UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /15 /#cloud-init.txt
Initial commit
[10:58] <tomponline> rick_h: Hi, I'm part of the LXD team and I opened a PR https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/368 to update the links to the LXD doc site. However the PR checks are asking me to sign the CLA, which I've done just now at https://ubuntu.com/legal/contributors, is there anything more I need to do?
[11:10] <meena> tomponline: looks good now: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/368/checks?check_run_id=677814374
[11:10] <tomponline> meena: cool thanks
[11:11] <tomponline> meena: I added myself to the signers file as per https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/hacking.html seemed to do the trick
[11:11] <meena> tomponline: this, https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/docs/ imo, should work and not throw a 403.
[11:12] <tomponline> meena: Ill mention it to stgraber
[11:12] <meena> like, how do you even get from here https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/ to any of the docs you linked?
[11:15] <meena> for instance, this https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/getting-started-cli/ links to https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/image-handling.md which, again, seems "wrong"…
[11:15] <meena> anyway, gotta go take care of bebe o/~
[11:15] <tomponline> meena: there's a link from https://github.com/lxc/lxd#getting-started-with-lxd and in LXD menu there's a sub item for Documentation
[16:01] <AnhVoMSFT> @blackboxsw @rharper do you have the tracking link for cloud-init 20.2 release for xenial/bionic?
[16:43] <Odd_Bloke> falcojr: Thank you for pushing back on the feature flag convo, I really appreciate the productive discussion we're having. :)
[16:45] <falcojr> Thanks, me too. It's a little harder as the new guy as I'm not sure if I'm just not understanding all the pieces yet, but glad it's being productive
[16:49] <Odd_Bloke> falcojr: Even if we were "just" getting you up-to-speed, I would consider it productive. That we're doing more than "just" that is excellent.
[16:50] <falcojr> +1
[19:04] <blackboxsw> AnhVoMSFT: hi sorry, we had planned on queuing up an SRU this week for cloud-init given that we have onboarded a couple shiny new developers (falcojr and lucasmoura) the 20.2 SRU slipped under the radar with other current work. But, I will bring it up with the team Monday, I'd like us to start an SRU process next week.
[19:06] <blackboxsw> AnhVoMSFT: I hope we can start this SRU early next week, which would mean ~2 weeks validate it and see it published in cloud images
[19:06] <blackboxsw> AnhVoMSFT: can update you Monday though
[19:10] <AnhVoMSFT> np, I thought the SRU had been cut (I saw 20.2 tag)
[19:18] <blackboxsw> AnhVoMSFT:ahh makes sense. yeah that was the upstream release (which just released to groovy a couple days ago) Generally next item on the list is to SRU 20.2 to everywhere. We'll definitely get that very soon
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