UbuntuIRC / 2020 /02 /29 /#ubports.txt
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[20:09] <mozzwald> I'm trying to get 5.5 kernel working on pinephone with ubports but having some issues. I can boot and get to the gui with 5.5 kernel, but I am unable to run any applications. the ui seems to work fine, I can access program list and notification area
[20:10] <mozzwald> when trying to run an app, nothing happens. I am unable to run apps from ssh session and get the error "Running on a compositor with no screens is not supported"
[20:11] <mozzwald> I have tried exporting the DISPLAY and WAYLAND_DISPLAY variables with no luck. any suggestions for troubleshooting this?
[20:12] <mozzwald> I'm not really familiar with Mir/Wayland, or if the kernel needs something special for them to run