UbuntuIRC / 2020 /02 /22 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:27] <KillGorack> Kubuntu 19.1, Question. I had TWO monitors (DVI, and HDMI), the DVI connected monitor was removed and the HDMI remains. Problem is I lost my task bar. Without creating a new one how can I get the taskbar to show up on the screen I have now?
[02:03] <IrcsomeBot> <kusuma_loka> excuse me … i just install Kubuntu 19.10 … but VLC not play sound on any video file … but play mp3 audio normal … chrome and firefox normal too play any video / audio … this happen on live cd too, vlc stop play sound on video file especially .mkv
[02:07] <IrcsomeBot> <kusuma_loka> my laptop is Thinkpad T440P
[02:29] <IrcsomeBot> <kusuma_loka> and one more question … in my kubuntu, just straight boot to kubuntu, without showing any grub menu … my setting is using EFI GPT … i can chose other OS using laptop bios menu
[02:43] <valorie> @kusuma_loka - sounds like you are lacking some files which allow other filetypes than mp3
[02:43] <valorie> when you installed, did you allow the "non-free" addon files?
[02:43] <valorie> !info non-free
[02:43] <ubottu> Package non-free does not exist in bionic
[02:43] <IrcsomeBot> <kusuma_loka> Do you mean resticted extras?
[02:44] <valorie> pfff, can't recall what we call it
[02:44] <IrcsomeBot> <kusuma_loka> I dont know what happen, but in dragon player, same .mkv file play normal with sound
[02:47] <valorie> package is called kubuntu-restricted-extras
[02:48] <valorie> in the commandline, type 'sudo apt install kubuntu-restricted-extras'
[02:48] <valorie> with out the tick marks
[02:49] <valorie> https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/4rpbst/how_to_play_mkv_files_on_ubuntu/ talks more about this
[02:50] <IrcsomeBot> <kusuma_loka> i done instal that extras
[02:51] <IrcsomeBot> <kusuma_loka> in dragonplayer, the .mkv file is play flawless
[02:51] <IrcsomeBot> <kusuma_loka> but just in VLC, not make any sound
[02:52] <valorie> :(
[02:55] <valorie> mkv is just a container, so I can't say what the real issue is
[03:04] <IrcsomeBot> <kusuma_loka> i dont know what happen … because in dragonplayer, mkv file still play
[03:07] <valorie> I guess ask in a VLC channel
[03:07] <valorie> it's not KDE software
[03:08] <valorie> hmmm, I don't see a channel here on Freenode, sorry
[03:08] <valorie> dragonplayer *is* KDE software, and we package it
[03:11] <ecov> why is kdeconnect so damn limited compared to the gnome notifier app
[03:13] <valorie> limited in what way?
[03:14] <valorie> I've not really used gnome stuff, so have no clue about their software
[03:17] <IrcsomeBot> <kusuma_loka> Okay … After reinstall vlc, reinstal kubuntu extras, the bug still there … But try dragonplayer and work normal, i think like you said, this vlc bug
[03:19] <valorie> @kusuma_loka I'm so sorry I could not help
[03:19] <valorie> I don't know where VLC collects bug reports, sorry
[03:26] <ecov> @valorie do you use KDEconnect with plasma?
[03:26] <valorie> yes, for years
[03:26] <ecov> ok, check this out https://github.com/Bajoja/indicator-kdeconnect
[03:27] <valorie> what's your point?
[03:27] <valorie> it's free software, so people are free to do their own thing with the code.....
[03:27] <ecov> being able to initiate sms from the indicator seems like a missed opportunity
[03:28] <valorie> I guess
[03:29] <valorie> I use signal so I already can sms from my laptop or phone
[03:29] <valorie> ::shrug::
[03:29] <ecov> thats not a bad idea
[03:30] <valorie> I'm not a big fan of one piece of software that can do *everything*
[03:30] <valorie> like a swiss army knife
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[03:48] <ecov> ive questioned the security of kdeconnect
[03:51] <IrcsomeBot> <kusuma_loka> @valorie okay, thanks for your assist. … now just using dragon player for play … maybe in 20.04 the problem is solve or in next vlc update
[03:51] <valorie> yw
[03:51] <valorie> ecov: what security issue
[03:52] <valorie> connections are through your own network
[03:52] <valorie> not bluetooth
[03:52] <valorie> the reason being that bt doesn't have the security
[03:52] <valorie> yet
[03:53] <ecov> the security isseus that come with all in one box solutions
[03:53] <ecov> like you mentioned
[03:53] <valorie> mtp suuuuuuucked
[03:53] <valorie> kdeconnect is better
[03:54] <valorie> imo there is no security problem since the pairing needs to happen at both ends
[03:54] <ecov> I'd be more concerned with a security issue popping up in the android app
[03:56] <valorie> like a munged-up version or so?
[03:56] <ecov> maybe. I dont know enough. Honestly its probably just ignorant paranoia
[03:57] <valorie> I think that for both fdroid and gplay the packages are signed
[03:57] <valorie> they do take security very seriously
[03:57] <valorie> everyone has been asking for bt for 2 or 3 years
[03:58] <ecov> is the andorid app maintained by the kde folks?
[03:58] <valorie> and some of the work has been finished
[03:58] <valorie> yes, 100%
[03:58] <valorie> but because of security concerns, not added
[03:58] <valorie> maybe they will get those issues solved, and maybe they won't
[03:59] <valorie> but it will not be added until it is safe
[03:59] <ecov> works for me
[03:59] <ecov> i gotta get to bed nice chatting
[03:59] <valorie> sleep well
[07:00] <user|2289> Hi can I install Kubuntu on my Intel Celeron N4000 1gz and turbo boost upto 2.4gz with 4GB of RAM?
[07:00] <user|2289> Kindly answer me. can I installl
[07:02] <TuxakaDJSeb> I think that 4GB are enough.
[07:03] <TuxakaDJSeb> I don't know for the CPU.
[07:04] <user|2289> Thank you. I am gonna try
[07:04] <user|2289> my concern is Intel Celern can Handle?
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[11:56] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
[12:12] <IrcsomeBot> Thuat Nguyen was added by: Thuat Nguyen
[12:13] <IrcsomeBot> <Thuat Nguyen> Hi everyone, I am using Kubuntu 18.04.4 on a 13.3 inch laptop with 1920x1080 screen and everything is so small.
[12:14] <IrcsomeBot> <Thuat Nguyen> I try to use scale display but it make Konsole has ugly line.
[12:15] <IrcsomeBot> <Thuat Nguyen> anyone has any ideal to make it better?
[12:15] <IrcsomeBot> <Thuat Nguyen> thank you so much.
[12:20] <BluesKaj> Thuat Nguyen, set your dpi higher then the default 96 in system settings, you'll need to experiment with the dpi to find a setting that is suitable for you
[12:21] <BluesKaj> then=than
[12:40] <user|58032> install usb
[13:12] <IrcsomeBot> <Thuat Nguyen> (Photo, 930x731) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/2rq0tl0h/file_24275.jpg
[13:13] <IrcsomeBot> <Thuat Nguyen> (Photo, 1069x830) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/EWlGTs3I/file_24276.jpg
[13:13] <IrcsomeBot> <Thuat Nguyen> HI, why these system moniter has different ram usage?
[13:14] <IrcsomeBot> <Thuat Nguyen> one is ksysguard,and the other is is gnome system moniter
[15:48] <IrcsomeBot> kemmydal was added by: kemmydal
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