UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /13 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[01:30] <kenvandine> robert_ancell_: running a few minutes late
[01:32] <Jagst3r15> hey if i am on a ubuntu 20.04 daily build from a week or so ago how do i update it to the latest so i get gnome 3.36
[01:33] <sarnold> Jagst3r15: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
[01:33] <Jagst3r15> thnx
[01:33] <sarnold> Jagst3r15: don't let apt uninstall anything that looks important
[01:35] <sarnold> Jagst3r15: within the normal releases, apt's dependency solver will usually do a pretty good job; but in the development cycle, there's a lot more changes and its solver may make silly suggestions
[01:40] <kenvandine> robert_ancell_: i'm in the hangout
[06:41] <duflu> RAOF, out of curiosity did you see some GL build-time libraries (*.so, no soname) do missing in focal?
[06:41] <duflu> Mine seem to have
[06:42] <duflu> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lEGL
[06:42] <duflu> -do +go
[06:44] <duflu> Hmm, something has deleted my GL *.so files. The packages are installed but the files are not. FYI tjaalton
[06:45] <duflu> Actually I did do a test install/remove of nvidia-340 this morning...
[06:49] <duflu> Yeah I blame Nvidia. Fixed:
[06:49] <duflu> sudo apt install --reinstall libegl-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgl-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libgles-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libglvnd-dev libglx-dev
[06:49] <jibel> morning all
[06:51] <duflu> Morning jibel
[06:53] <jibel> Hi duflu
[07:01] <oSoMoN> good morning desktoppers
[07:07] <duflu> Hi oSoMoN
=== pieq_ is now known as pieq
[08:19] <seb128> goood morning desktopers
[08:19] <duflu> Morning seb128
[08:19] <duflu> How goes?
[08:21] <seb128> a bit tired, I didn't sleep great, but good otherwise
[08:21] <seb128> and it's friday!
[08:21] <mpt> Why is the password field on the lock screen way off-center?
[08:21] <seb128> mpt, bug
[08:21] <seb128> it's fixed in yaru git
[08:21] <seb128> just needs an upload
[08:22] <duflu> mpt, bug 1865563
[08:22] <ubot5> bug 1865563 in yaru-theme (Ubuntu) "password box not centered" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1865563
[08:22] <mpt> Huh, I wouldn’t have thought Yaru could do that :-)
[08:22] <mpt> Thanks seb128, duflu
[08:22] <duflu> Yeah I was going to ask how it was possible
[08:26] <mpt> Gnome is weird
[08:29] <mpt> e.g. the lock screen has a “Power Off / Log Out” submenu … but the submenu only ever contains one item … but that item is not Power Off *or* Log Out
[08:32] <duflu> mpt see also https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/2202
[08:32] <gitbot> GNOME issue 2202 in gnome-shell "Add explicit "Reboot" option in dropdown (instead of a button after clicking "Power Off")" [2. Needs Design, Opened]
[08:34] <duflu> I'm still wondering why my laptop's password dialog centred itself in Frankfurt. And all my other machines including new installs are still off centre
[08:35] <mpt> duflu, I don’t have a big problem with Restart being in the Power Off dialog, but that’s not relevant to the lock screen issue, because the lock screen doesn’t have Power Off either
[08:37] <duflu> mpt, I don't care too much either. Although I will note part of the complication is that it goes through 'gnome-session-quit --power-off'
[08:37] <duflu> So not just a gnome-shell issue
[08:38] <mpt> I’m guessing someone thought “oh, we have to use a submenu with the same title as the one when you’re logged in”, and ended up with something totally nonsensical
[08:40] <mpt> Also love how to turn off Bluetooth, you open a submenu titled … “On”. And then to turn on Bluetooth, you … ah hahaha, did you think that submenu would still be there? That would be too obvious
[08:41] <mpt> Ok, enough grousing for one day :-)
[08:42] <seb128> :)
[08:42] <duflu> mpt, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/1426
[08:42] <gitbot> GNOME issue 1426 in gnome-shell "Bluetooth item disappears from the integrated menu when turned off" [1. Bug, 5. Bluetooth, Opened]
[08:49] <mpt> To be positive, it’s good that gnome-control-center no longer has some categories hidden in “Devices”
[08:51] <duflu> Yes!
