UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /26 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== samuel is now known as Guest99263
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest25127
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
[08:36] <UFO2> Hi everybody, I get this error message: ' openttd: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libiculx.so.60: undefined symbol: _ZNK6icu_6012LayoutEngine14getCharIndicesEPiiR11LEErrorCode ' wen i will open openttd on my lubuntu 19.10 64-bit machine. nows somebody a solution for this problem?
[10:42] <UFO2> Hi everybody, I get this error message: ' openttd: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libiculx.so.60: undefined symbol: _ZNK6icu_6012LayoutEngine14getCharIndicesEPiiR11LEErrorCode ' wen i will open openttd on my lubuntu 19.10 64-bit machine. nows somebody a solution for this problem?
[11:20] <Bozo5995> Hi, I want to install Lubuntu on an old computer: celeron 1GHz with less than 192 Mo RAM
[11:21] <Bozo5995> I tried to download version 12.04 but it seems to be no more available ?
[11:24] <UFO2> @Bozo5995, akrding to this artikel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/AdvancedMethods yuo can install lubuntu on you celeron machine. i advise you to read this artikel
[11:25] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> 12.04 is outdated and should not be use
[11:25] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> *used
[11:25] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> 192 MB will be very less to run a browser
[11:25] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Try sticking to the original OS
[11:26] <UFO2> or try linux lite (i think) or puppy linux
[11:26] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yup
[11:45] <guiverc> Bozo5995, Lubuntu is a flavor of ubuntu, as such it's LTS releases have a supported life of 3 years, 12.04 (or 2012-April release) reached EOL (end-of-life) in 2015-April; 3 years after release, the oldest supported release is Lubuntu 18.04 LTS (supported until 2021-April, or 3 years from release)
[12:10] <Bozo5995> Thanx all your quick answers. What about GALPon MiniNo ?
[12:43] <lubot> Nikish21 was added by: Nikish21
[12:44] <lubot> <Nikish21> Hi there, … I tried installing lubuntu … For which i made a live usb with rufus tool and ended up … Fix Minimal BASH like line editing is supported GRUB Error
[12:45] <lubot> <Nikish21> and i already googled the issue, but couldnt find a suitable solution
[12:47] <lubot> <tbs61> hello, are you new about installing linux or?
[12:47] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> It seems so
[12:48] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [hello, are you new about installing linux or?], Yeah, have installed linux distro thrice only … with dual boot
[12:48] <lubot> <Nikish21> didnt encounter any issue so :(
[12:49] <lubot> <tbs61> are u trying to install it alone now? with no another os?
[12:49] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [are u trying to install it alone now? with no another os?], alongside windows
[12:49] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Have you installed or is this the LiveCD crashing
[12:50] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [Have you installed or is this the LiveCD crashing], im using a usb to boot it … right when the pc boots up while trying to boot lubuntu i get that error
[12:50] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Ah, I know about this
[12:50] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Try out Etcher
[12:50] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [Try out Etcher], I tried with that as well
[12:50] <lubot> <tbs61> banana etcher
[12:51] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> System's main USB?
[12:51] <lubot> <Nikish21> balence echer
[12:51] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> Redownload your ISO via BitTorrent if possible so it autoverifies.
[12:51] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Balena
[12:51] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> that sounds like a corrupted iso
[12:51] <lubot> <tbs61> xD
[12:51] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yeah, try it
[12:51] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> It's possible
[12:51] <lubot> <Nikish21> @TheLimeRunner [that sounds like a corrupted iso], ok
[12:52] <lubot> <tbs61> also i want to share a thing i experienced about this
[12:52] <lubot> <Nikish21> so 19.10 is the latest?
