UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /19 /#smooth-operator.txt
Initial commit
[09:22] <Chipaca> moin moin moin
[11:15] <Facu> Muy buenos días a todos!
[11:24] <Chipaca> Facu: hola!
[11:24] <Chipaca> Facu: how're things doing over there?
[11:25] <Facu> Chipaca, all fine! silent in the morning
[11:36] <Chipaca> Facu: i ventured into the supermarket yesterday and it I got flashbacks to '01
[11:38] <Facu> Chipaca, empty gondolas? (it's "gondola" also in English, right?)
[11:38] <Chipaca> Facu: it is, but isn't usually used that way
[11:39] <Facu> Chipaca, which is the informal term?
[11:39] <Chipaca> that's what you call them when you have to buy them, but in the supermarket people talk about the isles instead of the gondolas
[11:39] <Chipaca> negative space kind of thing
[11:40] <Chipaca> Facu: and people are saying "empty shelves" rather than "empty gondolas"
[11:40] <Facu> ah, yes
[11:40] <Facu> Chipaca, thanks
[11:40] <Chipaca> it's a massive one, and there was no eggs, no bread, no rice, no fruit nor veg, no fresh meat
[11:40] <Chipaca> spooky
[11:41] <Facu> Chipaca, at least a very dense mist didn't form around the supermarket while you were in
[11:41] <Chipaca> Facu: and then you come out and there's a sundial that you have to turn
[11:44] <Facu> Chipaca, that sundial is also from The Mist?
[11:44] * Facu doesn't remember that
[11:45] <Chipaca> *myst
[11:45] <Chipaca> Facu: i think you're talking about the film
[11:45] <Chipaca> Facu: i was talking about myst, the game :-)
[11:45] <Facu> Chipaca, I recently played to it, with Felipe... one or two years ago
[11:46] <Facu> Chipaca, it wasn't easy, such an old game https://blog.taniquetil.com.ar/posts/0775/
[11:46] <Chipaca> Facu: so much cd swapping
[11:47] <Facu> Chipaca, btw, I'm staying a little away of https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/146 (so many conversations in that PR) ... we're landing all that and working from there, right?
[11:48] <Chipaca> Facu: that's landing, soon(tm), yes
[11:53] <Chipaca> CPUs still stuck at 800MHz, I've talked with Dell, they are impressed and will send somebody out
[11:53] <Chipaca> … which feels like a weird thing to do tbh
[12:03] <Facu> Chipaca, remember when they send a person to change my screen, we were sprinting at your "office"?
[12:04] <Chipaca> Facu: vaguely, yes
[12:04] <Facu> https://blog.taniquetil.com.ar/posts/0403/
[12:04] <Chipaca> man that office was nice
[13:21] <Facu> Chipaca, what do you think? https://trello.com/c/neWk2uEt/2-docs-examples#comment-5e7371cca6c1e0193935c069
[13:23] <Chipaca> looking
[13:24] <Chipaca> Facu: intro/tutorial for people new to charms and juju in general, and intro/tutorial for people new to op fmk but familiar with charmaamramrs
[13:24] <Chipaca> Facu: yes yes yes
[13:24] <Chipaca> Facu: yes
[13:25] <Chipaca> Facu: python's docs' way of saying "this changed in version XYZ" rocks
[13:25] <Chipaca> Go's, not so much
[13:25] <Chipaca> Facu: had you seen that labels in trello can be made colourblind-friendly, and it's afaict a personal global setting?
[13:26] <Chipaca> i turned it on for our board, and then noticed all the other boards also preserved that look
[13:26] <Facu> Chipaca, yes, love that setting :)
[13:26] <Chipaca> Facu: this card in particular is diagonal stripes down, right?
[13:26] * Chipaca hopes it's not unique for each person :-)
[13:27] <Facu> Chipaca, diagonal like \
[13:27] <Facu> green?
[13:27] <Facu> mustard?
[13:28] <Facu> could be a weird orange, too
[13:28] <Chipaca> Facu: yes, diagonal like \
[13:28] <Chipaca> phew
[13:28] <Chipaca> :)
[14:06] <Chipaca> Facu: d'oh
[14:06] <Chipaca> Facu: get back in there
[16:13] <Chipaca> going for a run before light runs out, bbl
[17:35] <Chipaca> back
[19:22] <Facu> Chipaca, still around?
[19:23] <Facu> (we can talk tomorrow, not blocked)
[19:26] <niemeyer> Facu: Hey hey
[19:26] <niemeyer> Facu: Anything I can help with?
[19:27] <Facu> niemeyer, actually, yes (different thing).. is there a way for juju to "ask" something to the charm? like sending an event for the charm to provide some information, and the charm answer with some value
[19:28] <Facu> (thanks)
[19:29] <niemeyer> Facu: juju as in the CLI?
[19:29] <niemeyer> Facu: actions
[19:29] <Facu> 1' doorbell
[19:29] <niemeyer> Facu: juju run-action --help
[19:35] * Facu is back
[19:36] <Facu> niemeyer, juju as in its core; but if it can do it to support "actions", it indeed can do it :)
[19:36] <Facu> niemeyer, thanks!
[19:37] <niemeyer> Facu: Not entirely sure I understand what you're trying to do, but glad it helped :)
[19:39] <Facu> niemeyer, I want to understand if it's feasible to have a command like "juju charm-pdb"; juju would ask the charm in which port it has a rpdb listening, open a port through ssh, and maybe even connect a terminal/telnet to that port through the tunnel
[19:40] <niemeyer> Facu: I suggest looking bit deeper into juju debug-hook
[19:40] <Facu> niemeyer, will do, thanks!
[19:40] <niemeyer> Facu: It's a much nicer workflow than that
[19:40] <niemeyer> Facu: You do debug-hook, and it handles the entire interaction for you
[19:40] <niemeyer> Facu: Drops you into the exact right place, including doing something that is pretty boring to do right: waiting for the right moment
[19:41] <niemeyer> Facu: Look into the implementation and you'll get what that means in more detail
[19:41] <Facu> great
[19:42] <niemeyer> Facu: Would be nice to have something like along the lines of "juju debug-hook --breakpoint"
[19:42] <niemeyer> Facu: and instead of stopping in the hook itself, it would stop inside the code
[19:43] <Facu> indeed
[19:43] <niemeyer> Facu: We should be able to easily get that working by making it set some sort of environment variable while the hook runs, and the framework would interpret it and do the Python part
[20:26] <Chipaca> Facu: i'm around now fwiw
[21:00] * Facu eods