UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /06 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[01:57] <IrcsomeBot1> Kรธnrรคd was added by: Kรธnrรคd
=== nick__ is now known as NickW
[04:00] <Logic44> Hello, What would most of y'all use for hosting an IRC Server?
[04:30] <IrcsomeBot1> <Rutvikm> @Logic44, Ubuntu Server or CentOS, if I haven't done that before, and some propreitary/pseudo-propreitary support is always better imho
[04:31] <IrcsomeBot1> <Rutvikm> Though I tried running Fedora Server on Raspberrypi and it was fine
[05:45] <lordievader> Good morning
[05:46] <lordievader> Logic44: Don't think there are many in this channel hosting an IRC server. I do know some IRCnet operators though.
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest85422
[07:30] <karel_> Hi, how can I debug errors in mounting? I have a disk that im mounting rw unless errors occur (in which case it'll be mounted ro). Now on startup the disk is always ro. How can I debug this?
[07:40] <lordievader> karel_: `dmesg` will probably tell you
[07:43] <karel_> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Nc75vRfbnm/
[07:43] <karel_> These are the lines right?
[07:43] <karel_> (thats the file system causing me trouble)
[10:02] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Konsole in 20.04 does not have multi coloured font for different sections like in 19.10. How can I enable it? Thanks.
[10:11] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> @Anarchotaoist, Nothing has changed between 19.10 and 20.04. Konsole defaults to the Breeze colour scheme in both.
[10:11] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> hmmm.
[10:12] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> (Photo, 704x466) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/PINk8mln/file_28991.jpg
[10:12] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> I have only one colour! ๐Ÿ˜•
[10:12] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> @RikMills, Yes -that was what I was expecting.
[10:12] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> Check your konsole profile?
[10:13] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Perhaps I should re-install.
[10:13] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> @RikMills, I have. Changin profiles or themes does not give coloured font.
[10:14] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> have you made changes in .bashrc and or .profile?
[10:14] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> No.
[10:15] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> Odd then
[10:19] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Um..stupid question maybe, but If I re-install Konsole via Muon will the command still run if there is no terminal?
[10:22] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> Yes, it is not using konsole
[10:23] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Ok, cool! I thought as much but
[10:25] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> That did not work.
[10:27] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> It is the same for a different user?
[10:28] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> @RikMills, ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ I am the only user.
[10:28] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> I mean, if you create a new user as a test and log in to plasma with that.
[10:29] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> if it is fine with that new user, you will know it is your current user config at fault somewhere
[10:30] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Right, ok. I will look into creating a new user. I have not done so before.
[10:35] <lordievader> karel_: I was more thinking along the lines of `dmesg|grep -i mount`
[10:40] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> @RikMills, Ok, there was coloured font. So it is my current user config then! ?
[10:41] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> Presumably.
[10:42] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Can that be edited? Where do I find the user config - .bashrc and or .profile?
[10:44] <IrcsomeBot1> <RikMills> I can't remember. I know there is some stuff to do with colours in those files, but as I never mess with that I am not overly familiar what exactly.
[10:45] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Ok, well thanks Rik!
[11:14] <lordievader> Anarchotaoist could you show us how it looks on your side?
[11:14] <lordievader> Everything grey?
[11:29] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[11:33] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> @RikMills, Hey Rik. I removed that new user but now on shutting down and restarting I have no login screen! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[11:40] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> How can I login??
[11:50] <diogenes_> Anarchotaoist, what you have instead of login screen?
[11:59] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> The Kubuntu logo then blackness. Well, I learnt about tty and startx. I am back into the desktop - but how do I stop this happening again?
[12:01] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> @diogenes_, The Kubuntu logo then blackness. Well, I learnt about tty and startx. I am back into the desktop - but how do I stop this happening again?
[12:09] <diogenes_> Anarchotaoist, go to users management tool (afaik there is one in plasma) and see if the autologin is enabled (sorry i'm speaking in theory because i use a different DE at the moment).
[12:10] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> I have gone to System Settings - Login Screen - Advanced. Automatically login as user is ticked with my user name and with session Plasma. I clicked apply.
[12:12] <diogenes_> so it should be ok now i guess?
[12:12] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Ok, System Settings - User Manager - my user name - login automatically ticked. It may not have been ticked before!
[12:13] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Ok - should I attempt a restart? gulp!!
[12:14] <diogenes_> Anarchotaoist, yes
[12:17] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Ok, I the reboot brought me back to the desktop - but skipped the login altogether. Perhaps I need to turn off automatic login on the SSDM?
[12:17] <diogenes_> Anarchotaoist, it depends what you want and how you like.
[12:18] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Well, I want a login screen with the password option. ??
[12:19] <diogenes_> then turn off automatic login.
[12:19] <diogenes_> and make sure you have an actual user and not a guest.
[12:20] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> @diogenes_, Under User Manager?
[12:21] <diogenes_> Anarchotaoist, i suspect yes.
[12:21] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> @diogenes_, Actual user = Enable Admin privileges for this user -??
[12:21] <diogenes_> nope, could you make a screenshot of the user settings?
[12:22] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> ok
[12:23] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> (Photo, 1280x945) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/PJbrVeFY/file_28992.jpg
[12:24] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> (Photo, 1280x945) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/VXbeABeB/file_28994.jpg
[12:24] <diogenes_> Anarchotaoist, you've got to untick 'Log in automatically' and hit apply.
[12:25] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> ok
[12:27] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Ok, login screen and login as user are back! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
[12:27] <diogenes_> noice!
[12:28] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> All that because I was trying to get coloured font in Konsole! ๐Ÿ˜Š
[12:29] <diogenes_> ah bad boy, don't play with the matches :)
[12:31] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> I did not think I was flying to close to the sun! Look at the terminal though - it is hard to demarcate and read without coloured font!
