UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /12 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[00:53] <callmepk> good morning
=== sa-ghosts_BNC is now known as sa-ghosts
[04:38] <oSoMoN> good morning desktoppers
[05:25] <duflu> Morning oSoMoN
[05:31] <oSoMoN> hey duflu
[05:42] <seb128> goood morning desktopers
[05:52] <duflu> Morning seb128
[05:52] <seb128> hey duflu, happy friday! how are you? getting ready for the weekend? :)
[05:52] <didrocks> good morning
[05:53] <duflu> seb128, Happy Friday. Yeah I will enjoy the rest. How are you?
[05:53] <duflu> Hi didrocks
[05:53] <didrocks> hey duflu
[05:54] <seb128> lut didrocks
[05:55] <seb128> duflu, I'm fine, a bit tired but it's friday so it's alright, should be alright after some coffee
[05:56] <didrocks> salut seb128, bon vendredi
[06:02] <seb128> didrocks, merci, à toi également !
[06:03] <didrocks> 'ci
[06:16] <pieq> Hello everyone!
[06:17] <pieq> I noticed a refugar "+1 maintenance report" on the ubuntu-devel mailing list, but I'm not sure what it's all about exactly. Is there a Wiki page or something to explain it?
[06:17] <seb128> pieq, hey, yes, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlusOneMaintenanceTeam
[06:19] <seb128> pieq, the wiki page is old but that initiative got some staffing again recently
[06:19] <seb128> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlusOneMaintenanceTeam/Status also
[06:20] <pieq> merci seb128 !
[06:20] <seb128> de rien :)
[06:27] <ricotz> good morning desktopers!
[06:28] <ricotz> oSoMoN, hey, am I correct that you filed a bug regarding a backport of python 3.6 to xenial?
[06:30] <ricotz> oSoMoN, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1644845
[06:30] <ubot5> Mozilla bug 1644845 in General "Unable to build with python 2.7/3.5 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS" [S3,Resolved: wontfix]
[06:38] <seb128> hey ricotz, how are you? happy friday!
[06:46] <ricotz> seb128, hi, thanks, I am fine, looking forward to the weekend
[06:46] <ricotz> how are you?
[06:54] <duflu> Hi also pieq and ricotz
[06:58] <marcustomlinson> hey duflu oSoMoN seb128 didrocks pieq ricotz
[07:03] <duflu> 'lo marcustomlinson
[07:16] <oSoMoN> good morning seb128, didrocks, pieq, ricotz, marcustomlinson
[07:17] <oSoMoN> ricotz, I didn't file that bug, but I discussed the problem with other ubuntu devs, and the consensus was not to try backporting, instead we should distro-patch firefox to build with python 3.5
[07:17] <didrocks> hey marcustomlinson, oSoMoN
[07:23] <ricotz> oSoMoN, ack
[07:39] <seb128> ricotz, a bit tired but alright, I'm also looking forward some extra rest in the weekend :)
[07:39] <seb128> lut oSoMoN
[10:02] <KGB-0> mutter ubuntu/master Daniel van Vugt * [open] merge request !65: Fix blurry wallpaper (upstream mutter!1003) (LP: #1862308) * https://deb.li/3tEpd
[10:02] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1862308 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Desktop wallpaper is slightly blurry" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1862308
[10:08] <duflu> Feel free to ignore that for a while because I'm starting my weekend
[10:08] <duflu> o/
[13:34] <seb128> kenvandine, do we have any process to flag snapd issues we might consider important/that need debugging?
[13:34] <seb128> kenvandine, bug #1858636 sounds like one of those, comment #34 sounds interesting
[13:34] <ubot5> bug 1858636 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "snapd generates incomplete fontconfig caches, result in emoji rendering issue in chromium" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1858636
[13:35] <seb128> or #29 rather
[13:35] * kenvandine looks
[13:35] <seb128> the cache generated by snapd lacks NotoColorEmoji.ttf comapred to the one done by deb triggers
[13:38] <seb128> kenvandine, note that duflu wrote in there that it breaks chrome (deb) for him, so it's not a problem with use of snaps but rather snapd which doesn't generate a cache properly matching which is available
[13:38] <seb128> fontconfig keeps being a fun topic :/
[13:40] <kenvandine> seb128: indeed... no fun at all
[13:41] <kenvandine> chromium isn't using the platform snap and doesn't include NotoColorEmoji.ttf in the snap
[13:41] <seb128> kenvandine, it's not about chromium, read what I just wrote on the channel
[13:41] <kenvandine> yeah
[13:41] <kenvandine> i did
[13:42] <seb128> snapd overwrite the /var/cache/fontconfig/ cache right?
