UbuntuIRC / 2020 /02 /11 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[00:47] <amurray> GunnarHj: we had some folks enquiring about the ibus CVE-2019-14822 update - this is still blocked on the glib2.0 SRU in LP: #1844853 - is this still being worked on?
[00:48] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1844853 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu Eoan) "IBus no longer works in Qt applications after upgrade" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1844853
[01:40] <GunnarHj> amurray: The eoan SRU is being worked on; see bug #1850932. As regards the other releases I'm not sure. Laney may be able to shed more light on it.
[01:41] <ubot5> bug 1850932 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu Eoan) "[SRU] Backport 2.62.4-1" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1850932
[01:51] <amurray> GunnarHj: ok no worries - can you please let me know when the eoan (and others) go through so I can push out the ibus updates?
[01:52] <GunnarHj> amurray: Sure, will do.
[06:20] <oSoMoN> good morning desktoppers
[06:40] <duflu> Morning oSoMoN
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
[06:49] <oSoMoN> hey duflu
[07:23] <didrocks> good morning
[07:27] <oSoMoN> salut didrocks
[07:27] <didrocks> salut oSoMoN
[07:48] <duflu> Morning didrocks
[07:49] <duflu> It must be time to water some garden
[07:59] <ricotz> good morning
[08:08] <duflu> Hi ricotz
[08:16] <didrocks> hey duflu, ricotz
[08:35] <Wimpress> Morning o/
[08:36] <RikMills> xnox: polite nudge on that outpilot upload if you have time...
[08:36] <RikMills> *autopilot
[08:36] <didrocks> hey Wimpress
[08:37] <duflu> Morning Wimpress
[08:59] <marcustomlinson> morning oSoMoN duflu didrocks ricotz Wimpress
[08:59] <oSoMoN> good morning ricotz, Wimpress
[08:59] <oSoMoN> morning marcustomlinson
[09:01] <Laney> hello
[09:02] <duflu> Morning marcustomlinson and Laney
[09:03] <didrocks> hey marcustomlinson, Laney, still having snow?
[09:03] <Laney> hey duflu didrocks
[09:03] <Laney> there's a bit left on the ground
[09:03] <Laney> enough to be annoying but not to look nice or be fun to play on
[09:03] * Laney grumpy
[09:04] <Laney> what's going on in france?
[09:05] <didrocks> yeah, the grey dark dirty snow in cities :p
[09:05] <didrocks> nothing special here
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
[09:07] <Wimpress> Back in Bluefin. It's not the same with didrocks and the Yaru team.
[09:07] <Wimpress> *without
[09:07] <Laney> moin Wimpress
[09:07] <Laney> what's going in in ldn?
[09:07] <Laney> condolences for having to commute
[09:08] <Wimpress> Selling a kidney for train ticket and having standing room only is objectionable.
[09:08] <didrocks> Wimpress: we were part of all the fun! :)
[09:09] <didrocks> you have a second one for the way back at least :p
[09:09] <Wimpress> Laney: Working on bootstrapping the appliances images work. Group of us here.
[09:09] <oSoMoN> hullo Laney
[09:10] <Laney> oic
[09:10] <Laney> hey oSoMoN
[09:13] <Laney> bet you've not got any snow :>
[09:14] <marcustomlinson> hey didrocks, I was just about to say no, but it just started up again now :P
[09:14] <didrocks> ahah
[10:19] <Laney> didrocks: is there a preferred way to contact the MIR team? or just email?
[10:23] <Laney> or cpaelzer ^-
[10:23] * Laney has an MIR exception ready to discuss, as pre-discussed :-)
[10:31] <didrocks> the meeting time is the best place/time IMHO, but if it's urgent, it can be discussed beforehand
[10:34] <Laney> not really, but I would have expected it to be something to read at leisure and not during a meeting
[10:34] <Laney> as you wish
[10:36] <didrocks> I guess we have empty enough content meeting to discuss it there. Otherwise, just open a MIR, set it as incomplete and write the details there
[10:36] <didrocks> the advantage of the meeting is that it's more interactive and we have more than one person on it
[10:36] <didrocks> (hopefully :p)
[10:41] <Laney> ok!
