11:46] <santa_> RikMills: sure, note that I didn't have time yet to review the copyright file
[11:46] <santa_> I will do asap
[11:46] <RikMills> I need to file a bug for it yet!
[11:48] <santa_> RikMills: by the way ... do you have a printer?
[11:48] <RikMills> santa_: not a working one
[11:48] <santa_> damn it
[11:48] <santa_> could you easily get one?
[11:49] <RikMills> why?
[11:49] <santa_> because I found a bug in focal which is material for SRU
[11:49] <santa_> RikMills: https://launchpad.net/~panfaust/+archive/ubuntu/print-manager/+packages
[11:50] <santa_> very important for enterprise use
[11:51] <santa_> if you can't get a printer I guess we could poke someone else here
[11:51] <santa_> bu you would be the one uploading the package because I can't :P
[11:51] <santa_> s/bu/but/
[11:51] <RikMills> at the moment I have little use for one. mostly I just load a doc on my phone and send it to my one at my sisters house :P
[19:16] <IrcsomeBot> <RikMills> @Eickmeyer, Pulling teeth is not that hard or painful