UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /13 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <derek-shnosh> Its commented out in the file though.
[00:00] <derek-shnosh> Right now the nvidia driver version installed is 440.62
[00:03] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Are you abele to boot with the nouveau driver (maybe need to use nomodeset on the command line)?
[00:05] <derek-shnosh> Can you provide guidance on trying that?
[00:05] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> sudo apt purge nvidia-driver-440
[00:06] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> then try rebooting. If black screen, then reboot again and go into grub.
[00:06] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> You might need to hit Esc to open the grub menu if not multi-boot setup.
[00:06] <derek-shnosh> Ok, standby
[00:07] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> will do.
[00:08] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> You might want to try the nvidia-driver-430 or 435 drivers until bug you encountered is fixed.
[00:12] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> FWIW, I have 2 NVidia systems here running fine with the 440.64.00 driver, and the 5.4.0-26 and 5.4.0-37 kernels. (1080 and 960M models resp).
[00:13] <derek-shnosh> I've purged nvidia-driver-440, what whas the nomodeset ?
[00:14] <derek-shnosh> For the record, I was running 440.82 with 5.4.0-33 kernel before this situation.
[00:14] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> try to reboot. If you get a black screen, then reboot again and tap the Esc key until the grub menu appears.
[00:15] <derek-shnosh> Ok...
[00:16] <derek-shnosh> I've rebooted, entered encryption pw, and now just the Lenovo image again... originally it'd just go to a black screen, this "lenovo image" thing has been prevalent since I did the `ubuntu-drivers install` command.
[00:16] <derek-shnosh> will do the reboot now, and go to grub menu
[00:17] <derek-shnosh> Oh, I read somewhere about `kstart5 plasmashell`, is this relevant? Because when I go to TTY2 and login and enter that command, it gives errors about `qt.qpa.xcb` and `qt.qpa.plugin`.
[00:18] <derek-shnosh> i'm at `grub>` prompt now
[00:18] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I think you are fighting graphic driver at the moment. How did you install Kubuntu?
[00:18] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Select the top line
[00:19] <derek-shnosh> There's nothing to select, its a prompt.
[00:19] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> just a "grub>" prompt?
[00:19] <derek-shnosh> yes i had the selectable menu before that but hitting ESC brought me to this prompt
[00:19] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> No text menu with kenerel selection options?
[00:20] <derek-shnosh> it was on screen before ESC, show sup every boot
[00:20] <derek-shnosh> can i get back to that without rebooting, can i exit `grub>` prompt?
[00:20] <derek-shnosh> nvm, just rebooting
[00:20] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Oh, Ok on the selection menu, ensure the top line is selected and hit the "e" key to edit
[00:20] <derek-shnosh> 1st option is "ubuntu", 2nd option is "Advanced options"
[00:20] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> yes
[00:21] <derek-shnosh> ok done
[00:21] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> https://www.dell.com/support/article/en-us/sln306327/manual-nomodeset-kernel-boot-line-option-for-linux-booting?lang=en
[00:21] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Let me know if more explanation is needed.
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[00:21] <derek-shnosh> ok put the `nomodeset`, reading
[00:22] <derek-shnosh> EYYY login screen!
[00:22] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> also remove the quiet option to enable the viewing of the boot steram
[00:22] <derek-shnosh> didn't remove quiet, but i 'm on my desktop now
[00:22] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> cool!
[00:23] <derek-shnosh> so i presume this is a temp solution?
[00:23] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> no need to remove quiet
[00:23] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> that was just to reveal any monsters that may be preventing boot.
[00:23] <derek-shnosh> gotcha,
[00:23] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> yes, temp solution. So now try installing the 430 or 435 driver.
[00:24] <derek-shnosh> how about 440.82? i still have that DLed
[00:25] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Sure, git it a try.
[00:25] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> The steps above will restore you back to a system where you can try the other drivers if needed.
