UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /22 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:03] <IrcsomeBot> Carl Ford was added by: Carl Ford
[01:09] <preyalone> Could we get official Vagrant boxes published for Kubuntu? I see some community boxes but they're old / potentially malicious https://app.vagrantup.com/boxes/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&sort=downloads&provider=&q=kubuntu
[01:38] <IrcsomeBot> Preston was added by: Preston
[01:40] <IrcsomeBot> <Preston> I'm thinking about trying kubuntu on my t420. Two questions about it, what's battery life like on a KDE distro, and how does Kubuntu handle optimus?
[01:43] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Battery life is quite good out of the box with Kubuntu and can be tweaked with powertop or tlp. Optimus run OK, but on some games (Counterstrike source), performance is ~70% of running dedicated mode. Other games show similar perf.
[01:46] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Clarification: other games perform just as well in optimus mode as they do in dedicated graphics mode.
[01:48] <IrcsomeBot> <Preston> But the intelligent switching works OK?
[01:52] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Yes. I can only speak for nvidia. If nvidia, ensure to load drivers 440 or later, set NVidia on demand in Nvidia settings, and use this command to launch apps with the dedicated card: __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia steam
[01:58] <IrcsomeBot> <Preston> @DarinMiller, How does Kubuntu compare to KDE Neon. I've got people suggesting both
[02:01] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Both are very good. I prefer Kubuntu as my main runner as I always run with current release and backports ppa installed. Thus, the kernel and xorg are later releases (without extra trouble) than Neon.
[02:03] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I have Neon Dev unstable on one of my multi-boot laptops as well as the next (alpha/beta) release of Kubuntu.
[02:04] <IrcsomeBot> <Preston> @DarinMiller, The back ports ppa's are pretty stable? That would be my only reason to go with Neon, to get the freshest KDE
[02:05] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Yes, backports are very stable and I have not seen any ppa issues in years.
[02:12] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> To help decide, if you are more interested in the bleeding edge Wayland, Neon stable typically will have be slightly ahead of Kubuntu backports (a week or 2 at most) depending the underlying deps. Kubuntu cannot not rev Qt as freely as Neon, so sometimes major updates are delayed until the latest QT lands in base Ubuntu.
[02:13] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> If running the latest gaming hardware where video drivers, Mesa/Xorg are more important, I recommend Kubuntu.
[02:14] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I don't recommend Neon Dev unstable as daily driver as it breaks on occasion. But it's fun to run as an alternate boot option just to see new features before official release.
[02:27] <IrcsomeBot> <Preston> For me it would be typical laptop function for school and personal use. I suppose my primary values would be battery life and stability. And I would like to take full advantage of all the hardware in this laptop
[02:29] <IrcsomeBot> <Preston> And thanks for all the helpful in BTW
[02:45] <IrcsomeBot> <Preston> In this case I assume you'd recommend Kubuntu, yes?
[02:59] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Yes, I recommend Kubuntu.
[03:10] <IrcsomeBot> Tiffany Morris was added by: Tiffany Morris
[03:54] <Kangarooo> Does any of Plasma distros has menu that automatically opens of hover without hiding Category in menu? https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Live_Images
[04:07] <valorie> opens on hover?
[04:07] <valorie> ugh, I would hate that
[04:07] <valorie> bad enough to randomly trigger popups
[04:08] <valorie> but this is #kubuntu - not about all distros offering plasma
[04:10] <IrcsomeBot> دخترتنها اموزش هک بازی کلش was added by: دخترتنها اموزش هک بازی کلش
[04:19] <Kangarooo> found. Just aplication menu theres is to change. So nice. Productivity back. https://userbase.kde.org/Plasma/Kickoff. Not Launchper but change to aplication menu and make shortcute Alt+F1
[04:20] <Kangarooo> Heres my document compariing for anyone https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1khUd1P-1FfwgrcInXAtA1MFVuv76LlzVBTugGEMNKY4/edit#gid=0
[04:39] <IrcsomeBot> <Anarchotaoist> How can I configure the application title in a notification. eg. I have a download notification for the Brave Browser. It displays a title google-chrome with the Chrome logo. How can I change it to Brave witht the Brave logo? Thanks.
[07:13] <IrcsomeBot> Mike Fisher was added by: Mike Fisher
[08:17] <spaceenotik> HELP
[08:17] <spaceenotik> ?
