UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /26 /#smooth-operator.txt
Initial commit
[04:45] <jam> morning all
[08:52] <Chipaca> 1 2 3 tasting
[08:57] <Chipaca> jam, niemeyer, do you read me?
[09:06] <niemeyer> Moin!
[09:08] <jam> morning Chipaca
[09:11] <Chipaca> Woo, it works! Good morning
[09:14] <jam> back in a bit, working on math homework :)
[09:26] <Chipaca> I was running low on things, went to one supermarket yesterday after dinner and there was a bunch of stuff I couldn't get. So I had an early breakfast and came to a different supermarket only to find it was only open for OAPs until 9... Hence irccloud
[09:27] <Chipaca> On the upside I got everything but tea, now
=== __chip__ is now known as Chipaca
[09:56] <Chipaca> facubatista: thank you for letting me know. "checkpoint" is just a note to myself, "this is how far I got"
[09:57] <Chipaca> glad you were able to get deeper into it with gustavo y'day
[10:51] <Chipaca> hmm, how can we avoid pydoc showing the license as the module's description?
[10:55] <jam> If there are 3 spheres of radius 1, inside a cylinder of height 2 with radius just enough to hold the spheres, what is the fraction of volume of the cylinder occupied by the spheres.
[10:55] <jam> been a long time since I did that kind of math.
[10:55] <jam> was kind of fun
[11:11] <Chipaca> facubatista, jam, niemeyer, WDYT? https://github.com/chipaca/operator/blob/docs-take-2/README.md
[11:12] <facubatista> Muy buenos días a todos!
[11:12] <niemeyer> Hey hey
[11:12] <Chipaca> facubatista: gooooooooooood morning!
[11:12] <facubatista> aló aló
[11:13] <facubatista> jam, volume of the cylinder minus 2 * volume of the sphere
[11:13] <Chipaca> facubatista, jam, niemeyer, to be clear i'm asking if you like the README, the TBD links are still TBD :)
[11:13] <facubatista> (as you had two spheres)
[11:14] <facubatista> Chipaca, will read
[11:14] <niemeyer> Chipaca: I like how it starts, but there's something missing before "testing your charms"
[11:14] <Chipaca> niemeyer: "breaking your charms"
[11:14] * Chipaca hides
[11:14] <niemeyer> Chipaca: The part of the current document that explains the overall strategy for writing the charm seems important
[11:15] <Chipaca> niemeyer: I can put the minimal requirements for writing a charm there, then
[11:16] <Chipaca> the current "recommendation" for the layout is not nice, and I'd like us to stop recommending it, or at least to not make it so front-and-centre
[11:16] <niemeyer> Chipaca: Yeah, it seems important to provide some kind of "north" to people that open an editor and need to do something
[11:16] <Chipaca> sounds good
[11:17] <Chipaca> I had that, but then it got too long winded and so i nuked it. I should've instead pared it down... :)
[11:18] <Chipaca> also, note i mention rpdb but that's just because i wanted to see how it tasted, having a "require this, and optionally this other thing to get this extra bit"
[11:19] <Chipaca> and it seems to be fine
[11:19] <facubatista> Chipaca, even before; I think it's valuable to mention at least once that this is about charms in the intro before getting started
[11:19] <Chipaca> I'll try :)
[11:19] <facubatista> I don't want people reading "The Operator Framework provides a simple, lightweight, and powerful way of encapsulating operational experience in code" and thinking "nice, k8s"
[11:20] <Chipaca> what is k3s, btw?
[11:20] <facubatista> "nice, ansible"
[11:20] <facubatista> etc
[11:20] <Chipaca> so I should mention juju and charms in that same sentence, then
[11:21] <Chipaca> I think we still had a tiny bit of space before the mobile rendering got pushed off screen, so it should work
[11:21] <facubatista> "The Operator Framework provides a simple, lightweight, and powerful way of building charms, the best way to encapsulate operational experience in code."
[11:25] <Chipaca> facubatista: *juju* charms?
[11:27] <facubatista> Chipaca, or maybe the charm word itself is a link to somewhere which includes what is a charm
[11:27] <Chipaca> googling "what is a juju charm" is not a nice look
[11:28] <facubatista> Chipaca, shall we provide a PR on that readme? how we can add comments?
[11:28] <Chipaca> facubatista: I'll push a PR shortly
[11:28] <Chipaca> i linked to the WIP one to see if I was completely MFT
[11:28] <niemeyer> k3s is a self-contained k8s.. Think microk8s, but a different implementation of it
[11:29] <Chipaca> looks like somebody took a planer to the 8
[11:33] <facubatista> Chipaca, "MFT"?
[11:33] <Chipaca> er
[11:33] <Chipaca> facubatista: urinating outside of the appropriate receptacle
[11:33] <Chipaca> probably a grulic-ism
[11:34] <facubatista> is understable also in the rest of .ar, I guess
[11:36] <Chipaca> :)
[11:37] <jam> Chipaca, k3s is a minimialist install/installer of kubernetes. https://k3s.io/
[11:38] <jam> Missing the F'n Target
[11:40] <facubatista> Chipaca, use capital P in Python unless you're really meaning the command; we'll not use rpdb; "dive into the tutorial" I thought it was telling me to go off and read more about juju and charms, but it looks it's an operator itself tutorial?;
[11:41] <Chipaca> ok wrt python
[11:41] <facubatista> Chipaca, "pydoc3 ops.testing has the details for that" you're telling me to clone the project and run a command just to see more about testing harness? gross
[11:41] <Chipaca> tutorial is our tutorial
[11:41] <Chipaca> facubatista: until we have something better, that is the best i can do
[11:41] <Chipaca> i mean, yes, gross, but what else should i do?
[11:42] <Chipaca> extra gross because pydoc's description will be the copyright (eww)
[11:43] <facubatista> ack
[11:52] <Chipaca> jam: heh, i like that backronim :)
[11:53] <Chipaca> backronym
[11:58] <jam> seems they are conducting "National Sanitization" over the weekend, and will be restricting grocery store access, etc. So I need to do grocery shopping before the weekend, and chances are good they will get overwhelmed if I'm late.
[11:58] <jam> My wife just found out from her work, so we're heading out. I'll try to be back for standup.
[11:59] <Chipaca> jam: good luck!
[11:59] <Chipaca> facubatista: https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/190 FWIW
[11:59] <Chipaca> I'm going for a run, and then a quick lunch
[12:38] <facubatista> everybody: this is refreshed now https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zKwzo26bNVFgohaRB_kdUCsFPY3OcjfcpQklGpkOHpc/
[13:23] <Chipaca> facubatista: ack
[15:49] <facubatista> niemeyer, Chipaca, this is refreshed with all we talked about: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zKwzo26bNVFgohaRB_kdUCsFPY3OcjfcpQklGpkOHpc/
[15:49] <facubatista> note that having one env var is nice and simple, it complicates a little the case for multiple hooks, there is one comment (the only one I left) for this
[16:16] * facubatista -> lunch
[16:37] * facubatista -> lunch, for real now
[16:37] * Chipaca intercepted facu before his lunch
[16:37] <Chipaca> mea culpa, mea culpa, etc
[17:47] * facubatista is back
[17:50] * Chipaca celebrates
=== Chipaca_ is now known as ChipaPhone
[18:20] <Chipaca> I'm going to go ahead and EOD
[18:20] <Chipaca> y'all be good
[20:26] * facubatista eods