UbuntuIRC / 2020 /02 /16 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== element is now known as Guest40959
=== ishikawa is now known as ishikawa_sama
[00:54] <IrcsomeBot> m הקטנה was added by: m הקטנה
[00:54] <IrcsomeBot> <m הקטנה> (Photo, 1280x754) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/Y5nZJmt9/file_23774.jpg AMFEIX is the worlds first blockchain Bank built on decentralized ledgers. Let the professionals trade for you. … Profit and loss is calculated in bitcoin. … January’s net return on BTC: 7.77% … Start Now http://tiny.cc/k02yjz
[01:14] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @m הקטנה, This looks pretty spammy.
=== element is now known as Guest15315
[01:45] <_myst_> Hi, can you guys help out please & thanks in advance. thanks inadvance, Ive just installed eos, for daughters pc. I need to configure my network, to use Ive been randomly dropping out. at this moment I'm using have a working network on the pc, as I have been randomly dropping out
[03:30] <grey__> Hello
[03:30] <grey__> I have a little situation here and I dont know how to fix it and my roommate is going to shoot me if I dont
[03:31] <grey__> Installed Kubuntu on a flash drive for convenience. Shut down the computer when I was done and when I tried to boot it back up again the wiindows drive just vanished.
[03:32] <grey__> So now the computer refuses to boot windows and gives me a black sccreen telling me to install a boot medium
[03:32] <grey__> only thing that works now is the drive with Kubuntu
[03:37] <grey__> Is there anyone out there who can give me a hand?
[03:38] <t00tie> change boot order in bios?
=== grey__ is now known as Poobis
[03:45] <Poobis> I might try that
[03:45] <Poobis> I am not sure why I didnt think of that
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[05:47] <IrcsomeBot> 15622750474 was added by: 15622750474
[06:55] <IrcsomeBot> 洋子 Lawal was added by: 洋子 Lawal
[06:55] <IrcsomeBot> <洋子 Lawal> http://bit.do/ft9ek
[06:55] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @洋子 Lawal, Spam?
[08:18] <IrcsomeBot> <Alessandro> Hi everyone, I'm testing Kubuntu 20.04 and I have a small problem with Chromium Browser (snap), it doesn't save passwords, there is a way to fix it ?
[08:24] <tomreyn> maybe this is bug 1849693
[08:24] <ubottu> bug 1849693 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "[snap] Profile importer assumes the profile is called 'Default'" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1849693
[08:54] <chen> hello
[08:57] <IrcsomeBot> <Alessandro> Why forcing to use snap version of Chromium even if is buggy ?
[08:59] <chen> I don't know
[09:00] <diogenes_> Alessandro, that's the future as it's seen by Mark Shuttleworth.
[09:05] <IrcsomeBot> <Alessandro> @diogenes_, A problematic future I guess, I don't see any good reason to force user to switch to snap problematic package
[09:10] <IrcsomeBot> <Alessandro> So is not a problem related to 20.04 but a snap package problem and there is not anymore alternative to use chromium, very sad, time to switch to other browser ?
[09:13] <IrcsomeBot> <Alessandro> Anyway, Kubuntu 20.04 seems to be already very stable, congratulation to any developer working on it 👍
[09:14] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Firefox is dramatically better'n it's ever been in the past.
[09:22] <diogenes_> blooalien, some sites don't function properly in ff.
[09:24] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @diogenes_, I have yet to come across any that have given me any troubles, and I browse the web pretty much daily.
[09:27] <diogenes_> blooalien, try this one for instance: https://web.skype.com/
[09:28] <diogenes_> on this one you can't swich cam and mic on/off: https://whereby.com/test
[09:29] <diogenes_> and they both work well in chromium.
[09:31] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Huh... Strange about Skype, as the Skype support in Hotmail works for me just fine. Wonder why they claim that one can't.
[09:32] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> I bet it'd work without issue if I change my browser headers to lie about what browser I'm usin'.
[09:32] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> They're prolly doing some lame browser agent sniffing thing.
[09:33] <diogenes_> blooalien, with skype yes, you can change the user agent and it works but the second one won't work.
[09:34] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Sadly, I ain't gotta camera, so cannot test the second one very thoroughly, but if they can't code their site right, then I'd never use their service anyhow. There's tons of similar services that work fine in Firefox.