[10:41] <didrocks> see you in a few hours then ;)
[10:45] <cpaelzer> Laney: ack to "if not urgent then at the meeting"
[10:47] <Laney> I was going by e.g. what the TB do
[10:47] <Laney> email -> get on agenda -> discuss at meeting
[10:48] <Laney> so people can prepare beforehand
[10:52] <jibel> xnox, RikMills so, window-mocker has been developed specifically for unity tests with autopilot. If unity doesn't run the functional tests anymore windowmocker can completely be removed from the archive.
[10:58] <RikMills> jibel: and it does not? if so, very much agreed
[11:10] <jibel> RikMills, windowmocker is used by the search tests and last update is from 2013. I doubt these tests are still running but it'd need a confirmation from the current devs of unity. Besides if windowmocker is removed it'll skip these tests but won't completely break the test suite.
[11:12] <jibel> Trevinho, ^ do you know if the autopilot tests of unity are still used?
[11:13] <jibel> Trevinho, we'd like to remove python-windowmocker which depends on qt4 from the archive and it's only used by these tests
[11:43] <Laney> xnox: can you remind me what the status of uploading the oem archive keyring is please?
[11:45] <xnox> Laney: i am yet to do it. Are you after the package name?
[11:45] <xnox> or like the key file name?
[11:45] * xnox should do it today, such that it sits in the new queue
[11:46] <Laney> package name, I don't really care about the keyfile name
[11:46] <Laney> UNLESS
[11:46] <Laney> we ship it outside of trusted.whateveritis.d and use [deb signed-by=/path/to/oem-...]
[11:47] <Laney> in the oem-foo-meta packages
[11:47] <Laney> which might be sensible? in which case yes, since I'll specify that in the MIR template
[11:47] <Laney> s/template/exception/
[11:48] <xnox> ooooh deb signed-by sounds interesting => does it only use the one key for that archive?
[11:48] <xnox> i was thinking to simply ship it in trusted.gpg.d
[11:48] <Laney> yeah
[11:48] <xnox> like dbgsyms / cdimage / archive keys are
[11:49] <Laney> see sources.list(5)
[11:49] <Laney> right, perhaps those pre-date this concept but it's probably sensible to use it where possible?
[11:49] <xnox> Laney: i guess you can still use that, even though the signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg/oem.... ?
[11:50] <xnox> Laney: i guess you can still use that, even though the signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/oem.... ?
[11:50] <Laney> presumably
[11:50] <Laney> but then it would let *other* repos be signed by that key
[11:50] <xnox> right, those that are not scoped
[11:51] <Laney> would be cool for e.g. add-apt-repository to use this too
[11:58] <xnox> But then where should the keys be placed?
[11:59] <Laney> dunno
[11:59] <Laney> /usr/share/ somewhere?
[11:59] <xnox> add-apt-repository is system config so should be like /etc or /var
[11:59] <xnox> (most of them are)
[12:00] <xnox> /etc/apt/sources.d/foo.list & foo.asc ?
[12:00] <xnox> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/foo.list & foo.asc ?
[12:00] * xnox fails at typing
[12:00] <Laney> or /var/lib/
[12:00] <Laney> presumably Julian would have some opinions here ...
[12:01] * xnox opens a bug report
[12:02] <Laney> anyway, what is the package name? oem-archive-keyring?
[12:04] <xnox> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/1862764
[12:04] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1862764 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "add-apt-repository should use signed-by" [Undecided,New]
[12:06] <xnox> Laney: ubuntu-oem-keyring (which matches ubuntu-cloud-keyring which is for ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com)
[12:06] <Laney> ok!
[12:07] * Laney makes a fake oem package which works inside qemu for testing in VMs
[12:19] <RikMills> jibel Trevinho; lovely, unity FTBFS in focal ppa with cmake not being able to find compiz. so dropping window-mocker dep might need work
[12:21] <Laney> have you guys tried talking to k_alam about unity?
[12:22] <Laney> email or discourse might be best for that
[12:30] <mitya57> RikMills: do you have a link to build log?
[12:35] <RikMills> mitya57: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/experimental/+sourcepub/10990496/+listing-archive-extra
[12:35] <RikMills> seems I can't spell unity.....
[12:43] <mitya57> RikMills: thanks. I am on a meeting at job now, will take a look later.
