UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /12 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== rick is now known as Guest23513
=== HmpfCBR_ is now known as HmpfCBR
[07:33] <lordievader> Good morning
=== da_ is now known as akikara
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest66874
=== peter is now known as Guest51845
[11:13] <BluesKaj> Howdy folks
[13:28] <TuxakaDJSeb> Hello ! Is it possible to modify notifications size in Plasma ?
[14:30] <Metamorphosis> Hello, I'm currently on Ubuntu 18.04.4 , how can I change it to Kubuntu 18.04.4 without breaking things? I have too many files on my hard drive. I'm downloading Kubuntu iso.
[14:31] <genii> just install the package kubuntu-desktop
[14:32] <konrad1> Hey, I registered on kubuntuforums.net about a week ago and still see this: https://i.imgur.com/VuzpQYm.png - I did click the activation link, I do not do anything stupid, just trying to log in, do you know something about it?
[14:32] <Metamorphosis> And how to get rid of the Gnome stuff? I don't want to have too many software on my compact system partition.
[14:40] <BluesKaj> Metamorphosis, look here https://superuser.com/questions/422181/how-can-i-complete-remove-gnome-and-all-of-its-subprograms
[14:41] <Metamorphosis> @BluesKaj Thank you very much, will the process change the violet boot and login screen with Kubuntu one too?
[14:43] <BluesKaj> Metamorphosis, i don't know
[14:44] <BluesKaj> i haven't changed from gnome in almost 10 yrs
[14:44] <BluesKaj> in other words I've been on kde all this time
[14:46] <Metamorphosis> I've been using KDE on opensuse for some time. But that was server and the KDE version was very old (KDE SC 4.2), Now I'm trying to switch to KDE in my laptop too.
[14:48] <Metamorphosis> After installing Kubuntu-desktop package. it asks me to choose display manager (SSDM). which one should I choose? gdm3 or ssdm?
[14:49] <BluesKaj> sddm
[14:50] <BluesKaj> Metamorphosis,^
[14:53] <BluesKaj> !crosspost | Metamorphosis
[14:53] <ubottu> Metamorphosis: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.
[14:54] <Metamorphosis> I didn't know that. thanks.
[15:47] <rs305> how do I search a past topic that I initianted, to see any other responses?
[15:51] <oerheks> rs305, in this channel?
[15:53] <rs305> yes, a few days ago I was trying to get some feedback on what program is best to recover data from my computer as I was attempting to install Kabuntu and changed my mind but it installed it anyway.
[15:55] <rs305> actually it did not install but it did erase my hard drive
[15:55] <oerheks> https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ i guess.. if you know the date
[15:56] <rs305> I am just trying to get a good recovery data software that will be able to recover my data and for the type of incident with the Kubuntu software is where I am at.
[15:58] <rs305> thanks this will help alot
[15:58] <rs305> oerheks
[16:44] <user|57924> setting up a vpn get error message plug in not installed
[16:46] <owad> what sort of vpn connection?
[16:46] <user|57924> pptp
[16:48] <owad> make sure network-manager-pptp is installed
[16:48] <owad> Are there any email clients besides KMail, that support Plasma notifications?
=== hashbang is now known as Guest35528
[19:08] <Guest35528> NickServ nettlynx
=== Guest35528 is now known as hashbangtech
[19:27] <Metamorphosis> Hello, How to change the default download manager in Konqueror?
[19:54] <IrcsomeBot> <bsost_Brendon> Good eveining, dead graphics adaptor, does anyone knoe where kmail sores it's pop/smtp data?
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[23:00] <IrcsomeBot> neonsil was added by: neonsil
[23:27] <IrcsomeBot> <darltrash> Hi @neonsil
[23:28] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> Hola bro
[23:28] <IrcsomeBot> <darltrash> xD
[23:33] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> 😃
[23:33] <IrcsomeBot> <darltrash> xd
[23:34] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> Me fui de madres en kubuntu español y me banearon
[23:34] <IrcsomeBot> <darltrash> xD
[23:34] <IrcsomeBot> <darltrash> Why?
[23:34] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> Me tomé unas cervezas
[23:35] <IrcsomeBot> <darltrash> oh no
[23:36] <IrcsomeBot> <darltrash> That's bad bro lmao
[23:36] <IrcsomeBot> <neonsil> Ya me perdonaran
[23:46] <SandyToo> a question:
[23:47] <SandyToo> is there a 32bit version of ubuntu?
[23:47] <SandyToo> pls
[23:48] <SandyToo> afk/brb
[23:50] <genii> Lubuntu is the only flavour now which is still issuing 32bit releases
[23:54] <SandyToo> lubuntu: ty
[23:55] <SandyToo> how does it compare to linuxmint?
[23:55] <SandyToo> currently running mint on this old box