UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /28 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[05:55] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> Hey guys...
[05:59] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> Hi guys...
[05:59] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> I've successfully upgraded, However the window borders did not appear
[06:00] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> the session is not loading properly..
[06:00] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> can someone give their Session setttings..
[06:00] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> (Photo, 1280x719) https://i.imgur.com/iRHh7Pq.jpg
[06:01] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> These are Openbox defaults
[06:01] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> (Photo, 782x516) https://i.imgur.com/yX3RIWt.jpg II need these settings please
[06:01] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> It might have upgraded Openbox and deleted old config
[06:01] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> I don't have it
[06:01] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> II think these are messed up...
[06:01] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> They aren't
[06:02] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> These are default in Openbox
[06:02] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> So no need to worry
[06:02] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> You can theme it
[06:02] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Try reinstalling lubuntu-desktop using tasksel
[06:05] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> @IndianOSR911 Go to TTY4 (CTRL+ALT+F4), login with your credentials, type 'sudo apt purge lubuntu-desktop' & 'sudo apt autoremove' and then type 'sudo tasksel install lubuntu-desktop'
[06:05] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> @Rudra Bali [Try reinstalling lubuntu-desktop using tasksel], Ok
[06:06] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> By the way, log out first
[06:06] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> @IndianOSR911
[06:23] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> ohk
[06:24] <vadi01> hi. need help with thunderbird. there is no download headers only option
[06:25] <vadi01> how to enable headers only as currently its attemption to download all emails and that takes a lot of bandwidth
[06:25] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> https://www.ghacks.net/2012/04/30/how-to-configure-thunderbird-to-fetch-headers-only/
[06:28] <vadi01> lubot: thats 2012 and it was there
[06:29] <vadi01> right now 2020 version not there
[06:31] <vadi01> so no headers there
[06:31] <vadi01> how to sort?
[06:43] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> @Rudra Bali [It might have upgraded Openbox and deleted old config], ops
[06:46] <guiverc> `apt purge` says to delete configs too, `apt remove` only removes programs (configs remain)
[06:47] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> @Rudra Bali [@IndianOSR911 Go to TTY4 (CTRL+ALT+F4), login with your credentials, type 'sudo …], This is for L 19.10 —correct, is it the default Window Manager?
[06:47] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> I also see Muffin...as Window Manager
[06:47] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> @guiverc [<guiverc> `apt purge` says to delete configs too, `apt remove` only removes prog …], Got it
[06:54] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> @vadi01 [<vadi01> how to sort?], are you using IMAP?
[07:04] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> @IndianOSR911 [This is for L 19.10 —correct, is it the default Window Manager?], Yes
[07:06] <hamid9041> hello
[07:06] <hamid9041> i whant to make my own iso with the minimal lxqt
[07:07] <hamid9041> i have ubuntu mini iso
[07:08] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> @vadi01 [<vadi01> how to sort?], https://www.lifewire.com/avoid-large-messages-attachments-thunderbird-1173197
[07:08] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Install 'lxqt-core' and 'sddm' and then package it with respin
[07:09] <hamid9041> i did xorg sddm lxqt-cor
[07:09] <hamid9041> e
[07:09] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Package with respin on Pinguy Builder
[07:09] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> *or
[07:10] <hamid9041> ok the prob is it installs also plasma
[07:12] <guiverc> hamid9041, I don't see any plasma in https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/sddm https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/lxqt-core
[07:17] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Try —no-install-recommends
[07:18] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> with SDDM
[07:18] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Or try another Window Manager, if it still installs plasma
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[10:11] <ksamsa> Hi, mainly asking whether I did something horribly wrong without even realising.I have a high spec PC, and I wanted to use lubuntu to try and repair it's ssd's damaged file system.I put the latest lubuntu iso on a pen drive using win32diskimager, and plugged it in.Changed the boot order, and started the lubuntu installation on a 15gb partition
[10:11] <ksamsa> manually made on the pen drive.It's been installing lubuntu for more than 10 hours now, slowly making progresses. How normal is this? I wasn't expecting it to take so long. Could something have gone "subtly" wrong?
[10:11] <ksamsa> Thanks!
[10:14] <diogenes_> ksamsa, looks like a dying drive to me.
