UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /15 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:38] <gustavog> ?
[00:41] <avril_> Hello
[00:42] <avril_> What should I learn about to be useful for helping developing Kate?
[00:50] <avril_> Qt and C++ I think I need, but what more can I learn to understand the code?
[01:47] <valorie> avril_: please join #kde-devel for that
[01:47] <valorie> we package KDE software although it's true that some of our devels are also KDE devels
[02:16] <avril_> Thank you!
[04:49] <IrcsomeBot2> <Swift110> Hey
[08:31] <IrcsomeBot2> <kiyani_reza> (Photo, 1022x1020) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/SDsjpl6x/file_25362.jpg https://t.me/kabgiecisor_bot?start=536870447 ☀️🔥🔥🔥⬆️⬆️⬆️
[08:47] <tomreyn> ^ spam
[10:46] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest19613
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[14:14] <franz> Hello! I have a problem installing a program
[14:14] <franz> I downloaded the installer that has .run extension
[14:14] <franz> http://www.jamtaba.com/ This is the website
[14:14] <franz> I downloaded the linux version
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[14:15] <ceibal__> hola
=== ceibal__ is now known as jenni
[14:15] <jenni> hello
[14:16] <jenni> ??
=== jenni is now known as Guest50331
[14:16] <Guest50331> nooooooooooooooo
=== Guest50331 is now known as jennilaloka
[14:16] <jennilaloka> uwu
[14:16] <jennilaloka> mm
[14:16] <jennilaloka> hola?
[14:16] <jennilaloka> alv
[19:36] <nagerst> Howdy, friends. I am stuck at 4k@30z whilst my screen is capable of 120 hz. Is there a way to solve this?
[19:37] <oerheks> nagerst, how is your screen connected, DP or HDMI?
[19:37] <nagerst> DP
[19:37] <nagerst> 1.4
[19:38] <oerheks> oh oke, not sure 2.2 would be better..
[19:38] <nagerst> screen is a phillis industry device
[19:38] <nagerst> philips*
[19:39] <nagerst> kinda vital stuff ät my work.
[19:39] <oerheks> does it work properly on an other OS?
[19:39] <oerheks> maybe it is just a cheap cable,,
[19:41] <nagerst> yes it works fine on the windows machine (identical hardware), and i (even though i was not allowed to got hold of a qnx build and all report different cvt's
[19:41] <nagerst> Fine is a stretch, it works when every single driver is installed and one certain device is disabled
[19:42] <nagerst> but that should not affect the bandwith nor the gpu
[19:42] <oerheks> true
[19:42] <oerheks> no clue there..
[19:44] <nagerst> 30 hz perhaps isnt so bad.. i mean the screen will burn out faster,, but as long as the providing chip keeps it completely saturated it isn't that bad.
[19:45] <nagerst> But i still would like it to work perfectly
[19:45] <nagerst> I blame amd. the nviodia machines has no such problems
[19:46] <nagerst> but the nvidia machines is from 2008 on the other hand.
[19:46] <nagerst> lol
[19:49] <nagerst> Sorry to bother your fine slefs, but is it possible to build qt-virt-manager on kubuntu=
[19:50] <nagerst> Sorry that was the original reason i came to the channel
[19:52] <nagerst> and also how to stop the animations
[19:52] <nagerst> i barehave time to reach the start menu before it scrolls down
[19:53] <nagerst> barely*
[20:38] <jgomo3> Hello. How can I install the wacomtablet module for the System Settings: https://kde.org/applications/system/org.kde.wacomtablet
[20:39] <jgomo3> I tried `xdg-open appstream://org.kde.wacomtablet` so it opens the discovery app but it doesn't find it.
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[22:44] <herrrrbertt> how do you make the screen bigger?
[22:44] <herrrrbertt> i litterally cant see
[22:44] <herrrrbertt> what im looking at
=== herrrrbertt is now known as Majarata
[22:46] <bprompt> Majarata: how big is your screen anyway?
[22:47] <bprompt> Majarata: usually you'd change the resolution, you can just decrease it, that way the pixels dots get larger
[22:48] <Majarata> yea but i want full screen
[22:48] <Majarata> kde looks so slick on my laptop
[22:49] <Majarata> 1920 by 1080
[22:50] <Majarata> my dick gets hard when i start theming
[22:52] <bprompt> changing the screen resolution doesn't decrease the screen size per se, some monitors may do so, but they also have buttons to resize the screen back up
[23:00] <ecov> anyone recommend a gui rsync utility for kubunt
=== joeb is now known as jobbles
[23:12] <bprompt> ecov: Krusader is a dual-pane file manager, and it has an utility for "synchronize directories", can you can click on [compare] button and it shows hmmm I've used it a few times... it shows I think the mismatches in red and matches in green on both directories, it shows both on a two-pane window
[23:13] <IrcsomeBot> <darltrash> Fwd from The Viking Programmer: nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/03/13/earn-it-act-threatens-end-to-end-encryption/
[23:13] <bprompt> ecov: well, not a two-pane window, just a window with an interactive two section output
[23:16] <Majarata> it does indeed shrink my screen
[23:16] <Majarata> but everything is still small
[23:17] <Majarata> small as fuck
[23:20] <bprompt> Majarata: if it's still small, that means your resolution is still high, I think KDE in 18.04 or so has "screen scaling", haven't used it myself
[23:21] <bprompt> I have used screen scaling in windows, someone asked, it works alrite, but now and then some windows get truncated, otherwise the fellow is happy with it
[23:25] <bprompt> Majarata: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Kz2E5Xy5tw
[23:29] <bprompt> Majarata: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HiDPI#KDE_Plasma
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[23:50] <herrrrbertt> scaling made the text and everything bigger but
[23:50] <herrrrbertt> i lost an inch of screen at the bottom and half an inch on the right side
[23:52] <bprompt> yeap
[23:52] <bprompt> herrrrbertt: as I said, I have used it in windows, and it did that to some, not most, just some windows
[23:52] <herrrrbertt> so what do i do
[23:52] <herrrrbertt> i want the whole screen
[23:53] <bprompt> herrrrbertt: are you on a laptop?
[23:53] <herrrrbertt> yea
[23:53] <bprompt> hmmm
[23:53] <bprompt> herrrrbertt: get bifocal lenses =)
[23:53] <herrrrbertt> its one of those fancy think pads
[23:53] <herrrrbertt> the screen flips 180 degrees and you can walk around with it like a its a giant tablet
[23:54] <bprompt> right
[23:55] <bprompt> herrrrbertt: if you peeve is just the icons size and text, you can just leave the default resolution and change those items independently, you can do that in system settings