[12:45] <mitya57> RikMills: ah, compiz-dev ships /usr/share/cmake-3.15/FindCompiz.cmake. Looks like it needs a rebuild against cmake 3.16 to update the path.
[12:55] <mitya57> RikMills: I am building it in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/3924/+packages now. If you make a MP against unity I can test-build it in the same PPA.
[12:56] <RikMills> mitya57: its not a done deal on dropping the dep yet. need to hear back from unity devs
[12:57] <mitya57> Ok
[13:21] <sergiusens> kenvandine: hey, btw, I have the "Reminders" window popup with Online Accounts (calendar) and Gnome Calendar
[13:22] <Trevinho> RikMills: I'm all fine with that, as per the testing side can probably all be removed safely
[13:22] <Trevinho> RikMills: as for the cmake thing, may be because of some compiz cmake macros not working anymore?
[13:23] <RikMills> Trevinho: thanks. yeah, sounds like compiz needs rebuild for cmake in -proposed
[13:32] <Laney> whoops, found my weekly update un-submitted!
[14:21] <hellsworth> good morning desktopers
[14:21] <kenvandine> good morning hellsworth
[14:21] <hellsworth> hi kenvandine
[14:21] <kenvandine> hellsworth: i've got epiphany building anr running :)
[14:21] <kenvandine> minor tweak
[14:21] <hellsworth> oooh what was it
[14:21] <kenvandine> LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[14:25] <hellsworth> aaah
[14:26] <kenvandine> hellsworth: probably needs a tweak in the extension
[14:27] <hellsworth> can you show me what path you used in epiphany?
[14:27] <kenvandine> hellsworth: this needs to be add to LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
[14:27] <kenvandine> $SNAP/gnome-platform/usr/lib
[14:28] <marcustomlinson> that's odd
[14:28] <oSoMoN> good morning hellsworth
[14:28] <kenvandine> some of the libs in the platform snap aren't installed in the arch path
[14:28] <marcustomlinson> I would've expected that path to have been carried over from dekstop-helpers
[14:28] <kenvandine> me too
[14:28] <marcustomlinson> https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/blob/af0979e1e810732f75c39dbf85f8b6c32e3991e4/common/desktop-exports#L63
[14:29] <marcustomlinson> must have been missed
[14:29] <kenvandine> meeting time!
[14:30] <kenvandine> #startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-02-11
[14:30] <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Feb 11 14:30:07 2020 UTC. The chair is kenvandine. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
[14:30] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-02-11 | Current topic:
[14:30] <kenvandine> Roll call: didrocks, duflu (out), jamesh (out), jibel, kenvandine, laney (out), marcustomlinson, oSoMoN, seb128 (out), tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out), Wimpress (out), hellsworth
[14:30] <marcustomlinson> \o
[14:30] <hellsworth> o/
[14:30] <kenvandine> oh, i'm not sure if seb128 is out :)
[14:31] <oSoMoN> o/
[14:31] <jibel> he is
[14:31] <didrocks> hey
[14:31] <kenvandine> ok
[14:31] <marcustomlinson> meanwhile seb128 watches from the bushes fighting the urge to speak and give away his location
[14:31] <kenvandine> :)
[14:33] <kenvandine> let's get started
[14:33] <kenvandine> #topic rls-ff-bugs
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-02-11 | Current topic: rls-ff-bugs
[14:33] <kenvandine> http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html
[14:34] <kenvandine> oh weird... i can't open the bug links in firefox
[14:34] <kenvandine> i get a dialog asking to download it
[14:35] <oSoMoN> file a bug :)
[14:35] <hellsworth> :)
[14:35] <marcustomlinson> I see a lot of duflu on those open bugs
[14:36] <kenvandine> restarting the browser fixed it
[14:36] <oSoMoN> turning it off and on again…
[14:36] <kenvandine> yeah, lots of duflu
[14:38] <marcustomlinson> oh I see, these are mostly champagne additions
[14:38] <marcustomlinson> all actually
[14:38] <Laney> Daniel seems to be adding champagne to lots of bugs
[14:38] <Laney> not sure that's how this is supposed to work
[14:39] <kenvandine> indeed
[14:39] <Laney> de-tag those and follow up with a mail to the team(s) explaining it?