[09:36] <diogenes_> blooalien, unfortunately due to work and other circumstaces, people have no better choice.
[09:37] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> I honestly didn't even know that Skype had any other webapp outside of the one I normally use in Hotmail (which I rarely ever check, as Hotmail is my "spam" dumping ground that I use to sign up for stuff with).
[09:39] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @diogenes_, That's literally the first site I've had give me any issue in Firefox in many years, and to be honest, I'm surprised that any sites at all still do that lame browser agent sniffing garbage anymore. It's horribly bad web design practice. You're supposed to be doing feature checking instead these days.
[09:40] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Tho I guess I should not be surprised at a Microsoft owned service doing shady outdated crap with their web design.
[09:41] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Now I'm starting to wonder how long it'll be before I visit GitHub only to be told that it don't work in Firefox and I need Chrome or Edge...
[09:43] <diogenes_> blooalien, that's to be expected but MS is a drowning Titanic already.
[09:43] <tomreyn> diogenes_: i also don't have a cam connected but the rest seems to work fine on my ubuntu 18.04 LTS with firefox 72.0.2 (64-bit)
[09:44] <tomreyn> that's on https://whereby.com/test
[09:44] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @diogenes_, Shame that they'll prolly end up ruining GitHub sooner or later.
[09:44] <diogenes_> tomreyn, yes no cam or mic accessible.
[09:45] <tomreyn> i did have to click on "request access" (to microphone and video) on the bottom, though
[09:45] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @diogenes_, Mic worked for me. Just wasn't able to test the cam.
[09:45] <tomreyn> diogenes_: i'm saying mic and screen sharing works fine
[09:45] <tomreyn> just cam i can't try, for lack of hardware
[09:47] <diogenes_> sorry guys i wasn't clear enough, camera and mic works but there are buttons on the bottom to switch the cam and mic on and off and they are grayed out.
[09:47] <diogenes_> in chromium they work, i've tried the user agents and they don't make any difference.
[09:48] <tomreyn> diogenes_: you may need to enable mic and cam access on the left end of the address bar
[09:49] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @diogenes_, Does not appear to be an issue here for me. Seems to be working as expected as far as I can tell.
[09:50] <diogenes_> tomreyn, i allowed access and i can see and hear but can't turn it off, no clue i'm on ff 68 esr.
[09:50] <tomreyn> diogenes_: which kubuntu release is this? 16.04?
[09:50] <tomreyn> !info firefox xenial
[09:50] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> That might be it. I'm on Firefox 73.0
[09:50] <ubottu> firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 72.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 49583 kB, installed size 197707 kB
[09:51] <tomreyn> there doesn't seem to be this firefox version on any supported (k)ubuntu release
[09:51] <diogenes_> tomreyn, Debian 10.
[09:51] <tomreyn> "this" -> ff 68 esr
[09:51] <tomreyn> well, this channel is about kubuntu
[09:52] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> I'm on Kubuntu 18.04LTS
[09:52] <diogenes_> tomreyn, and i was not asking for support, just saying :)
[09:52] <tomreyn> oh ok, got you wrong then
[09:54] <tomreyn> so i think this site does function properly at least on kubuntu then
[09:54] <tomreyn> but indeed i had assume dit'd also work fine on ESR
[09:55] <tomreyn> those sharing options have been there for a while. maybe debian just ships some different defaults where access to microphone and camera is off by default or something.
[09:55] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Little shocked it doesn't. Web based video chat is old-hat these days.
[10:02] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=skype&platform=Linux … Looks like Firefox has addons to work around the Skype junk.
[10:03] <diogenes_> blooalien, none of those allow to make calls.
[10:04] <diogenes_> only to chat.
[10:05] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> I see several that claim to support video/voice calls. You gonna make me install and test 'em?
[10:06] <diogenes_> i've tried all some time ago and they weren't able to call.
[10:06] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> "Skype Web Messenger brings Skype right into your browser to make audio and video calls."
[10:07] <diogenes_> maybe ff 73 brings something new to the table but i doubt.
[10:07] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> There's also a Linux native Skype desktop app still as well, isn't there? (Dunno, as I ain't used Skype in ages, other than the occasional message while checking my Hotmail.)