[00:27] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> So if 440.82 black screen, ctrl-alt-f2 for the tty, sudo apt purge nvidia-driver-*, boot with nomodeset via grub, and try another driver.
[00:27] <derek-shnosh> says i'm missing nvidia-installer-cleanup when i run dpkg -i on the 440.82 driver
[00:30] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> is the 440.82 driver from the nvdia-ppa or downloaded from NVidia?
[00:31] <derek-shnosh> downloaded
[00:32] <derek-shnosh> the 440.82 driver is weird, says `nvidia-driver-440/focal 440.82+really.440.64-0ubuntu6 amd64`
[00:32] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Yes, the ppa website is equally mixed....
[00:32] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=focal
[00:33] <derek-shnosh> there's still a considerable amount of nvidia things showing when I run `apt list -i | grep nvidia`
[00:33] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Try enabling the PPA and then run "sudo apt install nvidia-driver-440"
[00:34] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> grep for nvidia-driver-440 and report the version...
[00:35] <derek-shnosh> ok.... that's where I see `nvidia-driver-440/focal 440.82+really.440.64-0ubuntu6 amd64`
[00:35] <derek-shnosh> I just installed it, since it came from PPA, i don't have to manually sign it fore secureboot do i?
[00:35] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> apt list nvidia-driver-440 -a
[00:36] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> correct, no manual signing will be necessary.
[00:36] <derek-shnosh> alright when I run that cmd, another one shows up
[00:36] <derek-shnosh> `nvidia-driver-440/focal 440.82-0ubuntu0- amd64`
[00:36] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> that's what I see here also.
[00:37] <derek-shnosh> i read a reddit threat discussing why the "really" one is there.
[00:37] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> And apt says: nvidia-driver-440/focal,now 440.82+really.440.64-0ubuntu6 amd64 [installed]
[00:38] <derek-shnosh> is there a way to force the 440.82 (actual) install via apt since it shows up with `apt list -a`?
[00:38] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Oh, still have the link? I do not know why we have 2 options.
[00:38] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> no idea...
[00:38] <derek-shnosh> https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/g3mrex/why_did_ubuntus_graphics_ppa_push_a_downgrade_to/
[00:39] <derek-shnosh> is it a terrible idea to `apt purge *nvidia*` and start over?
[00:39] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> nope, apt purge should work fine.
[00:40] <derek-shnosh> for *nvidia*... or just nvidia*?
[00:40] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I have used it myself several times before my hybrid laptop was properly supported.
[00:40] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> nvidia-* is fine
[00:41] <derek_shnosh2> Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/26c058fb2e3c3b37399c2a1106159f9e/pasted.txt
[00:41] <derek-shnosh> ^ that's the output from `apt list -i | grep nvidia`
[00:41] <derek-shnosh> There's a bunch of "libnivida-*" things in there
[00:42] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> yes, all of those will be cleaned up as they depends of the main driver...
[00:42] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Assuming the packages are setup properly.
[00:42] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> run the purge and check again.
[00:42] <derek-shnosh> ahh ok
[00:44] <derek-shnosh> this is weird, i type `sudo apt purge nvidia-*` and it says "unable to locate package nvidia-*"
[00:45] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> try sudo apt purge nvidia*
[00:45] <derek-shnosh> doing the same thing
[00:46] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> sudo apt purge nvidia-driver-440
[00:46] <derek-shnosh> that' worked.
[00:46] <derek-shnosh> guess you cant wildcard that
[00:47] <derek-shnosh> ok, so the driver isn't in the `list -i` anymore... but everything else still is
[00:47] <derek-shnosh> ahh, need to do `autoremove` i think
[00:47] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> do you have any nvidia files in you current directory? I have seen where apt will try to act on any files in your current directory when the wild card is used (very strange and unexpected behavior).
[00:48] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> try sudo apt autoremove
[00:48] <derek-shnosh> I did that now there's only 4 left...