[12:52] <lubot> <tbs61> yes
[12:52] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yup
[12:52] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Development 20.04
[12:53] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Perhaps it is hardware support issue
[12:53] <lubot> <tbs61> i was using win7, tried to install linux, i need to install uefi way to my laptop
[12:53] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> In that case, 20.04 will work
[12:53] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Since this is old harware
[12:53] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> *hardware
[12:53] <lubot> <Nikish21> my pc is i3 3220+4gb ram, gpt uefi
[12:53] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> It should work
[12:54] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> But Ubuntu should support it
[12:54] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Unless you're looking for speed
[12:54] <lubot> <Nikish21> i need a superlight distro
[12:54] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Don't worry; my laptop runs Ubuntu and has same specs
[12:54] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> That too 19.10
[12:55] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> 3210m processor
[12:55] <lubot> <Nikish21> i just need for browsing internet and compile android kernels
[12:55] <lubot> <tbs61> i got very hard times really till i learn a thing, GPT, i tried to not touch my D drive cuz i had files there, tried to install linux to C only, but i found that i need to format all hdd to GPT, till finding that i tried so many times to install linux:/, so u may keep that in mind
[12:55] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Don't try compiling Android kernels
[12:55] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> C: doesn't exit in Linux
[12:55] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> There are mount points
[12:56] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Nikish, you should not use a system with such specs
[12:56] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> I use my Xeon for such stuff
[12:56] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [Don't try compiling Android kernels], i have been doing it on linux for 3 years now.
[12:56] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Then use something like Puppy
[12:56] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Puppy Linux
[12:57] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [Puppy Linux], kinda confused now … should i opt for lubuntu or pupply
[12:58] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yup, puppy not puply
[12:58] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> Try Lubuntu, if it's too heavy for your specs try out a different light weight distro.
[12:58] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Try out Lubuntu
[12:59] <lubot> <Nikish21> @TheLimeRunner [Try Lubuntu, if it's too heavy for your specs try out a different light weight d …], 19.10 or 20.04?
[12:59] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> 20.04 for hardware support, 19.10 for stability
[12:59] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> 20.04 has not been released and is not recommened for daily use, but you can give it a shot.
[13:00] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> They're going to have almost identical hardware support.
[13:00] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yup
[13:00] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> Please do not recommend unreleased software to users.
[13:00] <lubot> <Nikish21> Actually i need for long term … not a advanced user just basic usage
[13:00] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> I guess 19.10 doesn't support his hardware
[13:00] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> But keep 19.10 first, just as John said
[13:01] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> 19.10 I guess is for you
[13:01] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Not 20.04
[13:01] <lubot> <Nikish21> ok thanks
[13:01] <lubot> <Nikish21> downloading 19.10
[13:01] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> My pleasure
[13:02] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> If possible download via bittorrent so it auto-verifies the ISO for you.
[13:02] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yeah good advice
[13:02] <lubot> <Nikish21> @TheLimeRunner [If possible download via bittorrent so it auto-verifies the ISO for you.], ok thanks. utorrent is fine as well or bittorrent is mandatory?
[13:02] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Utorrent is by Bittorrent
[13:02] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Bittorrent is the protocol
[13:03] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> Sorry should have just said torrent it's confusing.
[13:03] <lubot> <Nikish21> Oh yes. thanks
[13:03] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> Any torrent client is fine.
[13:03] <lubot> <Nikish21> Thanks
[13:03] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> :)
[13:11] <lubot> <Nikish21> https://lubuntu.net/ is not the actual website for lubuntu?
[13:12] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> lubuntu.me is the official website.
[13:12] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> Lubuntu.net is deprecated.
[13:12] <lubot> <Nikish21> @TheLimeRunner [lubuntu.me is the official website.], ah. last time i downloaded it from .net
[13:12] <lubot> <Nikish21> @TheLimeRunner [Lubuntu.net is deprecated.], Thanks
[13:13] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Great you found a solution :)
[13:13] <lubot> <TheLimeRunner> They link to the canonical website for images, so they are valid. But they lack the torrent links, so you may end up downloading an incomplete ISO depending on the strength of your HTTP connection.
[13:13] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yup
[13:14] <lubot> <Nikish21> @TheLimeRunner [They link to the canonical website for images, so they are valid. But they lack …], yeah my connection is not stable. But i can see the site has md5 which i can verify after download
[13:58] <lubot> <mostfa_23> Why ?