[13:42] <kenvandine> i didn't think that was the case
[13:42] <kenvandine> but it must be
[13:42] <seb128> seems like it does it in a way which is buggy and as a result even debs are buggy
[13:42] <seb128> if it doesn't then the comments don't make sense
[13:42] <kenvandine> right
[13:43] <kenvandine> it is very interesting
[13:43] <kenvandine> my most recently modified cache files end in cache-6
[13:43] <seb128> is there a way to force the snapd cache refresh to see what it gives?
[13:43] <kenvandine> the older ones are cache-7
[13:43] <kenvandine> that would be a question for mvo
[13:45] <kenvandine> seb128: i think you are right...
[13:50] <seb128> kenvandine, I tagged it rls-ff-incoming, I don't think anyone owning snapd follows that process though, what's the right way to raise the issue to the snap team?
[13:50] <seb128> oSoMoN, ^ fyi
[13:55] <seb128> kenvandine, I confirmed by doing
[13:56] <seb128> $ rm /var/cache/fontconfig
[13:56] <seb128> $ snap refresh --edge core
[13:56] <seb128> $ fc-cat /var/cache/fontconfig/* | grep NotoColorE
[13:56] <seb128> -> not mention
[13:56] <seb128> $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig
[13:56] <seb128> $ fc-cat /var/cache/fontconfig/* | grep NotoColorE
[13:57] <seb128> -> things listed
[13:57] <kenvandine> please add that to the bug report
[13:57] <kenvandine> and i'll make sure they see it
[13:59] <oSoMoN> seb128, ack, thanks for raising it
[13:59] <seb128> kenvandine, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/1858636/comments/37
[13:59] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1858636 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "snapd generates incomplete fontconfig caches, result in emoji rendering issue in chromium" [Medium,Confirmed]
[14:00] <oSoMoN> it's a funny and tricky bug, and mgedmin did a very good job of investigating it in depth
[14:00] <seb128> indeed
[14:01] <seb128> nice that we made a step forward
[14:01] <kenvandine> indeed
[14:01] <kenvandine> this is pretty bad
[14:01] <seb128> it's annoying and had regular comments
[14:45] <oSoMoN> kenvandine, seen that?  https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/firefox-snap-77-cannot-download-anything/18167
[14:56] <kenvandine> oSoMoN: thank, i hadn't seen that
[14:57] <kenvandine> oSoMoN: i don't think they really meant download, it was save
[14:57] <kenvandine> downloads shouldn't touch the portals
[14:57] <kenvandine> but it does want portals for the file chooser
[15:05] <oSoMoN> yes
[15:06] <oSoMoN> well by default firefox always prompts the user where to save a downloaded file
[15:07] <oSoMoN> so the file chooser is invoked, unless the user has ticked a checkbox to always perform the same action
[15:09] <kenvandine> oh it does?
[15:09] <kenvandine> hmm
[15:09] <kenvandine> if he's really running bionic he should have had the portal packages too
[15:09] <kenvandine> which is weird
[16:04] <hellsworth> good morning desktopers
[16:26] <oSoMoN> hey hellsworth
[16:28] <hellsworth> hi there
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
[17:24] <kenvandine> oSoMoN: i've confirmed downloads work fine on stock 18.04
[17:24] <kenvandine> oSoMoN: however... save as does not
[17:24] <kenvandine> i've reproduced the same denial
[17:24] <kenvandine> it's being denied by snapd
[17:25] <oSoMoN> so the problem is valid, although incorrectly worded
[17:25] <kenvandine> yeah
[17:38] <kenvandine> oSoMoN, interestingly i reproduced it on stock 18.04.4, then on fully updated 18.04.4 (including latest core from stable) which has snapd 2.45
[17:38] <kenvandine> i installed snapd 2.45.1 and it worked
[17:39] * kenvandine comments on forum
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
[19:44] <oSoMoN> have a good week-end everyone