UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /12 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[01:50] <joe__> This new Ubuntu 20.04 some proper shit. As a long time dedicated Linux user it makes me proud to see how far linux has come since my days running SuSE 4 in 2001.
[01:54] <joe__> why yall just chillin in here not sayin nothin tho
[01:55] <joe__> you just be runnin this shit in the background, why?
[01:56] <lynorian> that is how most people are on irc
[01:56] <joe__> i know i never quite got that, whats the point of bein in a chat then?
[01:56] <guiverc> joe__, this is a support (not chat) room andI haven't seen a question from you yet.. #lubuntu-offtopic may get more responses
[01:57] <joe__> i guess it could be a question of support, what is the point of IRC? and what are people doing if they dont talk?
[01:58] <guiverc> people ask questions, they'll get a response if the OP was patient ... most of us are in many many rooms & busy with other things too
[02:00] <joe__> i see
[02:02] <joe__> good to know you guys are here i suppose, thank you all for contributing to the linux community!
[02:03] <guiverc> :)
[03:15] <compu> como esta
[03:21] <lleachii> Hello, I have an odd issue on 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) snap (64-bit) for Lubuntu 20.04 and running Nvidia Driver 340.108. After some time, I can only see the background of new tabs. Killing a process named 'chrome --type=gpu-process --field-trial-handle=....... --gpu-prefrences.... --shared-files` causes the content on those new tab links and page to reappear.
=== RTGuruThe2nd is now known as RisingTechGuru
[07:58] <lubot> emaskell was added by: emaskell
[07:59] <lubot> <emaskell> Hi, guys
[08:00] <lubot> <emaskell> I just had the "alongside issue" trying to install 20.04
[08:01] <lubot> <emaskell> The error comes while trying to execute sfdisk --force --append /dev/sda
[08:02] <lubot> <emaskell> Calamares is not able to create a new partition, and neither is KDE partition manager after I get this error
[08:02] <guiverc> @emaskell, yeah after you've had a calamares fail, you may need to reboot for KDE Partition Manager to work properly..
[08:03] <guiverc> (a logout & login may work too, I forget, but I do remember reboot fixes that issue for KDE Par.Mgr
[08:03] <lubot> <emaskell> @guiverc [<guiverc> @emaskell, yeah after you've had a calamares fail, you may need to reb …], I did it and kept getting the same error in KDE
[08:04] <lubot> <emaskell> I got over this issue by installing Gparted, successfully creating a new partition with it, and installing in the new partition
[08:04] <guiverc> In KDE Partition Manager, after reboot, delete the parition first (particularly if it reports as Unknown..)
[08:06] <lubot> <emaskell> @guiverc [<guiverc> In KDE Partition Manager, after reboot, delete the parition first (par …], Yeah, I didn't do that, but Gparted did the job too... Just thought you should know 😅
[08:06] <guiverc> @emaskell, had you tried to follow what's listed in https://lubuntu.me/focal-released/
[08:07] <guiverc> @emaskell, thanks for letting us know...
[08:33] <lubot> <emaskell> Thank you for the great job, I'm already using it and it seems faster than Lubuntu 19.10 … My computer is bad in pretty much everything, but the biggest problem in the older versions seemed to be the graphics, which now looks much more fluid … Anyway, I'm a medical student, English teacher and Linux enthusiast from Brazil … If you ev
[08:33] <lubot> er need help with translation or anything I can do, feel free to ask... I would love to help
[08:35] <guiverc> Thank you @emaskell, a most kind offer
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=== comicsansgreenki is now known as curloxide
[09:26] <accuman> help needed: how to make a cpufreq policy use a lower frequency step? at the moment all policies seem to not use the lowest one
[11:23] <malina> I should ask here, who should I let know they have such a dangerous no good installer then? lubuntu? ubuntu? calamares? if latter, then why on heaven's earth would someone even use it, a company, that is.
