UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /11 /#ubports.txt
Initial commit
=== Phruis is now known as goddard
[14:26] <Fuseteam> it is not currently in an usable state
[14:27] <Fuseteam> currently the focus is to get lomiri, the new name of unity8, to work on wayland instead of mirclient; there's also work being done to upstream lomiri into debian
[14:34] <bdju> is the OS called ubports or is it called ubuntu touch?
[14:48] <ikmaak> UBPorts. butthe channel has been a bit quiet, as the bridge bot died. everybody is on telegram
[14:56] <Fuseteam> the OS is called Ubuntu Touch
[14:56] <Fuseteam> the community is called UBports
[14:56] <bdju> thanks
[14:56] <bdju> I wasn't sure if both were called UBPorts or not
[14:56] <Fuseteam> wasn't the bot up again?
[14:57] <bdju> and yeah, I saw the bridge bot die the other day
[14:57] <bdju> I wonder why most of the activity is on telegram. I've never liked telegram.
[14:57] <Fuseteam> because most people join via telegram
[14:57] <Fuseteam> there's almost 3k people on there
[14:57] <bdju> matrix or xmpp would've been better, imo.
[14:57] <bdju> oh wow. 3k people is a ton.
[14:58] <Fuseteam> there's also a matrix room yes
[14:58] <bdju> oh, what's the address to the matrix room?
[14:58] <Fuseteam> but migrating 3k ain't easy ya know hehe
[14:58] <Fuseteam> #ubports:matrix.org
[14:58] <Fuseteam> does that render correctly?
[14:59] <bdju> it appears as the plain text
[14:59] <Fuseteam> good :p
[14:59] <Fuseteam> looks fancy on my end so i wondered if the bridge handles it correctly
[14:59] <bdju> does the matrix room connect to the telegram room or is it also separate?
[15:00] <Fuseteam> bridging a 3k group with a 500 room isn't a trivial thing to do sadly
[15:01] <bdju> fair enough
=== losuler is now known as Guest9697
=== losuler_ is now known as losuler