UbuntuIRC / 2020 /02 /26 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[12:05] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[17:49] <Tuxist> hi i have problem there where no libqt53dextras5 dev package
[17:49] <Tuxist> i need QDiffuseSpecularMaterial header
[17:53] <mitya57> Tuxist: that is https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=909306
[17:53] <ubottu> Debian bug 909306 in qt3d5-dev "qt3d5-dev: Qt53DExtrasConfig.cmake missing" [Normal,Open]
[17:53] <mitya57> My plan is to fix that as part of Qt 5.14 packaging
[17:54] <Tuxist> mitya57: ok i need this to build qlcplus i ported at the moment to use portaudio to use it with pipewire
[18:12] <Tuxist> mitya57: that should solve my problem https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/qt/qt3d/-/merge_requests/2/diffs
[18:14] <mitya57> Tuxist: no, these files are removed in debian/rules
[18:29] <Tuxist> mitya57: when will new packages released ?
[18:30] <mitya57> Hopefully in time for Ubuntu 20.04.
[18:42] <mitya57> Tuxist: well, lisandro prefers to wait a bit, so I can't yet promise anything about 20.04 yet.
[18:42] <mitya57> I don't want to diverge from Debian packaging.
[18:43] <lisandro> Tuxist: word of advice: do not make your app use unstable API exept you really know what you are doing
[18:44] <lisandro> I'll ask in the upstream mailing list non the less for it's status
[18:45] <Tuxist> lisandro: not my app i'am only fork at the moment
[18:45] <lisandro> Tuxist: as far as I know qlcplus does not uses qt3d ... yet
[18:46] <lisandro> and Im pretty sure because I started it's packaging ;-)
[18:46] <Tuxist> lisandro: the git version with qml ui use this
[18:47] <lisandro> file a bug against them
[18:47] <lisandro> let them now it's unstable API
[18:47] <lisandro> *know
[18:48] <lisandro> Tuxist: once you filed the bug feel free to pass me the url
[18:48] <lisandro> I'll chime in if necessary
[18:50] <Tuxist> https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus
[18:50] <Tuxist> my merge request https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/pull/1214
[18:55] <lisandro> Tuxist: a link of the bug report you need to open, stating that Massimo is using unstable API
[18:55] <lisandro> and that presents an issue for Debian and Ubuntu