[11:26] <guiverc> malina, if the issue was noticed with Lubuntu, I'd start by filing the bug on launchpad (Ubuntu tracker used by Lubuntu too), https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs then maybe consider filing upstream https://github.com/calamares/calamares/issues/
[11:26] <malina> don't know if it's because theiso is booted from a disk, but as ever, the installer will hang/fail usually iff one restarts it or uses it again, lxqt hasn't really changed much since I tested it in 15.04 or so; still took only minutes before I have screenies of the issues showing up. on the plus side, I DO like lubuntu, and 18.04 was actually the only backup install I kept on my many machines . So well done on that one . I think to be fairthough, I
[11:26] <malina> usuualyl installed it via a server viet netinstall, so I wouldn't see those issues from the horrid installer *ubuntu uses.
[11:26] <malina> guiverc, well, I was prepared *ubuntu would mess things up with 'auto dsk stuff', I only do manual, what DID get me though was it wiped the entire vg!
[11:27] <malina> and then i had a meeting to come back hours later, forgetting I had this issue plus the lack of metainfo since it happened in a live disk
[11:28] <malina> anyway, I sorted it, as there had been no writes to the vg that I can think of. still, no, I am not gonna waste my time on chasing down something you guys REALLY ought to have tested.
[11:28] <malina> I chose via the installer a 'free partition' to replace, which was a lv.
[11:28] <malina> it wiped the entire vg. tsk tsk. anyway, gl. lxqt , I don't see the point. Maybe on a native install it DOESNT have much bugs, and for some reason is better than C?
[11:29] <malina> ubuntu as a company though, should do way more testing if they decide to use something like "some random project's installer", which can wipe stuff easily. I mean, I can only imagine the 'end user level' *ubuntu tries to cater to.
[11:30] <guiverc> Ubuntu is not a company, it's an Operating System
[11:31] <malina> Still, ubuntu seems to have many things, which makes me impressed overall. This was definitely a big slap to the face to see. the 18.04 lubuntu I think despite all the automagic, had perfomance numbers right up there with my normal system. That is wihtout a doubt the best I have seen of any public linux os.
[11:31] <guiverc> The company involved with Ubuntu is Canonical
[11:31] <malina> well Canonical then
[11:31] <malina> just "ubuntu" is kinda the mnemonic for Canonical.
[11:31] <malina> I am sure you should be able to decipher that.
[11:31] <malina> well, good luck either, you guys need it.
[13:13] <kaiba> :( probably installed windows :D
[13:17] <kaiba> one question. how do i know that lubuntu has recognised my amd gpu? im new to linux os btw.
[13:18] <diogenes_> kaiba, first of all because you've got a proper resolution and your desktop doesn't lag.
[13:18] <kaiba> ok it doesnt lag.
[13:19] <diogenes_> kaiba, second you can check it with the following command:
[13:19] <diogenes_> inxi -G
[13:19] <diogenes_> lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A3
[13:19] <diogenes_> glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer"
[13:19] <diogenes_> commands*
[13:19] <kaiba> where shoudl iuse these commands?
[13:20] <diogenes_> in the terminal.
[13:20] <kaiba> ????? terminal?
[13:20] <kaiba> ok i searched for it
[13:20] <diogenes_> kaiba, hit ctrl+alt+t
[13:20] <kaiba> there is two terminals
[13:20] <diogenes_> and it should pop-up.
[13:20] <kaiba> which one
[13:21] <kaiba> ok it poped up
[13:21] <kaiba> do i have to write those command all the same time or one by one?
[13:21] <diogenes_> kaiba, one at a time, as you wrote the first one, hit enter and you gonna get the result.
[13:22] <kaiba> it says the command not found
[13:22] <kaiba> is there anyway to find this out graphically?
[13:22] <diogenes_> paste the entire line.
[13:23] <kaiba> i did paste the entire like
[13:24] <diogenes_> ok now run the following command: sudo apt install inxi
[13:24] <diogenes_> hit enter
[13:24] <diogenes_> type your password (it won't be displayed)
[13:24] <diogenes_> hit eneter again
[13:24] <kaiba> it needs a password
[13:24] <diogenes_> <diogenes_> type your password (it won't be displayed)
[13:25] <kaiba> the password i use to log in?