[10:08] <diogenes_> blooalien, that the last thing i'd want, proprietary apps on my system.
[10:08] <diogenes_> so webapps are ok.
[10:09] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> The webapp is just as proprietary as the desktop app is. If you're willing to use Skype at all, then webapp vs desktop app shouldn't bother you that much.
[10:10] <diogenes_> blooalien, you don't install webapps on your system so it's not the same.
[10:13] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> So, I'm on the Skype webapp in Firefox using one of those Firefox addons right now and it sure looks like everything all works exactly as expected.
[10:14] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Again, I can't test the camera support, but the mic works, and I just did a calltest and that worked.
[10:15] <diogenes_> blooalien, then i can applaud ff 73, could you give me the link to the addon?
[10:16] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> The first one I tested was https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/skype-web-ff/ and it's working fine to bypass that browser agent sniffing.
[10:18] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> It's not that Firefox doesn't support Skype. It's that Microsoft is refusing to allow any browser that isn't claiming to be Chrome or Edge to even TRY to use the Skype webapp. The browser itself appears fully capable of running Skype without issue.
[10:19] <oerheks> there is a working snap > sudo snap install skype --classic https://snapcraft.io/skype
[10:20] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> In my own personal experience, since around Firefox 53 or so, I've been able to use every site I've tried, including many that claim to be Chrome only. On rare occasion I'll have to lie to a site about my browser, but that's bad web design forcing that, not Firefox. Nothing you can do about clueless web designers except work around their stupidity.
[10:21] <diogenes_> blooalien, it changes the user agent i see, i do the same thing manually by adding in about:config: general.useragent.override.web.skype.com
[10:22] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Yep. The addon just makes it simple/automatic is all.
[10:23] <IrcsomeBot> <Alessandro> Other question on default software on Kubuntu 20.04, the standard music player is Elisa which is great but it seems to miss some features, there are extension for it or it's just good basic player and for something richer I should install other software like amarok for example ?
[10:24] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @oerheks> there is a working snap , I've also read articles about how to sandbox the Skype desktop app into a container, too. Totally possible to be as paranoid as you want (just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they aren't actually out to get you) and still use Skype desktop if you really wanna... This is Linux, after all... ;)
[10:26] <diogenes_> Alessandro, what features you are missing.
[10:26] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Amarok is still one of my favorite music players/organizers on KDE.
[10:27] <IrcsomeBot> <Alessandro> @diogenes_, shoutcast for example
[10:30] <franzpow_> Hi. How to copy files from my Kubuntu partition to my windows partition?
[10:30] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> There's also `qmmp` if you want something more WinAmp-like.
[10:31] <franzpow_> I am able to read the windows partition in dolphin, but not able to copy files into it
[10:31] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @franzpow_, Should pretty much just be drag'n'drop in your filemanager (Dolphin) innit?
[10:31] <franzpow_> It does not work
[10:31] <franzpow_> Bc it says it's mounted as read only
[10:31] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Wierd. Partition mounted readonly?
[10:31] <franzpow_> Yea
[10:32] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Is NTFS-3G installed?
[10:32] <franzpow_> I don't know
[10:32] <diogenes_> franzpow_, boot into windows and then reboot into linux and it should be working, but reboot, not shutdown.
[10:33] <oerheks> if a partition is mounted read-only, something is wrong with the filesystem. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting
[10:33] <franzpow_> Should I have to do this everytime?
[10:33] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> `apt list --installed | grep ntfs` should tell ya if it's installed or not.
[10:33] <oerheks> ntfs is installed standard now
[10:33] <diogenes_> franzpow_, yes unless you disable fastboot.
[10:33] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @oerheks, This is a good point. It could be that the partition simply needs an error check in Windows to clean up some little thing.
[10:34] <franzpow_> I have it installed
[10:34] <IrcsomeBot> <Alessandro> @blooalien, But amarok has even been removed from repos ? 🤔
[10:34] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> NTFS-3G does not like to allow writing to any partition it thinks might be "dirty" (unchecked for errors in too long, or possibly as yet unfixed errors lingering in the filesystem).
[10:35] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @Alessandro, Really? It's still there in 18.04. Haven't tried anything newer as yet.
