UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /11 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== guilhermelinux is now known as GuilhermePR
[08:20] <joule> greetings! I'm a noob with a question. If I choose to install lubuntu 20 beta, is it relatively safe to assume that it will upgrade fine to non-beta when that's released?
[08:26] <kc2bez> joule: 20.04 has been released. With regular updates the beta version you installed will turn into the released version.
[08:27] <joule> kc2bez, thanks! couldn't find that download on the lubuntu page, but maybe it's not updated yet
[08:27] <joule> i see link in topic now. thx
[08:28] <joule> awesome.
[08:28] <kc2bez> joule: you are welcome.
[09:31] <onyx> I just upgraded to 20.04 openshot is gone so is package manager
[09:31] <onyx> I need help
[09:33] <kc2bez> Which package manager were you using?
[09:33] <kc2bez> Also
[09:33] <kc2bez> !info openshot-qt
[09:33] <ubottu> openshot-qt (source: openshot-qt): create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.3+dfsg1-1 (focal), package size 52148 kB, installed size 99389 kB
[09:37] <onyx> the default one
[09:37] <onyx> I think my install is missing programs
[09:37] <onyx> I don't know how to re-enable repoes
[09:38] <kc2bez> We ship muon and discover by default.
[09:39] <onyx> I think I'm probably missing repos or they're disabled
[09:40] <onyx> and I have no package manager
[09:42] <onyx> I want openshot the latest version
[09:42] <onyx> but I don't want to add a repo if it already exists then I'd have double repos
[09:42] <kc2bez> You can try to re-install muon from the terminal. Just do a `sudo apt update && sudo apt install muon`
[09:43] <kc2bez> I don't know what the latest openshot version is. The info from the bot shows 2.4.3 is in focal.
[09:43] <onyx> Unable to locate package muon
[09:44] <onyx> I don't know which repos I should activate in sources.list
[09:45] <kc2bez> Please paste the contents of `/etc/apt/sources.list`
[09:46] <onyx> https://dpaste.org/xJkn
[09:55] <Deano59> ugh, is there a bug with gnome-disks? it says my SSD is 99c?
[09:55] <Deano59> my other two HDD's are at 30c.
[09:55] <Deano59> "disc is OK" too
[09:56] <kc2bez> onyx: You are missing some sources, I don't see multiverse or universe.
[09:57] <onyx> ah
[09:59] <onyx> # deb-src http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ eoan-backports main restricted universe multiverse
[10:00] <Deano59> that's old, onyx. you need focal.
[10:00] <onyx> ah I see
[10:01] <kc2bez> With the # it is disabled
[10:02] <onyx> I figured that out
[10:02] <onyx> looking for the right repos
[10:03] <kc2bez> Do a `sudo apt update`
[10:03] <kc2bez> It should refresh the available software.
[10:05] <onyx> I did
[10:05] <kc2bez> You should be able to re-install muon now.
[10:06] <onyx> nope
[10:06] <onyx> can't find it
[10:06] <onyx> E: Unable to locate package muon
[10:07] <kc2bez> Something is still amiss with your sources list I think.
[10:07] <Deano59> try this; "sudo add-apt-repository multiverse" "sudo add-apt-repository universe"
[10:07] <onyx> trying to find them online.
[10:07] <onyx> ok
[10:09] <onyx> k did that now I'll try muon
[10:09] <onyx> upgrading stuff first hold on
[10:10] <onyx> it should work now though I think that did the trick.
[10:10] <onyx> thanks for taking the time to help I'll let you know if I come up with any other errors or problems
[10:20] <Franzux> Bonjour à tous
[10:21] <Deano59> !fr
[10:21] <ubottu> Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
[10:23] <Franzux> Hi
[10:23] <Franzux> :)
[13:32] <onyx> y
[13:38] <onyx> yay now muon's installing thanks again
[13:58] <onyx> it says I have held or broken packages but when I try to fix it it doesn't work like I tried install -f and dist-upgrade commands both don't fix the problem
[13:59] <onyx> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[13:59] <onyx> openshot-qt : Depends: python3-openshot but it is not going to be installed
[13:59] <onyx> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
[14:03] <onyx> I tried instaling from muon but it won't let me mark openshot for installation
[14:07] <onyx> please someone help
[14:07] <onyx> nothing works
[14:09] <onyx> I tried the command dpkg --get-selections | grep hold
[14:09] <onyx> and it doesn't show any packages are held
[14:09] <onyx> something's wrong with my install of 20.04
[14:12] <onyx> The "openshot" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade:
[14:12] <onyx> Depends: openshot, but it is not installable
[14:13] <lubot> <aptghetto> What shows `apt policy python3-openshot`?
