UbuntuIRC / 2020 /02 /19 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[11:11] <The_LoudSpeaker> larla the unity8 is still under huuge development and not fit for desktop use. It won't be available in 20.04
=== Antoine is now known as Guest40282
[15:44] <PaddyF> hello :)
[15:44] <lotuspsychje> see topic PaddyF
[15:44] <PaddyF> roger
[15:45] <lotuspsychje> PaddyF: you can always test a liveusb daily if you want to see the progress made already
[15:46] <PaddyF> i did one of these tests 2 weeks ago and it did not go very well
[15:46] <lotuspsychje> PaddyF: what kind of misery did you meet?
[15:49] <PaddyF> hmmm, if i could find that piece of paper where i took ma notes. one example: when i selected manual partitioning: a) the app crashed b) it was not possible to create 1 crypto container for multiple partitions
[15:50] <lotuspsychje> on wich device did you try to install?
[15:50] <PaddyF> 5-6 year old PC, AMD chipsets and an SSD
[15:51] <PaddyF> sorry, brb
[16:01] <PaddyF> nope, cant find the notes which sucks
[16:02] <lotuspsychje> PaddyF: 20.04 is still in development right now, that means breakage & bugs are possible
[16:02] <PaddyF> i know :)
[16:02] <lotuspsychje> PaddyF: when help testing, we advice to test on a clean daily, and affect or create the bugs you encounter
[16:04] <PaddyF> my skills wont be of use there. thats why i wanted to check when the feature freeze is
[16:04] <PaddyF> i managed to google it
[16:05] <lotuspsychje> PaddyF: feature freeze isnt a guarantee to have no bugs
[16:06] <PaddyF> its better than being a copy of debian unstable
[18:56] <teward> I was pinged re: 1857036?