[10:36] <franzpow_> Diogenes_ so basically all I should do is trying to boot into windows? What must be done to have it ready to write on it without problems everytimr?
[10:36] <diogenes_> franzpow_, to disable fastboot.
[10:37] <IrcsomeBot> <Alessandro> @blooalien, I'm surprised but I didn't find "Amarok" in discover or muon on 20.04, but maybe is just because is an early version ?
[10:37] <IrcsomeBot> <MFraz74> @blooalien, It was removed in 19.04. Still being ported to kf5
[10:37] <franzpow_> What fastboot stands for?
[10:37] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> So glad I don't have Windows anymore. Such a pain in the butt it was to deal with.
[10:38] <IrcsomeBot> <MFraz74> @MFraz74, Actually 18.04 seems to have been the last time it was available.
[10:38] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @MFraz74, Bummer. :(
[10:39] <franzpow_> I hate windows but it's playing games with me :') it does start in less time now than my kubuntu installation
[10:39] <franzpow_> That's odd
[10:39] <franzpow_> Btw booting now in kubuntu to see if I am able to write on win partition
[10:40] <IrcsomeBot> <MFraz74> @blooalien, There is a PPA - https://launchpad.net/~joe-yasi/+archive/ubuntu/amarok-kde5 but at the moment it needs an external database set up due to changes in mysql 8.0.
[10:40] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> I genuinely cannot use Windows anymore. It literally enrages me every time I try now. Been on Linux too long, and every little wart and papercut of Windows just bugs the hell outta me now.
[10:43] <franzpow_> Diogenes_ it worked! Thanks
[10:44] <diogenes_> you're welcome.
[10:44] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @franzpow_, Sweet. Congrats!
[10:44] <franzpow_> Which changes "fastboot" provide to my system If I disable it?
[10:44] <diogenes_> franzpow_, slower boot.
[10:44] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Isn't fastboot just a form of suspend or hibernate basically?
[10:45] <diogenes_> blooalien, yeah
[10:45] <IrcsomeBot> <Linuxophil> https://youtu.be/UYn4UYQ-nTo
[10:45] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> I seem to remember readin' somewhere a while back that it wasn't really anything terribly innovative or special.
[10:46] <franzpow_> That does not sound good to me. Should stick with restarting my pc whenever I want to enter my windows partition
[10:47] <franzpow_> Linuxophil: no thanks
[10:47] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @franzpow_, It actually shouldn't make all that huge a difference really.
[10:52] <IrcsomeBot> <Linuxophil> @franzpow_, Celebrating the endless configurability of our favourite desktop? Yes please!!
[10:53] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> "endless configurability" <- This is one of the main things that keeps me on KDE and Linux. :)
[10:54] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> LOVE bein' able to tailor my environment pretty much perfectly for just about anything I need. ;)
[10:54] <franzpow_> Linuxophil: you're right, I simply don't like copying other OS ' DE
[10:54] <franzpow_> I am fine with KDE and a little modifications to my desktop and it's just right :)
[10:56] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @franzpow_, It IS pretty well set up right outta the box. Doesn't take much tweaking at all to make it fairly perfect after a clean install.
[10:56] <franzpow_> blooalien, now I should find a way to make kubuntu faster at boot like it was when I installed it
[10:57] <franzpow_> Are there some tools that clean the system from temp files.. Or something like that?
[10:57] <franzpow_> blooalien, I perfectly agree with you
[10:57] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @franzpow_, Make sure you've disabled any services you ain't needing for starters... Each startup service (of course) adds a little bit to the boot time.
[10:59] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @franzpow_, Temp files shouldn't affect startup time at all, and they're automatically torched at each reboot, as tmpfs is a ram-based filesystem.
[10:59] <franzpow_> Yeah but I did not add any service since the installation..
[11:00] <franzpow_> I made a mess sometimes with my system but... I thinks simply something odd happened
[11:00] <franzpow_> I OC my CPU and strangely windows booted like a rocket. I did not boot windows partition since 2-3 months
[11:01] <franzpow_> So it's strange enough.. Kubuntu used to be very fast compared to windows boot
[11:01] <franzpow_> On my old core2duo
[11:03] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> https://askubuntu.com/questions/10290/how-do-i-improve-boot-speed might have some good tips about boot speedup?
