UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /30 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== johnw is now known as Guest38539
=== Guest38539 is now known as attackofhubris
[06:28] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Lubuntu 20.04's video also needs to be developed
[06:29] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> @tsimonq2
[06:34] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> @kc2bez Rudra Hey.. fixed the issue 😃😃
[06:34] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Great :)
[06:35] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> Haha ..thanks 😃
[06:36] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> @kc2bez The issue was infact with the NTFS format of the bootable usb. While installing the os, the bootable usb was not getting mounted properly due to NTFS format and hence the squashfs extraction error.
[06:37] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> I created the bootable usb with rufus and in fat32 file system and rest of it worked like a charm
[06:37] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> Seems Lubuntu and Manjaro both have issues with mounting NTFS out of the box while installing the os
[07:27] <crystal_water> after installing openttd and installing the needed packages i got this error: openttd: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libiculx.so.60: undefined symbol: _ZNK6icu_6012LayoutEngine14getCharIndicesEPiiR11LEErrorCode . nows somebody a solution?
=== maccraft is now known as macc24
[08:20] <lubot> gy kovacs was added by: gy kovacs
[09:02] <guiverc> crystal_water, which release of Lubuntu?
[09:05] <lubot> <kc2bez> @arnabdafadar [Seems Lubuntu and Manjaro both have issues with mounting NTFS out of the box whi …], Thanks for the information. I appreciate you getting back to us. It makes sense that Manjaro is the same, we use the same installer.
[09:07] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> @kc2bez Thanks. I think this should be put in the lubuntu wiki for others' reference. Should they face this problem in future, it might be of help. What say?
[09:07] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Kubuntu also has the issue
[09:08] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> Kubuntu is using the same installer i guess
[09:08] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yup
[09:08] <lubot> <kc2bez> @arnabdafadar [@kc2bez Thanks. I think this should be put in the lubuntu wiki for others' refer …], I will see that it gets added to the manual.
[09:09] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> @lynorian
[09:09] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> @kc2bez [I will see that it gets added to the manual.], Thanks again! Appreciate that.
[09:09] <lubot> <kc2bez> @Rudra Bali [Yup], Kubuntu still uses Ubiquity
[09:09] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> It doesn't
[09:09] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> switched to Calameres
[09:13] <lubot> <kc2bez> I urge you to fact check that information.
[09:15] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> (Photo, 1280x955) https://i.imgur.com/0DqiYTR.jpg
[09:15] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> @kc2bez
[09:16] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> (Photo, 821x609) https://i.imgur.com/fXyYzLg.jpg
[09:16] <guiverc> Kubuntu uses a ubiquity with a skin I'm pretty sure...
[09:17] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> It looks like calameres..but don't know whats the backend
[09:17] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> Just curious..which environment do you all prefer...KDE Plasma or Gnome?
[09:18] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> KDE
[09:18] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> @arnabdafadar
[09:18] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> Ok.. great. Same here
[09:18] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> You know, it does look great with QT
[09:18] <crystal_water> guiverc, i use lubutu 19.10 on this machine
[09:18] <lubot> <aptghetto> wget --quiet -O - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/focal-desktop-amd64.manifest | grep -P '(ubiquity|calamares)'
[09:19] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Strange
[09:19] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Calamares does look like that
[09:19] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> @Rudra Bali [You know, it does look great with QT], Totally agreed!
[09:20] <lubot> <aptghetto> With CSS you can make a HTML page look like Calamares
[09:20] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> @Rudra Bali [Calamares does look like that], Yes..the look and feel is same..
[09:20] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> @arnabdafadar [Totally agreed!], https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/why-kde-better-gnome/
[09:22] <lubot> <arnabdafadar> @Rudra Bali [https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/why-kde-better-gnome/], Thanks..gnome to me feels like extra work to search and open an application
[09:22] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yeah...
[09:31] <guiverc> sorry crystal_water, I've been called away, will return when I can
[09:34] <lubot> <aptghetto> Rudra Why do you post this in the support channel?
[09:35] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Sorry
=== sam is now known as Guest91660
=== s is now known as Guest95584
[09:55] <sam_> sam
[10:00] <guiverc> crystal_water, can you please `apt-cache policy openttd` (bionic needed libiculx60, eoan shouldn't though..)