[08:51] <duflu> Also I just noticed the background selector is simpler now
[08:53] <mpt> arg
[08:54] <mpt> I just chose “Add Picture…” and the filepicker opened … maximized? but not unmaximizable … And if I try to move it, it doesn’t, but through the semi-transparent launcher I can see the Settings window moving around behind it
[08:54] <duflu> mpt, hmm I am running upstream gnome-shell 3.36.0 and have no such bug
[08:54] <seb128> that's how modal dialog behave
[08:54] <duflu> A little ahead of focal
[08:55] <mpt> duflu, is the dialog maximized for you?
[08:55] <seb128> well not the 'dialog behind moves with the popup'
[08:55] <duflu> mpt, no but it is very large
[08:55] <seb128> it might depend of the screen resolution
[08:57] <mpt> I can unmaximize it by right-clicking on the title bar, choosing “Resize”, then using the keyboard. Then it becomes resizable with the pointer.
[09:01] <Laney> moin
[09:02] <duflu> Morning Laney
[09:02] <Wimpress> Yawn. Morning desktopers o/
[09:03] <seb128> hey Laney, Wimpress, how is the u.k today?
[09:03] <duflu> Morning Wimpress
[09:03] <Wimpress> seb128: There is an unfamiliar golden orb in the sky.
[09:03] <Wimpress> The locals feel uneasy.
[09:03] <Wimpress> duflu: o/
[09:04] <Wimpress> seb128: I reviewed the Studio and Kylin changes for Ubiquity last night.
[09:04] <Wimpress> Feedback submitted.
[09:05] <duflu> Wimpress, also still in the sky here, coincidentally
[09:05] <Wimpress> Studio is good to go. Just artwork changes.
[09:05] <seb128> Wimpress, thanks, Kylin followed up on your review during the night, could you have another look to see if it's ok now?
[09:06] <Wimpress> Sure thing.
[09:06] <Wimpress> duflu: Careful! You'll get the flat earthers all excited 😁
[09:07] <seb128> duflu, Laney, did you hear from Trevinho and the status of the dock/extensions porting for 3.36?
[09:07] <Laney> no but it was supposed to be 'eod' and I thought that might be after my eod :-)
[09:08] <duflu> seb128, Marco had fixes in progress in Frankfurt so I just assumed it would be done by now
[09:08] <duflu> Even the one I worked on was mostly written by him so I let him own it
[09:08] <seb128> right
[09:08] <seb128> well he said he would be done by eod
[09:08] <seb128> and I asked him to ping you if he's not to see if you could help during your day
[09:08] <seb128> looks like he didn't do that :/
[09:08] <duflu> Mostly because I could not explain all his changes so could not word a commit message
[09:08] <seb128> disappointing :-(
[09:10] <seb128> I guess https://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gnome-shell-extension-appindicator/news/20200312T220419Z.html is one
[09:11] <Laney> looks like it
[09:11] <Laney> ah ok, sounds like https://launchpadlibrarian.net/468839824/buildlog_ubuntu-focal-s390x.gobject-introspection_1.64.0-1_BUILDING.txt.gz was a compiler bug!
[09:12] <seb128> Laney, yeah, see #ubuntu-release backlog
[09:12] <seb128> d_oko broke gcc :p
[09:14] <Laney> indeed
[09:19] <Laney> can haz gjs
[09:19] <duflu> Yes please
[09:19] <Laney> Well you're in luck
[09:20] <seb128> oh, on other news, my launchpad fix landed \o/
[09:20] <seb128> first launchpad commit
[09:20] <Laney> nice
[09:20] <Laney> show me it in action!