[13:25] <diogenes_> yes
[13:26] <kaiba> ok i did it
[13:26] <kaiba> it installed
[13:26] <diogenes_> ok now proceed with the first command once again:
[13:26] <diogenes_> inxi -G
[13:27] <kaiba> ok its shows my two devices
[13:27] <kaiba> one amd r3 and the other hd 8670m
[13:28] <kaiba> which is correct
[13:28] <diogenes_> kaiba, run the following command:
[13:28] <diogenes_> inxi -Gc0 | nc termbin.com 9999
[13:28] <diogenes_> you gonna get a link url, shae the link here so we can see the output too.
[13:29] <diogenes_> share*
[13:29] <kaiba> https://termbin.com/ddmm
[13:31] <diogenes_> kaiba, it's kind of weird this line: Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.8 driver: none FAILED: ati
[13:32] <diogenes_> did you try to install any drivers yurself?
[13:32] <kaiba> i dunno how to install drivers on this os. i went on hp site but they only have drivers to download on windows os
[13:32] <kaiba> not lubuntu
[13:33] <romano> buonalaprima
[13:34] <diogenes_> kaiba, ok run the following command:
[13:35] <diogenes_> glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer" | nc termbin.com 9999
[13:35] <diogenes_> share the link
[13:35] <kaiba> https://termbin.com/36qp
[13:37] <diogenes_> and now run this one:
[13:37] <diogenes_> DRI_PRIME=1 glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer" | nc termbin.com 9999
[13:37] <diogenes_> basically the same but with DRI_PRIME=1
[13:38] <kaiba> https://termbin.com/cxhf
[13:41] <kaiba> ok now what
[13:42] <diogenes_> kaiba, ok so here is the thing, your system runs fine but, you've got 2 graphic cards 1 is your integrated AMD card and 2 is your dedicated AMD card. By default your PC uses the integrated one which is power efficient one but less powerful one, whenever you want to play a game (or other graphics intensive application), you should start the game with the 2nd dedicated AMD card which is powerful. The command to start a game or any application with the
[13:42] <diogenes_> 2nd dedicated AMD card is: DRI_PRIME=1 gamename
[13:43] <kaiba> oh! cant steam recognise this? or do i have to run steam on the dedicated one so the game also run on the dedicated one?
[13:46] <diogenes_> kaiba, yes you have to run steam also with the dedicated.
[13:49] <kaiba> ok thanks
[13:51] <kaiba> ok i just tried to run steam on that command but its says DRI command not found
[13:56] <diogenes_> kaiba, what is the exact command that you ran?
[13:58] <kaiba> DRI PRIME=1 Steam
[13:58] <kaiba> then said DRI command not found
[14:01] <diogenes_> kaiba, be very attentive at the command syntax every line, dash, underscore counts, the command is: DRI_PRIME=1
[14:01] <diogenes_> not DRI PRIME=1
[14:02] <kaiba> what xD they are the same
[14:02] <kaiba> I mean i see them with same letter whats the difference
[14:02] <kaiba> oh or it small L
[14:02] <kaiba> l
[14:02] <diogenes_> no not the same, one has "_" and another one only has a space between DRI and PRIME.
[14:03] <kaiba> i only gave one space
[14:03] <kaiba> ok im gonan copy this you just wrote
[14:03] <diogenes_> and there MUST not be any space.
[14:03] <diogenes_> there must be underscore.
[14:04] <kaiba> oh ok
[14:05] <kaiba> alright it worked thanks
[14:05] <diogenes_> you're welcome.
[14:06] <kaiba> but what is this
[14:06] <kaiba> Fatal : VkResult is "ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED" in /home/pgriffais/src/Vulkan/base/vulkanexamplebase.cpp at line 823
[14:06] <kaiba> the gpu is old why does it want vulkan
[14:07] <diogenes_> kaiba, that's what you should ask in the channel #steam.
[14:10] <Munsko> How secure is use IRC?
=== TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest48277
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=== TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis
[18:10] <wxl> Munsko: not really
[18:16] <wxl> Munsko: you should make sure to use ssl, don't use dcc, be careful with scripts, use a vpn and/or get a host mask
[18:19] <wxl> Munsko: for freenode, you'll want to register a nick, get a cloak (host mask), identify to services with sasl and if you're super paranoid, consider an irc bouncer, vpn, or using tor
[18:32] <Munsko> wxl thanks for answer, how i can get the host mask?
