UbuntuIRC / 2020 /05 /06 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
[01:39] <hpidcock> small pr https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11537
[02:22] <thumper> simple review for someone
[02:22] <thumper> https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11538
[02:23] <thumper> hpidcock: approved
[02:46] <babbageclunk> thumper: approved
[02:46] <thumper> babbageclunk: ta
=== narindergupta is now known as narinderguptamac
[04:21] <wallyworld> tlm: everything working out with the model agent connectivity?
[04:22] <tlm> wallyworld: yeah so far so good
[04:22] <wallyworld> gr8 ok
[04:22] <tlm> may have messed up some naming i just realised
[04:22] <tlm> will fix it up later. Think this should be caasmodeloperator ?
[04:22] <wallyworld> naming things is hard
[04:23] <wallyworld> yeah
[07:32] <kelvinliu> wallyworld: ru still around?
[09:34] <manadart> achilleasa: Mechanical one when you have a chance: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11540
[09:38] <achilleasa> manadart: can look in a few min
[10:38] <achilleasa> manadart: trade you for https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11541 ;-)
[10:38] <manadart> OK.
[10:41] <manadart> achilleasa: Will just grab a quick bite and sit down with it.
[10:41] <achilleasa> manadart: sure thing
[13:12] <gsamfira> folks, any chance we can get win2019 series in simplestreams?
[13:13] <gsamfira> http://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/streams/v1/com.ubuntu.juju-devel-tools.json <-- win2016 seems to be the latest one
[13:34] <petevg> gsamfira: wallyworld dropped some code into 2.8rc1 that might help you work around this: https://discourse.juju.is/t/easier-centos-and-windows-image-selection/2991
[13:36] <petevg> gsamfira: nm. hml points out that you were looking for tools, rather than an image.
[14:04] <gsamfira> petevg: yep :). For windows images we have our own tooling to generate them here: https://github.com/cloudbase/windows-openstack-imaging-tools/
[14:04] <gsamfira> petevg: but we currently have to build our own tools and host them somewhere for win2019
[14:05] <gsamfira> not a huge issue, but win2019 works, and it would be nice to have tools available for it in simplestreams
[14:18] <petevg> gsamfira: got it. I'm working on adding the win2019 tools to our build process. It won't happen right away, but the ball is rolling!
[16:20] <gsamfira> petevg: thanks! No rush on this. Whenever it gets in, it will be a welcome adition
[17:16] <Mmike> Howdy, fellow Juju-ers!
[17:17] <Mmike> 'juju sync-agent-binaries' is downloading EVERYTHING it has (like, architectures I'll never use). Also, it requires controller to be fired up, although I don't understand why is that needed.
[17:17] <Mmike> Is there a simplestreams tool that I could use to download just the tools I need?
[17:19] <Mmike> sstream-mirror !
[17:19] <Mmike> will take a look
[20:44] <pmatulis> is there a max value to the --timeout option available to the 'juju run' command?
[20:45] <pmatulis> (e.g. will --timeout=300m be honoured?)
[20:47] <timClicks> pmatulis: I don't believe so, I think that the validation checks that it's a positive integer. I'll take a peek at the code and check for you :)
[20:48] <pmatulis> timClicks, thank you!