UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /11 /#cloud-init.txt
Initial commit
[00:53] <punkgeek> How cloud-init iso can automatically detect the network config version to apply static ip address on the vm?
[04:20] <punkgeek> How cloud-init iso can automatically detect the network config version to apply static ip address on the vm?
[15:10] <andras-kovacs> Hi! Is there any official way to use cloud-init with VMWare? I know it sounds funny.
[15:59] <rick_h> andras-kovacs http://darrylcauldwell.com/vmware-cloud-init/ seems like a starter guide with some helpful links
[16:15] <andras-kovacs> thank you!
[17:32] <blackboxsw> lucasmoura: and falcojr it seems we get merge conflicts on most of our ubuntu-sru Prs trying to link or update the doc links from the readme https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/tree/master/20200529
[17:33] <blackboxsw> what do you guys think about us just dropping that linking and we can separately merge a top-level readme update later so we don't have to rebase each PR when another verification test lands
[17:34] <blackboxsw> I'd even be game the commiter (who clicks the merge button) separately just pushing a commit to update the docs after it lands
[17:34] <blackboxsw> as it seems painful to constantly rebase -i master and fix a trivial conflict
[17:34] <blackboxsw> what do you both think?
[17:39] <lucasmoura> blackboxsw, I agree. I will remove the links on my PRs now
[17:43] <falcojr> blackboxsw: if you approve, I'm fine doing the fix and merge myself...pretty I have the permissions on that repo
[17:43] <falcojr> also, my network took a dump for a minute or two, so sorry if I missed a message in there
[17:44] <falcojr> s/pretty/pretty sure
[17:44] <falcojr> a doc after the fact works too
[17:44] <falcojr> whatever's easiest for everyone else I guess
[17:45] <lucasmoura> blackboxsw, I have removed the links on my PRs
[17:45] <falcojr> ok, I'll stop adding the links then and we can do it all at once at the end
[17:45] <blackboxsw> +1 falcojr and lucasmoura I think any of us should feel free to review/merge other's PRs on this
[17:45] <blackboxsw> ok sounds good. let's do it all at the end
[17:46] <blackboxsw> conflict ...resolved
[17:46] <meena> falcojr: try: "pretty, and sure" — that works for me.
[17:46] <blackboxsw> hah
[17:46] <falcojr> nice
[17:49] <blackboxsw> lucasmoura: did you git add your ec2 verification results to https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/legacy/grub.html#Filesystem?
[17:49] <blackboxsw> lucasmoura: did you git add your ec2 verification results to https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/pull/102/files?
[17:51] <blackboxsw> I think we want the entire console output from the test runs on the PR in ec2-sru-20.2.45.txt
[17:51] <lucasmoura> blackboxsw, Not yet to both questions
[17:51] <lucasmoura> Oh sorry, I will add it now
[17:51] <blackboxsw> thanks
[17:51] <lucasmoura> Is there a specific folder I should put that on ?
[17:52] <blackboxsw> falcojr: approved however you want to resolve the merge conflicts is good w/ me https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/pull/105#pullrequestreview-429154846
[17:54] <blackboxsw> merged lucasmoura https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/pull/106
[17:54] <lucasmoura> blackboxsw, just realized I should put it in the ec2 file. Updating the file right now
[17:54] <blackboxsw> I'll stop pinging with each merge. I'm getting a bit noisy here.
[17:55] <blackboxsw> thx lucasmoura
[17:56] <lucasmoura> blackboxsw, updated
[18:11] <blackboxsw> lucasmoura: clear for attaching those logs to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1881018
[18:11] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1881018 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "sru cloud-init (19.4.33 to 20.2-45) Xenial, Bionic, Eoan and Focal" [Undecided,In progress]
[18:11] <lucasmoura> blackboxsw, ack
[18:12] <blackboxsw> lucasmoura: when you do, please also update the description of the bug "* Manual Test Results" section replacing the TODO with the name of the log file you are attaching
[18:12] <blackboxsw> goal is for us to replace all those TODOs in the descr with verification logs
[18:12] <lucasmoura> okay
[18:34] <lucasmoura> blackboxsw, launchpad bug updated
[20:06] <falcojr> anybody have experience lauching a VM with cloud-init through lxd?