[09:20] <seb128> Laney, just try to edit tags on a bug :)
[09:21] <seb128> it's a bit large now which doesn't look great, but at least it's usable
[09:21] <Laney> oh yeah
[09:21] <Laney> nice
[09:21] <duflu> Nice
[09:21] <seb128> hack day ftw :)
[09:23] <Wimpress> Congrats seb128 on LP fixes 👍
[09:23] <seb128> Wimpress, thanks! :)
[09:23] <pieq> for the curious people like me, the change is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/380305
[09:24] <pieq> merci seb128 :) usability modifications in LP are always appreciated :)
[09:24] <seb128> pieq, yw! :)
[09:24] <oSoMoN> seb128, nice one!
[09:25] <seb128> salut oSoMoN, comment ça va ?
[09:25] <oSoMoN> ça va, working from home with kids is proving challenging, but all good otherwise
[09:26] <seb128> Spain closed schools?
[09:26] <oSoMoN> yes
[09:27] <seb128> fun times...
[09:27] <Wimpress> Talk of hack day. How do I nudge this along?
[09:27] <Wimpress> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1866709
[09:27] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1866709 in Ubuntu " [needs-packaging] nv-codec-headers" [Wishlist,New]
[09:28] <Wimpress> Have got agreement from FTP masters in Debian to land this upstream too.
[09:29] <Laney> Get it uploaded
[09:29] * duflu is inspired to use the remaining 30 minutes to sanity check VAAPI in focal
[09:29] <Wimpress> Laney: To Debian?
[09:29] <Laney> Ideally, but your next step is to get someone to sponsor it somewhere :-)
[09:30] <Laney> if it's NEW you might want a separate upload to Ubuntu too
[09:30] <Wimpress> Right. I want it Ubuntu ASAP. It does just need uploading.
[09:30] <Wimpress> Who can do that? 🤔
[09:31] * Laney looks at comment #2
[09:32] * Wimpress is seeking a sponsor.
[09:33] <Laney> I'm saying... looks like seb12_8 already did review it
[09:34] <Laney> so hopefully there's your sponsor
[09:34] <seb128> Wimpress, Laney, sorry, I didn't upload because https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze_for_new_packages was not clear to me
[09:34] <seb128> it felt a bit backward to upload before it's approved
[09:35] <Wimpress> So I need to get an ack from the release team?
[09:35] <Laney> nah you can
[09:35] <seb128> Laney, Wimpress, also we (archive-admin) try to not be uploader&reviewer, if I upload you need to find another review to NEW it then (Didier is off today)
[09:35] <seb128> might be easier to find a sponsor that an archive admin to NEW review
[09:35] <Laney> I'll update that page though, we haven't required that for ages
[09:36] <Laney> not that I can log in
[09:41] <Laney> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess?action=diff&rev2=58&rev1=57
[09:42] <seb128> Laney, thanks, makes sense
[09:42] <seb128> Laney, can you do the upload so I can do the NEWing?
[09:42] <seb128> Wimpress, k, ubuntustudio slideshow changes merged, yours approved, we only you to re-review the kylin one before upload
[09:43] <Laney> well
[09:43] <Laney> if you want me to stop working on marcus's update-manager changes to review this package which you already did review
[09:43] <Laney> then yes I can
[09:43] <seb128> Laney, k, don't bother then
[09:43] <seb128> Wimpress, you need to find either a sponsor or a NEW reviewer, I can't do both
[09:43] <Laney> decide the priorities :-)
[09:43] <seb128> and I already did the NEW review so it makes more sense to find a sponsor
[09:43] <seb128> Wimpress, ^
[09:44] <seb128> I've a feeling I should just don't care and upload and review my own upload :p
[09:44] * seb128 ponders
[09:45] <Wimpress> I'll review Kylin Slideshow changes within the next hour.
[09:45] <Laney> do ittttt
[09:45] <duflu> Is it unusual for a snap to have version 1.0.0 when the deb is 3.1.3 (for example)?
[09:45] <Laney> except you know the queue will now remember that it was you :-)
[09:46] <seb128> :-)
[09:46] <Wimpress> duflu: Yes.
[09:46] <duflu> Wimpress, just noticed 'rsync'
[09:46] <Wimpress> Has the snap not been updated recently?
[09:46] <seb128> duflu, snap as any other package format can get outdated if nobody is updating them
[09:47] <Wimpress> Hmm, sounds like they versioned the yaml, not the software in the snap?