[18:33] <wxl> Munsko: register your nick https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration then get a cloak AND LOOK OUT FOR THE WARNINGS https://freenode.net/kb/answer/cloaks
[18:49] <Munsko> Well, i have done it
[18:49] <Munsko> Thanks for the advice, the onyl thing that i dont understand is about cloaks
[18:49] <Munsko> It says there that some clients will replace your cloak
[18:49] <Munsko> Hostmask*
[18:50] <Munsko> So i dont know how do it
[18:50] <wxl> well, web based ones
[18:51] <Deano59> I moved a crap load from an auto-install script and now my backup size with CZ is 2.4GB :D happy days. <3 you Lubuntu.
[18:51] <wxl> the solution two that comes in two forms: (A) use a real irc client or (B) become a member of some project. the latter will be a lot harder, but you could contribute to the general ubuntu project (of which lubuntu is a part of) and become an ubuntu member
[18:53] <Munsko> I see, im thinking get an unnafiliated cloak
[18:54] <Munsko> I will try get it, thanks again :)
[18:54] <wxl> since you are using quassel and not a web client, it should work fine
[18:55] <Munsko> Yes, i found that i will not have that problem after reading it again, tought it was with all clients
=== TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis
[19:16] <Munsko> Somebody knows why Lubuntu changed from LXde to LXQt?(apart from the esthethical part)
[19:17] <wxl> LXDE is virtually dead
[19:17] <kc2bez> lxde development has pretty much dried up
[19:18] <wxl> they have suggested otherwise, but the commits tell the story quite well
[19:18] <kc2bez> old bugs aren't even being worked on
[19:18] <wxl> also LXDE runs off of GTK2 which is old and stale and full of problems. they've been working for YEARS to port to GTK3 but that process actually created LXQt because Qt was lighter than GTK3
[19:19] <kc2bez> Also, lxde is based on GTK2 which is pretty much dead too
[19:19] <wxl> long story short, a hypothetical (and unlikely) future GTK3 LXDE would be heavier than LXQt
[19:19] <kc2bez> oh jeez wxl said that
[19:19] <Munsko> lol
[19:19] <wxl> well i didn't exactly say that
[19:19] <Munsko> Awesome explanation
[19:20] <Munsko> Got it perfectly
[19:20] <Munsko> thanks both
[19:20] <wxl> but GTK2 is "stable" which is to say they allow it to exist to download but they're not doing anything with it
[19:20] <wxl> as one of the LXQt devs likes to say, in the world of biology, stable is synonymous with dead XD
[19:20] <Munsko> LXQt is under development right now, dont?
[19:20] <wxl> heavy development
[19:20] <wxl> constantly
[19:21] <wxl> sometimes i wish i didn't subscribe to all their repos because there's a LOT of activity
[19:21] <Munsko> I have some problems with their apps, but looks pretty good(i get used to lxde apps)
[19:21] <Munsko> But think that they will "evolve" and get fix those bugs
[19:22] <wxl> well make sure you file bugs as you find them. even the best developers can miss things
[19:22] <Munsko> They will "port" the apps to new lxqt versions?
[19:22] <Munsko> i mean, sometimes u need to take some apps from GTK for example
[19:23] <Munsko> They will make their own versions of apps?
[19:23] <Munsko> or just fix bugs?
[19:23] <kc2bez> There has been some additions or ports if you will.
[19:24] <kc2bez> Honestly in a short amount of time it has come a long way.
[19:24] <wxl> mostly LXQt should be considered a totally separate thing
[19:26] <Munsko> It looks almost independent
[19:26] <Munsko> But i think i use common things, nothing strange
[19:27] <Munsko> And installed tons of libraries to get those functions
[19:27] <Munsko> Because cant find "native" alternatives
[19:28] <kc2bez> What do you find you miss from lxde that doesn't have an alternative?
