UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /13 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <SandyToo> withdraw the question: I suppose the thing to do is install it and take it for a test spin
[00:00] <SandyToo> thanks again
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[02:58] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> Somebody has issues with 5.3 kernels?
[03:41] <IrcsomeBot> <Shreddies> @tomreyn, That's ok.One of the guys at my local LUG might have another go after fresh install of Win 10from a disc if he could be bothered.He's a Linux Operations and Deployments Engineer so I think he would know if it's really worth it & then there's another guy working in tech that's been using Linux for about 20yrs but he didn't know what more to do .I've learnt my lesson though buy a Linux laptop for less hassle & to support
[03:41] <IrcsomeBot> companies that pre install Linux ! Best of luck with your Linux adventures :)
[03:43] <IrcsomeBot> <Shreddies> @owad, Protonmail I think
[03:59] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> Linux it's a good system. May be in near future they fuse windows with linux
[04:22] <IrcsomeBot> <darltrash> No
[04:32] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> Eso quiere el tío Bill gates
[04:32] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> Si no puedes con tu enemigo , absorbelo
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[05:30] <tomreyn> Shreddies: thanks, best of luck to you as well
[06:42] <IrcsomeBot> Jessicalll was added by: Jessicalll
[07:06] <Mrokii> Hello. A friend of mine has accidentally hidden the "Removable Devices" section in Dolphin (don't know how). Is there a way to make them visisble again?
[09:13] <lordievader> Good morning
[10:37] <IrcsomeBot> <Alessandro> @Mrokii, Right click on empty space of source panel, there should be an option to show all the hidden sources I guess
[10:52] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[11:47] <user|26236> hey guys
[11:47] <user|26236> well i want to tell someoen
[11:48] <BluesKaj> user|26236, what's your issue?
[11:49] <user|26236> im allmost ready to finally try my crazy device ive made and been working on for a long time its a kinda like a hack and wack black box its really a old ati mother board and a stand alone graphics card put together and wewll its pretty cool wifi dongle usb hub rtl sdr dongle and a bluestack dongle basically i got their bssid mac and a big bad word
[11:49] <user|26236> list somehere
[11:50] <user|26236> trying to find more people to talk to
[11:50] <user|26236> work and learn
[11:50] <user|26236> you know
[11:50] <user|26236> x dopie baxically staying straight
[11:51] <user|26236> u work in the eletronics application or webdav computers field
[11:53] <user|94738> you still there
[11:53] <user|94738> Its me
[11:53] <BluesKaj> choose nick and stick with it
[11:54] <BluesKaj> a nick
[11:57] <user|94738> yooo
[11:57] <user|94738> im nick
[11:57] <user|94738> lol
[11:58] <user|94738> i msissed it did i not
[11:59] <user|94738> man so basically kalias api sucks dick you meta draw the tools pretty fast and it appl it all the way down the on the fly shutter box it has and like super human jquery
[12:01] <BluesKaj> user|94738, WTH are you talking about ...this is Kubuntu support, if you want to talk hardware join #hardware chat
[14:57] <user|76255> quali sono i requisiti minimi hardware e quelli consigliati
=== kt529 is now known as eeos
=== ben_ is now known as bobbyQuick
[15:32] <bobbyQuick> Hey, I'm developing a qt app and I'm having an issue with FileDialog. When I open the file dialog on KDE, the style is totally messed up. Using the import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 dialog.
[15:32] <jukebohi> Is there a way to verify the .iso that has been written to a stick.. I mean to verify that the stick is a true image of the .iso. Maybe I worry too much
[15:33] <BluesKaj> bobbyQuick, best to ask in #kubuntu-devel
[15:33] <bobbyQuick> Ahh, ok, thanks!
[15:33] <BluesKaj> jukebohi, try a md5sum on the image
[15:34] <jukebohi> BluesKaj: I should start with that, but I was more asking that is there a way to verify the contents of the USB stick
[15:35] <BluesKaj> jukebohi, you can verify the usb stick image as well
[15:36] <jukebohi> oh cool how?
