UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /26 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:05] <Roey> Hi. With Kubuntu, is it upon me as a user to execute this as a script every few months? https://pastebin.com/WEDenMcB
[00:15] <Roey> I do this because all the snapshots that dpkg creates take up space
[01:29] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I have not used snapshots before, but typical answer is "yes", the user is responsible for the cleanup.
[01:30] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> same with "sudo apt autoremove" to clean up older packages/kernels.
=== ettore is now known as ettore_
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[04:01] <eegore> Is ther a way to view HTML content in Kontact?
[04:01] <eegore> ie: Kmail
[04:05] <valorie> eegore: of course
[04:06] <eegore> Would I do this automatically or should I do this on a case by case basis
[04:06] <eegore> Like part of contact list
[04:09] <valorie> as I recall, you can do it by source, always allow it, or do it one at a time
[04:09] <valorie> some never allow it
[04:09] <valorie> some always do
[04:10] <valorie> and some go the middle way with trusted sources
[04:10] <eegore> some of these are my regular accounts
[04:10] <valorie> for in-depth questions you'll want #kontact
[04:15] <eegore> Damn, found my printer right away
[04:41] <eegore> I love when a plan comes together
[04:56] <eegore> I forgot what they replace top with for process control
[04:57] <eegore> nm, it installed by default
[05:08] <valorie> top is there, and one can use htop as well
[05:08] <valorie> also we have system monitor
[05:08] <valorie> control + escape for the little version
=== Katnip is now known as yarddog
=== yarddog is now known as Guest63603
=== Guest63603 is now known as katnip
[05:28] <eegore> I end up using more console aps on this box since it is only an atom proc
[05:29] <eegore> nothing to write home about
[05:35] <valorie> I used to have a little atom netbook
[05:35] <valorie> it was a cutie, but seriously underpowered
[05:41] <howyoubeen> I'm chugging away on a 10 year old hand-me-down i3 laptop. It's running a heck of a lot better than I thought it would.
=== Roey is now known as wodenslament
[07:14] <lordievader> Good morning
=== PeGaSuS- is now known as PeGaSuS
[08:25] <statut777> Hi what is the best messanger for LAN ? thx
[08:31] <lordievader> statut777: What do you mean?
[08:32] <statut777> lordievader, I need instant messanger that work on local network, thx
[08:33] <lordievader> Matrix would work in that instance, given that the homeserver is in the same network.
[08:33] <lordievader> https://matrix.org/
[08:34] <Lacus86> Good day
[08:34] <Lacus86> My quick question is what is the minimum processor requirement for Kubuntu 18.04.4 LTS? I would like to use Intel® Celeron® 1007U Processor 1.5 Ghz with 4 gb rams. Thanks in advance for the answer!
[08:34] <statut777> lordievader, thx, I ll check
[08:47] <lordievader> Lacus86: Don't think there is a real minimum processor requirement. However, if you have a real slow processor you might want to run something lighter than KDE. And even then it may be a test of patience.
[08:57] <IrcsomeBot> <METHD3ALER> someone faced an issue with brightness, my issue is everytime i reboot the brightness is reset to maximum
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest98171
[09:50] <Lacus86> thank s
[10:22] <BluesKaj> Howdy folks
[11:23] <IrcsomeBot> <Semi> @ericadams, Was there ever a solution for this one?
[11:26] <IrcsomeBot> <ericadams> @Semi, I had the same thing happen in Ubuntu and was able to fix it by switching kernels. There is or was something in the 5.4 kernel that wasn't working properly.
[11:26] <IrcsomeBot> <Semi> Thanks, I will try a newer kernel then.
[11:27] <IrcsomeBot> <ericadams> Hope that works for you too
[13:12] <TomyWork> I'm on 18.04 and i noticed that VPN passwords are stored as clear text (albeit accessible only to root). Can those be stored in the wallet instead?
[13:12] <TomyWork> they're in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections
=== wodenslament is now known as Roey
[13:31] <viewer|1> hello
[13:32] <oerheks> :-)
[13:33] <viewer|1> who know how can I set my system language to Chinese
[13:33] <viewer|1> now some place in my system is Chinese language,but most are english
[13:34] <viewer|1> I am not good at using KDE
[13:34] <viewer|1> quite different from gnome
[13:35] <oerheks> Did you ran updates after changing? you might need to reboot to let language changes take effect systemwide..