[00:48] <derek_shnosh2> Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/9612ed0994b4c465fcb1db792cdd9c08/pasted.txt
[00:49] <derek_shnosh2> should i purge those too?
[00:49] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> yes, I would
[00:49] <derek-shnosh> the linux modules one too?
[00:50] <derek-shnosh> i presume i'm going to have to sign the 440.82 driver if i do it from .deb
[00:50] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Yes, if you use the deb route, I suspect manual signing may be required.
[00:51] <derek-shnosh> i've got the whole list nuked.
[00:51] <derek-shnosh> can i force apt to use the "actual" 440.82 driver?
[00:52] <derek-shnosh> i think i can
[00:52] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I have no idea how to force the 440.82 only driver.
[00:52] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> How did you do it?
[00:53] <derek-shnosh> `apt install nvidia-driver-440=440.82-0ubuntu0-
[00:53] <derek-shnosh> https://askubuntu.com/questions/428772/how-to-install-specific-version-of-some-package
[00:53] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> cool!
[00:53] <derek-shnosh> getting complaints about unmet dependencies though
[00:53] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> like what?
[00:53] <derek_shnosh2> Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/5f49a51e5e39a4c59db4eb21bc6a8a16/pasted.txt
[00:54] <derek-shnosh> i'm going to get castrated if i don't go eat dinner with the fam right now... lol i'll come back to this if you're still here. I greatly appreciate your help/guidance!
[00:55] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> what if you try sudo apt install —fix-broken
[00:55] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> very good :)
[00:56] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> this should fix the issue: sudo apt install nvidia-driver-440=440.82-0ubuntu0- xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-440
[00:56] <derek-shnosh> ooh pizza night, have a few mins before its ready
[00:57] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I have had to explicitly specify the xorg server version when installing bleeding edge drivers.
[00:57] <derek-shnosh> I typed that and got the same output... about dependencies.
[00:58] <derek-shnosh> is `--fix-broken` cmd by itself, or add to apt install?
[00:58] <derek-shnosh> i'm going to install from .deb and sign it.
[00:58] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> keep adding the files in the depends....
[00:58] <derek-shnosh> i don't want it installing this "really440.64" stuff
[00:58] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> ok
[00:59] <derek-shnosh> i have quick scripts to generate and sign for kernel updates... have to do it for vmware workstation too
[01:00] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> my packages seem to be the 82 version even though the 64 package is installed: https://pastebin.com/7FZKfeie
[01:01] <derek-shnosh> that's how mine was, i interpret that as saying the 440.64 driver is actually installed
[01:02] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> nm, yes i agree.. seems to be the 64 packages.
[01:02] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> what's in 82 that you need?
[01:04] <derek-shnosh> Well installing the 440-82(really440.64) drivers i don't get login screen remember?
[01:04] <derek-shnosh> we had to do `nomodeset`
[01:04] <derek-shnosh> so i think reinstalling this won't do much good
[01:04] <derek-shnosh> i mean, i can try
[01:05] <derek-shnosh> yeah i'm going to let that rip
[01:05] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I am not sure if the deb installed all the necessary deps. But at least you know how to recover now to try other stuff.
[01:05] <derek-shnosh> i do, thank you! I can tinker around and if I come up with a solution i'll chime in.
[01:06] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Excellent, yes please let me know what works.
[01:06] <derek-shnosh> going to copy the install log
[01:07] <derek_shnosh2> Yikes.. yeah errors...
[01:07] <derek_shnosh2> Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/8745b6ab3e2fb6aa8c28e8230eab7433/pasted.txt
[01:08] <derek-shnosh> note sure why it says secureboot not enabled, it absolutely is
[01:09] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> hmmm, that is strange....
[01:21] <derek-shnosh> hmm, errors might be nothing... says things are already found in kernel
[02:47] <derek-shnosh> DarinMiller oddly enough I'm even getting the issue with all nvidia drivers purged
[02:48] <derek-shnosh> ... but now my tty2 was flashing too... tf
[03:41] <derek-shnosh> @DarinMiller - I'm up and running with `nvidia-driver-435` and kernel 5.4.0-37. Over the 440 driver for now, haha too much time lost.
