UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /22 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== leaftype is now known as leaftype2
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== brandao is now known as _SONECA_
=== feodoran_ is now known as feodoran
[05:11] <IrcsomeBot> <Abdulloh Mun'am> (Photo, 1366x768) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/96TjjH1z/file_30223.jpg
[05:12] <IrcsomeBot> <Abdulloh Mun'am> help, why i can't use Discover
[05:13] <katnip> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/96TjjH1z/file_30223.jpg
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== jan is now known as Guest19192
=== Guest19192 is now known as halcyforn
[09:06] <IrcsomeBot> mr_robot_86 was added by: mr_robot_86
[09:08] <IrcsomeBot> <mr_robot_86> (Photo, 1280x719) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/5r0dgxt2/file_30231.jpg Hey. Who faced such a problem by displaying the use of RAM. How can this be?
[09:10] <IrcsomeBot> <mr_robot_86> Worst of all, the system hangs hard. System logs 30-40 minutes before complete freezing are absent.
[09:50] <kubuer> hey, it seems that the (manual partitioning) graphical installer does not support lvm within a luks partition. So I created (and unlocked) the partitions manually before the installation. But it seems that the installer now does not realize that these are encypted, since I don't get prompted a password on boot and just end up in the initramfs conso
[09:50] <kubuer> le. Is there something in the installer that I'm missing or do I need to create crypttab, grubconfig and whatever manually now? :)
=== leaftype2 is now known as leaftype
=== rajesh is now known as Guest67804
[11:30] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[11:53] <IrcsomeBot> Shalaga444 was added by: Shalaga444
[12:02] <viewer|47> hey guys - just installed kubuntu on my laptop for the first time and a bit worried about having lost my wifi connection in the middle of the installation process...will this cause issues with the OS down the line? would appreciate your help...thanks
[12:09] <BluesKaj> viewer|47, you need an internet connection to complete your installation, so if an ethernet connection is available then use that
[12:10] <viewer|47> the installation has already completed
[12:10] <viewer|47> i'm now just worried about future issues that could crop up as a result
[12:10] <BluesKaj> is your wifi working ?
[12:10] <viewer|47> i'm just not sure if the loss of a wifi connection during the install is serious or not
[12:11] <viewer|47> it is now but it's dropping out randomly all week and decided to do so during the installation of kubuntu
[12:11] <viewer|47> everything seems to be working fine right now but i don't know how essential an intact wifi connection is during theinstallation
[12:13] <BluesKaj> try to run sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade to make sure you have all the needed packages
[12:15] <viewer|47> thank you for that...it said all packages up to date and 0 to upgrade...i assume this means i'm in the clear?
[12:15] <BluesKaj> yup
[12:17] <viewer|47> thank you so much for your help - i'd hate for shit to go wrong and me to constantly wonder if it was because of the wifi dropout
[12:19] <BluesKaj> just update and upgrade every few days and any fixes will be included
[12:20] <viewer|47> will do - thanks :)
[12:21] <BluesKaj> not sure about your intermittent wifi issue if it stll persisits or not ...guess time will tell
[12:22] <viewer|47> it's a provider issue...they finally sent a technician over last week and found some cabling damage but it hasn't resolved the issue completely
[12:22] <BluesKaj> you could try changing wifi channels on your router especially if you live in an apartment where all your neighbours are on the default channel 6
[12:24] <viewer|47> i'm definitely going to try that - right now they (my ISP) still have no idea what's causing the dropouts, i don't know if you're familiar with Australia's NBN system but it's way behind the rest of world's speed and connectivity efficiency
[12:25] <viewer|47> unfortunately they're now just doing a "monitor and see" approach
[12:26] <viewer|47> fingers crossed they get their shit sorted soon so i can avoid verging on a breakdown whenever it drops out during something important
[12:27] <BluesKaj> not familiar with NBN
[12:29] <viewer|47> that's fortunate
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[12:41] <BluesKaj> here in Canada we're bit behind the US and the EU in terms of internet technology, but our ISPs do try to keep with the latest technology albeit they're slower to adopt due to the costs of providing internet in a vast country with a relatively small population
[12:45] <viewer|47> vast country and small population down under as well - only we've privatised our infrastructure to a corp that now has a monopoly with little competition and little drive to truly update what is (clearly) an outdated system
[12:45] <viewer|47> spent 5 years in canada as an international student btw - miss it everyday :)
[12:46] <BluesKaj> that is a bummer about the monopoly
[12:47] <BluesKaj> where in Canada were you located
[12:47] <BluesKaj> ?