[11:04] <franzpow_> I will check it out. It's like my system became heavier in 4-5 months
[11:04] <franzpow_> I have installed Ubuntu and kubuntu together because I made a mess tryng to install xfce on ubuntu
[11:04] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> I wonder if https://www.linux.com/tutorials/speed-your-ubuntu-machine-boot-time/ still works...
[11:05] <franzpow_> And forced to install kubuntu to recover my system
[11:05] <franzpow_> Because I was not able to boot in ubuntu anymore (problems with DE)
[11:06] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Been ages since I last rendered my desktop unusable. Kinda feeling lucky now... :)
[11:06] <franzpow_> I am no expert user.. :)
[11:07] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @franzpow_, I guess I kinda am nowadays, but I been usin' Linux exclusively now for well over a decade, so... Practice makes perfect, I guess... :)
[11:17] <franzpow_> It took 1 min 53 seconds to boot my pc from boot selector to desktop..
[11:17] <franzpow_> running systemd-analyze it says
[11:17] <franzpow_> 3.7 sec kernel and 53.6 user space
[11:17] <franzpow_> Total 57.3 seconds
[11:26] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @franzpow_, If you add `blame` on the end of that, you get extreme detail about what all is using up boot time.
[11:26] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> `systemd-analyze blame`
[11:28] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> The top five timewasters in my own current boot... … ```28.774s mysql.service … 22.019s mpd.service … 15.612s php7.2-fpm.service … 14.676s apt-daily-upgrade.service … 14.249s ModemManager.service```
[11:28] <franzpow_> Mmm
[11:28] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> I should really disable `ModemManager.service` on mine, as I don't actually use it. (No modem of any sort. Just regular ol' wifi.)
[11:29] <franzpow_> I have gnome services in my ksysguard
[11:29] <franzpow_> I should disable them
[11:30] <franzpow> 31.914s dev-sda5.device
[11:30] <franzpow> 21.922s snapd.service
[11:30] <franzpow> 20.031s systemd-journal-flush.service
[11:30] <franzpow> 18.481s udisks2.service
[11:30] <franzpow> 17.018s mpd.service
[11:30] <franzpow> 16.296s accounts-daemon.service
[11:31] <franzpow> 10.245s dev-loop14.device
[11:31] <franzpow> 10.050s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
[11:31] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Also I just switched `mpd.service` over from autostart to socket start, so it'll only start on demand when in actual use.
[11:32] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> I would definitely be careful which services you actually disable tho. Some of those you list there are pretty critical systems.
[11:32] <franzpow> Can you help me reading the entire list?
[11:32] <franzpow> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/89yqrxY4yG/
[11:34] <franzpow> I have a lot of things that take a lot of time
[11:34] <franzpow> I can't find them here, but if I open task manager I see some gnome services that I don't need
[11:35] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> It's gonna depend on your specific system and needs. Just be careful not to disable key systems like NetworkManager, or filesystems, or accounts-daemon, etc. Stuff that the system relies upon for normal operations. And don't disable databases that apps you actually use rely upon (like in my case, I must leave MySQL enabled, because some apps I use require it.
[11:35] <franzpow> how to disable services?
[11:35] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @franzpow, You may actually need those Gnome services if you have/use GTK based apps that require them.
[11:35] <franzpow> sorry I lost your links because I was logged in IRC with my phone
[11:36] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> You use the `systemctl` command, or the GUI tool suggested at that AskUbuntu page https://github.com/mmstick/systemd-manager
[11:36] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> https://askubuntu.com/questions/10290/how-do-i-improve-boot-speed
[11:41] <tomreyn> replacing some of those snaps by .deb packages may be a good option to speed up booting
[11:41] <tomreyn> not that a 22s boot time is by any means a problem
[11:42] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Native packages FTW. Snaps/Flatpaks suxxorz.
[11:48] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Prolly just shaved a good 45 seconds off my own boot time by disabling services I KNOW I don't need or use, and switching a couple over to start on-demand via socket activation.
[12:22] <franzpow_> How to uninstall ubuntu? I have installed it and kubuntu together
[12:22] <franzpow_> Are there any chances I will break my system?