[03:42] <thesc> tets
[03:42] <thesc> test
[03:42] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> test complete?
[03:43] <derek-shnosh> Seems so. ;)
[03:43] <thesc> yes
[03:43] <thesc> this works
[03:43] <thesc> didnt know if this worked as this is my firt time using IRC
[03:46] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> <derek-shnosh> did you succeed with your driver install?
[03:47] <derek-shnosh> I'm up and running with `nvidia-driver-435` and kernel 5.4.0-37. Over the 440 driver for now, haha too much time lost
[03:47] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> understood.
[03:47] <derek-shnosh> I purged all things nvidia again and rebooted, was able to get on both .33 and .37 kernels with nouveau
[03:47] <derek-shnosh> used app to install 435 and here i am.
[03:48] <derek-shnosh> i'd like to get up to 440 but i think i'll wait for the ppa version of "actual" 440.82
[03:48] <derek-shnosh> apt*
[03:48] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Yes, I agree. If you discover another solution please post here. And I will do likewise.
[03:49] <derek-shnosh> i def will, but might be better to contact direct since i don't idle here on IRC or telegram
[03:49] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> that would be fine also
[03:50] <derek-shnosh> Looks like IRC bot can't do /msg between IRC and telegram, sec
[03:50] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I opened konversation
[03:51] <IrcsomeBot> dereksmiley was added by: dereksmiley
[03:52] <derek-shnosh> sent you msg on telegram
[04:45] <IrcsomeBot> AlejandroCastro was added by: AlejandroCastro
[04:52] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> Hi, I am having a problem triyng to run hexter on Kubuntu 20.04 … I update and upgrade packages … After runnning "jack-dssi-host /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dssi/hexter" in a terminal I got the error "Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: 'adwaita'" so I installed gnome-themes-standard and gnome-themes-extra. Now hexter starts and even I can se it in qjackctl connections panels, but ui does not show.
[04:52] <IrcsomeBot> suggestion?
[04:58] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I have never run hexter. Look like it needs a jack server to run...
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[04:59] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> You might want to ask on the ubuntu studio channel as they should more audio experience then the general audience here.
[04:59] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> yes, I tryed running jack before. Nothing change. … If i do not that then jackd starts anyway
[05:00] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> ok, I thought it is a problem related to GTK apps in Kubuntu.
[05:01] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> Is there a popular GTK app that I can test in Kubuntu to limit the problem?
[05:01] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> studio is in the process of converting to KDE, so they may have encountered and possibly solved the problem. In fact, quite a few of the Devs already run KDE.
[05:02] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> gimp?
[05:02] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> but its gtk 2.xx
[05:06] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> well, I am going to test Gimp. I am a Kubuntu user since ~2016 I think. Hexter works fine in plasma for 17.04 and 19.10 version of Kubuntu
[05:06] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> Thanks
[05:06] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> This channel is great
[05:08] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> Gimp works perfectly 😩
[05:08] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I wonder if it runs on regular ubuntu..... have you asked if anyone in the Ubuntu channel is successfully running on 20.04?
[05:11] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> That is a good idea. Let me check
[05:13] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> "Hi i am an user of another distro but i need your help" … hahahaha
[05:13] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> :)
[05:23] <IrcsomeBot> <nash_g5> Morning everyone.
[05:23] <IrcsomeBot> <nash_g5> (Photo, 800x536) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/gPdyIIjN/file_31972.jpg Every time I install a flatpak from discover - I get this crash notification:
[05:40] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> @AlejandroCastro, This should solve the adwaita issue: sudo apt install gnome-themes-standard
[05:41] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Then run hexter as follows: pasuspender jack-dssi-host /usr/lib/*/dssi/hexter.so
[05:41] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> you may need to manually kill any residual jack sessions.
