UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /20 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[15:38] <ubottu> oerheks called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[18:12] <sarnold> #ubuntu-desktop needs a new topic please :)
[18:15] <sarnold> as does #ubuntu-devel
[18:24] <housecat> both channels are -t at the request of the developers in there, so they can be fixed by anyone who can copypaste the old topic.
[18:25] <housecat> them being -t is not something i particularly agree with, so im not gonna go do it for them
[18:26] <sarnold> oh cripes. /me paperbag
[18:26] <sarnold> thanks housecat
[18:26] <housecat> no worries