[14:51] <lubot> <Nikish21> Guys, do i need to make the bootable usb from rufus or balena etcher … on rufus i can select gpt and uefi separately … or balene will work by default
[15:10] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Either
[15:10] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> I use balena Etcher
[15:10] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [I use balena Etcher], u have uefi and gpt?
[15:10] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> :) And it works better than Rufus
[15:11] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yup
[15:11] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [:) And it works better than Rufus], Do you suggest me linuxswap?
[15:11] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> ??
[15:11] <lubot> <Nikish21> I actually dont know if i actually need that swap partition
[15:11] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Nah
[15:11] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> It's of no use
[15:11] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [It's of no use], Ok
[15:11] <lubot> <aptghetto> Calamares doesn't create a swap
[15:12] <lubot> <Nikish21> so i just need root partition
[15:12] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yup
[15:12] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Aren't you using Etcher?
[15:12] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Etcher doesn't ask for options, does it?
[15:12] <lubot> <aptghetto> If you need swap, then you should create the swap partition before the installation
[15:12] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [Aren't you using Etcher?], Im still downloading it . About to finish
[15:12] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Ah
[15:12] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [Etcher doesn't ask for options, does it?], Yes it doesnt
[15:12] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yup
[15:12] <lubot> <Nikish21> @aptghetto [If you need swap, then you should create the swap partition before the installat …], is it really needed?
[15:12] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> I got confused
[15:13] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> It isn't
[15:13] <lubot> <aptghetto> How can I know, what you need and what you don't need?
[15:13] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [I got confused], my free storage is 146 gb how much should i set root partition?
[15:13] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> It will do automatically
[15:13] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Don't worry
[15:13] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Calameres isn't DIY
[15:14] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> not like LFS
[15:14] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [It will do automatically], actually im gonna do a dual boot with manual partitioning
[15:14] <lubot> <Nikish21> so
[15:14] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> It will give options for that
[15:14] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> to Dual Boot
[15:14] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> I have a similar setup
[15:15] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [I have a similar setup], it will automatically set the needed partition?
[15:15] <lubot> <Nikish21> in the unallocated free space
[15:15] <lubot> <Nikish21> ?
[15:15] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> It will ask for amount of storage need to be allocated
[15:16] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> And you can do manual partitioning, but that is for advanced users
[15:16] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [And you can do manual partitioning, but that is for advanced users], yeah i have to do that only
[15:16] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> From Windows, try to shrink your main partition and boot into Calamares installer for Linux
[15:17] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> I mean Lubuntu Installer in simple terms
[15:17] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [From Windows, try to shrink your main partition and boot into Calamares installe …], yeah i have already shrinked it and 146gb is free for lubuntu
[15:17] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> There you can select the option for manual partitioning and set the root partition to the one you created previously
[15:19] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [There you can select the option for manual partitioning and set the root partiti …], EFI Partition is not needed i suppose?
[15:19] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> No
[15:19] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> It will be setup
[15:19] <lubot> <aptghetto> Yes, it is needed, if you install it in UEFI mode, but there is one present, if you have Windows also in UEFI mode
[15:19] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> by Calameres
[15:19] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yup
[15:19] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> That is what I meant
[15:20] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> And you can install GRUB if you want to
[15:20] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> If you need to set boot params etc
[15:20] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> It will ask you
[15:21] <lubot> <Nikish21> Little confused :P
[15:21] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Don't worry, set up GRUB
[15:21] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> No need to understand what I'd said
[15:21] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> @Nikish21
[15:21] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Don't worry
[15:22] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Use GRUB
[15:22] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> You will be asked to setup or not
[15:22] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> You won't have choice to use a partition you created earlier
[15:22] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Rudra Bali [You will be asked to setup or not], I better ping you while at manual partitioning
[15:22] <lubot> <Nikish21> if you dont mind?