[12:31] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> (Photo, 770x647) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/D6kkXZjo/file_28995.jpg
[12:33] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Anyway, goodnight! Thanks diogenes (and Rik)!
[12:34] <diogenes_> echo "PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[1;33m\]\u\[\033[01;30m\]@\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '" >> ~/.bashrc
[12:34] <diogenes_> Anarchotaoist, run the above command and see the colors in the terminal.
[12:34] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> ๐Ÿ™‚ ok
[12:36] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> (Photo, 770x647) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/MBzTPFYS/file_28996.jpg
[12:36] <diogenes_> Anarchotaoist, run: kate ~/.bashrc
[12:37] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> ok, this is in the file
[12:37] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> PS1='\[\033[1;33m\]\u\[\033[01;30m\]@\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]$ ' โ€ฆ PS1='\[\033[1;33m\]\u\[\033[01;30m\]@\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]$ '
[12:37] <diogenes_> ok remove those lines.
[12:38] <diogenes_> and add this one:
[12:38] <diogenes_> PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[1;33m\]\u\[\033[01;30m\]@\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$'
[12:38] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> ok!
[12:38] <diogenes_> make sure you copy it exactly.
[12:38] <diogenes_> now save, close, close all the terminals and open a terminal again.
[12:40] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> (Photo, 770x647) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/UukL0jj0/file_28997.jpg
[12:40] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> ๐Ÿ‘Œ
[12:40] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Thank you!
[12:40] <diogenes_> you're welcome.
[12:40] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> ๐Ÿ˜
[12:40] <diogenes_> :)
[12:41] <IrcsomeBot1> <Anarchotaoist> Thanks again! Good night!
[12:41] <diogenes_> good night.
[12:44] <CoDeAmRo> hi i am 39 computer programmer and software engineer i am half egyptian and emirates i am not here for playing or scamming i am looking for good woman to love and married
[12:44] <diogenes_> CoDeAmRo, it depends on your monthly salary :)
[12:45] <CoDeAmRo> my life is good
[12:48] <BluesKaj> CoDeAmRo, not many women frequent this chatroon looking for a man :-)
[12:49] <BluesKaj> this is Kubuntu support only
[12:50] <Metamorphosis> CoDeAmRo try ##chat
[12:58] <dyle71> #!/bin/hi *
[12:58] <dyle71> I just installed 20.04 and I seem to have lost the Gnome Toolkit Settings in the System Settings menu.
[12:59] <dyle71> Apparently they have been already missing back in 19.10.
[12:59] <dyle71> What should I do to configure GTK apps then?
[13:53] <RikMills> dyle71: in applications style, there is a button at the bottom for gtk options
[13:54] <RikMills> https://i.imgur.com/LyzlCBE.png
[13:58] <dyle71> RikMills: ah, thx!
[13:59] <dyle71> that escaped me somehow...
[14:37] <artur> szcze |
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[17:22] <IrcsomeBot1> <Supun Wijesinghe> (Photo, 1276x956) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/aEDRPz9h/file_29014.jpg
[17:23] <IrcsomeBot1> <Supun Wijesinghe> (Photo, 1276x956) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/cs4o90zE/file_29015.jpg
[17:23] <il> hi how to use tor network with router ip and my router network?
[17:24] <IrcsomeBot1> <Supun Wijesinghe> Memory information says my total memory is 906 mb... but I have 4 gb ram... is there any problem..
[17:25] <IrcsomeBot1> <Supun Wijesinghe> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/XgHY7Fde/file_29016.jpg
[17:25] <IrcsomeBot1> <Supun Wijesinghe> Is my laptop using only 900mb out of 4gb or is there any other issue
[17:26] <IrcsomeBot1> <Supun Wijesinghe> Can anyone help me on this
[19:13] <IrcsomeBot1> Antoniovet was added by: Antoniovet
[19:41] <designbybeck> Had Ubuntu 20.04, but installed kubuntu-desktop. So far the tweaking has gone well. Super/Meta key was working for my launcher, but somehow I mess that up. Is there and easy fix to get it back
[20:27] <emma> Any opinion here on a nice application to run on Kubuntu that would like you draw/write on top of images?
[20:28] <emma> I know of krita but that might be overkill if there's something simpler than that but nice.
[20:29] <IrcsomeBot1> <DarinMiller> reassign the application menu launch icon (Configure Application Menu) keyboard short to alt-f1 and that usually resets the meta key association.
[20:40] <IrcsomeBot1> <Mert Kilan> Hey guys, have you ever had an issue on Skype? Although I can be using Camera, audio and mic, I can't access them on Skype.
[20:41] <IrcsomeBot1> rypmav was added by: rypmav
[20:42] <Logic44> Hello
[20:44] <IrcsomeBot1> <rypmav> Hello guys
[21:20] <diogenes_> Mert Kilan, i've heard about that issue, the temporary workaround is to use google chrome with skype extension.
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[21:50] <IrcsomeBot1> <Mert Kilan> Thanks diogenes!
[22:08] <Crell> Hello, peoples. I just upgraded from 19.10 to 20.04. So far most things seem fine. One gotcha though is the Alt-F2 command to open a run command window at the top of the screen seems to be disabled. I... don't even remember what it's called so I don't know what to search for. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
[22:29] <IrcsomeBot1> <sigAIO> krunner?
[22:30] <IrcsomeBot1> <Eickmeyer> (also invoked via alt-space)
[23:12] <emma> if you are using an old version of kubuntu does that mean apt install won't work any more?
[23:18] <IrcsomeBot1> <popeydc> how old?