[12:47] <viewer|47> halifax NS
=== viewer|47 is now known as aire88
[12:48] <aire88> where you at?
[12:50] <BluesKaj> I'm 400km N of Toronto
[12:50] <BluesKaj> near a small city, Sudbury
[12:52] <BluesKaj> my area is commonly known as Northern Ontario
[12:52] <BluesKaj> where you in Oz ?
[12:53] <aire88> right in the center of our red desert - small rural town of Alice Springs :)
[12:56] <BluesKaj> ahh yes I've heard of Alice Springs
[12:57] <BluesKaj> from travel books about Australia
[13:00] <BluesKaj> don't think i could handle the climate there
[13:07] <aire88> I didn't think I could handle it either - nor Canadian winters for that matter, but you end up adjusting despite yourself...that said it is my first year in Alice (previously in Brisbane)
[13:09] <BluesKaj> looks like a neat area though
[13:10] <BluesKaj> neat/interesting
[13:16] <aire88> i was surprised to find very eclectic mix of people and the town easily grows on you - much to your own surprise, always thought i was a city person thru and thru
[13:16] <aire88> but you settle in quite nicely, etc
[13:16] <aire88> i used to do a lot of camping in canada and Alice is perfect if that's what you like to do
[13:23] <BluesKaj> right, we had a family "camp" as they're called here, which is a summer cottage near a lake
[13:24] <BluesKaj> very common in this part of the country due to the thousands of lakes and rivers
[13:26] <BluesKaj> we really should move this conversation to #kubuntu-offtopic
[13:44] <BluesKaj> bbl, have to do some switching
[13:46] <aire88> no worries - will switch to offtopic
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest61146
=== jabre is now known as ziink
[17:12] <IrcsomeBot> Peter Klepec was added by: Peter Klepec
[17:16] <oerheks> :-)
[17:26] <if3vvd> If someone with graphics/resolution+wine experience is here, could he or she take a look into this issue? https://pastebin.com/qN2E2DS2
[17:26] <nikolaj_basher> Is there any who has experinced that KDE start lacking when you plugin the dockstation and disable the laptopscreen?? When all screens is activated (to external screens) and the laptop nothing lacks
[17:27] <if3vvd> nikolaj_basher, what graphics driver? What is the dmesg output?
[17:28] <nikolaj_basher> if3vvd, how do I check which graphics driver it use?
[17:30] <if3vvd> nikolaj_basher, can you pastebin your complete dmesg output? That would help to understand more about your hardware
[17:30] <nikolaj_basher> if3vvd, should i make a before and after dump?
[17:35] <nikolaj_basher> if3vvd, This is before i disable the screen
[17:35] <nikolaj_basher> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Qjnqj9ZzQs/
[17:35] <nikolaj_basher> if3vvd, this is after (when lacking) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SRZ6v7qtbv/
[17:37] <if3vvd> ok, there are no main driver issues listed there. could you show the output of /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?
[17:40] <nikolaj_basher> if3vvd, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/syWj4spRnP/
[17:46] <emanuel_> Hi everybody, I need a little help, my internet connection is intermittent
[17:46] <if3vvd> nikolaj_basher, there are no errors anywhere. You have to talk with the graphics experts and show them the dmesg and xorg output. Join #dri-devel and ask there
[17:47] <nikolaj_basher> if3vvd, Thanks :-D
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest48354
=== quique is now known as Guest68836
[18:53] <nikolaj_basher> I maded a group called webdev and added two users and added af library in /var/test and set chown to root:webdev and set the promission to 775 but the user is denied to write files to the test, what can cause this problem
[19:03] <IrcsomeBot> <sigAIO> not sure but also try: sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/test/
[19:46] <Intelo> I switch user, and it behaves like I logout user. All previous work is gone. What could be wrong and how to fix it. I am using kubuntu LTS 18.x
[19:46] <Intelo> even if I press ctrl+alt+f1 or f2 I can switch but it behaves just like logout
[19:47] <Intelo> same like https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/6kn35z/is_kdes_user_switching_broken/
=== daniel is now known as Guest68777
[20:42] <Emanuel_> Hi, I need little help, my internet connection is unstable
[23:04] <dillon> can someone help me?
