UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /20 /#smooth-operator.txt
Initial commit
[05:06] <jam> morning all
[05:07] <jam> facubatista, you don't need 'install' because if you are on 2.7 it will only call 'start' and if you are on 2.8 it will only call 'dispatch'
[08:32] <Chipaca> moin moin
[08:44] <jam> morning Chipaca, how goes?
[08:45] <Chipaca> jam: a lovely day to just sit by a lake and watch the waves lick the shore
[08:45] <Chipaca> not feeling particularly energetic
[08:45] <jam> Chipaca, get pumped!
[08:45] <jam> did that help ? :)
[08:46] * Chipaca reaches for the bicycle pump
[08:46] <Chipaca> and then do _what_ with it?!?
[08:46] <jam> Chipaca, doesn't that already make you feel more energetic?
[08:46] <Chipaca> y
[08:47] <Chipaca> :-p
[08:47] <Chipaca> jam: how are you btw?
[08:47] <jam> (disclaimer: do not inject a pump directly into your skin, do not look sideways at pump, do not engage with BicyclePump(tm) without written consent from your doctor)
[09:07] <jam> Chipaca, model_name = '' would be valid, though I like None as breaking stuff rather than silently not doing what you want
[09:33] <jam> Though if you go back to the thread about "when should we error" there may be a reason to not raise exceptions
[09:40] <jam> Chipaca, I just noticed. I'm doing well. I did run into something odd
[09:40] <jam> So in StatusBase, we actually don't populate the map until you instantiate an instance (the population is done in __new__)
[09:40] <jam> which means that your new test it test_testing.py fails if you run *only* that module
[09:40] <jam> ./run_tests test/test_testing.py
[09:41] <jam> do we need a Meta class so that inheriting from StatusBase adds it to the map instead of creating an instance?
[09:41] <jam> I'm a bit surprised we don't run into problems at runtime with someone checking Unit.status and it not know about 'unknown' or some other status type
[09:45] <jam> Chipaca, this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fHJsQ66Ydm/ "fixes" it, but I think it is just papering over the problem
[09:49] <jam> Chipaca, I filed https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/288 so I don't forget about it.
[09:51] <Chipaca> jam: thanks
[09:51] <Chipaca> my brain is in a different castle rightnow
[09:52] <jam> Chipaca, np. btw I had a response to "do we need an install symlink" which I don't think we do, bring it up sometime when you're ready to think about it
[10:18] <Chipaca> jam: why don't we need an install symlink?
[10:28] <jam> Chipaca, the version of Juju where 'install' is called is also the version that supports 'dispatch', IIRC
[10:29] <jam> so you need install or dispatch, but not both
[10:29] <jam> Chipaca, I know we have the meeting with Tom in a bit, do we need to do another prep session for that
[10:30] <Chipaca> jam: that's just in k8s though, right?
[10:30] <Chipaca> jam: outside of k8s it's install and upgrade-charm
[10:30] <Chipaca> inside of k8s its start and upgrade-charm
[10:30] <Chipaca> for pre-2.8
[10:31] <jam> Chipaca, right, 'install' for non-k8s and 'start' for k8s
[10:31] <Chipaca> jam: so without knowing more, you need all of 'em
[10:32] <jam> Chipaca, yeah, I was thinking through how to communicate it. It feels bad to populate a lot of things "just in case" and then have the framework be populating the rest.
[10:33] <jam> Chipaca, btw, for the meeting with Tom, should we be doing prep work for that?
[10:33] <Chipaca> jam: this is a first meeting (tom is proxying paul collins)
[10:34] <jam> gotcha, I see that now in the notes
[10:34] <jam> Chipaca, are we intending to copy that over to the charmcraft calendar?
[10:35] <Chipaca> jam: i was hoping to get that handed over so we could move it there, yes
[10:35] <Chipaca> copying is not useful as it doesn't carry moves etc over
[10:36] <jam> Chipaca, sure. "replacing with a copy". (I'm not able to edit the description to add the notes doc, etc.)
[10:37] <Chipaca> actually, let me try to sort that now :)
[10:38] <Chipaca> mthaddon: would you mind passing ownership of the calendar event for today's meeting to me? that's inside Edit, under More actions (beside save), at the bottom
[10:39] <mthaddon> Chipaca: sure, done
[10:40] <Chipaca> of course then i need to add /b/1 to the URL the calendar tells me to click :)
[10:41] <Chipaca> mthaddon: thanks!
[10:41] <Chipaca> jam: all sorted
[10:41] <jam> added the doc
[10:41] <jam> Chipaca, thanks
[10:57] <facubatista> Muy buenos días a todos!
[11:01] <jam> Chipaca, coming?
[11:01] <jam> morning facubatista
[11:01] <facubatista> hola jam :)
[11:02] <Chipaca> jam: yeah, somebody came to the door
[11:16] <Chipaca> WOO I GET TO HAVE LUNCH
[11:16] * Chipaca hugs mthaddon
[11:17] <mthaddon> o/
[12:53] <Chipaca> jam, facubatista, the reason we don't have a postgres meeting next week is because we're down two people on the monday :)
[12:53] <jam> Chipaca, I responded to 208, I'm curious whether we want to close it/tag it/something else
[12:55] <Chipaca> jam: tag it enhancement for now at least
[12:55] <Chipaca> later we might have an opslib tag
[12:58] <Chipaca> jam, facubatista, actually we're down 3/3 next monday
[12:58] <jam> may 25th international holiday (of mystery)
[13:00] <jam> Chipaca, standup?
[13:00] <Chipaca> yep 1 sec
[13:52] <stub> (and I've been doing reactive stuff, so no point)
[13:53] * Chipaca hugs stub
[13:53] <Chipaca> stub: we still like you even if you're working on other stuff
[13:53] <Chipaca> … for now
[13:54] <stub> I'm less trouble when I'm working on other stuff ;)
[14:38] <Chipaca> stub: I cannot comment on that
[14:38] <Chipaca> facubatista: you got 5?
[14:38] <facubatista> Chipaca, yes
[14:38] <jam> he might even have 6
[14:38] <Chipaca> gasp
[14:39] <Chipaca> jam: hey if you've also got 5, let's meet in the standup thing
[14:39] <facubatista> omw
[16:47] <facubatista> jam, Chipaca, I don't like "directory" as the option name for the charm's project base directory, "directory" is way too generic
[16:59] <Chipaca> facubatista: FWIW that one seems strange to me WRT having it in the config file
[17:00] <facubatista> "basedir"? "base-dir"? "charm-dir"? (this may be confused with the "src" dir which is not what we mean) "project-dir"? "project-basedir"? "project"
[17:00] <facubatista> ?
[17:03] <Chipaca> facubatista: let's see if gustavo has opinions on this :)
[17:04] <Chipaca> facubatista: --from <directory>, --at <directory>
[17:04] <Chipaca> facubatista: charmcraft build --what ./this
[17:04] <facubatista> the "from" is nice after the "build" verb
[17:04] <Chipaca> yep
[17:05] <Chipaca> --at has the same thing, but it's less directional which might be confusing (is it going to read from that, or put the charm there?)
[17:12] <facubatista> Chipaca, I started the "config files" issue and end up writing a lot there :/
[17:12] <facubatista> Chipaca, https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/issues/5
[17:13] <Chipaca> facubatista: ok, I'll read it later :) now I'm going to run away
[17:13] <Chipaca> facubatista: or maybe I'm going to go away, and run
[17:13] <Chipaca> facubatista: you decide :-)
[17:13] * facubatista decided