[09:47] <duflu> Looks like the snap was just never versioned correctly
[09:49] <seb128> Wimpress, nv-codec-headers sponsored/NEWed
[09:52] <seb128> kenvandine, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/468814360/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_bionic_amd64_gnome-3-34-1804-sdk_BUILDING.txt.gz in case you didn't notice
[09:52] <seb128> ERROR: Program(s) ['wget'] not found or not executable
[09:53] <seb128> kenvandine, also https://launchpadlibrarian.net/468793367/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_bionic_amd64_snap-store-packagekit_BUILDING.txt.gz
[09:54] <duflu> seb128, it looks like Marco has been trying to upstream dock changes for a few weeks: https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/pull/1097
[09:54] <gitbot> micheleg issue (Pull request) 1097 in dash-to-dock "Gnome 3.36 support" [Open]
[09:54] <Wimpress> seb128: Thank you. First beer on me next time we meet 👍
[09:55] <seb128> Wimpress, :-)
[09:57] <seb128> duflu, right, well we can at least update ubuntu-dock
[09:57] <duflu> seb128, it also looks like that's already done for the ubuntu-dock branch
[09:57] <seb128> he also replied to me on telegram now
[09:57] <seb128> he said dock should be ok now
[09:58] * duflu clicks refresh and still sees no changes in 14 days
[09:59] <duflu> so I wonder what "ok now" means, and where
[09:59] <seb128> I guess it means he has a working codebase locally...
[10:00] <duflu> Still missing a fix for bug 1865865 at least
[10:00] <ubot5> bug 1865865 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Icon spring animation starts/ends in the wrong location (near the top of the dock) " [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1865865
[10:00] <duflu> But that's the one where I could not explain all his changes so would prefer he documented and committed that fix
[10:01] <duflu> If need be I can revive it from my laptop on Monday but hopefully won't need to by then
[10:02] <seb128> he said he would be done today, hopefully that's true
[10:02] <seb128> I also told him to get on IRC!
[10:02] <duflu> seb128, is it safe to EOW?
[10:02] <seb128> duflu, yes
[10:02] <seb128> duflu, enjoy the W.E!
[10:04] <duflu> Alright. Catch you later
[10:12] <Laney> yeah I guess it would have been better for this review to have happened while Marcus was still around :-)
[10:12] * Laney has Questions
[10:19] <Wimpress> seb128: Slide Show MR for Kylin is now good.
[10:25] <seb128> Wimpress, thanks!
[10:37] <kenvandine> seb128: yeah, i fixed gnome-3-34-1804-sdk yesterday
[10:39] <kenvandine> snap-store also built yesterday, but only builds for amd64 because it snapcraft is being pulled from a branch that is amd64
[11:26] <Saviq> jibel: hey, I've trouble with zsys… I had to clear the snapshots b/c I ran out of space… now I don't have any Ubuntu entries in grub…
[11:27] <Saviq> Got any pointers?
[11:44] <Saviq> jibel: OK the problem was /boot/{efi,grub} got created, probably due to me booting in recovery mode - so /boot wasn't getting mounted - I wonder if we can force /boot to mount even if non-empty?
[11:44] <Saviq> or warn/error out?
[11:44] * Saviq files a couple bugs
[11:46] <Laney> hmmmmmm
[11:47] <Laney> is it ok for update-manager to cause polkit prompts?
[11:47] <Laney> for aptdaemon we have overrides in pk-d-p to let update-manager work but not for snapd ...
[11:48] <Laney> seb128: kenvandine:
[11:50] <jibel> Saviq, is there any error when you run sudo update-grub ?
[11:51] <kenvandine> Laney: hmmm
[11:51] <kenvandine> i don't know
[11:53] <Saviq> jibel: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fjyy2ZC6MP/ - when /boot wasn't mounted (b/c of the /boot/{efi,grub} folders existing on the root subvol), it printed the same warnings, but then (obviously) couldn't find any Linuxes
[11:54] <Saviq> jibel: hmm actually it looks like I'm getting into that state on every boot
[11:59] * Saviq cleared all snapshots and tries to reboot
[12:02] <Laney> also how is update-manager triggered to automatically open?