[10:01] * guiverc adds and please pastebinit as apt-cache policy is multi-line sorry
[10:01] <crystal_water> guiverc, this is the output: 'openttd: Geïnstalleerd: 1.9.3-0 Kandidaat: 1.9.3-0 Versietabel: *** 1.9.3-0 100 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 1.9.1-1 500 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan/universe amd64 Packages'
[10:07] <guiverc> thanks.. that's no the lubuntu package; 1.9.1-1 as shown in your apt-cache policy and https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/openttd ; why not use the standard ubuntu package for 19.10?
[10:07] <guiverc> crystal_water, ^
[10:10] <crystal_water> guiverc, The link that you send my is for openttd 1.9.1 is there not a version for openttd 1.9.3 (that is the latest stable version))?
[10:12] <guiverc> focal will use 1.9.3-1build2; but 1.9.1 is the eoan version.. you could try snapstore (https://snapcraft.io/search?q=openttd)
[10:13] <crystal_water> @guiverc, i have found that version a second a go. must i by fist deinstall the current install?
[10:13] <guiverc> where did you get the package? i wonder if it was build for bionic
[10:13] <guiverc> if it was me, i would uninstall it, but I've little experience with openttd on eoan/19.10
[10:14] <crystal_water> guiverc, i have download it from this source (the official site ): https://www.openttd.org/downloads/openttd-releases/latest.html
[10:15] <guiverc> yep & i see files there for bionic, I suspect you downloaded one of those
[10:16] <crystal_water> guiverc yes i have downloaded the version for 18.10
[10:16] <guiverc> it maybe possible to make it run, but I'd be guessing; and I'm likely to make misakes (i'm tired) so unwilling to guess work-around..
[10:16] <guiverc> i think it was for bionic (18.04)
[10:18] <guiverc> it want's this I suspect (https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/libiculx60) but I don't know the consequences of that on eoan...
[10:25] <crystal_water> guiverc, i have uninstalled the other version and installed the new build where can i get libicu66 (>= 66.1~rc-1~)?
[10:26] <guiverc> that is a focal package..
[10:26] <crystal_water> is this the good version: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libicu66 ?
[10:27] <guiverc> it's tested for 20.04/focal, not for 19.10/eoan.. if you open it's deps, it can cause changes to your system that will snowball...
[10:28] <crystal_water> guiverc, so it is a good idea to not install that? because i can corrupt my system?
[10:33] <guiverc> it could cause part of your system to become focal (20.04); if things go wrong the fix will be to take all your system to focal/20.04 where in less than a month you can upgrade to focal anyway... there are risks/costs as focal is still a development release...
[10:34] <crystal_water> guiverc so the best thing that i can do now is wait a month and upgrade to the stable version of focal/20.04?
[10:35] <crystal_water> and what are risks for upgrading to the not stable build it is not a production machine where i will install openttd on?
[10:36] <guiverc> if you open the link page you provided (libicu66) you'll note the packages requred for that, you could check each of those requirements to see if your eoan packages already meet them... or try `apt install` and your box will tell you what is required to be upgraded (which is quicker), just do NOT use -y so you can decline upgrade if it's going to change too much or anything critical
[10:37] <crystal_water> guiverc, i take now i coffeebreak i will sone where back.
[10:51] <Spir0> /msg NickServ identify KiAt2018@#
[10:51] <Spir0> /msg NickServ identify
[10:52] <guiverc> Spir0, you just published your password, I suggest changing it
[10:52] <guiverc> (you had a space before the /msg, so it wasn't taken as a command)
[10:53] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Change it
[10:53] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Or else you will be hacked
[11:04] <crystal_water> guiverc, i can only found libicu66 (66.1-2ubuntu2) for focal and not for a older version of lubuntu
[11:14] <guiverc> yes, the focal version is built for focal.. each package required will have it's own dependency rules that could pull in extra packages... turning parts of your system into a fraken-eoan/focal... fixed by fully going to focal.., or waiting a month. your choice (moving to focal/development version I'm running now myself may have other issues for you I cannot predict..)