[15:23] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> Yeah :)
[15:24] <lubot> <Rudra Bali> I'd really like to help πŸ˜€
[17:32] <sonny> sup
[17:37] <TyZef> Hi guys ! Is there anyone who know what is the file finder on lxde that integrate in pcmanfm?
=== Bidourick is now known as TyZef
[19:44] <lubot> <Nikish21> Anyone can tell, if net speed applet is there for lubuntu 19.10 lxqt
[19:45] <lubot> <Nikish21> i am not able to find one
[19:46] <wxl> speed of........................ ?
[19:46] <lubot> <Nikish21> @wxl [<wxl> speed of........................ ?], i need a software to show the internet speed at the panel
[19:47] <lubot> <teward001> doing a constant speed test on the panel is going to actually be detrimental
[19:47] <lubot> <teward001> in terms of net speed
[19:47] <lubot> <teward001> so any type of applet would need to have some time delay
[19:47] <lubot> <Nikish21> @teward001 [doing a constant speed test on the panel is going to actually be detrimental], not a speed test , just a speed meter
[19:48] <lubot> <teward001> same thing
[19:48] <lubot> <teward001> speed meter still needs an active connection to *track* speeds
[19:48] <lubot> <teward001> and to my knowledge there is no such applets out there
[19:48] <lubot> <teward001> closest thing I've got is an iperf script that spits out data every few hours
[19:48] <lubot> <teward001> but that's not an applet
[19:48] <wxl> yeah i know of no such thing. you could write one ;)
[19:49] <lubot> <Nikish21> @teward001 [closest thing I've got is an iperf script that spits out data every few hours], https://i.stack.imgur.com/jBGEa.jpg
[19:49] <lubot> <Nikish21> this exist for ubuntu but not for lubuntu?
[19:49] <wxl> gnome is not lxqt
[19:51] <lubot> <Nikish21> @wxl [<wxl> gnome is not lxqt], i though it would exist
[19:51] <wxl> you know what they say about assumptions
[19:51] <lubot> <teward001> that's GNOME
[19:51] <lubot> <teward001> not LXQt
[19:51] <lubot> <teward001> and I was talking about LXQt
[19:51] <lubot> <teward001> you can't mix GNOME and LXQt data
[19:53] <lubot> <Nikish21> @teward001 [you can't mix GNOME and LXQt applets], i just though a similar functioning applet might exist
[19:53] <lubot> <Nikish21> thanks
[19:54] <wxl> you can always make an upstream feature request
[20:03] <lubot> <teward001> what wxl said
[20:03] <lubot> <teward001> but no i know of no such applet
[20:04] <lubot> <teward001> and I don't think wxl does either (and they know more about LXQt than I do)
[20:04] <lubot> <teward001> OH GOOD my coffee is ready and my caffeine and sugar supply have arrived
[20:04] <lubot> <tbs61> do u mean, maybe, speedmeter to show ur download and upload speed while u r downloading and uploading at panel? if so there s already
[20:04] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [do u mean, maybe, speedmeter to show ur download and upload speed while u r down …], Yes
[20:04] <lubot> <teward001> @tbs61 in LXQt?
[20:04] <lubot> <Nikish21> I need that
[20:04] <lubot> <Nikish21> please share
[20:04] <lubot> <tbs61> sure, give me some mins
[20:05] <lubot> <tbs61> but it would show u 0 if internet trafic is 0
[20:05] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [but it would show u 0 if internet trafic is 0], no problem
[20:05] <lubot> <Nikish21> i need to just monitor my usage
[20:05] <lubot> <tbs61> u ll see how many mb or kb u r downloading or uploading currently
[20:05] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [u ll see how many mb or kb u r downloading or uploading currently], Yes
[20:06] <lubot> <teward001> > monitor usage
[20:06] <lubot> <Nikish21> Please
[20:06] <lubot> <teward001> do you mean instantaneous speed or overall data usage/transfer?