[13:35] <viewer|1> I have rebooted
[13:36] <viewer|1> Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/22597cb9bddc428c9548993b15bcb6d5/image.png
[13:36] <viewer|1> but still like this
[13:37] <viewer|1> and my language setting option is Chinese
[15:39] <acid41> hi
[15:40] <acid41> have a littel problem when hexchat
[15:40] <acid41> in irc hispano put 1970 1 enero
[15:40] <acid41> gener
[15:40] <acid41> no put the real date
[15:40] <acid41> today
[15:41] <acid41> any people hel me please
[15:41] <acid41> any people help me please
=== saige is now known as saigel
[16:16] <BWBX> Hi,
[16:16] <BWBX> I have just done an update of kubuntu 18.10 as 30 packages needed to be updated.
[16:17] <BWBX> I used apt-get dist-upgrade and it received an error code.
[16:19] <BWBX> Since there is a packet conflict which is will not resolve. Anyone know what to do?
[16:19] <BWBX> It recommended using "apt --fix-broken install" but that doesn't do anything either
[16:20] <BWBX> Error message:
[16:20] <BWBX> dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/libreoffice-math_1%3a6.4.2-0ubuntu0.18.04.2_amd64.deb (--unpack):
[16:20] <BWBX> trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/config/soffice.cfg/modules/smath/menubar/menubar.xml', which is also in package libreoffice-common 1:6.3.5~rc2-0ubuntu0.18.04.1~l
[16:21] <BWBX> Now libreoffice does not work at all
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[16:57] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> What PPA's are enabled? Sound like you need to PPA purge an old or experimental ppa...
[17:08] <Metamorphosis> Hello everyone
[17:10] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/NPD07Pex/file_26123.mp4
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=== kubuntu is now known as Guest32002
[17:45] <Guest32002> hello to all
[17:46] <Guest32002> just triying to install Kubuntu in my pc where I have a 120gSSD and 1T HD , I0d like to install home on the HD and boot and SW on the SSD do you thonk is correct?
=== Guest32002 is now known as kubuntu__
=== kubuntu__ is now known as Guest32002
[17:49] <Guest32002> any help?
[17:52] <Guest32002> just triying to install Kubuntu 18 LTS in my pc where I have a 120gSSD and 1T HD , I'd like to install home on the HD and boot and SW on the SSD do you think is correct?
[17:54] <Guest32002> any help?
[18:00] <Guest32002> just triying to install Kubuntu 18 LTS in my pc where I have a 120gSSD and 1T HD , I'd like to install home on the HD and boot and SW on the SSD do you think is correct?
[18:02] <IrcsomeBot> <Swift110> Hey all
[18:03] <Guest32002> hey
[18:03] <Guest32002> there is a live on Mars
[18:03] <Guest32002> ;)
[18:12] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Guest32002: Are you installing along side an existing OS or formatting all drives?
[18:36] <dash_> Hi
[20:02] <Guest32002> just triying to install Kubuntu 18 LTS in my pc where I have a 120gSSD and 1T HD , I'd like to install home on the HD and boot and SW on the SSD do you think is correct?
[20:12] <masonbee-M> Guest32002 My 2 cents.
[20:12] <masonbee-M> On my laptop I have a 256gb ssd and a 1tb harddrive. Because I wanted it to be encrypted I installed to the ssd (encrypted) and then created a new partition on the harddrive and encrypted it using the method at Average Linux user (https://averagelinuxuser.com/encrypt-hard-drive-in-linux/). As your ssd is smaller, then if it was an unencrypted install I would do what you are suggesting, put everything but home on the ssd
[20:12] <masonbee-M> and home on the hd. Or, if I wanted to encrypt it I would install it all to the ssd, format and encrypt the hd as per the average linux user instructions and then go into fstab afterwards and change where home.
[20:13] <juacom99> hi i got kind of a dum question: is changing the render engin going to improve/deteriorate my game's performance in any way?
[20:14] <juacom99> the ones that run nativly i mean
[20:16] <masonbee-M> Guest32002 My 2 cents...part 2
[20:16] <masonbee-M> Forgot to say, in my first instance where I wanted it encrypted I then mounted the volume inside the home folder as /home/myname/Archive. My fstab in that case reads /dev/mapper/sda1 /home/myname/Archive ext4 defaults 0 1
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[21:28] <andrybak> hello, does anybody know what is (if any exist) the KDE5 analogue of the APT package ubuntu-session, which is used for Gnome?
[22:22] <valorie> ubuntu-session?
[22:22] <valorie> what does it do, andrybak?
[22:23] <valorie> !info ubuntu-session
[22:23] <ubottu> ubuntu-session (source: gnome-session): Ubuntu session with GNOME Shell. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.1-0ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 4 kB, installed size 67 kB
[22:24] <valorie> there is plasmashell of course, but even googling leaves me wondering what it might be/do
[23:27] <leaftype> question about irc/konversation ... how do I silence all the joined and quit messages?
[23:41] <oerheks> https://web.archive.org/web/20160419133538/https://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/hide_join_part_messages#Konversation