[11:16] <guiverc> the benefit for you here is focal is a LTS release... it's more of a problem when installing standard releases (ie. eoan packages into say bionic; parts of your system will eol with the eoan/interim release, not when bionic/lts eol's... ubuntu-support-status can show us some of these issues
[11:17] <crystal_water> guiverc, if i want to the develpent version (daily build?) is it than needed to do a clean install or can i as normal update without a clean install?
[11:20] <guiverc> `sudo do-release-upgrade -d` will bump your release to 20.04, you don't need to re-install (though re-install will likely be quicker)
[11:24] <crystal_water> guiverc, thanks for the command i will think about of i will upgrade to the daily build of that i will wait a month.
[11:28] <guiverc> fyi: the 'daily' build refers to the ISO (that is built ~daily).. once installed/release-upgraded it's just 20.04
[11:30] <crystal_water> guiverc, the 'daily' build is the iso file. but whats the name from the build that i get after execute the command?
[11:32] <guiverc> it'll just be lubuntu 20.04 (or lubuntu 20.04 lts after april-23rd)
[11:34] <guiverc> `neofetch` reports my system as "OS: Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch) x86_64" , ie. 20.04, the (development branch) will automatically disappear a day or so before release-date (april-23)
[11:35] <guiverc> fyi: it's not a timer that changes the string, an update will change it..
[11:40] <crystal_water> guiverc, thanks for all the info it will help my a lot.
[11:41] <guiverc> you're most welcome crystal_water
=== miguel is now known as Guest26601
=== rycker is now known as rycker-irssi
=== Church- is now known as Church
[17:49] <santimir[m]> trying to set up a random wallpaper on lubuntu 19.10 for everytime I turn on the laptop
[17:49] <santimir[m]> I wrote `Wallpaper=$(ls $HOME/.local/share/wallpapers/** | shuf -n1)`
[17:50] <santimir[m]> on the config file, but probably this is not the way to do it?
[17:51] <santimir[m]> I'm editing the system wide config file as the user config file for pcmanfm-qt > desktop settings is overwritten every time I log in
[17:51] <santimir[m]> 😕
[19:10] <axel_> Hello I try to open software-properties-qt through terminal but it tells me this error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5.QtCore'
[19:14] <lubot> <HMollerCl> @axel_ [<axel_> Hello I try to open software-properties-qt through terminal but it tells …], which lubuntu version?
[19:19] <axel_> 19.10
[20:22] <lubot> <HMollerCl> @axel_ [<axel_> 19.10], you might have deleted teh dependency
[20:23] <lubot> <HMollerCl> python3-pyqt5
[21:54] <lubot> <lynorian> why exactly was I pinged?
[21:57] <lubot> <kc2bez> @lynorian I haven't had time to verify if it is there already but we may want make sure we highlight the fact that USBs need to be formatted with fat 32 and not NTFS.
[21:57] <lubot> <lynorian> USBS for what?
[21:57] <lubot> <lynorian> USBs for what
[21:58] <lubot> <kc2bez> to write the live iso to for installation
[21:58] <lubot> <lynorian> in 1.2?
[21:58] <lubot> <lynorian> in like chapter 1
[22:00] <lubot> <kc2bez> yes. I know we've got a couple of external links there but maybe if we had a caution or warning.
[22:02] <lubot> <kc2bez> It seems that windows users are formatting their USB with NTFS and then the install fails.
[22:03] <lubot> <lynorian> install fails or writing the image fails
[22:03] <lubot> <kc2bez> The install fails on unsquashfs
[22:03] <lubot> <kc2bez> it actually boots which is confusing.
[22:04] <lubot> <lynorian> so ntfs formatted usb boots an iso how?
[22:05] <lubot> <kc2bez> I am not sure what it does. I would have to dig up a Windows machine to test further.
[22:06] <lubot> <lynorian> Is the users making the usb then fomratting most of it as ntfs but still having the uefi on the 64 bit image?
[22:07] <lubot> <kc2bez> I think so, yes. They used Rufus which I am unfamiliar with.
[22:08] <lubot> <lynorian> I don't have a windows machine to figure out what is going on
[22:08] <lubot> <kc2bez> Ok I will dig further and get back to you.
[22:17] <lubot> <HMollerCl> @kc2bez [Ok I will dig further and get back to you.], wrong channel?
[22:21] <lubot> <lynorian> oh sorry
[22:21] <lubot> <kc2bez> Me too.
[23:21] <bim> huhu