[12:02] <Laney> I want to check that path too
[12:06] <Laney> it's been put after 'update' but before 'install' and I'm not sure that's the right order either
[12:43] <jibel> Saviq, can you file a bug, it'll be easier to gather information and understand what's going on than on irc.
[12:43] <Saviq> jibel: yeah doing that now
[12:44] <jibel> thank you
[12:52] <Saviq> jibel: https://github.com/ubuntu/zsys/issues/60
[12:52] <gitbot> ubuntu issue 60 in zsys "Missing all Ubuntu entries from GRUB (`bpool` not imported due to `/boot` not empty)" [Open]
[12:56] <Laney> seb128: kenvandine: ok, well I reviewed it: https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/update-manager/update-manager/+merge/380060
[12:56] <Laney> does need some work imho, not sure if we should wait for Marcus to be back or what
[12:57] <kenvandine> Laney: thanks. Marcus said he thought you would handle any additional changes that was needed
[12:58] <Laney> well yeah ...
[13:01] <Laney> but this is a bit more significant than I might have expected when making such a rash statement
[13:03] <seb128> kenvandine, ack
[13:04] <Saviq> jibel: and https://github.com/ubuntu/zsys/issues/60
[13:04] <gitbot> ubuntu issue 60 in zsys "Missing all Ubuntu entries from GRUB (`bpool` not imported due to `/boot` not empty)" [Open]
[13:05] <Saviq> https://github.com/ubuntu/zsys/issues/61 rather
[13:05] <gitbot> ubuntu issue 61 in zsys "Ran out of space (couldn't even boot)" [Open]
[13:05] <seb128> Laney, it's probably best if the polkit behaviour of asking/not asking if consistent with what we have, so yeah havinbg overrides seems to make sense
[13:06] <Laney> but then I guess it means anyone can snap install / remove / ... anything
[13:07] <Laney> which is not the case with apt, the override is for aptdaemon only
[13:07] <Laney> well, any admin at the console ...
[13:07] <Laney> could be ok...
[13:09] <seb128> hum
[13:09] <seb128> at the same time it's not a codepath users are going to hit every day, it would just ask for the password when some changes are neded right?
[13:10] <Laney> right
[13:10] <seb128> so it's probably fine to ask that one time...
[13:10] <Laney> but it's kind of random
[13:10] <Laney> I dunno, perhaps it's ok if it happens at the end of an update run
[13:12] <seb128> Wimpress, ^ do you have an opinion on that?
[13:12] <seb128> Laney, I think it's good enough personally, not great but we have to do with the resources we have and it's only a small annoyance/weidness
[13:13] <Laney> that's kind of a side fix anyway
[13:13] <Laney> either way it needs some work as I outlined in the mr
[13:14] <seb128> right
[13:14] <Laney> question is whether to wait for Marcus and do that in a week or do it now and someone else slides their work a day or two
[13:17] <seb128> I would say to wait for next week at this point and see once we are over GNOME 3.36 landing and some other ongoing work
[13:17] <seb128> we can discuss it on monday in the catchup call
[13:18] <kenvandine> sorry, in a meeting
[13:18] <kenvandine> lets talk about it monday
[13:19] <Laney> ok
[13:20] <Laney> also bear in mind that this was kind of meant to support people on the dev release :p
[13:20] <Laney> guess it does have ongoing value tho
[13:20] <Laney> e.g. switches made via sru
[14:04] * Wimpress reads the backlog...
[14:30] <seb128> kenvandine, did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/snap-store/+git/snap-store/+merge/380672 ?
[14:30] <seb128> Wimpress, slideshow package uploaded
[14:30] <kenvandine> seb128: not yet
[14:31] <kenvandine> snap-store is a mirror from gitlab
[14:31] <seb128> oh, it's not obvious from launchpad :p
[14:31] <kenvandine> i know
[14:31] <kenvandine> sorry
[14:31] <kenvandine> https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gnome-software
[14:41] <seb128> kenvandine, edit the description on https://launchpad.net/snap-store to mention that maybe?