[15:36] <BluesKaj> from a different pc
[15:36] <jukebohi> ok. but I worry my other PC is corrupt too
[15:42] <BluesKaj> plug the usb stick into the pc/laptop and run md5sum on the contained image, md5sum /path/to/imagename.iso
=== peter is now known as Guest94852
[18:17] <user|81856> Hi everyone, I am new here. I want to ask you. Is it normal that the creation of the file system stops at 33% for long time?
[18:18] <user|81856> Thanks for who can answer me.
[18:20] <diogenes_> Guest94852, when doing what?
[18:21] <user|81856> When I was installing Kubuntu on my old pc
[18:21] <Klinda> why my laptop is slow? what can I do to make it?
[18:22] <diogenes_> Guest94852, that's not normal.
[18:22] <Klinda> faster?
[18:23] <user|81856> I try to stop the installation and try again, but it arrive to 33% and it stops
[18:23] <diogenes_> Klinda, pastebin the output of the following command: inxi -F
[18:24] <diogenes_> Guest94852, something is bad with your HDD.
[18:26] <Klinda> http://dpaste.com/0GFSPDW diogenes_
[18:27] <user|81856> Ok, I try to install Kubuntu on my new Laptop and Itell you what it will happened
[18:30] <diogenes_> Klinda, define 'slow' and when you first noticed it started to get slow? (according to specs it shouldn't be slow)
[18:30] <Klinda> when power up
[18:30] <Klinda> it takes too times to power on
[18:31] <diogenes_> ahh so it's slow booting?
[18:31] <Klinda> it seems, I never stressed the pc a lot
[18:31] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> Klinda use kde neon is better
[18:32] <Klinda> what?
[18:33] <diogenes_> Klinda, so for us to understand, is the PC slow when you work on it, like opening programs and stuff or it works fine but it just takes too much time to start/boot?
[18:33] <Klinda> to boot takes a lot of time that make me think the pc is slow, maybe
[18:34] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> Mechanical hard disk?
[18:34] <Klinda> lol why neonsil talk with IrcsomeBot?
[18:34] <diogenes_> Klinda, ok now run the following command: systemd-analyze blame | nc termbin.com 9999
[18:34] <Klinda> yes it's a hd
[18:35] <diogenes_> you gonna get a link and share the link in here.
[18:35] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> Change to ssd
[18:35] <Klinda> https://termbin.com/03rp5
[18:36] <Klinda> nah I will never spend a cent for a laptop
[18:36] <diogenes_> Klinda, so these are the services that take the most boot time: postgresql@10-main.service mpd.service snapd.service
[18:37] <diogenes_> do you need those?
[18:37] <Klinda> I need postgres for my university so yes ahah
[18:37] <diogenes_> if you disable them, it will cut more than 1 minute of boot time.
[18:37] <Klinda> but not everyday
[18:37] <Klinda> the other thing what is it?
[18:37] <diogenes_> so there you have the reason why it boots slow.
[18:37] <diogenes_> run: snap list
[18:37] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> I got an SSD of 256 gb and system fly
[18:38] <Klinda> Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
[18:38] <Klinda> acestreamplayer 3.1.49-snap2 10 stable vs -
[18:38] <Klinda> core 16-2.43.3 8689 stable canonical✓ core
[18:38] <Klinda> core18 20200124 1668 stable canonical✓ base
[18:38] <Klinda> acestream?
[18:39] <Klinda> but to boot I mean the time that you use the grup select kubuntu and then like horus and hours to get to the login with the password
[18:39] <Klinda> grub*
[18:39] <diogenes_> do yiou need acestreamplaye?
[18:40] <diogenes_> you*
[18:41] <Klinda> but these are process that are running now?
[18:41] <Klinda> btw no I use it for sometimes get iptv free ahah
[18:41] <diogenes_> these are snap packages installed.