[12:23] <oerheks> adding a desktop is no problem, removing one is interesting
[12:23] <franzpow_> I have kubuntu session and ubuntu on the same HDD
[12:23] <franzpow_> oerheks, if it's too difficult nevermind
[12:23] <oerheks> apt purge ubuntu-desktop # would be a start
[12:24] <franzpow_> Well, after that? I would like to avoid things like black screens.. And no DE at start
[12:27] <oerheks> i hope it does not pull your kde desktop with it..
[12:29] <franzpow_> :')
[12:31] <franzpow_> https://www.howtogeek.com/69753/how-to-cut-your-linux-pcs-boot-time-in-half-with-e4rat/
[12:31] <franzpow_> I found this, anyone knows this tool?
[12:33] <oerheks> such old tool from 2012 ?
[12:33] <oerheks> no, we have preload
[12:33] <oerheks> !info preload
[12:33] <ubottu> preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2build1 (bionic), package size 32 kB, installed size 99 kB
[12:39] <franzpow_> Last update from 2014
[12:39] <franzpow_> Does preload comes out of the box from kubuntu?
[12:54] <oerheks> .. is optional. = no
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[13:51] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
[14:07] <rebecca> hey BluesKaj
[14:13] <BluesKaj> hi rebecca
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=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest60685
[16:11] <user|56739> no puedo actualizar con los últimos drivers de amd
[16:11] <user|56739> tengo kubntu 19.10
[16:11] <franzpow> Hi, as I said earlier I would like to uninstall ubuntu from my pc. I am actually using kubuntu and installed Ubuntu months ago on the same machine
[16:12] <franzpow> can someone guide me through the removing of the desktop? I am afraid of breaking anything
[16:13] <franzpow> I know running "sudo apt purge ubuntu-desktop" could get me in some trouble
[16:13] <oerheks> user|56739, english please
[16:14] <user|56739> please, not have installing amd drivers
[16:15] <oerheks> franzpow, if you try with the -d option = dry run, you could see what is happening
[16:15] <oerheks> sudo apt purge -d ubuntu-desktop
[16:15] <franzpow> what does it mean "dry run"?
[16:16] <oerheks> just a test, nothing gets installed/removed
[16:16] <franzpow> wow cool
[16:16] <oerheks> :-)
[16:17] <oerheks> if you see any KDE stuff in that list, you know it will do something with your kubuntu desktop
[16:17] <oerheks> user|56739, for what videocard? openradeon should be installed standard
[16:21] <franzpow> ok I am running it
[16:21] <franzpow> orheks, should I select yes?
[16:23] <franzpow> In the list I see Rythm bos
[16:23] <franzpow> *rythm box.. remmina.. cheese and other stuff
[16:24] <franzpow> nothing kde related.. I think
[16:24] <oerheks> good
[16:36] <franzpow> I did it. I should restart to see if my system blew up..
[16:38] <oerheks> jups
[18:22] <Roey> hi
[18:23] <Roey> I'd like to cast video and audio from my kubuntu desktop to my TV wirelessly. What solutions are avilable for doing this through Linux?
[18:26] <ds-lxde> use windows 10 easy fix :D
=== rebecca is now known as Guest90393
[22:51] <user|9581> Hi, sorry to bother
[22:51] <user|9581> does anyone know how to update Intel drivers in a Kubuntu system?
=== Guest90393 is now known as rebecca
=== user|9581 is now known as Milagros
[22:58] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @user|9581, Assumedly, you're looking for the newest available version you can get ahold of, aye? Personally, I'm currently using the latest HWE drivers from Ubuntu, but there's also one or two PPAs that provide newer than default graphic drivers.
[23:00] <user|3905> Hi. Why kubuntu has less support?
[23:02] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @user|3905, Less support than what? It's an official flavor of Ubuntu, so it's got any support that Ubuntu has.
