UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /06 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[11:29] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[15:32] <RikMills> plasma 5.18.5 is in groovy
[15:33] <IrcsomeBot1> * DarinMiller thinks its about time to upgrade a partition to groovy...
[18:50] <mamarley> Right now anything that depends on LLVM/Clang seems FTBFS in groovy-proposed because LLVM depends on libgcc1, which is no longer being compiled as of the most recent gcc-10 upload. This is rather annoying·
[19:16] <RikMills> example?
[19:17] <mamarley> RikMills: "sudo apt install libclang-9-dev"
[19:18] <RikMills> oh, llvm-toolchain-9
[19:18] <mamarley> The problem seems to be that lib32stdc++6 10-20200502 depends on lib32gcc1 despite the fact that lib32gcc1 would be compiled from the gcc-10 source but no longer is.
[19:18] <mamarley> It would appear as if someone goofed.
[19:20] <mamarley> Yep, "lib32gcc1 (>= ${gcc:Version})" is hardcoded as a dependency for lib32stdc++6 in gcc-10's debian/control.
[19:35] <mamarley> The screwy thing is that gcc-10 itself is FTBFS because of the most recent gcc-10 upload...
[19:38] <RikMills> it has been mentioned in #ubuntu-desktop about 40 mins ago
[19:38] <RikMills> and I just mentioned in -devel
[19:39] * mamarley opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-10/+bug/1877175
[19:39] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1877175 in gcc-10 (Ubuntu) "lib32stdc++6 is not installable with 10-20200502-1ubuntu1" [Undecided,New]
[19:42] <RikMills> causes firefox to ftbfs, so hopefully won't be left long
[19:44] <mamarley> It also FTBFSes mesa and qttools-opensource-src, among many others.
[19:49] <RikMills> mamarley: if can't be dealt with quickly, looks like it may well get brought up as an issue at the foundations team meeting tommoroe