[08:18] <spaceenotik> DIR
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[10:15] <lpranam> Need help. After I did apt update and upgrade now I am not able to use and sound input output I can see dummy output and that's the only thing. I am on kubuntu 19.10. I have tried all the online solutions restarting alsa and also reinstalling it but that did no help...
[10:17] <diogenes_> lpranam, when it comes about troubleshooting issues that occur after an upgrade, first thing i do i create a new clean user to rule out configuration issues.
[10:25] <lpranam> creating a new user have the same issue I can only see a dummy output
[10:26] <masonbee-M> Personal favorite, if it is a laptop make sure you haven't bumped the mute. 😇
[10:26] <diogenes_> lpranam, try to a previous kernel.
[10:53] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[10:57] <lpranam> diogenes_ is there any other solution before I switch to older kernel?
[11:07] <diogenes_> lpranam, you can try in terminal: pulseaudio -k and see what it does.
[11:07] <lpranam> diogenes_ have tried that and it does nothing
[11:08] <lpranam> it restarts and just shows the dummy output again
[11:09] <diogenes_> yeah then an older kernel would be a try, you can also ask in /j #pulseaudio
[11:09] <lpranam> Thank you very much :)
[11:09] <diogenes_> no problem
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest14870
=== jonas is now known as jonas__
=== jonas__ is now known as jonas
[12:15] <theMetamorphosis> What's the difference between KDE Telepathy and Kopete? I guess they have the same functionality but require different dependencies.
[12:19] <mparillo> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/KDE#KDE_Telepathy says KDE Telepathy is a project with the goal to closely integrate Instant Messaging with the KDE desktop. It utilizes the Telepathy framework as a backend and is intended to replace Kopete.
[12:20] <oerheks> kde telepathy uses the Telepathy framework, and kopete not
[12:32] <IrcsomeBot> <Swift110> Hello
[12:59] <IrcsomeBot> Semi was added by: Semi
[13:06] <triktrak> hello guys i need help i can't install NVIDIA driver
[13:07] <oerheks> sudo ubuntu-drivers list # or go wild; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
[13:12] <triktrak> oertheks i when to ask you parrot LINUX is Ubuntu LINUX or no ???
[13:14] <oerheks> ?
[13:14] <oerheks> this is ubuntu support, not parrot
[13:14] <oerheks> read the topic, thanks
[15:01] <IrcsomeBot> Xavi was added by: Xavi
[15:54] <bsa> hello
=== Roey is now known as EgoBater
=== EgoBater is now known as Roey
[17:49] <IrcsomeBot> <METHD3ALER> Guys I have another is there any workaround to avoid totally FREEZE every time I have to reboot....
[17:53] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Which version of Kubuntu is freezing during reboot?
[17:57] <IrcsomeBot> <METHD3ALER> No I mean everytime it freezes I have to reboot through alt+ Ctrl+ f2 … BTW it's a 18.4 lts version on 32 bit old pc😞
[17:57] <IrcsomeBot> <METHD3ALER> Dual boot
[17:58] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Do you have backports installed?
[17:58] <IrcsomeBot> <METHD3ALER> It also happend on Ubuntu so I switched to kubuntu thinking that this could fix the proble.
[17:59] <IrcsomeBot> <METHD3ALER> @DarinMiller, Nah
[18:01] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Sometimes the reboot process is waiting for termination of certain processes and will eventually timeout. Current releases of KDE/kernel do not have this issue, but I do recall this issue occasionally on 18.04. Sometime installing backports can help.
[18:02] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> But if the issue occurs both on Ubuntu and Kubuntu, then its likely a common process timeout that is closer to the kernel than the DE.
[18:03] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Try installing the backports ppa: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports
[18:03] <IrcsomeBot> <METHD3ALER> You Know everytime it freezes I can only move the mouse icon and nothing else
[18:04] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> When reboot hangs, I use alt-<print screen>+REISUB to force reboot.
[18:04] <IrcsomeBot> <METHD3ALER> @DarinMiller, Keh I ll try
[18:05] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> If not familiar with reisub, while holding down the alt key, type <print screen>+REISUB
[18:05] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> More details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key
[18:08] <IrcsomeBot> <METHD3ALER> Thank you
=== markus_ is now known as maudo2
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[23:13] <IrcsomeBot> Eva Daniels was added by: Eva Daniels