UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /12 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== kubuntu is now known as kubuntu_
[03:29] <josef_> josefreiss
[03:30] <josef_> graz
=== __zxq9__ is now known as zxq9
[04:43] <IrcsomeBot> <Swift110> I'm good lordevadier
=== alazred_ is now known as alazred
[05:52] <pragomer> Hi, is it possible to change the default shortcut for creating new folders in dolphin - which ist F10 - to STRG+SHIFT+N (like in Windows) ? Or to additionally define the 2nd one for creating folders?
[05:54] <dax> click the lines icon in the top right -> click Configure Keyboard Shortcuts -> search for "folder"
[05:58] <pragomer> dax: oh thanks... I found it... KDE Plasma is just so great... because I can set nearly everything... thank you :-)
=== p is now known as Guest92522
[07:10] <paolo_> hello
[07:12] <paolo_> plz can someone help me ? I'm in trouble with Skanlite . I 've installed driver for my Samsung M2070 printer on Kubuntu 18.04, I can print but Skanlite doesn't detect any scanner
[07:20] <paolo_> ??
[07:25] <paolo_> but https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VkfvKn75bK/
[07:27] <paolo_> and https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZjB4Yyqg78/
[07:35] <paolo_> not very helpfull.....
[07:37] <paolo_> :?:?:?
[07:44] <paolo_> plz can someone help me ? I'm in trouble with Skanlite . I 've installed driver for my Samsung M2070 printer on Kubuntu 18.04, I can print but Skanlite doesn't detect any scanner
[07:49] <lordievader> Good morning
[07:50] <paolo_> plz can someone help me ? I'm in trouble with Skanlite . I 've installed driver for my Samsung M2070 printer on Kubuntu 18.04, I can print but Skanlite doesn't detect any scanner
[07:54] <lordievader> !patience
[07:54] <ubottu> Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.
[08:20] <paolo_> ubottu: ..I've laredy tried several solution but no one works for me ...
[08:20] <ubottu> paolo_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[08:21] <paolo_> lordievader: ever be patience
[08:23] <lordievader> I'm afraid not many people do thing with scanners these days.
[08:57] <paolo_> plz can someone help me ? I'm in trouble with Skanlite . I 've installed driver for my Samsung M2070 printer on Kubuntu 18.04, I can print but Skanlite doesn't detect any scanner
[09:00] <alazred> paolo_: Some people have had sucess with this scaner: see there https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=237146
[09:03] <diogenes_> paolo_, try xsane.
[09:11] <paolo_> alazred: treid ... but not working
[09:12] <paolo_> diogenes_: did u means instead of skalite? are u meaning could be the software
[09:12] <paolo_> did u guys check my previous pastebin?
[09:18] <alazred> paolo_: your printer should be supported with those drivers. https://www.bchemnet.com/suldr/index.html
[09:30] <paolo_> alazred .. already tried this one too but didn't work ... now after 24 hours of research I f ixed ....I had to change firewall rules and restart services in this way with those command
[09:31] <paolo_> alazred: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/w97cCcqhwr/
[09:32] <paolo_> I was worried cause I ve already installed this printer several time in different debian based OS ...and this was the first time I got in trouble like this
[09:33] <paolo_> I moved to kubuntu from mint cinnamon cause I like KDE ... but after some months I'm not so happy
[09:39] <paolo_> I 've found several bugs
[09:41] <paolo_> I did'n t expect from Ubuntu ... for example after 2 months I'm not able to make my bluetooth working
=== alazred_ is now known as alazred
=== ben_ is now known as afatk
[10:13] <user|64961> is there a minimum system requirements for kubuntu?
[11:03] <salvo90100> Salve a tutti
[11:11] <salvo90100> Salve a tutti
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[11:48] <lordievader> salvo90100: This is still an English channel. You might have more luck in English or in #ubuntu-it
[12:30] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
=== TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis
=== eTexNerd is now known as plarkinjr
[13:50] <TBotNik> All:No Answer YDay trying again: Tried to upgrade to Kubutnut 18.04 LTS on my file server. Live DVD install seemed OK but reboot stalled at the "KUBUNYU" screen. left it on over night to make sure and still stuch there this morning. What patches are out there as obviously this Live DVD was not tested and errors?
[13:50] <TBotNik> hello my webcam doesnt work
[13:50] <TBotNik> All: Wrote this up at: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1249313/live-dvd-problems
=== dovid_ is now known as wizdumb
[15:01] <aestheticturkey> does this thing work
[15:01] <aestheticturkey> just got told by my friend there is an irc client that comes with plasma
[15:02] <franzo> it's called konversation
[15:02] <aestheticturkey> yeah i know
[15:03] <aestheticturkey> i just found 9 diamonds
[15:10] <aestheticturkey> is this active?
[15:10] <aestheticturkey> seems like im the only one talking right now
[15:17] <IrcsomeBot> <Franzpow> Yes it is active, but it's a support channel
[15:21] <petersaints> Hi guys! I'm just wondering if there are plans of releasing KDE Plasma 5.19 for 20.04 on the Backports PPA?
[15:22] <BluesKaj> petersaints, maybe the guys at #kubuntu-devel can help you.
[17:39] <GSMarquis> So my canon mx870 printer worked great on 18.04, 19.10, and nothing on 20.04......have no idea where to start.
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[17:44] <IrcsomeBot> Zental Derik was added by: Zental Derik
[17:52] <GSMarquis> NM......solved.
[18:19] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> How did you solve the printer issue? I have seen multiple reports of printer problems with 20.04 and the solutions I have seen have not worked very well (may dad's all-in-one HP scanner/printer was one example which worked fine on 18.04).
