UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /12 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[10:35] <RikMills> santa_: yeah, I wanted to get 5.70 merged before I started on 5.71 :)
[10:37] <RikMills> ecm and kapidox have been left, as there is a issue with this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jquery/+bug/1881594
[10:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1881594 in jquery (Ubuntu) "Transition to src:node-jquery and remove src:jquery" [Undecided,New]
[11:15] <santa_> RikMills: ack, test rebuild of 5.70 here http://tritemio-groomlake.duckdns.org/build-status/buildstatus_ubuntu-exp3/ubuntu-exp3_status_frameworks.html
[12:30] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[15:44] <petersaints> Hi guys! I'm just wondering if there are plans of releasing KDE Plasma 5.19 for 20.04 on the Backports PPA?
[16:00] <IrcsomeBot> <myfenris> \0/ finally on GG now
[16:00] <IrcsomeBot> <myfenris> @petersaints, I asked the same question previous .. The answer is no right guys?
[16:01] <IrcsomeBot> <myfenris> or is it until the QT updated in LTS ? then it will be backport?
[16:09] <IrcsomeBot> <Santa> we will see if it's feasible to backport qt
[16:10] <IrcsomeBot> <Santa> the non-automated way the qt packaging is being managed in ubuntu doesn't help
[16:11] <IrcsomeBot> <myfenris> @Santa, 💪
[18:06] <petersaints> Oh... Ok. So Plasma 5.19 depends on a newer version of Qt that is not on 20.04. Therefore, you would also need to backport Qt which may be problematic since it's a dependency of many other packages, etc.
[18:06] <petersaints> Also, if Qt is backported, would it be part of the Kubuntu PPA or is it something made available through the main/official Ubuntu Backports repository?
[18:08] <santa_> your fisrt message is correct
[18:09] <santa_> with regarding to the second IF ew backport qt + plasma 5.19 both things would be in kubuntu's backports ppa
[18:09] <santa_> * IF we
[18:10] <santa_> RikMills: if you have some time tomorrow I could help you with packaging, we have some things to fix http://tritemio-groomlake.duckdns.org/build-status/buildstatus_ubuntu-exp3/ubuntu-exp3_status_frameworks.html
[18:10] <santa_> I'm going to start with a plasma rebuild soon
[18:11] <santa_> s/with //
[18:12] <petersaints> Ok. I hope that it gets ported, just because I like to play with shiny new things. But take your time ;)
[20:42] <blaze> I just discovered that Claws Mail app finally got a Qt interface, interesting