[20:06] <lubot> <teward001> because those're different things
[20:06] <lubot> <Nikish21> @teward001 [do you mean instantaneous speed or overall data usage/transfer?], Yes
[20:06] <lubot> <teward001> that's a "pick an option" question
[20:06] <lubot> <teward001> not a "yes/no" question
[20:06] <lubot> <tbs61> i also want to see that, so that s how i know:D
[20:06] <lubot> <Nikish21> @teward001 [that's a "pick an option" question], instantaneous speed
[20:07] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [i also want to see that, so that s how i know:D], Yes please share
[20:08] <lubot> <Nikish21> Anyways, does updating new updates not apparently slow down the pc? … Im new to this distro πŸ˜…
[20:13] <lubot> <tbs61> im uploading video now
[20:14] <lubot> <teward001> depends on the updates, patches, etc. that go out
[20:14] <lubot> <teward001> for example if there's a patch to something in the kernel that will affect overall performance due to a CPU flaw that's being worked around...
[20:14] <lubot> <teward001> ... that could impact your performance
[20:15] <lubot> <teward001> but "speed of the system" isn't necessarily directly affected/caused by updates.
[20:15] <lubot> <tbs61> at video i showed settings, if u use wifi for ur internet u need to change that little setting
[20:18] <lubot> <tbs61> so how is it?
[20:22] <lubot> <tbs61> ?
[20:44] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [<reply to image>], is it possible to get the value instead of bar?
[20:54] <TyZef> hi guys ! I need a help, if any of you is using pcmanfm, do you know what is the package pcmanfm is using for "search files Maj+Ctrl+F" ?
[20:56] <lubot> <tbs61> @Nikish21 [is it possible to get the value instead of bar?], i dont know, but bar actually has max value so u may understand how many % of internet u r using of ur max internet if u set it
[20:56] <lubot> <tbs61> like if ur max download speed s 2mb/sn like mine u can set it at settings like i showed at video so u would understand
[20:57] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [i dont know, but bar actually has max value so u may understand how many % of in …], I understand, but a simple thing better shown directly
[20:58] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [i dont know, but bar actually has max value so u may understand how many % of in …], Are you aware of any other alternative widget to this
[20:58] <lubot> <Nikish21> @Nikish21 [https://i.stack.imgur.com/jBGEa.jpg], Like this that shows the instantaneous
[20:58] <lubot> <Nikish21> Speed
[20:59] <lubot> <tbs61> no, i understand what u want but sorry...
[20:59] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [no, i understand what u want but sorry...], Ok
[21:02] <lubot> <tbs61> @TyZef [<TyZef> hi guys ! I need a help, if any of you is using pcmanfm, do you know wha …], i wonder what is this mean "search files Maj+Ctrl+F" , it s not that i think i can help u actually
[21:02] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [no, i understand what u want but sorry...], If there is anywhere to request it?
[21:03] <lubot> <Nikish21> I guess it's a feature of the desktop environment ? Or the distro
[21:03] <lubot> <tbs61> at lubuntu, here s the guys who develop it, lxqt
[21:03] <lubot> <tbs61> lubuntu is something like ubuntu+lxqt
[21:04] <lubot> <tbs61> other than here, lubuntu has forum, u can request there to show it more clearly
[21:05] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [lubuntu is something like ubuntu+lxqt], Oh
[21:05] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [other than here, lubuntu has forum, u can request there to show it more clearly], Thanks
[21:05] <lubot> <tbs61> https://discourse.lubuntu.me/
[21:05] <lubot> <tbs61> here s the forum
[21:06] <TyZef> tbs61 to me say that is it?