[20:06] <Odd_Bloke> I haven't yet launch a LXD VM, I'm afraid.
[20:06] <blackboxsw> and falcojr yep, let me get you the PR. :) you need a profile
[20:07] <falcojr> ahhh, ok. I was able to get it started but my cloud init data wasn't passed through
[20:07] <blackboxsw> falcojr: https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-advantage-client/pull/1090/files#diff-ade24dcbd00eae69e6f292b18c4ec67aR109-R128
[20:07] <falcojr> thanks!
[20:08] <blackboxsw> hrm, checking the actual question you had. I'll try providing cloud-config to that to see if it works
[20:08] <falcojr> well via google I found an example of somebody using cloud init data, but they created a profile too
[20:13] <blackboxsw> falcojr: ok I did the following lxc launch ubuntu-daily:focal -c user.user-data="$(cat cc.yaml)" asdf-f2 --vm --profile behave-vm and it worked.
[20:13] <blackboxsw> falcojr: here's what my profile looks like https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-advantage-client/pull/1090/files#diff-ade24dcbd00eae69e6f292b18c4ec67aR109-R128
[20:13] <blackboxsw> oops https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yq3JMVy2Dr/
[20:14] <falcojr> ahh, right, that source
[20:14] <falcojr> awesome, thanks!
[20:24] <blackboxsw> sorry falcojr that link doesn't take you to the right place, but basically look for lxc_create_vm_profile
[20:24] <blackboxsw> .... .and if you are reviewing it ;).... j/k :)
[20:25] <blackboxsw> I'll put ua-client reviews on lucas :)
[20:25] <falcojr> yeah, I got it, thanks again
[21:58] <lucasmoura> Hey everyone, when I set a cloud-config directive through the environment variable DEBUG_PROC_CMDLINE, how can I verify that it was actually used ?
[21:58] <blackboxsw> smoser: rharper do you have any objection if we hoist the remaining scripts out of https://github.com/cloud-init/qa-scripts and into uss-tableflip?
[21:59] <rharper> blackboxsw: one place is better than two
[21:59] <lucasmoura> Originally I thought about looking at both cloud-init.log and cloud-init-output.log, but the output is not appearing in those logs
[21:59] * blackboxsw thinks you still have access to that repo
[21:59] <rharper> blackboxsw: tableflip ?
[21:59] <rharper> blackboxsw: yeah, I think so
[22:00] <rharper> typically I'd expect ya'll to land to tableflip though
[22:01] <Sargun> Is there any way to do variable interpolation on #include directives?
[22:04] <rharper> Sargun: you can use a jinja template in your #cloud-config file
[22:05] <Sargun> rharper: Cool. Thanks.
[22:06] <rharper> Sargun: see cloud-init query and cloud-init devel render
[22:11] <rharper> Sargun: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GNx8VVyQVk/
[22:11] <rharper> cloud-init query --list-keys will show you the supported jinja variables
[22:13] <blackboxsw> yeah rharper lucas just mentioned yesterday we had a number of dup scripts which we hadn't retired from qa-scripts
[22:13] <blackboxsw> powersj: same question on qa-scripts repo in cloud-init
[22:13] <blackboxsw> we were thinking of migrating remaining scripts out of there into https://github.com/canonical/uss-tableflip/
[22:13] <powersj> blackboxsw, do it
[22:21] <Sargun> This is super neat: include http://myhost/{{ v1.distro }}-instance-{{ instance_id }}/my-user-data
[22:39] <blackboxsw> yeah it's great. anything you can do in jinja templates are viable options . conditionals loops variable replacement etc.
[22:40] <blackboxsw> plus the benefit of sourcing all cloud-init query instance data as variables