UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /03 /#cloud-init.txt
Initial commit
=== vrubiolo1 is now known as vrubiolo
[13:18] <lucasmoura> Hey everyone, do we have a script called "sbuild-it" ? I am reviewing https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/407 and one of the step is to run:
[13:18] <lucasmoura> sbuild-it ../out/cloud-init_20.2-45-g5f7825e2-0ubuntu1~18.04.1.dsc
[13:19] <lucasmoura> Build I can't find this script in either uss-tableflip or qa-scripts
[14:06] <Odd_Bloke> I'm not familiar with it.
[14:18] <lucasmoura> Also, a question for a different issue, if the bug that I am doing the manual testing is not related to a launchpad bug, is there a convention to name that file ?
[14:36] <rharper> lucasmoura: I think blackboxsw might have that;
[14:38] <lucasmoura> rharper, ack
[14:39] <rharper> lucasmoura: there's no convention yet; I suspect git log line <commish> replacing spaces with -
[14:39] <lucasmoura> rharper, okay
[14:39] <rharper> or, we can start using gh-<pr-number>
[14:40] <rharper> Odd_Bloke: blackboxsw ^ ? for fixes without lp bugs to match in ubuntu-sru test-cases ?
[14:44] <falcojr> is "cloud-init devel schema" supposed to work with jinja templates?
[14:45] <falcojr> I get a 'Cloud config schema errors: format-l1.c1: File jinja.yaml needs to begin with "#cloud-config"' but our docs say the first line should be the jinja comment
[14:48] <Odd_Bloke> That sounds like a gap we'll need to address as part of the schema work this cycle.
[14:48] <rharper> falcojr you need both ##template: jinja\n#cloud-config\nruncmd: ['echo', 'Hi']
[14:49] <rharper> falcojr: oh I see; you want to schema check a template ...
[14:49] <falcojr> thanks. I had another issue with my config so wanted to verify it with that before fully launching it
[14:49] <falcojr> yeah
[14:49] <rharper> that seems like a new use-case; as it's not*yet* fully formed
[14:49] <rharper> until you render it
[14:49] <rharper> the schema won't know what to do with {{ foo }} etc
[14:50] <falcojr> right, makes sense
[14:50] <rharper> let's file a bug/new-feature for that use-case;
[14:52] <falcojr> I can do that (hopefully ;) )
[14:54] <Odd_Bloke> rharper: falcojr: As for naming, I think we've used git-<abbreviated hash>.txt before, but I don't have a strong preference.
[14:56] <falcojr> Odd_Bloke: sorry, for naming what?
[14:58] <falcojr> bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1881925
[14:58] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1881925 in cloud-init "Schema validation fails on jinja template" [Undecided,New]
[14:58] <Odd_Bloke> Oh sorry, that was lucasmoura not you.
[14:59] <lucasmoura> Odd_Bloke, I have opened a PR with rharper naming suggestion. But I can rename it if the proposed convention should not be followed
[14:59] <lucasmoura> Also, if my manual test references two distinct PRs, should I include both of them in the file name or just one ? In my PR I included just one, but I don't know if that is right
[15:18] <rharper> cool
[15:51] <blackboxsw> lucasmoura: thanks for the ping, I've added a PR which adds the sbuild-it script I use for package build and validation. it's smoser's script originally, but I think it makes sense in our uss-tableflip repo
[15:53] <blackboxsw> lucasmoura: https://github.com/canonical/uss-tableflip/pull/52
[15:53] <blackboxsw> feel free to land and merge that into uss-tableflip if it looks good.
[16:20] <Odd_Bloke> falcojr: I feel like we haven't reached consensus on my comment in https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/367/files#r434689535, gimme a shout if you want to jump on a call to get on the same page.
[16:22] <falcojr> Odd_Bloke: now works for me. Standup room?
[16:23] <Odd_Bloke> Sure, omw.
