UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /26 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== feodoran is now known as Guest21102
=== feodoran_ is now known as feodoran
=== leaftype2 is now known as leaftype
[04:01] <wilmer_> cual es el tema que están hablando?
[04:24] <user|39962> how to open a download with ark
[06:08] <lordievader> Good morning
[06:22] <me_> Hi,
[06:29] <me_> Looking for a way to setup vpn connection so that only portion of the traffic goes through it. I am using openvpn and I would like to keep it integrated into network manager but can't find the options.
[06:29] <me_> Any tips?
[06:41] <lordievader> "Portion of the traffic", as in certain subnets?
[06:56] <me_> lordievader: yup.
[06:57] <lordievader> IIRC the openvpn config file supports setting routes. Not sure if your can feed NM openvpn config files though
[07:03] <me_> lordievader: k, thanks for the input.
[09:22] <feodoran> How can I upgrade kubu 19.04 to any recent still supported version?
[09:24] <IrcsomeBot> <nash_g5> @feodoran, The only upgrade path is 20.04
[09:25] <feodoran> 20.04 is fine, but how (without reinstall)?
[09:25] <IrcsomeBot> <nash_g5> You should be prompted to upgrade when checking for updates
[09:26] <IrcsomeBot> <nash_g5> You didn’t get it?
[09:26] <feodoran> no, all I get is that I cannot do any upgrade because 19.04 is not supported anymore
[09:28] <IrcsomeBot> <nash_g5> @feodoran, Seems like you will need to clean install .
[09:29] <IrcsomeBot> <nash_g5> Check this link if it helps
[09:29] <IrcsomeBot> <nash_g5> https://askubuntu.com/questions/1230498/how-can-one-upgrade-ubuntu-19-04-to-20-04
[09:31] <IrcsomeBot> <nash_g5> @sigAIO, Thank you Joe
[09:34] <feodoran> I get that support ends, but why can't I upgrade to a supported version?
[09:35] <iotaka> feodoran: is trivial you can upgrade to 19.10 then 20.04
[09:36] <feodoran> iotaka: except that this does not work
[09:37] <iotaka> feodoran: are you confident with APT?
[09:37] <feodoran> iotaka: what do you mean?
[09:37] <iotaka> are you able to work with command line and apt-get ?
[09:37] <feodoran> iotaka: yes
[09:38] <feodoran> this seems to work: https://askubuntu.com/questions/91815/how-to-install-software-or-upgrade-from-an-old-unsupported-release
[09:38] <iotaka> is the debian vai
[09:38] <iotaka> changing the repost pointed by source lsit and update the system
[09:39] <iotaka> do 19.10 will be easy, doing instaed a 19.04 to 20.04 direct can be a little bit more complicated if you are not expert with dpkg
[09:39] <iotaka> my suggestion is to do 19.04 -> 19.10 the sudo do-release-upgrade
[09:40] <iotaka> *than
[09:40] <iotaka> *then
[09:40] <iotaka> to have 20.04
[09:40] <feodoran> yeah I just want to test something, but I need some working sources
[10:31] <IrcsomeBot> <Kowshik Gunguly> Hi, i use kubuntu 20.04 and i have noticed a problem, more specifically a pattern of glitching, normally it work just fine no glitching, smooth animation, no problem at all, but after playing games on steam whenever i try to open an application (any application) the screen start glitching , sometimes the whole-screen becomes black, this glitching only happens at the time of opening any application or as long as the application
[10:31] <IrcsomeBot> is opened, if i close the application the glitching normally stops, but opening another application the cycle repeats , but it all goes away when i reboot my pc everythings works just fine as normal.
[10:40] <IrcsomeBot> <CaptainPeteMaverickMitchell> Xubuntu
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[11:23] <indubitable> hi
[11:23] <diogenes_> hi
[11:25] <IrcsomeBot> <iamrohitlunia> hi
[11:32] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[11:55] <indubitable> tui ekta server bana ta, ami join hoi, banbar to pai na, ei free server e use kra lage bad deta amar to hosse na
[11:55] <indubitable> lol server e msg disos
[13:55] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> @Kowshik Gunguly, I have also seen glitches on 20.04 related to kwin_x11. "kwin_x11 —replace" fixes the glitches here. I have only seen kwin glitch a few times in the last month so I have not filed a bug report, but if the above command fixes your issue, the we should file a report at bug.kde.org
[14:42] <IrcsomeBot> Eduardo was added by: Eduardo
[15:13] <aiena> I installed kubuntu on my dell inspiron all is working fine. But the fn+wireless does not seem to turn on the wireless adapter. nmcli shows the wlp interface as unavailable and lspci detects the wireless adapter installed. WOnder if there is another way to turn on the adapter.
[15:13] <aiena> I am on a wired connection at the moment.
[15:14] <aiena> Can someone help me
[15:29] <BluesKaj> aiena, does the wifi icon show up in the system tray?
[15:43] <IrcsomeBot> <Kc0dxf> @BluesKaj, I re-installed v18.04.4 last Friday. I put a panel on the top of my desktop but I can't seem to edit the widgets. I click on panel settings and can see a widget control but when I move the mouse to the control, the whole panel settings fold back up. Any idea how to fix this?
[15:51] <aiena> BluesKaj: hmm solved it. I had to control it through kde not through the switch my bad
=== me is now known as Guest44886
[16:13] <BluesKaj> aiena, nothing bad about solving your own problem :-)
=== Scotty_Trees3 is now known as Scotty_Trees
=== diana is now known as roadrunner
[20:14] <user|1419> I use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as Newbie and will install Kubuntu 20.04 LTS, but my PC don starts from DVD-Drive while booting. What can I do? F1 doesn work
=== leaftype2 is now known as leaftype
[20:52] <Frogger-> Hi folks. I have a question about Livepatch. I have it installed on 3 machines already. I wish to do a fresh install of 20.04 on one of them. Do I have to de-register Livepatch on the initial system first or what do I have to do to get it running again on the the new install?
=== sciguy97 is now known as sciguy97__
[21:06] <IrcsomeBot> <GalantGTR> We: how to install WINE? It's not started...I can't find wine after that I installed it (KUbuntu 20.04)
[21:18] <jukebohi> Seems I need to pretty consistently kill the ksysgrd-helper coz it wants 100% of a core all the time
[21:19] <jukebohi> or whatevs that is called
[21:19] <jukebohi> from the little I researched it seems to be some kind of network monitoring utility. No sense in demanding CPU all the time
=== nach is now known as Guest34525
=== Scotty_Trees3 is now known as Scotty_Trees
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life