[05:42] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> however, on my system, I see this error: Cannot use real-time scheduling (RR/10)(1: Operation not permitted)
[05:44] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> @DarinMiller, this is due you must add your user name to audio group, and allow audio group to run in real-time
[05:44] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Did the above fix hextor for you?
[05:47] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> however, I think this is a problem in my system, There are a weird behaviour with hexter deamon. It shows the message: … jack-dssi-host: OSC URL is: … osc.udp://abc:16301/dssi//usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dssi/hexter/hexter/chan00 … but abc does not mean nothing in my system … dismiss my request for now, I will tell what is happening if I let it work
[05:47] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> ok, thanks!
[05:48] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> pffff, thanks to you
[05:52] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> More fun stuff on the way: https://pointieststick.com/2020/06/12/this-week-in-kde-plasma-5-20-features-start-landing/
[08:30] <Dakeiiz> sigAIO: I don't know if you're online, but I managed (without doing anything) to get the same speed as I did before... I now have 890Mbps on Fast.com
[08:30] <Dakeiiz> Also performed a test on Speedtest.net: https://www.speedtest.net/result/9598271786
[08:31] <Dakeiiz> I removed the connection from the list, and perhaps a reboot is what solved it.
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[09:55] <yigitkde> hi
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[11:29] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[11:30] <erts> Hi there, from time I get disconnected from wifi and prompted for the password, however my router is stable and not going down, signal is strong and good quality and the password is stored on the system (for all users, non encrypted). My battery is not low and I disabled wifi power management for good measure. This has been happening with Kubuntu (and any other KDE Plasma based systems), but not with other DEs, using the same setup and also
[11:30] <erts> networkmanager. Does anybody have this same problem or know why this is happening? Running 20.04 but happening since 18.04.
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[11:32] <erts> This is happening on my three laptops with different wifi chips, by the way - so I would rule out drivers or hardware failures...
[11:38] <BluesKaj> erts, one thing to check is your wifi channel on your router and check the auto option if there is one, if not change the default wifi channel from 6 to one which is less busy. Most wifi users on windows don't do this, but channel 6 can get very crowded in some environments that have alot of users nearby which can cause dropouts.
[11:41] <erts__> And it happened again...
[11:42] <erts__> BluesKaj: yep I tested that but didn't notice a difference. Still, even if I get micro-cuts I shouldn't be asked for a password every single time...there's something going on with Plasma
[11:42] <erts__> Every time I get prompted, I hit cancel and then connect manually through the NM plasmoid and I don't get the password prompt
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[11:54] <Dakeiiz> erts, so if I understand correctly you're having issues with WiFi on Kubuntu 20.04? If so, you're not alone... I also had issues since 18.04. Had no issues with Linux Mint but they appeared when I installed Kubuntu.
[11:55] <erts> Dakeiiz: nice to hear I'm not alone, and I'm sorry to hear that...this is so annoying... :P
[11:55] <erts> Did you do any troubleshooting or have any findings so far?
[11:56] <erts> I've experienced these problems with any distro using Plasma, actually...
[11:56] <Dakeiiz> I'm afraid to say that I've given up using WiFi whatsoever... It's not a big deal for me because I have easy access to wired ethernet.
[11:56] <Dakeiiz> Ah I see. It's always a bit hard to say whether it comes from the kernel, the distro or the DE
[11:57] <erts> Smart decision, not an option for me though.... :(
[11:58] <erts> Yeah checking the logs it just seems like the connection drops and that's it. I do expect micro-cuts, or in some environments to have unstable wifi and have to re-connect (not at home, but in other places). However it doesn't make sense to me that I keep being prompted for the password!
[11:59] <erts> It's like Plasma itself forgets it has the password stored in NM, and when I click cancel and re-connect manually, it gets it fine
[11:59] <cojack> where I can search for code related to the System Settings -> Online Accounts?