[23:07] <dillon> I am very new to linux (first install) and I think I'm in over my head
[23:11] <genii> dillon: Which things are troubling you the most?
[23:12] <dillon> well I installed kubuntu on my predator and then again on my brothers laptop (really old, really slow with windows) and my wireless works great but his doesn't. Is there a reason for this?
[23:14] <dillon> it was with the same .iso and the same process to install both
[23:15] <oerheks> probably different hardware
[23:16] <dillon> it is, and I am wondering how can I get his wireless to work correctly?
[23:16] <Dragnslcr> Especially if it's an older WiFi chipset that never got Linux support
[23:16] <oerheks> some wireless brands/devices are better supported
[23:16] <dillon> it is a HP 15-da32wm
[23:17] <dillon> I also was wondering (without using wine) to get dropbox to work with my predator?
[23:24] <Dragnslcr> dillon- from a terminal, you can use lspci to list devices, which should include the WiFi adapter
=== gavlee_ is now known as gavlee
[23:25] <Dragnslcr> Then you can search on the web for the manufacturer and model to find out if it's supported at all
[23:28] <dillon> ok, thanks I'll try it out. What about vpns for linux? I have nord (i bought it before all that stuff happened) I used it on windows and my phone but can I use it on linux?
[23:29] <Dragnslcr> Most likely. There are VPN clients for Linux that should work with standard VPNs, but some services might not follow the standards.
[23:32] <Dragnslcr> Looks like they have Linux packages that you can download, but I'm usually paranoid about installing third-party packages, especially for functionality that's already included
[23:32] <Dragnslcr> https://support.nordvpn.com/Connectivity/Linux/1047409422/How-can-I-connect-to-NordVPN-using-Linux-Terminal.htm has instructions for using openvpn, though
[23:33] <dillon> oh ok, thank you so much. So my brother has a realtek semiconductor Co. ltd rtl8821ce 82.11ac PCIe Wireless Network Adapter using lspci command
[23:34] <Dragnslcr> System Settings -> Network -> Connections also lets you add VPN connections
[23:35] <dillon> ok, thank you so much, what about my brothers wireless issue?
[23:38] <Dragnslcr> Yeah, a search on Google is saying that there's no official driver
[23:39] <dillon> is there anyway around it? Even with a generic driver?
[23:41] <dillon> I found a github page with the driver but I'm not sure how to go about installing it after I download it
[23:41] <Dragnslcr> Did you find https://github.com/tomaspinho/rtl8821ce ?
[23:42] <dillon> https://github.com/FreedomBen/rtl8188ce-linux-driver this is the one I found and it lists his hardware
[23:43] <Dragnslcr> Looks like that one is for different adapters than what he has
[23:43] <Dragnslcr> There is a rtl8821ce-dkms package, though, which might work
[23:44] <Dragnslcr> I would have thought the driver manager would have found that
[23:47] <dillon> is there a way to get it from my laptop to his? I do see the freedomben github page
[23:53] <Dragnslcr> There's probably an easier tool, but worst case, you can run "apt install -s rtl8821ce-dkms" on his laptop to get the list of packages needed, then "apt install --download-only ..." on your machine
[23:54] <dillon> Would that work without him having internet?
[23:54] <Dragnslcr> It should. "-s" means simulate, so it doesn't actually download or install any packages.
[23:55] <dillon> ok, Thank you again for all the help
[23:57] <Dragnslcr> No problem. I have to leave for a while, but hopefully someone else can help more if you need it.