[23:05] <henk_> ja
[23:07] <bprompt> user|3905: it doesn't, is just ubuntu with KDE preinstalled, is all
[23:08] <henk_> whats the use
[23:09] <bprompt> user|3905: back in the early 2000's for example, I installed SuSE, and I installed also KDE and ran kde apps in SuSE, you can say that I was running KSuSE if you wish, but it was just SuSE with kde, which you can do today on any *nix distribution, also ran mandrake 9.2 with kde and redhat, same
[23:11] <bprompt> henk_: what's the advantage? or use for it instead of plain ubuntu? just choice of desktop manager and window managers, convenience, I could get an iso of Ubuntu and install it, and then install kde afterwards, is much simpler if everything goes in one-go though :)
[23:11] <henk_> well for me this is all new. just had linux installed after windows 7 was out and i remeber Mirc from the past
[23:12] <bprompt> henk_: I use windows too, I have windows10 pro, ran 7, xp, 8.1, also ran back in the days, 3.0 and 3.1 with workgroups, and yes, I also used Mirc and did some scripting in it as well, good client
[23:13] <henk_> not sure if i ever want windows again
[23:14] <bprompt> is not a bad OS, but depends on one's needs and choices
[23:14] <henk_> true
[23:14] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @henk_, You're prolly already comfortable with the IRC software available in Linux then. Most of it's a lot like Mirc. You may notice that most software you find in Linux will be quite familiar to you, actually. Especially if you focus first on the similarities.
[23:14] <henk_> just use my computer nowadays for e-mail and some administration
[23:14] <henk_> and internet
[23:14] <bprompt> I mean, hell in class I was running a shell session on Solaris and going online with Lynx, this was in hmmm 1995 I think, Netscape 1.0 was out
[23:16] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> And you might find https://alternativeto.net/ to be a useful site while you get more comfortable with Linux. Go there and type in the name of a software you know and would like an alternative for to get a list of other similar software. Then you can search that software in your package manager.
[23:16] <bprompt> Solaris is also pretty good OS
[23:16] <henk_> should i try that?
[23:16] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @bprompt, Most variants of Unix-ish type operating systems are pretty sweet.
[23:16] <bprompt> I know some folks also who do quite a bit in FreeBSD, which from what I heard is just plain Unix, just free
[23:17] <bprompt> blooalien: you can get lots of things done, also ran slackware for a while back in 1998 or so
[23:17] <henk_> well the thing is i have an old computer aprox 15 years old that is on of the reasons i did not want to change from windows 7 to windows 10
[23:18] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> Slack was one of the earlier Linuxes that I really enjoyed using. Mandrake, too.
[23:18] <henk_> also why should i buy a new computer while this one is still working ok
[23:18] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @henk_, Gotta love that Linux runs well even on older hardware.
[23:19] <bprompt> henk_: 15 years old, meaning, your computer uses SATA2 HDD, and you have a dual-core cpu pretty much, and about 1.3ghz in speed on each core, right?
[23:19] <henk_> hey i am not that technical lol
[23:19] <henk_> no idea
[23:20] <henk_> ihave a hp compac
[23:20] <bprompt> well, pretty much that'd be the hardware for 2005 or so
[23:22] <henk_> it was fun to explore other os. ubuntu was k but i could not fix the resolution. so i tried linux mint and yes i like it
[23:22] <bprompt> henk_: reason I said that is, because you can just get a cheap SSD, say hmmmm on the low-end you can get a 30Gbs one, yes 30Gbs SSD, windows7 takes only 10gbs on original installation, windows10 takes 12gbs, and linux takes around 8 Gbs, so that gives you room for installation, and with an SSD, that machine can run about 7 times or more faster
[23:23] <bprompt> on higher-end, you can just get a 120Gbs SSD, and that'd work, SSD's are SATA2 and higher, so they'd fit on that HDD connector
[23:24] <henk_> well thanks for the advise but I would not know how to fix and or replace hardware
[23:24] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @henk_, It's actually quite a bit easier than you might at first think. YouTube will hand-hold you through a lot of the most common ones. :)
[23:25] <bprompt> henk_: just saying, that the machine being old, doesn't mean much on speed, you can upgrade it and make it fly
[23:25] <henk_> lol
[23:25] <bprompt> just the SSD change does far more than a RAM upgrade
[23:25] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> And especially these days, hardware tends to be pretty genuinely "plug 'n play" especially on Linux.
[23:26] <henk_> yes and i learned a lot already via you tube lol
[23:27] <henk_> dual boot / install ubuntu next to windows / change partitions etc. took me hours to find out and to understand. but fun
[23:27] <henk_> keeps my head in working order to prevent alzheimer lol
[23:28] <henk_> but ok what is SSD
[23:28] <bprompt> henk_: use it or lose it :P
[23:28] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @henk_, Never hurts to keep the brain active. It's like a muscle in that regard. "Use it or lose it..." :)
[23:29] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @bprompt, ROFL - Beat me to it. :)
[23:29] <bprompt> @echo off
[23:29] <bprompt> heheh
[23:29] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @henk_, Solid State Disk. No moving parts.
