UbuntuIRC / 2020 /02 /12 /#ubuntu-news.txt
Initial commit
[01:41] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Fridge:: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 617 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2020/02/10/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-617/ (by guiverc)
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh-msft
[04:20] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Stephen Michael Kellat: Making A Service Launch @ http://coyote.works//posts/ServiceLaunch20200211/
[07:45] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: One More Linux Distro Tries to Convince Windows Users to Make the Switch @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/one-more-linux-distro-tries-to-convince-windows-users-to-make-the-switch-529167.shtml (by Bogdan Popa, Microsoft News Editor)
[17:25] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Vivaldi 2.11 Arrives with Improved Pop-out Video Player, Other Tweaks @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=163426 (by Joey Sneddon)
[20:35] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Released with Linux Kernel 5.3 @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=162728 (by Joey Sneddon)
[21:45] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Lubuntu Blog: Lubuntu 18.04.4 Released! @ https://lubuntu.me/bionic-4-released/
[22:00] <krytarik> guiverc: Oof, I just checked whether we did point releases on the Fridge, and we did - wanna do it?
[22:02] <guiverc> yeah, can't currently, in 30 or so mins I can (I grabbed link earlier https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2020-February/000254.html)
[22:03] <krytarik> Ok, no problem - thanks!
[23:10] <guiverc> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2020/02/12/ubuntu-18-04-4-lts-released/
[23:29] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS released @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2020/02/12/ubuntu-18-04-4-lts-released/