[14:14] <lleachii> Anyone following, I beleive I identified what process I have to kill to see the Chromium tabs after they go blank (problem: background showing only on tabs after X time, but can click unseen links, copy, etc. in 20.04)
[14:14] <onyx> https://dpaste.org/dmDS
[14:15] <lubot> <aptghetto> Can you install python3-openshot?
[14:16] <onyx> Depends: libpython3.7 (>= 3.7.0) but it is not installable
[14:16] <onyx> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
[14:16] <onyx> nope
[14:16] <onyx> configure -a, install -f, dist-upgrade none of those commands fix the problem
[14:19] <lubot> <aptghetto> Yes, I guess you have added the PPA for 19.04 and not for 20.04
[14:21] <lubot> <aptghetto> Remove the openshot ppa completely, make an `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade` to be sure, you have a clean system. And then readd the PPA and try again
[14:22] <onyx> hold on I forgot how to remove ppas
[14:23] <onyx> I disabled it
[14:24] <lleachii> Also running Nvidia drivers, I may revert to back to Nouveau drivers
[14:24] <onyx> I figured it out ok
[14:27] <onyx> ok now it's working. thanks for the help
[14:27] <onyx> openshot is now installing
[14:27] <lleachii> congrads onxy, I know that was stressing u!
=== akem_ is now known as akem
[16:40] <lubot> Helmoony was added by: Helmoony
[16:50] <ryansocratic> Hello, I recently upgraded to kernel 5.6.11 and notice that I no longer have permission to disconnect from wireless networks nor install software via Plasma's Discover applet. There may be more functions I am denied permission for and this could have existed before my upgrade to 5.6.11, but I can't be sure. The only somewhat significant change I made recently was a switch to KDE Plasma after experimenting with different desktop environments for a few
[16:50] <ryansocratic> days. I can't guarantee those events coincide exactly. Any ideas why I would have lost such permissions?
[16:50] <ryansocratic> Sorry, Kubuntu 20.04
[17:01] <lleachii> have you tried the Kubuntu IRC channel?
[17:10] <Deano59> why are people using a newer kernel?
[17:10] <Deano59> Linux lubuntu 5.4.0-29-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 29 14:32:27 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[17:10] * Deano59 shrugs
[17:10] <wxl> compared to what? centos? XD
[17:11] <Deano59> no I mean 5.6 doesn't ship with ubuntu/lubuntu etc.
[17:11] <genii> Probably installed !mainline
[17:12] <Deano59> !mainline
[17:12] <ubottu> The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds
[17:12] * Deano59 doesn't want to risk it
[17:13] <wxl> 5.4.0-26.30 is in groovy right now
[17:13] <wxl> i wouldn't
=== wizkid239 is now known as wizkid238
[19:43] <akem> What is the default notepad equivalent in Lubuntu?
[19:43] <akem> I couldn't install leafpad the other day, not sure why...
[19:51] <kc2bez> Which version of Lubuntu akem ?
[19:51] <akem> kc2bez, 20.04 IIRC (upgraded)
[19:52] <akem> I'm not in front of it right now.
[19:52] <kc2bez> 20.04 should have featherpad
[19:52] <akem> Ok, thanks kc2bez.
[19:53] <kc2bez> YW
[22:37] <malina> I just gave thi slubuntu 20 a try, and its amateur installer not only hangs but when installing, it asks for a partitoin, happily chooses one of my lvm lv's and proceeded to wipe the entire vg and then fail.
[22:38] <malina> is this calamare the hopeless result of lubuntu or of the mother company ubuntu? As I hhad an entire stack of vm's with a LOT of work on one of the other lv's. I am talking about a couple of thousands euros here, if it's Ubuntu which is the damn culprit.. If you can't in the 21st century even get something that basic, right, without warning "we can't handle anything but a single disk " or some idiocy, then better warn big and loud, or get out of the
[22:38] <malina> game.
[22:39] <malina> is the disk logic in calamity installer or whats it called, done by lubuntu devs or ubuntu, the company?
[22:40] <guiverc> malina, neither, it's an upstream project
[22:40] <malina> i might just charge for the hours of rebuilding manually. which it should , you better hope, still work.
[22:40] <malina> so, ubuntu also uses same thing? and thus I can contat the company. This is .. right now, I can say, that it is _very_ good, that no ubuntu rep is near me.
[22:41] <malina> damn bloody amateurs
[22:41] <guiverc> no Ubuntu use ubiquity, debian installer & subiquity
[22:42] <guiverc> https://github.com/calamares may be calamares (note: I"m not a dev so don't know for sure); loads of distros use it..