UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /12 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
[10:53] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
[17:12] <Tuxist> i have tuned my kubuntu 20.04 with qt 5.14 ^^ : https://tuxist.de/debrepo/ubuntu/ key here: https://tuxist.de/debrepo/apt.key runs much smother
[22:43] <Mamarok> there is appareently a bug in the Kubuntu GlobalTheme: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=165973 it doesn't happen with either Breeze or Breeze dark, so this is very Kubuntu specific a bug.
[22:44] <Mamarok> would be nice if somebody could have a look
[22:48] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> That is not a bug in our theme. It is a KDE bug
[22:49] <Mamarok> well, it doesn't happen in Breeze nor Breeze dark
[22:49] <Mamarok> and defaault is Breeze, no?
[22:49] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> You get the same if you don't use our theme, but choose breeze dark plasma theme and light color scheme for apps
[22:50] <Mamarok> well, this person uses the default Kubuntu and can't see the buttons, how is that not a bug?
[22:50] <Mamarok> in any case this needs to be corrected
[22:51] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> The bugs is a KDE one. The fix needs to be somewhere in how that connection GUI handles colour schemes
[22:51] <Mamarok> I have never seen this as I use Breeze dark global and Breeze dark, why should I comine light with dark?
[22:52] <Mamarok> combine*
[22:52] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> why should you not. that is what our default theme is basically doing
[22:53] <Mamarok> right... I guess that is exactly the answer I get when I report this upstrem... why combine dark wit light...
[22:54] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> the dark plasma theme should not alter the apps colour theming. period
[22:55] <Mamarok> has this been reported upstream? or is everybody just reasoning it's their bug but do not report it?
[22:55] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> if you have breeze dark plasma, but decide to have your apps scheme pink and purple, that should be respected by the UI
[22:56] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> I am not sure. it does a ring a faint bell, but not sure if that is a bug report or not
[23:11] <RikMills> Mamarok: breeze noir dark from store.kde.or with oxygen apps colour scheme https://i.imgur.com/8cBQnPj.png
[23:14] <Mamarok> yeah, not good, I will check tomorrow if I find a bug report, too tired now
[23:16] <RikMills> Mamarok: I have sent Nate a link and pic ;)
[23:16] <Mamarok> cool, thanks