[14:41] <kenvandine> it might still follow the spirit of champagne
[14:41] <kenvandine> let's discuss this again in the leads meeting
[14:41] <kenvandine> before de-tagging
[14:42] <Laney> seriously hope it doesn't
[14:43] <kenvandine> well, these could have been tagged by finding the same issue and tagging the existing bug instead of filing new
[14:44] <kenvandine> looks like tracking is fine
[14:45] <kenvandine> moving on
[14:45] <kenvandine> #topic rls-ee-bugs
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-02-11 | Current topic: rls-ee-bugs
[14:45] <kenvandine> nothing desktop in incoming
[14:46] <kenvandine> bug 1853768 is in tracking but not assigned
[14:46] <ubot5> bug 1853768 in yaru-theme (Ubuntu Eoan) "Qt apps, like kid3-qt, which uses legacy icons "document-*.png", show them as normal document icon under Yaru theme" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1853768
[14:47] <hellsworth> says its fixed in focal
[14:47] <kenvandine> yeah, but eoan needs the SRU
[14:48] <kenvandine> that's the only one not assigned
[14:48] <kenvandine> besides the NM bug
[14:50] <RikMills> Trevinho: https://code.launchpad.net/~rikmills/unity/+git/unity/+merge/378891
[14:50] <mitya57> kenvandine: I wanted to take care of SRUing it, but I'm waiting for the current yaru-theme in eoan-proposed to migrate.
[14:50] <kenvandine> mitya57: can we assign it to you?
[14:50] <mitya57> Yes
[14:50] <kenvandine> thanks
[14:50] <kenvandine> moving on
[14:51] <kenvandine> #topic rls-bb-bugs
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-02-11 | Current topic: rls-bb-bugs
[14:51] <kenvandine> nothing for desktop incoming
[14:52] <kenvandine> only un-assigned bugs in tracking are NM
[14:52] <kenvandine> #topic update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-02-11 | Current topic: update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages
[14:52] <kenvandine> Laney: you're up
[14:53] <Laney> Don't have super much to say, could someone take a look at the regressions underneath gobject-introspection maybe?
[14:55] <Laney> and there's a libreoffice regression noted there, not sure if that's something to be concerned with
[14:55] <Laney> otherwise python3-defaults is making it look sad but that's not on us to handle
[14:55] <hellsworth> marcustomlinson: libreoffice shouldn't be blocking python3 anymore since the LO ubuntu4 deb is in proposed?
[14:55] <marcustomlinson> yeah fingers crossed that'll be sorted out soon
[14:55] <marcustomlinson> https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#libreoffice
[14:55] <marcustomlinson> tests running
[14:56] <kenvandine> no volunteers for gobject-introspection?
[14:57] <marcustomlinson> here's a rubbish suggestion, how about we just hit retry on all the failures
[14:57] * marcustomlinson runs away
[14:58] * marcustomlinson is sort of serious though
[14:58] <hellsworth> i'm full with LO and gnome snapcraft extension
[14:58] <hellsworth> i wish i could help but i'm already trying not to drown
[14:58] <kenvandine> ok, moving on
[14:58] <kenvandine> #topic aob
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-02-11 | Current topic: aob
[14:59] <hellsworth> nothing from me
[15:00] <Laney> gnome updates
[15:01] <Laney> it would be good if people could volunteer to do a couple of these to spread it around a bit
[15:01] <kenvandine> i guess we didn't make good progress since last week?
[15:02] <Laney> https://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html not really
[15:02] <hellsworth> Laney what has to be done with these to update them?
[15:04] <Laney> wrangling the packaging
[15:04] <hellsworth> i need more specifics
[15:04] <hellsworth> i see libreoffice in that list. what do i need to do to that to "wrangle the packaging"
[15:04] <Laney> yeah sorry, but it's hard to be specific
[15:04] <oSoMoN> I'm late on feature work and trying to stay afloat, but I'll make some room for some updates this week
[15:05] <Laney> basically get the package, check what changed between the version we have and the new one, and adjust accordingly
[15:05] <Laney> adding / updating build-dependencies, stuff like that
[15:05] <Laney> https://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/gnome.html maybe that's a better one to look at
[15:05] <hellsworth> is there any documentation on this process?