[23:29] <henk_> ok thanks sorry but i do not know nothing about computers .
[23:30] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @henk_, Clearly you know more'n you give yourself credit for if you successfully transitioned to Linux. ;)
[23:31] <henk_> oh thanks but hardware?
[23:31] <henk_> i can hook up a printer lol
[23:31] <IrcsomeBot> <darltrash> hardware is every part of the pc which you can kick
[23:31] <bprompt> henk_: SSD = solid state disk, is pretty much a usb-stick but larger, as mentioned, since it has no moving parts, no mechanical arm to move around disks and plates, it uses less power, and it doesn't vibrate, runs very quite, since it relies on cell-mapping on the drive, and data-retrieval is for the same reasons, a snap, they're not speed-rated by RPM(revolutions per minute), they're speed-rated by IOMPS(i/o mbs per second)
[23:32] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @henk_, Not possible to know everything all at once. You're doin' the right thing by asking questions about things you wanna know more about. That and reading are two of the better ways to learn new stuff. :)
[23:32] <henk_> good explanation i understand
[23:33] <bprompt> henk_: just to show you, on a "spinner HDD", if I click on Libreoffice Suite, it opens in 10 seconds or so, on an SSD, same system, Libreoffice opens in 1sec, yes, is not a typo, in second flat
[23:33] <henk_> brb
[23:45] <henk_> indeed libreoffice takes some seconds before it opens and typing sometimes hangs. the difference you mentioning is impressive. so whenever iI buy a new machine I have to look for one with ssd
[23:46] <bprompt> eh? hheheh, well, breaking news for you, about half or so new machines already come with SSD
[23:46] <IrcsomeBot> <darltrash> i wanna buy an sdd
[23:46] <IrcsomeBot> <darltrash> ssd*
[23:48] <bprompt> I said what I said, because you have a SATA2 port, and you can get a 30Gbs SSD for around $25US or so, and plug that in and install windows10 and Ubuntu 20.04 if you wish, with very little slowing down
[23:49] <bprompt> in amazon.com you can find a 120Gbs SSD, say, used for around $70US or so, a new for around $100US
[23:49] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @bprompt, (Or even less these days if you're patient enough to wait for a bargain to roll along...)
[23:50] <bprompt> yeap, you can wait for say 4th of July sales, or some other phony holiday
[23:50] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> I've seen pretty sizable SSDs on sale for $50 or less. Just gotta catch good timing on a decent bargain.
[23:51] <henk_> so i connect a SSD next to my computer and install windows on there. interesting . i learn a lot this evening. but pls explain SATA2 port
[23:51] <bprompt> another good spot to check around for half-used or not-longer-needed material is craigslist.org/sys , you can find cheap computers and parts
[23:52] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @henk_, Serial ATA - It's the new replacement for SCSI and IDE (the old ways that hard drives were plugged in).
[23:52] <bprompt> darn.... https://craigslist.org/sys/ gives a 404 cow =), but anyhow https://craigslist.org/
[23:53] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> And you generally install an SSD inside the computer as the main boot drive, but they do also make external cases for SATA drives you can use as well if you prefer that.
[23:54] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> There's usually only two cables for a SATA drive, and they only fit in the way they're supposed to fit, so you can't really plug 'em in wrong.
[23:54] <henk_> is the plug in like a usb?
[23:55] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @henk_, A little bit, but even harder to plug in incorrectly, because it has some little notches that force it to only fit the right way.
[23:56] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> And the two cords are different, so you can't get that part wrong either. Power only fits the power plug, and the data cable only fits in the data plug.
[23:57] <henk_> do i have to open my computer or can i connect from the outside. sorry for being so...... lol
[23:59] <IrcsomeBot> <blooalien> @henk_, Depends if your computer has an external SATA connector on the back or not. Usually SSDs go inside the computer tho, so you'd likely have to open your computer. The SATA connectors are easy to identify tho. I'm sure Google has pictures that'll help. :)