UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /15 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[06:12] <FourDollars> Does getRequestedReviews https://api.launchpad.net/devel.html support Git merge proposal?
[06:30] <cjwatson> FourDollars: I think not. I have a half-completed branch for that lying around from ages ago ...
[06:31] <FourDollars> cjwatson: OK. I see. Is there any way to use Launchpad API to get Git merge proposal?
[06:33] <FourDollars> Probably no way right now. :-(
[06:43] <cjwatson> FourDollars: There are several, but your question is too vague
[06:43] <cjwatson> FourDollars: It's really just person.getRequestedReviews that's broken IIRC. Everything else in the API that returns a collection of branch_merge_proposal entries should work fine.
[06:45] <FourDollars> cjwatson: For example, I would like to check the merge proposal for https://code.launchpad.net/~oem-solutions-group/oem-dev-tools/+git/lp-fish-tools/+ref/master.
[06:45] <cjwatson> FourDollars: Oh, well person.getRequestedReviews would have been no use to you anyway then.
[06:45] <FourDollars> cjwatson: How can I use Launchpad API to see the merge proposal?
[06:46] <cjwatson> FourDollars: https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#git_ref-getMergeProposals
[06:47] <FourDollars> cjwatson: Cool. Thx a lot.
[06:47] <cjwatson> git_ref = lp.load('/~oem-solutions-group/oem-dev-tools/+git/lp-fish-tools/+ref/master')
[06:47] <cjwatson> git_ref.getMergeProposals()
[06:47] <cjwatson> works
[06:51] <FourDollars> cjwatson: Yes, it works. Thx a lot.
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[18:24] <mira|koepping> what does the REJECT reason “Cannot build any of the architectures requested: all” mean?
[18:59] <mira|koepping> … ah, if I only have i386 enabled in the repo it won’t work. WTF?
[18:59] <mira|koepping> enabling amd64 makes it work, somehow
[18:59] <mira|koepping> this is new
[19:00] <mira|koepping> I know for sure this used to work
[19:00] <tomwardill> mira|koepping: are you attempting to build for focal?
[19:01] <tomwardill> (20.04)
[19:02] <mira|koepping> yes
[19:16] <tomwardill> mira|koepping: i386 building is limited for focal, you'll want to build on amd64 instead.
[19:19] <mira|koepping> interesting
[19:19] <mira|koepping> are you going to drop it?
[19:33] <RikMills> mira|koepping: https://ubuntu.com/blog/statement-on-32-bit-i386-packages-for-ubuntu-19-10-and-20-04-lts
[19:42] <mira|koepping> ah ok, so basically dropping i386 except select packages for M-A to support games and wine
[19:42] <mira|koepping> thanks for the link
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