[18:22] <GSMarquis> downloaded the guten-printer package......researched and all the recent printers were listed.
[19:53] <Dakeiz> Good evening everyone. I am having bandwidth issues and I wonder when they appeared because I didn't really pay attention until a few days ago. I have a 1Gbps connection at home and Speedtest or Fast only show 50Mbps... I've had issues with WiFi on a laptop, but I wonder if there are also issues with wired connections. Could someone help me figure it out, please?
[20:05] <IrcsomeBot> <sigAIO> what speed does your ISP say you have Dakeiz »???
[20:08] <Dakeiz> sigAIO: 1000 Mbps
[20:08] <IrcsomeBot> <sigAIO> just because you have a 1Gbps doesn't mean thats what you're going to get for internet speeds
[20:08] <Dakeiz> sigAIO: I have another device running Windows 10, and on Speedtest and Fast it's getting 900+ Mbps
[20:09] <IrcsomeBot> <sigAIO> 1000Gbps is 125 megabytes per second... I doubt that's your internet speed
[20:10] <Dakeiz> It's 1Gbps, soon to be upgraded to 10Gbps
[20:10] <Dakeiz> If I download something from Google Drive I'd easily get 100+ MBps
[20:10] <Dakeiz> Google Drive uses Bytes, whereas my ISP and Speedtest use Bits
[20:11] <Dakeiz> I have 1 Gigabit per second, which is equal to 125 Mega bytes per second
[20:11] <IrcsomeBot> <sigAIO> just said thta
[20:14] <Dakeiz> Managed to find a link to an old speed test on Fast.com : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/688033479203618825/689824674888024195/unknown.png?width=713&height=658
[20:15] <IrcsomeBot> <sigAIO> thats about 108.75 megabytes per second
[20:16] <Dakeiz> Yeah, close enough to the 1Gbps
[20:16] <Dakeiz> Now in downloading I'm only at 45 Mbps while the Windows device is easily at 800/900+...
[20:16] <Dakeiz> Not downloading anything, and the network is not particularly flooded
[20:16] <razerwaron> hello, after trying to open my sh script with nano it looks funny, how could attach a picture here?
[20:17] <IrcsomeBot> <sigAIO> the attatch icon just to the left of where you type
[20:17] <IrcsomeBot> <sigAIO> Megabyte and Megabit are two different measurements
[20:18] <IrcsomeBot> <sigAIO> I think you're confusing the two when trying to figure out your speed
[20:21] <razerwaron> I am using Konversation to connect to this IRC channel, it seems it doesn't have that functionality, what IRC client are you using?
[20:21] <IrcsomeBot> <sigAIO> I use Kvirc and telegram
[20:21] <IrcsomeBot> <sigAIO> I'm on this channel on telegram
[20:23] <razerwaron> Cheers, I willl try to give a shot telegram then ^^
[21:05] <Dakeiz> sigAIO: I am not confusing them at all, man...
[21:06] <Dakeiz> I am supposed to have at the very least 800 Mbps when doing a speedtest, I have 45 Mbps now.... No need to be a doctor to see there's a problem
[21:06] <Dakeiz> The screenshot I linked you was performed on the very same machine (don't remember if it was on Kubuntu or Linux Mint, though)
[22:03] <IrcsomeBot> Albert Aal was added by: Albert Aal
[22:03] <IrcsomeBot> <Albert Aal> Hi . How to add sd card reader?
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[23:24] <IrcsomeBot> dereksmiley was added by: dereksmiley
[23:25] <IrcsomeBot> <dereksmiley> Hello - I have a Lenovo P51 running Kubuntu 20.04 that I just updated to 5.4.0-37 and am getting a black screen after rebooting and entering my encryption password. I was/am running Nvidia driver 440.82 and saw the DKMS process during the apt upgrade. … I tried resigning the drivers with a new key anyways, no resolve. … I then tried booting with the 5.4.0-33 kernal via advanced options, also no resolve.
[23:27] <derek-shnosh> Hello - I have a Lenovo P51 running Kubuntu 20.04 that I just updated to 5.4.0-37 and am getting a black screen after rebooting and entering my encryption password. I was/am running Nvidia driver 440.82 and saw the DKMS process during the apt upgrade.
[23:27] <derek-shnosh> I tried resigning the drivers with a new key anyways, no resolve; I then tried booting with the 5.4.0-33 kernal via advanced options, also no resolve.
[23:27] <IrcsomeBot> <dereksmiley> Well then guess i'll just stay in IRC didn't know it was mirrored.
[23:27] <IrcsomeBot> <dereksmiley> Sorry for spam
[23:51] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Did you need assistance uninstalling the NVidia drivers?
[23:52] <derek-shnosh> I went to TTY2 and ran `apt list -i | grep nvidia` and there were none installed... I just ran `ubuntu-drivers install` and they're now reinstalled... I rebooted and entered my encryption PW and am now staring at the LENOVO BIOS screen.
[23:53] <derek-shnosh> Which I suppose is better than a black screen, but still no login screen.
[23:54] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Which nvidia card?
[23:54] <derek-shnosh> Quadro M2200 Mobile.
[23:56] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Everything was working prior to the kernel update?
[23:56] <derek-shnosh> Yes.
[23:57] <derek-shnosh> I attached a list of everything that was upgraded at the time here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1882991/comments/8
[23:57] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1882991 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel 5.4.0-37-generic leads to black screen after grub, 5.4.0-26-generic works normally" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[23:57] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Do you have the nvidia ppa installed?
[23:58] <derek-shnosh> Is there a quick way to check without manually scouring through all of the files in /etc/apt/sources*
[23:59] <derek-shnosh> I have `graphics-drivers-ubuntu-ppa-focal`
[23:59] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Hmmmm, ok