[15:05] <oSoMoN> dropping or rebasing ubuntu-specific patches on top of upstream/debian
[15:05] <marcustomlinson> hellsworth: we don't follow rc releases from Debian in libreoffice, so ignore it
[15:06] <hellsworth> oooh these packages are out of date with respect to debian and you're asking for them to be updated
[15:06] <Laney> the high level goal is to get gnome 3.35.90 into focal
[15:07] <kenvandine> debian or upstream
[15:07] <kenvandine> working towards the gnome RC
[15:07] <hellsworth> all of these packages have gnome 3.35.90 in the debian or upstream package?
[15:07] <Laney> there's some documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/git https://wiki.debian.org/Gnome/Git https://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/git-buildpackage/manual-html/
[15:08] <hellsworth> Laney: thanks but i think i understand now
[15:08] <kenvandine> ok, moving on
[15:08] <Laney> usually it's us (& endless folks, & some others) who do the update in Debian too
[15:08] <kenvandine> any more aob?
[15:09] <Laney> (thanks oSoMoN!)
[15:09] <hellsworth> i'll try updating one sometime in the near future
[15:09] <kenvandine> well that's a wrap
[15:09] <kenvandine> #endmeeting
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc
[15:09] <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Feb 11 15:09:39 2020 UTC.
[15:09] <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2020/ubuntu-desktop.2020-02-11-14.30.moin.txt
[15:09] <kenvandine> thanks all
[15:09] <hellsworth> thanks
[15:09] <oSoMoN> thanks
[15:09] <marcustomlinson> thanks
[15:09] <Laney> yeah it's one of those 'core' things that it'd be good to have more people able to participate in
[15:09] <Laney> thanks
[15:10] <hellsworth> makes sense
[15:11] <Laney> Trevinho: did you say you were working on mutter & shell 3.35?
[15:11] <didrocks> thx
[15:12] <Trevinho> Laney: I started preparing yeah, although I had to go back at some MRs
[15:12] <Trevinho> but ideally I want to do it this asap
[15:12] <Laney> ok greaT
[16:35] <RikMills> language-selector build depends on pyqt4-dev-tools! can this be dropped please?
[16:48] <gQuigs> chrisccoulson: any thoughts on Flash for 20.04? https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-20-04-and-flash/13814/2
[16:49] <gQuigs> also (only slightly related as they both let me write a cleaner apparmor profile) - is the shell script still needed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1860734
[16:49] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1860734 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Drop firefox.sh shell script" [Undecided,New]
[16:50] <oSoMoN> gQuigs, I need to look into that one
[17:39] <hellsworth> when a user contacts the team members for a package (libreoffice in this case), their email presumably goes to several people besides myself. In my email it looks like this one person emailed me so there's no reply all. so how should i respond so that the other team members see the response (and know it's already been responded to)?
[17:50] <marcustomlinson> hellsworth: good question, as far as I know there's no way to do this. The sender may receive multiple replies to the same question. oSoMoN is this correct?
[17:51] <marcustomlinson> I mean, you could manually cc everyone from here: https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+members#active
[17:51] <marcustomlinson> the admins I mean
[17:51] <hellsworth> yeah i thought about manually cc'ing folks but i thought there might be a better way or maybe the other team members were already somehow alerted
[17:52] <hellsworth> ok i'll manually cc in the future
[17:52] <hellsworth> marcustomlinson: oSoMoN I've already responded to Hildo (subject: Ubuntu 16.04)
[17:53] <doko> yes, everybody gets the email, appearing to be sent directly to you
[17:53] <hellsworth> fyi, i plan to respond to all of the libreoffice inquiries as they come in. i don't want you two to worry about them unless I need help answering a question
[17:53] <hellsworth> doko: yes but then no one knows that it's been responded to already by one of the other team members
[17:53] <marcustomlinson> thanks hellsworth
[17:54] <marcustomlinson> hellsworth: when people ask about newer versions of libreoffice on previous releases of ubuntu (as is 90% of these messages), you can punt the snap
[17:54] <doko> that's LP ...
[17:55] <doko> or CC the list on your replies
[17:56] <hellsworth> marcustomlinson: yup that's what i'm seeing/doing so far :)
[17:56] <hellsworth> but i will start cc'ing the list
[18:02] <oSoMoN> hellsworth, that sounds like a good plan, thanks for taking this on!