[19:29] <Munsko> Well, i used evince in 18.04
[19:29] <Munsko> But looks like the native dont have the same functions
[19:29] <wxl> okular
[19:29] <Munsko> I mean
[19:29] <Munsko> Of course they read pdf
[19:30] <wxl> i like okular a LOT better than evince
[19:30] <kc2bez> okular is qt based too.
[19:30] <Munsko> Now i used qpdf but its just annoying to copy something from there
[19:30] <Munsko> ANother example is the lximage
[19:31] <Munsko> Yesterday i spent like 2 hours to cut a part of a image
[19:31] <Munsko> And i done it with online paint
[19:31] <Munsko> -.-
[19:31] <Munsko> Tried lots of programs of edition
[19:31] <Munsko> liek gimp, pinta
[19:31] <Munsko> like*
[19:32] <Munsko> But they not are for just cut smth from an image
[19:32] <Munsko> They have a ton of options, and i never found what i needed
[19:33] <Munsko> I dont know how call this "problem"
[19:33] <wxl> lximage doesn't do that
[19:33] <wxl> libreoffice draw could
[19:33] <wxl> or install krita (also qt)
[19:33] <Munsko> Dindt found there the option either
[19:34] <Munsko> on draw*
[19:34] <Munsko> But the "problem" is the same, you have a ton of options there to
[19:34] <Munsko> too*
[19:35] <Munsko> Its like use a axe to cut a leaf
[19:36] <wxl> use krita
[19:37] <Munsko> Apart from that i would like to thank too for the big develop that the ppl are doing in this distribution
[19:37] <Munsko> Maybe someone involved are reading this and getting mad, so i want to thank too
[19:37] <kc2bez> Everyone uses their computer differently so the feedback is good. It is one of the ways to make an improvement.
[19:37] <wxl> the two of us are both heavily involved and not mad, so you're good :)
[19:38] <Munsko> lol
[19:38] <Munsko> I only send it in a way to help to show the problems
[19:38] <kc2bez> Thanks for that.
[19:38] <Munsko> Im a common user, so i can matter
[19:38] <Munsko> so it can matter*
[19:38] <wxl> yeah i guess the only problem we face is making the decisions as to which apps to use
[19:39] <wxl> lximage and qpdfview are both lxqt products and that has a lot of value in having everything in one place
[19:39] <wxl> also they're light and simple, and that's really good, too
[19:39] <wxl> okular and krita come from elsewhere (kde, actually) and they are heavier
[19:40] <Munsko> Yes, i found that krita is from KDE(in the dependencied i installed)
[19:40] <Munsko> But it actually works well, thanks
[19:40] <Munsko> I found that "way" of do program extremelly well
[19:40] <wxl> so do we try to offer more functionality at the expense of making a bigger footprint (as well as using applications outside of lxqt?)
[19:41] <Munsko> I only think that sometimes some functions are missing
[19:41] <wxl> usually people want lubuntu because it's light. the only exceptions we have made to that, really, are firefox and libreoffice
[19:41] <Munsko> I use it for that idea
[19:41] <wxl> firefox i would like to replace with falkon (also kde) but it needs some time
[19:41] <wxl> libreoffice is really the only usable solution
[19:41] <Munsko> I consider that low consimung is a good thing
[19:42] <Munsko> consuming*
[19:42] <Munsko> Is libreoffice very consuming?