[14:41] <kenvandine> seb128: good idea
[14:41] <seb128> oSoMoN, kenvandine, you guys don't feel like doing one or two GNOME updates/merges today?
[14:41] * seb128 feels alone
[14:41] <seb128> I spent my week on it, it's a bit depressing at this point, would be nice to be done for eow
[14:42] <oSoMoN> seb128, absolutely, sorry I didn't get to it earlier… I could use some context switching for the afternoon, for a change :)
[14:42] <seb128> oSoMoN, thanks!
[14:42] <oSoMoN> seb128, what are the most pressing updates?
[14:42] <seb128> oSoMoN, https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336
[14:43] <seb128> but basically seahorse/tracker/librsvg
[14:43] <seb128> which you already handled recently so should be easy enough
[14:43] <seb128> otherwise vte/g-t merges
[14:43] <oSoMoN> ok, I'll take those three
[14:43] <oSoMoN> (seahorse/tracker/librsvg)
[14:43] <seb128> oSoMoN, great, thanks a lot!
[14:59] <kenvandine> seb128: let me give it a swing :)
[15:00] <seb128> kenvandine, thanks!
[15:00] <kenvandine> seb128: did you see i uploaded the recommends change in packagekit?
[15:00] <kenvandine> i need to do the ubuntu-meta upload
[15:00] <kenvandine> which i'm going to do next
[15:01] <seb128> right
[15:02] <kenvandine> I should add the provides to both ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop-minimal right?
[15:05] <kenvandine> seb128: ^^
[15:06] <seb128> kenvandine, did we have gnome-software in minimal?
[15:06] <kenvandine> i think so
[15:06] <seb128> so yes
[15:25] <hellsworth> good morning desktopers
[15:25] <oSoMoN> mornin' hellsworth
[15:26] <hellsworth> hi oSoMoN !
[15:35] <Laney> kenvandine: why both?
[15:36] <Laney> hope these deltas are going to be forwarded ;-)
[15:38] <kenvandine> yeah, seb128 and i talked about adding the recommends change in packagekit to debian
[15:41] <Laney> right, and gst-good will need updating in the same way
[15:42] <Laney> in terms of ubuntu-meta I think just having it from -minimal would be enough since ubuntu-desktop has a Depends there
[15:57] <Laney> Marcus basically pushed back on all of my review comments
[15:57] <Laney> Perhaps someone else would like to take it over from here?
[15:58] <seb128> kenvandine, ^
[16:00] <kenvandine> he shouldn't be responding to anything right now :)
[16:01] <Laney> was a bit surprised to see that!
[16:02] <kenvandine> if i understand correctly
[16:02] <kenvandine> he's doing the transition before the user actually clicks on anything?
[16:02] <Laney> update -> transition -> (deb) upgrade
[16:02] <Laney> indeed there is no UI in there
[16:02] <kenvandine> where update is updating the apt cache?
[16:03] <Laney> yes
[16:03] <kenvandine> ok
[16:03] <kenvandine> that feels wrong
[16:03] <kenvandine> the user should click the button before we actually alter what's installed
[16:03] <kenvandine> i understand why he did that... but it feels wrong
[16:04] <seb128> I comment on the MP about that
[16:04] <seb128> I agree it feels wrong, imho those who decide to close the tool and do command line can also decide what they want between snap and deb and do the install/remove themselve
[16:06] <kenvandine> oh
[16:06] <kenvandine> i commented as well :)
[16:08] <Laney> at least everyone's in agreement :p
[16:09] <Laney> but I don't really want to have to argue about the other details
[16:09] <Laney> if someone wants to be more loose than me it would be great for them to take over the review :/
[16:12] <kenvandine> I really don't know enough about it to review
[16:14] <Laney> like why it's better to catch the exceptions you need rather than everything, or why you might prefer to avoid threading in favour of using libraries ...
[16:14] <Laney> meh
[16:16] <seb128> we should get foundations to review the merge, they own update-manager
[16:21] <Laney> that's fine, but I would also be happy for us to own reviewing / uploading features we are driving
[16:21] <Laney> I'm just less fine with being a reviewer if it's a high friction process
[16:21] <Laney> but it might just be me so I am happy to step aside ...
