UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /28 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== JanC is now known as Guest71318
[09:54] <santa_> ricotz: hi, I got an user which is having a problem with one of your libreoffice packages, which seems to have a missing a Breaks/Replaces
[09:54] <santa_> let me paste the dpkg error...
[09:59] <santa_> ricotz: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xSZxTmf6Rh/
[09:59] <santa_> this is for kde neon (which is based on ubuntu 18.04) apparently
[10:27] <arunpyasi> Hi guys is libgnome-keyring-dev removed from focal ?
[11:30] <ricotz> santa_, make sure to upgrade to 1:6.4.2-0ubuntu0.18.04.3
[11:31] <ricotz> see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/1869357
[11:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1869357 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "package libreoffice-math 1:6.4.2-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/config/soffice.cfg/modules/smath/menubar/menubar.xml', which is also in package libreoffice-common 1:6.4.1-0ubuntu1" [High,In progress]
[12:14] <santa_> ricotz: ok, so it's libreoffice-math. this user was using the "fresh" PPA, so I think the 1:6.4.2-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 -> 1:6.4.2-0ubuntu0.18.04.3 upgrade produced the problem
[12:15] <ricotz> santa_, see https://askubuntu.com/questions/1220541/error-during-the-upgrade-of-libreoffice-from-6-3-5-to-6-4-2
[12:16] <ricotz> 1:6.4.2-0ubuntu0.18.04.3 should fix the problem
[12:16] <ricotz> which is just available for 4 hours
[12:20] <santa_> ricotz: hmm, so the failed upgrade was x -> 1:6.4.2-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 then. thank you for fixing it