[10:14] <ksamsa> You mean the pen drive?
[10:16] <diogenes_> the drive you're installing on, but could be the pendrive too.
[10:16] <ksamsa> Ok, thank you :)
[10:17] <diogenes_> np
=== x4 is now known as x4-
[10:41] <x4-> what irc client is tha best for you? quassel looks like simple :D
[10:42] <diogenes_> hexchat here.
[10:42] <x4-> oo good idea
[10:42] <x4-> ty
[10:42] <diogenes_> np
[10:45] <guiverc> I use `hexchat` too, but being GTK based; it'll likely use more memory on LXQt (GTK+ libs will need to be in memory), I don't care on this 8gb ram box, but maybe would if I had 4gb or less ram.
[10:51] <x4-> 32 gb ram here so idc really
[10:51] <x4-> but ty :)
[11:49] <santimir[m]> im from matrix/riot, it's very nice
[11:49] <santimir[m]> * im from matrix/riot, check it out, it's very nice
[11:50] <santimir[m]> not exactly irc though...
[11:52] <santimir[m]> (there are terminal clients also)
[11:55] <x4-> guys, what to do i need improve my audio quality on lubuntu (yesterday install 20.04) for exmp. on debian sound without pulseaudio etc sounds much better. Help :p
[12:03] <akem> x4-, Do you use the same player than on Debian? I would check player saturation.
[12:03] <akem> You can install and check with alsamixer and/or pavucontrol i guess.
[12:03] <x4-> both vlc
[12:04] <x4-> kk, let me try
[12:05] <x4-> looks like i have already pavucontrol-qt
[12:05] <akem> Yeah, check what options you have there and the volume level.
[12:08] <x4-> using pulseaudio - (im not a expert but looks same like always)
[12:08] <x4-> allow on more then 100%
[12:10] <x4-> also how to use only 2 desktop panels? In LxQT i have custom 4 and dunno how to delete 2 :D
[12:12] <x4-> https://imgur.com/a/0RpOTqI like here
[12:12] <x4-> sorry for my english ;/
[12:17] <akem> You shouldn't go over 100% or you may experience distortions, better get external amplification.
[12:17] <akem> VLC offers an integrated equalizer also, in Tool>Effects and filters.
[12:21] <santimir[m]> preferences --> lxqt settings --> openbox -->desktops
[12:24] <x4-> @santimir[m], ty its works :D
[12:28] <lubot> <IndianOSR911> @Rudra Bali [@IndianOSR911 Go to TTY4 (CTRL+ALT+F4), login with your credentials, type 'sudo …], this is removing almost everything
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[13:55] <santimir[m]> all good. recommend u to try matrix for chat too
[13:55] <santimir[m]> * all good. recommend u to try matrix for chat too x4
=== maccraft is now known as macc24
[15:49] <akem> I see the topic points to lubuntu.me, but on DDG first result is lubuntu.net, it's unofficial or something? I found this strange.
[15:55] <akem> Also i can't find on the website or the manual the difference between Desktop and Alternate downloads...But i found it on Askubuntu.
[16:05] <santimir[m]> .me is the only official one
[16:05] <santimir[m]> * .me is the only official one akem
[16:09] <akem> Okay...but it comes 2nd... on DDG at least :) The download links on .net also points to cdimage.ubuntu.com too, but they are not really well labeled, and one is 18.04 the other is 19.10 without being specified, it says x86 or AMD instead.
[16:09] <akem> Weird.
[16:11] <akem> Same thing on Google by the way.
[16:14] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> Lubuntu.net is an old and non-supported website. It's maintained by the original creator after the project became officially recognized and support by Canonical. Lubuntu.me is the officially website.
[16:45] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> I'd like to pick it up
[16:45] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> In case it is not being developed anymore
[16:46] <lubot> <teward001> in case... what isnt being developed? (I came in late sorry)
[16:46] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Lubuntu.net
[16:47] <lubot> <kc2bez> It isn't operated by the official Lubuntu team.
[16:47] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> I'd like to recontinue it
[16:47] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Unofficially
[16:48] <lubot> <kc2bez> We don't have any control. You would have to ask them. Ideally if they couldjust point to Lubuntu.me that would be best.