[16:22] <seb128> Laney, right, I understand that and it's fair enough if you want to step aside and avoid arguments
[16:22] <seb128> it's friday afternoon, let's all rest and see on monday what we do next
=== vkareh_ is now known as vkareh
[16:35] <Laney> ok
[16:35] <Laney> goooooooooood attitude
[16:44] <seb128> Laney, when pristine-tar diverged between us and Debian what's the right way to fix it? merge the debian one in launchpad and then in salsa merge back that one?
[16:44] <seb128> so we can pull again next time
[16:44] <Laney> checkout the debian side, git merge -s ours lp/pristine-tar; git push salsa pristine-tar; git push lp pristine-tar
[16:44] <seb128> thanks
[16:50] * Laney should have been sassy and said finish the salsa migration :>
[16:51] <Laney> #returnofthefridaytroll
[16:56] <seb128> :-)
[17:01] <seb128> kenvandine, let me know if https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evince/-/merge_requests/229 makes sense
[17:03] <Laney> eek
[17:08] <seb128> oSoMoN, can you push upstream/latest and pristine-tar?
[17:08] <seb128> for librsvg and seahorse
[17:08] <oSoMoN> seb128, doing
[17:11] <oSoMoN> seb128, done
[17:12] <oSoMoN> (for tracker and tracker-miners too)
[17:13] <seb128> oSoMoN, thanks
[17:13] <seb128> (I didn't look at those yet/might not get to them today)
[17:23] <oSoMoN> seb128, what would be the next priority, in case I feel like doing updates later in the evening? anything from the TODO column?
[17:24] <seb128> oSoMoN, no real priority, gsettings-desktop-schemas and orca merges should be easy enough and you have upload rights
[17:24] <oSoMoN> ack
[17:24] <seb128> otherwise anything you feel like doing
[17:24] <seb128> but you should call it a week, it's friday evening!
[17:25] <oSoMoN> yeah, I probably will, but the morning was frustratingly unproductive, so I feel like getting stuff done :)
[17:27] <seb128> :-)
[17:27] <seb128> on that note time for me to do some evening/pre-diner activities
[17:27] <seb128> have a nice w.e desktopers!
[17:27] <Laney> bye!
[17:30] <oSoMoN> have a good one!
[18:28] <oSoMoN> have a good week-end everyone!
[19:01] <kenvandine> @hellsworth gnome-3-34-1804{,-sdk} has been published to stable
[19:01] <kenvandine> @hellsworth from here on out let's not push any local builds to the store
[19:01] <kenvandine> only the LP builds
[19:31] <hellsworth> sounds good to me!
[19:31] <hellsworth> and only official LP builds i assume?
[19:31] <hellsworth> (which i do not have perms to trigger)
[19:31] <hellsworth> kenvandine: ^
[19:32] <kenvandine> hellsworth: yup
[19:32] <kenvandine> sorry :)
[19:32] <kenvandine> it will automatically build though
[19:33] <kenvandine> after the mirror updates
[19:33] <hellsworth> ok
[19:56] <k_alam> ricotz: Hi, With newer vala hud is failing to compile with dee...error: construct properties not supported for specified property type... Can you take a look ?
[19:56] <k_alam> ricotz: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/468894644/buildlog_ubuntu-focal-amd64.hud_14.10+17.10.20170619-0ubuntu3_BUILDING.txt.gz
[20:01] <ricotz> k_alam, hi, try to add --pkg dee-1.0 to the vapigen call
[20:03] <ricotz> k_alam, like https://paste.debian.net/plain/1134842
[20:05] <ricotz> k_alam, the built binding should be named "hud-${API_VERSION}.vapi"
[20:05] <ricotz> it is suppose to match the pkg-config filename
[20:07] <k_alam> It seems Ubuntu's dee source has it's own dee-1.0.vapi....but I will try this fix...
[20:08] <k_alam> ricotz: Thanks
[20:09] <ricotz> k_alam, yes, and this already existing dee-1.0.vapi should be used