[19:42] <wxl> abiword and that stupid spreadsheet thing we were using in lxde-era lubuntu were *GARBAGE*
[19:42] <Munsko> That was a really good step, install the libreoffice in the base
[19:42] <Munsko> I formated like 5 times and the 1st thing was install it
[19:42] <wxl> libreoffice is kind of big and kind of resource intensive, but really all word processing/spreadsheet tools are
[19:42] <wxl> s/and/are/
[19:43] <Munsko> I didnt found big consume in RAM consume for libreoffice
[19:43] <wxl> i have installed libreoffice on every operating system i've ever been on. i mean even back in the days years ago when we were using windows at work, we were using libreoffice
[19:44] * Deano59 thinks of how awesome Lubuntu is
[19:44] <wxl> it's not terrible, but i guess it depends on your perspective, you know? some people are trying to run on *really* old software
[19:44] <wxl> Deano59: and it thinks the same of you XD
[19:44] <Munsko> I used openoffice until some months, when i came to linux
[19:44] <wxl> and i used openoffice before libreoffice :)
[19:44] <Munsko> But in that moment looks the same for me
[19:45] <Munsko> Now i see they have different "background"
[19:45] <wxl> LO grew out of OO really
[19:45] <wxl> and OO itself came from StarOffice
[19:45] <Munsko> In the begining they start from the same thing
[19:46] <Munsko> a copy from office
[19:46] <Munsko> that was paid
[19:46] <Munsko> i think
[19:46] <Munsko> and then comes openoffice
[19:47] <Munsko> Is some site or section where i can "suggest" this type of comments? i just found that could be useful for you
[19:47] <wxl> probably best would be our discourse
[19:47] <wxl> https://discourse.lubuntu.me
[19:48] <Munsko> Coming back to my "problem" i think that the solution could be "add" that function in the actual program
[19:49] <wxl> yeah
[19:49] <Munsko> Maybe not in my case, because not always is necessary to cut something from an image
[19:49] <wxl> i doubt it will get added to qpdfview
[19:49] <wxl> remember it's called qpdfVIEW
[19:49] <Munsko> yes
[19:49] <wxl> but we could swap it out for okular as i said
[19:49] <Munsko> But wait
[19:49] <Munsko> it have the option
[19:49] <Munsko> but is very messy
[19:49] <Munsko> you can copy from the text
[19:50] <wxl> and libreoffice draw can crop but you have to figure it out XD https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/119/how-to-crop-an-image-in-libreoffice-draw/
[19:50] <Munsko> I dont know how explain it
[19:50] <wxl> oh all you wanted to do was copy text? hm maybe
[19:50] <Munsko> With Ctrl+C you can actually copy
[19:50] <Munsko> Yes
[19:50] <Munsko> But like evince
[19:50] <Munsko> selecting the text
[19:50] <Munsko> and not the area
[19:50] <Munsko> that gives me problems sometimes
[19:50] <Munsko> Like when im trying to copy some tables values
[19:51] <Munsko> And try to paste in calc
[19:51] <wxl> waaaaaaait a minute qpdfview isn't an lxqt product hmmmm
[19:51] <Munsko> lol
[19:51] <Munsko> About lximage i found 2 ways
[19:51] <wxl> yikes it hasn't been updated in a while
[19:51] <wxl> maybe we should switch to okular
[19:51] <Munsko> 1st one is using kirita(heavy)
[19:51] <Munsko> 2nd one is what i found
[19:52] <Deano59> is there any plans to update LXQt on Lubuntu? or is that for a new release?
[19:52] <wxl> next release Deano59
[19:52] <wxl> fancy 0.15.0
[19:52] <Deano59> cheers. :)
[19:52] <Munsko> "https://github.com/1j01/jspaint"
[19:52] <Munsko> That thing is paint on js
[19:52] <Munsko> just open it with firefox
[19:52] <Munsko> and got what i neede
[19:52] <Munsko> needed
[19:52] <Munsko> 4mb of space
[19:53] <Munsko> :D
[19:53] <wxl> maybe. i don't love javascript and ms paint omg
[19:53] <Munsko> I think that you cant just paste it on an app for lubuntu
[19:53] <wxl> so A E S T H E T I C
[19:54] <Munsko> Yes, but at same time very "powerful"
[19:54] <Munsko> Maybe exists, but one app that "launchs" that type of programs packed on js could be efficent
[19:54] <wxl> anyways good talk. thanks for the feedback. i'll discuss this with the team
[19:54] <wxl> i got to go
[19:54] <Munsko> So the avg user can get it from internet(forma secure place) and just run it
[19:54] <wxl> have a great day
[19:55] <Munsko> Excellent, thanks a lot
[19:55] <Munsko> good day for u too
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[23:19] <kaiba> Hello again
[23:19] <kaiba> This linux os deosnt recognise my headphone bluetooth device
[23:20] <kaiba> its still searching but doesnt find any how do i fox it?