[16:48] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yup I will ask them
[16:49] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Where should send my email to them?
[16:49] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Which email address?
[16:50] <lubot> <kc2bez> I have no idea. You will have to look around on their website. We have no affiliation with them and any request we have made goes unanswered.
[16:50] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> @rus
[16:50] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> What?
[16:51] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> Rudra Neither the owner of the site nor the host or domain name registrar have responded to any of my contact attempts. Hopefully you have better luck!
[16:51] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Thanks :)
[16:51] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> I have a calendar reminder set up for when it's currently listed to expire and I may just end up buying the domain.
[16:51] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Ah, I'll check in
[17:03] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> All gone in dot.tk
[17:04] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Everything gone there
[17:06] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Got the domains
[17:11] <santimir[m]> best thing would be only one website of that kind...
[17:12] <lubot> <teward001> which is why the Lubuntu team has been trying to get lubuntu.net when it expires
[17:12] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> Yes, it would. But considering that no one on the Lubuntu team or at Canonical has any control over lubuntu.net that's not possible.
[17:12] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yeah
[17:12] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Lubuntu.me doesn't sound nice, does it
[17:13] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> More like a spam
[17:13] <santimir[m]> agree, so after buying it maybe closing it would be better...
[17:13] <santimir[m]> btw: I've sent an email to help on the lubuntu manual editing, as every now and then I read it, and it's plenty of spelling errors...
[17:13] <santimir[m]> don't know if this is the right place to ask
[17:14] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Got lubuntu.ga, lubuntu.ml, lubuntu.cf and lubuntu.gq
[17:14] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> I guess we should move to off-topic
[17:14] <lubot> <kc2bez> santimir[m] feel free to join our development channel to discuss contributing to the manual.
[17:16] <santimir[m]> maybe, .net sounds slightly better
[17:16] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yeah
[17:16] <santimir[m]> * agree, and .net sounds slightly better
[17:17] <santimir[m]> thanks kc2bez . Will do.
[17:17] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Though lubuntu.ga does sound nice
[17:17] <kc2bez> santimir[m] #lubuntu-devel is the channel
[17:18] <kc2bez> We will gladly welcome any contributions!
[17:19] <axel_> hello
[17:19] <axel_> can someone tell me how to add an icon program to the bottom panel
[17:19] <kc2bez> which version of Lubuntu axel_ ?
[17:20] <axel_> 19.10
[17:21] <kc2bez> You should be able to drag the item from the menu to the quick launch area. It can be a bit tricky to get it in the right location but when the green circle turns green it should be good.
[17:22] <axel_> where is the quick launch area, besides the show desktop icon?
[17:22] <kc2bez> Yes.
[17:25] <axel_> i drag it there in the green circle but nothing happens
[17:25] <axel_> i want the brave browser icon be beside the show desktop like the firefox was
[17:25] <kc2bez> When you see the green circle just let go of the mouse button and it should stay there.
[17:26] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yup
[17:26] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> But drop it first
[17:26] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Before removing the cursor
[17:26] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Basically drag-and-drop
[17:30] <axel_> is there a way to reset the bottom panel because now it doesnt even appear the green circle
[17:55] <santimir[m]> try typing lxqt-panel
[17:55] <santimir[m]> im not an expert, but it won;t brake your system neither...
[17:55] <santimir[m]> * im not an expert, but it won't brake your system neither...
[17:55] <santimir[m]> * try typing `lxqt-panel` on terminal
[17:58] <santimir[m]> it should re launch the bottom panel
[18:01] <santimir[m]> bad idea
[18:30] <kc2bez> santimir[m]: they left the channel right after their question. You shouldn't have to restart you panel as long as the quick launch is present. It is just a bit tough some times to get the drag and drop set just right so the item will drop.
[22:14] <santimir[m]> kc2bez: yes, that's why I remove it later, though you were able to read it somehow...
[22:14] <santimir[m]> * kc2bez: yes, that's why I removed it later, though you were able to read it somehow...
[22:24] <kc2bez> It is ok, you likely only removed it from matrix. the users on IRC and Telegram could still see it. I just didn't want you to wonder why no one replied.
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