[18:10] <hellsworth> my pleasure
[18:32] <marcustomlinson> hellsworth: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#libreoffice
[18:32] <marcustomlinson> \o/
[18:33] <marcustomlinson> finally libreoffice should start unblocking stuff
[18:33] <hellsworth> woo!
[18:33] <hellsworth> yeah i had this tab pinned, waiting for the results :)
[18:34] <hellsworth> why does it say armhf passed when the tests were skipped?
[18:34] <hellsworth> it looks like the tests on armhf actually ran
[18:34] <marcustomlinson> hellsworth: "ran"
[18:35] <hellsworth> well they "ran" for 5 hours
[18:35] <marcustomlinson> hellsworth: oh yeah the tests ran, I just disabled 3
[18:35] <marcustomlinson> all the others ran as normal
[18:36] <marcustomlinson> there's something up with extensions on armhf
[18:37] <marcustomlinson> hellsworth: you have a todo for this right?
[18:37] <hellsworth> oh i see
[18:37] <hellsworth> i do. i created a trello card
[18:37] <marcustomlinson> cool
[18:37] <marcustomlinson> thanks
[18:39] <hellsworth> do you want me to add you to it?
[18:39] <hellsworth> i figured not
[18:43] <hellsworth> marcustomlinson: i just learned about https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
[18:43] <hellsworth> how can i update it?
[18:43] <hellsworth> i would like to be able to update the description
[18:44] <hellsworth> or is this maintained by rictoz?
[18:50] <marcustomlinson> hellsworth: yes that's ricot_z
[18:51] <marcustomlinson> hellsworth: you can contribute if you wish of course
[18:52] <hellsworth> ok thanks
[18:57] <marcustomlinson> okidokes, I'm off. good evening all
[18:57] <kenvandine> hellsworth: epiphany in the candidate channel was built with the gnome-3-34 extension
[18:58] <hellsworth> wat that's awesome!
[18:58] <hellsworth> i still haven't worked my way back to epiphany yet today
[18:58] <kenvandine> automated builds will of course fail...
[18:58] <hellsworth> sure
[18:58] <kenvandine> i triggered a build with the right version of snapcraft
[18:58] <hellsworth> oh also gnome-3-34-1804-sdk in candidate has mm-common and gtkmm in it
[18:58] <kenvandine> hellsworth: so it is built on LP
[18:58] <hellsworth> nice!!!!!
[18:58] <kenvandine> hellsworth: oh... awesome
[18:59] <hellsworth> i intend to try snapping gnome-system-monitor with it to try it out
[18:59] <hellsworth> maybe today
[18:59] <hellsworth> idk
[18:59] <hellsworth> too many things to do
[18:59] <kenvandine> cool
[18:59] <kenvandine> :)
[18:59] <hellsworth> :)
[18:59] <kenvandine> hellsworth: did you look at tweaking LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the extension?
[18:59] <kenvandine> to add $SNAP/gnome-platform/usr/lib
[19:00] <hellsworth> no. i made a note to do it.
[19:00] <kenvandine> cool
[19:00] <hellsworth> been looking at LO bugs, usn refreshes, responding to LO queries, trying to dig through email
[19:00] <kenvandine> understood
[19:00] <kenvandine> good progress though
[19:01] <hellsworth> thanks
[19:01] <hellsworth> little by little :)
[19:55] <ricotz> hellsworth, hi :), please leave those backport to me
[19:55] <hellsworth> ricotz: okey dokey :)
[19:55] <hellsworth> thanks
[19:56] <hellsworth> i was more just trying to make sure i wasn't missing something that i was supposed to be doing
[19:56] <hellsworth> still learning the LO land :)
[21:34] <hellsworth> kenvandine: i built snapcraft with the added LD_LIBRARY_PATH, installed it, and am building epiphany now. fingers crossed :)
[21:35] <hellsworth> i'm also building gnome-system-monitor with the gnome-3-34 extension too :)
[21:39] <kenvandine> hellsworth: cool
[21:47] <hellsworth> turns out that gtkmm is not actually in the build snap because i still had snapcraftctl build still commeted
[21:47] <hellsworth> 🤦
[21:56] <rodicio> test
[21:56] <rodicio> Hi. Anyone speak Spanish?
[23:55] <doko> marcustomlinson: libreoffice-gtk still depends on libreoffice-gtk2 which isn't built anymore