UbuntuIRC / 2020 /02 /23 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[04:22] <caylorme> join #godot
[13:32] <xnox> doko: thanks for supercollider upload
[13:34] <xnox> doko: about zimlib I thought it needs library package rename. But i also wonder if the reverse-deps use symbols from zimlib or not, cause they were already rebuilt against icu65
[13:35] <xnox> somehow this:
[13:35] <xnox> ldd /usr/bin/zimwriterfs | grep icuuc
[13:35] <xnox> libicuuc.so.65 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libicuuc.so.65 (0x00007f73bf29a000)
[13:35] <xnox> libicuuc.so.63 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libicuuc.so.63 (0x00007f73be701000)
[13:35] <xnox> does not crash
[13:38] <xnox> doko: but i am confused about your mozjs60 upload
[13:38] <xnox> - VERBOSE=1 python2 intl/icu_sources_data.py "$(CURDIR)"
[13:38] <xnox> + VERBOSE=1 python intl/icu_sources_data.py "$(CURDIR)"
[14:08] <doko> fixed, and just uploaded the two zimlib rdeps
=== led_dark_2 is now known as led_dark_1
[18:28] <ahasenack> doko: just in case there is some excitement tomorrow before my start of day, https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/bind9/+git/bind9/+merge/379699 is the bind9 9.16.0 merge