[11:59] <Dakeiiz> Maybe it's because the connection is getting "reset" (removed/re-added), so Plasma thinks it's a new connection.
[12:00] <erts> According to the logs, no sign of that... NM does try to reconnect several times in a row though, so maybe the router is doing some kind of throttling and Plasma thinks the stored password is incorrect...
[12:00] <erts> I wonder if there's a way to slow down the re-connection attempts
[12:01] <erts> Then I could go on to troubleshoot the stability of my router, maybe I was wrong about that. Still very weird behaviour to annoy me asking for passwords that are stored
[12:08] <Dakeiiz> You've said you had the same problem with all distro running Plasma, so I assume you've tried with a completely different DE? Did it work as expected?
=== luca is now known as luc4
[12:29] <luc4> Hello! Anyone running nvidia drivers on nvidia Quadro by any chance?
[13:19] <IrcsomeBot> <Swift110> Hello
[13:30] <BluesKaj> @Swift110, hi
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[13:44] <IrcsomeBot> <Swift110> How r u
[13:48] <BluesKaj> @Swift110, no textspeak here please, use full words
[13:48] <BluesKaj> but I'm fine, how about you?
[14:03] <BluesKaj> Laurel.Canyon.S01E01.Part.1.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.x264-NTb[TGx]
[14:03] <BluesKaj> oops
=== sebastian_ is now known as ThxGiving
[14:10] <magic_ninja> does kubuntu have anything that will display hardware info, kind of like everest? Kinfocenter doesn't display any hardware information.
[14:10] <magic_ninja> And it seems like my cpu fans are running at 100%. This wasn't an issue on 19.04
[14:10] <magic_ninja> or 19.10
[14:20] <BluesKaj> madeti_, run lspci in the konsole
[14:21] <BluesKaj> oops
[14:21] <BluesKaj> no patience
[15:23] <IrcsomeBot> RandomPaulTelegram was added by: RandomPaulTelegram
[15:24] <IrcsomeBot> <RandomPaulTelegram> How is it possible to install the latest Plasma on Kubuntu 20.10 beta?
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[18:10] <franzo> can someone help me with clonezilla? I asked on their IRC channel but it seems it's dead
[18:10] <franzo> Maybe is also related with Kubuntu because it can't find my NIC when I try to use it to create an image via ssh
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[21:04] <IrcsomeBot> <Terminator_99> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/mD100z07/file_32045.jpg Please can anyone help me with this error in kdenlive? It's unable to export..
[21:05] <IrcsomeBot> <Terminator_99> My 6 hours wasted 🤦 can't even export now .. any help please
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[22:45] <zodyak99> hello?
[22:50] <IrcsomeBot> AlejandroCastro was added by: AlejandroCastro
[22:55] <IrcsomeBot> <AlejandroCastro> (Photo, 800x600) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/NYok0v0b/file_32050.jpg Same problem on Ubuntu liveUSB. I will keep looking.
[22:58] <valorie> @AlejandroCastro that sounds like a failing drive
[22:58] <valorie> I would back up NOW everything you want to keep
[23:01] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Valorie, Alejandro is trying to run hexter. I can reproduce the problem on my machine. He was testing regular Ubuntu to bisect the issue. Apparently its a packaging problem in 20.04 not specific to KDE.
[23:01] <valorie> ah, OK
[23:01] <valorie> thanks @DarinMiller
[23:02] <valorie> How are things out your way?
[23:02] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I am very well, thanks. :)
[23:02] <valorie> cool and damp here
[23:02] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> And you?
[23:02] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Same here.
[23:02] <valorie> people are calling it Junauary
[23:02] <valorie> :-)
[23:02] <valorie> I don't mind it a bit
[23:02] <valorie> oops, Junuary
[23:03] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Perfect
[23:03] <valorie> I'm good, got my gardening in when it was less damp
[23:03] <valorie> and the flowers don't mind cool and damp one bit
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