UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /12 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest7686
=== TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis
=== eTexNerd is now known as plarkinjr
[13:45] <lubot> <tbs61> hello, i learned that the virtualbox we usually use is not opensource but there s opensource option too, where can i get opensource virtualbox for lubuntu?
[16:51] <wxl> @tbs61 actually that's old news. it's the extension pack that's proprietary.
[16:58] <lubot> <tbs61> @wxl [<wxl> @tbs61 actually that's old news. it's the extension pack that's proprietar …], when i run tails it warns me even thought i dont active that pack
[17:03] <wxl> @tbs61 their wiki references the "ose" (open source editon) which was something that *DID* exist but that was prior to version 4
[17:03] <wxl> !info virtualbox
[17:03] <ubottu> virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6.1.6-dfsg-1 (focal), package size 20860 kB, installed size 109070 kB
[17:03] <wxl> ^ as you can see, that was a little bit ago
[17:03] <wxl> (10 years, actually)
[17:04] <lubot> <tbs61> @@
[17:04] <wxl> so you might want to go complaint at tails about that one
[17:04] <wxl> also, this isn't tails' support channel sooooooooo XD
[17:05] <lubot> <tbs61> thanks for giving me an answer:)
[19:03] <slowstoop> whats the easiest way to run a desktop shortcut as root, say leafpad?
[19:19] <dax> wxl: did they resolve the issue that got it moved to multiverse in the first place ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/+bug/1164654 ) or is that still a thing?
[19:19] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1164654 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "Please move virtualbox to multiverse" [Undecided,Fix released]
[19:19] <dax> ('cause that wasn't related to the extension pack; OSE was not dfsg-free even without it)
[19:23] <wxl> dax: right. that i don't know. fwiw i use the upstream repos.
[19:23] <dax> ah
[19:29] <wxl> !info virtualbox
[19:29] <ubottu> virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6.1.6-dfsg-1 (focal), package size 20860 kB, installed size 109070 kB
[19:29] <wxl> yeah it is in multiverse because of the bios which is open source but not considered free
[19:29] <wxl> i doubt that will change
[19:30] <wxl> oh i'm sorry it's not the bios but the compiler used to build the bios
[19:30] <dax> well, it's open source, just requires a build environment that isn't
[19:30] <dax> yeah
[19:30] <dax> tricky situation
[19:31] <wxl> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#Watcom
[19:31] <wxl> the source code is required to be "deployed" by the license
[19:31] <wxl> and they define that as such:
[19:31] <wxl> 1.4 "Deploy" means to use, sublicense or distribute Covered Code other
[19:31] <wxl> than for Your internal research and development (R&D) and/or Personal
[19:31] <wxl> Use, and includes without limitation, any and all internal use or
[19:31] <wxl> distribution of Covered Code within Your business or organization
[19:31] <wxl> except for R&D use and/or Personal Use, as well as direct or indirect
[19:36] <dax> oh huh, it's actually OSI-approved and FSF-disapproved, and considered non-dfsg free for a different reason from the FSF disapproval. interesting, haven't seen one this wonky in a while
[19:36] <dax> anyways, i'm veering offtopic, will stop
[20:03] <slowstoop> whats the easiest way to run a desktop shortcut as root, say leafpad?
[20:03] <lubot> <teward001> not running GUI applications as root.
[20:03] <lubot> <aptghetto> Use Windows
[20:03] <lubot> <teward001> because that leads to all sorts of permissions issues
[20:07] <lubot> Daksh was added by: Daksh
[20:09] <lubot> <Daksh> Well I know my question is stupid but I hope I get answer that I love lubuntu but shifted to KDE neon coz it's too bloated with apps and libraries I don't need any way to remove before login in lubuntu or any minimal in stallion
[20:11] <slowstoop> ffs i just want an answer not a cheeky bot
[20:19] <lubot> <Daksh> @tsimonq2
[20:20] <lubot> <Daksh> @Daksh [Well I know my question is stupid but I hope I get answer that I love lubuntu bu …], Help me pls
[20:24] <wxl> @Daksh i didn't see a question in there.
[20:32] <lubot> <Daksh> Ohh one question I didn't saw lubuntu 20.10 on official lubuntu but got this http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/HEADER.html is this for real
[20:33] <lubot> <HMollerCl> @slowstoop [<slowstoop> ffs i just want an answer not a cheeky bot], if you only need sudo for leafpad, better use vim, nano or similar.
[20:48] <wxl> @Daksh we don't include it in the downloads because it's not released.