UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /14 /#ubuntu-discuss.txt
Initial commit
=== bluesceada_ is now known as bluesceada
[04:28] <lotuspsychje> good morning
[06:41] <lotus|NUC> AlligatorJoe: when users having issues with wifi, its best to investigate the issue first, find the relevant bug instead of advising to compile drivers your own
[06:41] <AlligatorJoe> iotus..ok i checked in here
[06:42] <AlligatorJoe> iotus well the only way they are ever going to appreciate the power of free software with free source code is to learn to compile things like the kernel and necessary modules on their own
[06:43] <lotus|NUC> compiling software on linux is the users choice, but the ubuntu way is to use the packages from the official repos first
[06:43] <AlligatorJoe> and it is made easier once you have compiled the gnome-builder code
[06:43] <lotus|NUC> so we aim to do things the ubuntu way here
[06:44] <AlligatorJoe> iotus well i do things the gentoo way ...but i like the speed of getting a ubuntu machine running
[06:44] <lotus|NUC> thats good the gentoo way, but plz dont advice that in #ubuntu
[06:45] <AlligatorJoe> iotus well they need to learn the power of free souce code some time
[06:49] <AlligatorJoe> that is what the gnu foundation is all about and linus like gpl2 for the kernel
[06:57] <AlligatorJoe> iotus one thing that is very good about ubuntu is that it only takes a few minutes to install the os and have a running machine
[06:58] <AlligatorJoe> but it needs a lot of work to keep up with the gnome-builder code and all of its programming capability
[07:14] <AlligatorJoe> for example you have to delete all the header files associated with enchant version 1.6 or so and replace them with the header files of enchant version 2 in addition to the libraries
[08:01] <ducasse> good morning
[08:10] <AlligatorJoe> ducasse hello
[08:27] <ducasse> \o
=== daftykin1 is now known as daftykins
=== Katnip is now known as yarddog
=== yarddog is now known as Katnip
[18:17] <rfm> So, I've had a hardware failure on the 16.04 system I use for a file server. Normally I would just put the old boot disk in the new system, but this image started as a 08.04 install and has been upgraded 4 times (and at least two changes of hardware.) ...
[18:21] <rfm> ... So I'm thinking its time to bite the bullet and do a fresh install. Given where Ubuntu is in the release cycle, rather than install 18.04 and upgrade in a few months, I'm thinking of installing the 20.04 beta and just upgrading packages when it's released. ...
[18:21] <rfm> ... any reason why this would be a dumb idea?
[18:22] <daftykins> yes, lack of polish - depends how much you want to be fighting things
[18:35] <rfm> I've already been installing/running 20.04 beta in a VM without any trouble I couldn't deal with (even using root-on-ZFS, which is one of the reasons for a new install)
[18:36] <rfm> It now occurs to me that the daily development image would be a better starting point than beta, it really can't be far from the release version by now
[18:39] <daftykins> i personally prefer to keep the OS wholly separate from the storage volumes in my servers, but eh
[18:49] <rfm> I do that too. I would eventually migrate the storage volumes to ZFS as well, but right now I'm running in emergency backup mode on a old low memory system which I've learned cannot deal with ZFS..
[19:04] <daftykins> that seems like a scary corner to get backed into!
=== Katnip is now known as yarddog
=== yarddog is now known as Guest82584
=== Guest82584 is now known as Katnip