UbuntuIRC / 2020 /03 /02 /#cloud-init.txt
Initial commit
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
=== vrubiolo1 is now known as vrubiolo
=== vrubiolo1 is now known as vrubiolo
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh-msft
=== vrubiolo1 is now known as vrubiolo
[18:29] <fredlef1> rharper: Can you take a look at PR:229 when you have a minute. It's a follow up from our chat last week about the cached datasource object?
[18:29] <fredlef1> https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/229
[18:30] <blackboxsw> fredlef1: I also owe you a followup on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/216 apologies I got pulled into a minor escalation
[18:30] <blackboxsw> plan is still to get you an update today
[18:34] <blackboxsw> rharper: I think the bug we were hitting is in part related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/1727356
[18:34] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1727356 in mutter (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Login screen never appears on early generation Intel GPUs (Core2 and Atom etc)" [High,Fix released]
[18:35] <rharper> fredlef1: definitely
[18:35] <blackboxsw> woah wrong bug
[18:35] <rharper> blackboxsw: maybe; but it's out-of-scope for our bug
[18:35] <rharper> oh
[18:35] <rharper> hehe
[18:35] <blackboxsw> https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1848617
[18:35] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1848617 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "Installing ifupdown on bionic does not install a /etc/network/interfaces that sources /etc/network/interfaces.d/*" [Undecided,New]
[18:35] <blackboxsw> but still out of scope for our bug specifically
[18:35] <rharper> blackboxsw: yes, that is true
[18:35] <rharper> I agree
[18:35] <blackboxsw> though bionic ifupdown on bionic should have a proper include
[18:35] <rharper> the source file is from the image build
[18:35] <rharper> and on bionic it's not installed
[18:36] <rharper> I don't think ifupdown packaging ever contained that
[18:36] <rharper> it was always an image build add
[18:36] <blackboxsw> ahh i see
[18:36] <rharper> but, that sounds exactly correct
[18:37] <blackboxsw> confirmed on xenial dpkg -S /etc/network/interfaces finds no owning pkgs
[18:37] <rharper> blackboxsw: worth asking cpc how best to handle this w.r.t legacy cloud-init
[18:37] <blackboxsw> will do
[18:37] <rharper> that is, cloud-init *could* emit that source stanza in /etc/network/interfaces
[18:38] <rharper> blackboxsw: actually; the xenial image should have that
[18:39] <blackboxsw> rharper: xenial image does contain the file, just not delivered by a package
[18:39] <blackboxsw> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/dNGHqNzKvt/
[18:39] <blackboxsw> so image build process did it
[18:39] <rharper> correct
[18:39] <rharper> however , what clobbers the file ?
[18:39] <rharper> if you launch a xenial image , it should be present, no?
[18:39] <rharper> so what happens during package install, snapshot, upgrade ?
[18:39] <blackboxsw> rharper: ubuntu@
[18:40] <rharper> in
[18:40] <rharper> I see the file looks like it was clobbered by the install of the package
[18:41] <rharper> look at ifupdown postinst
[18:41] <rharper> it will create the file
[18:41] <blackboxsw> +1 see it
[18:42] <blackboxsw> rharper: though see that postinst creates with different incorrect content too
[18:42] <rharper> not incorrect
[18:42] <rharper> just does not filter *.cfg from the .d dir
[18:42] <blackboxsw> source /etc/network/interfaces instead of 'source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg'
[18:43] <blackboxsw> ahh I overlooked source-directory
[18:43] <blackboxsw> right
[18:46] <rharper> blackboxsw: so; if I launch a new xenial image, the /etc/network/interfaces is what we expect
[18:46] <blackboxsw> rharper: and I don't think the original issue was on xenial at all
[18:46] <rharper> oh ?
[18:47] <blackboxsw> just bionic as I re-readit
[18:47] <rharper> how did I see xenial mentioned as well /
[18:47] <rharper> that makes a lot more sense
[18:47] <rharper> as the in-image eni file is sane
[18:47] <blackboxsw> right, xenial was mentioned as not replacing it
[18:47] <rharper> ok
[18:47] <blackboxsw> *reproducing*
[18:47] <rharper> there we go
[18:47] <blackboxsw> ok so filing a bug and adding workaround notes.
[18:48] <rharper> so, then yes, this comes down to bionic images not having the cpc eni file because it's not ifupdown enabled; and further, ifupdown packging does not provide a file with the cloud-init expected source directive
[18:48] <rharper> it can be resolved in a few places; for now; I suspect we want to purge ifupdown in that image unless pppoe is needed (it is not in the cloud AFAICT)
[18:49] <blackboxsw> rharper: you thinks it's worth demoting pppeoconf installed by ubuntu-desktop from required to recommends too? maybe I'm misreading the bionic pkg debian control
[18:49] <rharper> this should result in rendereing networkd just fine and all is well
[18:49] <rharper> blackboxsw: unclear
[18:49] <rharper> I think workaround first (uninstall ifupdown)
[18:49] <blackboxsw> yeah +1.
[18:50] <rharper> blackboxsw: follow is, if you install bionic from desktop iso, do you get ifupdown ?
[18:50] <rharper> if not, why
[18:50] <rharper> and cloud-init can be defensive in the bionic case w.r.t adding a source directive if the /etc/network/interfaces files does not contain it
[18:51] <rharper> floating the idea of whether the ifupdown package itself should have that in it's auto-generated eni file
[19:07] <ahosmanMSFT> rharper: I tested the PR looks to be working, can you double check?
[19:07] <rharper> ahosmanMSFT: excellent, I'll give it a spin
[19:52] <blackboxsw> rharper: http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/ubuntu-18.04.4-desktop-amd64.manifest doesn't that mean the Ubuntu Desktop ISO installs both ifupdown and ppoeconfig pkgs?
[19:52] <blackboxsw> I'm mid download and install run now to be certain
[19:53] <rharper> blackboxsw: well, it means the deb packages are installed
[19:53] <rharper> it does not say, what, if any, iso specific changes are made in livecd-rootfs
[19:53] <rharper> blackboxsw: so, unfortunately you'll need to complete an install
[19:54] <rharper> paride is gone, but I wonder if utah has final image qcow2 images we could post-mortem the filesystem
[19:54] * rharper inspects a local bionic desktop install
[19:56] <rharper> blackboxsw: my local bionic desktop does not have any source * stuff in it's eni file
[19:58] <blackboxsw> rharper: my orig cpc image had the netplan disabled comments in /etc/network/interfaces
[19:58] <rharper> yes, cloud images
[19:58] <rharper> but standard desktop wont (just ifupdown installed due to the pppoe dep IIUC)