[18:42] <Klinda> what are snap packages?
[18:42] <diogenes_> !snap
[18:42] <ubottu> Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io
[18:43] <Klinda> yes but I mean why do I need to delete acestream? I mean it can't be the reason why at start I select Kubuntu and takes a lot of time to go in the login screen
[18:44] <Klinda> it's something wrong with the operating system or hd
[18:44] <Klinda> what happens after I select in the grub Kubuntu?
[18:47] <diogenes_> Klinda, i already explained that postgresql@10-main.service mpd.service snapd.service take over a minute of your PC starting time, that's why it's slow booting.
[18:48] <Klinda> what is mpd.service and snapd.service ?
[18:48] <Klinda> can I delete them?
[18:48] <Klinda> what happens if I do it?
[18:49] <diogenes_> run: systemctl status mpd
[18:49] <diogenes_> systemctl status snapd
[18:50] <Klinda> 'music player daemon'
[18:50] <Klinda> what is that?
[18:51] <Klinda> the audio of kubuntu?
[18:51] <diogenes_> that is a music player daemon :)
[18:51] <Klinda> ahaaha
[18:51] <Klinda> I mean it's the audio of the pc?
[18:51] <diogenes_> nope.
[18:52] <Klinda> snappy daemon
[18:52] <Klinda> ahahah
[18:52] <Klinda> if I delete them what happens?
[18:52] <Klinda> all daemon in my pc ihih, probably they are some scripts running in background
[18:54] <diogenes_> Klinda, you can try to disable them like this: sudo systemctl disable postgresql@10-main.service && sudo systemctl disable mpd.service && sudo systemctl disable snapd.service
[18:54] <diogenes_> reboot after that and see if your PC is still slow.
[18:54] <Klinda> and then if I need them?
[18:55] <diogenes_> then you do the exact same command but with enable instead of disable.
[18:56] <Klinda> let's see
[18:56] <Klinda> I try to reboot
[19:01] <Klinda> diogenes_: is it accetable?
[19:01] <Klinda> how much time passed?
[19:01] <Klinda> seems the same btw
[19:02] <Klinda> 4 minutes or 5 min to boot
[19:03] <diogenes_> i guess the problem then lies in either HDD or kernel, try to boot a previuos kernel from grub menu > advanced.
[19:05] <upupuser25902590> anyone get kodi to worjk in kubuntu
[19:10] <Klinda> I did with an older kernel it's the same
[19:10] <Klinda> so what can I do?
[19:12] <Klinda>
[19:12] <Klinda> it was
[19:12] <Klinda> something like that
[19:19] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> The answer is kde neon
[19:20] <diogenes_> Klinda, check your HDD.
[19:20] <Klinda> what can I do?
[19:20] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> buy a ssd
[19:21] <Klinda> so ubuntu is the problem?
[19:21] <Klinda> if I put windows
[19:21] <Klinda> is the same?
[19:21] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> if you say so
[19:21] <Klinda> what's kde neon?
[19:22] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> its a distro based in ubuntu, but with last kde software
[19:23] <Klinda> what's the fastest distro then?
[19:26] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> yes sir
[19:26] <Klinda> yes sir what? lol
[19:26] <Klinda> if you said the kde neon is slow, what should I do?
[19:26] <Klinda> btw that's the dmseg http://dpaste.com/1D1VFFM
[20:07] <ahmetesad> hello
[20:32] <tobi> hi
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[20:32] <Guest85639> hi
[21:34] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> Klinda You are an asshole 😀
=== trackrunny is now known as trackrunny_
=== trackrunny_ is now known as trackrunny
[23:02] <trackrunny> Hi
[23:02] <trackrunny> How's everyone doing?
[23:06] <bprompt> trackrunny: alrite, I didn't win the lottery though, however haven't gotten the coronavirus either, so kinda breaking even of sorts
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