[16:57] <blackboxsw> falcojr: nice schema devel gap/bug. the CLI tools wasn't full wired to the jinja part handling. so it's rudimentary. a fix would be helpful
[17:00] <blackboxsw> landed https://github.com/canonical/uss-tableflip/pull/52
[17:00] <blackboxsw> so an update of uss-tableflip will expose scripts/sbuilt-it for package upload verification
[17:04] <blackboxsw> also eoan, xenial and bionic upload PRs are all updated for review (so we can officially kickoff the SRU process with the 'final' bits). eoan: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/409 bionic: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/407 xenial: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/406
[17:04] <blackboxsw> I think lucasmoura is on #407 already and dan on #409
=== hjensas is now known as hjensas|afk
[18:02] <blackboxsw> lucasmoura: sorry on the sbuild-it script, that should now be landed via the following merged pull request: https://github.com/canonical/uss-tableflip/pull/52
[18:03] <lucasmoura> blackboxsw, no worries. I have just used to build the bionic package and now I was able to build the package
[18:03] <lucasmoura> Also, I just finished reviewing the bionic PR
[18:21] <Odd_Bloke> blackboxsw: One typo in the eoan changelog, then I think it's good. Thanks!
[19:32] <blackboxsw> thanks Odd_Bloke, just pushed the changelog fix
[19:48] <Odd_Bloke> Thanks, looking now.
[19:51] <Odd_Bloke> blackboxsw: What does sbuild-it do for us other than save you from substituting the correct dist in?
[20:02] <blackboxsw> hrm, travis seems to have queued and not run the ubuntu/<series> branches for a while.
[20:03] <blackboxsw> Odd_Bloke: sbuild-it just limits the # of params you need to pass, making it a simple sbuild-it *dsc
[20:04] <blackboxsw> just helpful to cut down on the sbuild params. not really required or necessary
[20:05] <blackboxsw> maybe unnecessary 'sugar' as this could nearly be solved with a simple bash alias
[20:39] <blackboxsw> momousta: in landing your branch can I ammend your squashed commit message to the following: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/7zRn9WpMqs/?
[20:39] <blackboxsw> wanted to note that 410 is now being handle
[20:39] <blackboxsw> wanted to note that 410 is now being handled
[20:39] <momousta> Sure, please go ahead.
[20:39] <blackboxsw> excellent, and done
[20:39] <blackboxsw> thanks again
[20:40] <momousta> Thanks
[20:40] <blackboxsw> it'll be in our next upload to ubuntu groovy
[21:18] <Odd_Bloke> blackboxsw: +1 on eoan
[21:38] <Odd_Bloke> falcojr: So your PR is ready to merge, but I'm done for the day and don't have the time to write a good merge commit message (which I think is particularly important for this change). Would you mind putting one together for me to copy/paste first thing tomorrow (or perhaps by blackboxsw later)?
[21:38] <falcojr> Odd_Bloke: Sure...I can do the squashing too
[21:56] <blackboxsw> thanks Odd_Bloke uploaded that. and thanks lucasmoura uploaded bionic
[21:57] <blackboxsw> just xenial remains for SRU upload, then I can ping the vanguard in #ubutu-devel to accept the queued uploads
[22:01] <blackboxsw> xenial is here https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/406
[22:01] <blackboxsw> and I just uploaded 20.2-45 B, E and F to https://launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/+archive/ubuntu/proposed
[22:01] <blackboxsw> so we should be able to test those bits directly in SRU validation
[22:16] <lucasmoura> blackboxsw, I will review the xenial release right now
[22:39] <lucasmoura> blackboxsw, we have a flake8 issue related to one of the existing patches in xenial
[22:39] <lucasmoura> I have commented the issue on the PR
[22:39] <blackboxsw> ugh thanks lucasmoura for both reviews
[22:58] <blackboxsw> lucasmoura: for tomorrow I fixed and pushed the flake error
[22:58] <blackboxsw> https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/406