[21:06] <TyZef> i am in irc, "lubot" is showing me your message
[21:07] <lubot> <tbs61> tyzef, yes, i asked a question to u, im using telegram currently so bot carry my message to u
[21:08] <lubot> <Nikish21> Can I know how this bot work … Quite curious
[21:08] <TyZef> oh I see
[21:08] <TyZef> yes wait
[21:09] <lubot> <tbs61> it carry messages to irc from telegram and to telegram from irc
[21:09] <TyZef> tbs61 please can you send me the telegram link
[21:09] <lubot> <tbs61> for lubuntu
[21:09] <lubot> <tbs61> sure
[21:09] <lubot> <tbs61> let me find it
[21:11] <lubot> <Nikish21> @tbs61 [let me find it], So all the messages from here are getting posted on IRC as well
[21:11] <lubot> <Nikish21> Cool
[21:11] <lubot> <tbs61> yeah, i just saw that at lubuntu only
[21:12] <lubot> <tbs61> no any other irc or telegram group
[21:12] <lubot> <Nikish21> Cool
[21:13] <TyZef> can I come to your telegram group?
[21:13] <lubot> <tbs61> https://t.me/joinchat/DH6s1ELAZuugqvFu0kbjjg
[21:13] <lubot> <tbs61> sure
[21:13] <lubot> <tbs61> i guess that s the link
[21:13] <lubot> <tbs61> im not sure:D
[21:13] <TyZef> cool
[21:13] <TyZef> tanks
[21:14] <lubot> <tbs61> https://lubuntu.me/links/
[21:14] <lubot> <tbs61> i found it here
[21:14] <lubot> <tbs61> yw^^
[21:14] <lubot> <tbs61> actually, there should be links for lubuntu telegram at irc window if lubuntu if i remember right
[21:15] <lubot> <tbs61> but it seems u don t see them
[21:15] <lubot> AbooZaahir was added by: AbooZaahir
[21:15] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Yo!
[21:15] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Haha
[21:15] <lubot> <tbs61> hi
[21:16] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> (Photo, 1278x590) https://i.imgur.com/Fn7NSgo.jpg
[21:16] <lubot> <tbs61> telegram has many ghoups of linux distros
[21:17] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Can you see?
[21:17] <lubot> <tbs61> at top of window at picture, u can see telegram link
[21:17] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Yes
[21:18] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> I will try to
[21:19] <lubot> <tbs61> new lts of ubuntu ll be released next month
[21:19] <lubot> <tbs61> maybe devs here r busy cuz of that
[21:20] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Ohhh.... Yeah it's okay
[21:20] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> I understand
[21:20] <lubot> <tbs61> but im glad i can help a little, cuz they helped me so many times:D
[21:20] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Good!
[21:20] <lubot> <tbs61> they r good guys really
[21:20] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Yes that's the Free world !
[21:21] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Free guys are like that
[21:21] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> I mean the GNU/Linux world
[21:22] <lubot> <tbs61> yeah
[21:22] <lubot> <tbs61> i like their work
[21:22] <lubot> <tbs61> im thankfull
[21:22] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Actually I am not under Lubuntu, but I have been roaming here and there, that's a cool vibe !
[21:23] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Yes me too
[21:26] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> I am thankful to all those guys
[21:27] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Should donate them something when it's possible, even if it is small
[21:27] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Because the time all this people spend for it to be as it is !
[21:27] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> At least to give a coffee ! Hehe !
[21:27] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> πŸ‘πŸΌ
[21:28] <lubot> <tbs61> at lubuntu forum there u can see something for that
[21:28] <lubot> <tbs61> im jobless currently so i dont think i can do that:D
[21:29] <lubot> <tbs61> but i use lubuntu at videos at my newly yotube channel
[21:29] <lubot> <tbs61> cuz i like lubuntu and also devs of it here
[21:29] <lubot> <tbs61> so i recommend it
[21:30] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> @tbs61 [im jobless currently so i dont think i can do that:D], Yes it's okay ! Even 10 years later ! Just to keep in mind !
[21:31] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Hey it's okay never mind!
[21:32] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> I hope you can find a good job soon mate !
[21:33] <lubot> <tbs61> i hope
[21:33] <lubot> <tbs61> thanks^^
[21:33] <lubot> <tbs61> i try really:D
[21:33] <lubot> <AbooZaahir> Welcome !!!
[21:34] <lubot> <tbs61> im going to sleep, cya, gn ^^
[21:38] <TyZef> yes thank you good night !