UbuntuIRC / 2020 /02 /03 /#lubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <teward> *pours salt over wxl*
[00:13] <wxl> @teward: are you seriously suggesting you set up weblate on your own infra?
[00:31] <teward> wxl: temporarily but yes.
[00:31] <teward> the problem I have is
[00:31] <teward> I don't have any cloud resource at the moment
[00:31] <teward> wxl: that's the core issue with Weblate atm
[00:32] <teward> wxl: i am going to try a docker deployment atm
[00:32] <teward> but if that doesn't work it'll blow up
[00:33] <wxl> teward: if we could resolve the resource issue on the canonical (lowercase) infra, i presume you wouldn't be intending to use your own, even for development purposes?
[00:33] <teward> correct.
[00:33] <teward> BUT
[00:33] <teward> we need to figure out *why* it's barfing on our infra
[00:33] <teward> because it ideally SHOULDN'T be barfing like this
[00:33] <teward> eww we're out of date on the infra
[00:33] <teward> *goes to update things*
[00:41] <wxl> @teward: min is 2g of ram and we've got less than 1 free
[00:41] <teward> yep that's probably why it's barfing
[00:41] <wxl> @teward: it only wants a gig of space for the install, so i don't think the disk is the issue
[00:41] <teward> no, but the RAM is a problem.
[00:41] <teward> so i'm thinking we need to upgrade everything
[00:41] <teward> i think this is a DO droplet
[00:41] <lubot> <kc2bez> more dilithium crystals needed
[00:41] <teward> so it needs upgrade
[00:42] <teward> not sure what the cost is
[00:42] <wxl> i will also mention it wants *AT MINIMUM* 2 cores
[00:42] <teward> kc2bez: no, that's me on STar Trek: Fleet Command on my phone
[00:42] <teward> wxl: available on system, it's not going to horde those cores I believe
[00:42] <lubot> <kc2bez> :D
[00:42] * wxl shrugs
[00:42] <wxl> sounds like it might be core-intensive with concurrent users
[00:42] <teward> it will be yes
[00:43] <wxl> happily psql is the default db thank heavens
[00:44] <teward> i might still be able to deploy this on Docker
[00:46] <teward> all I know is it won't work in a secondary container
[00:46] <teward> PROBABLY because Docker's on the host
[00:46] <teward> so we'll see
[00:46] <teward> i'm in the process of deploying Weblate atm
[00:46] <teward> via Docker
[00:46] <teward> it'll be slow as heck I believe though :P
[00:46] <teward> so we'll need a resource upgrade
[00:47] <teward> Unless Lubuntu wants to start paying me monthly for cloud infra somewhere. Or unless Canonical wants to provide infrastructure (capital C)
[00:48] <wxl> i presume we can figure out a solution to that problem. i'd call the ticket stalled pending the decision of the lc. i've already sent a message
[00:50] <teward> yikes.
[00:51] <wxl> ?
[00:51] <teward> yeah, we need more resources. "Celery beats scheduler is not executing tasks in a timely manner" <-- critical during the tests that failed for the deploy
[00:53] <teward> but that could be a false positive during the deploy, I'm gonna sit here and wait to see
[01:07] <teward> wxl: confirmed we need more reousrces
[01:07] <teward> i don't think it'll work as-is
[01:08] <wxl> teward: i hate little hope otherwise fwiw
[02:07] <wxl> @lynorian we don't have "advanced network configuration" in the manual yet do we?
[02:33] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL6382ca76bef2: Remove uneeded whitespace] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL6382ca76bef2
[04:57] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALe934f5628181: Add print in reverse order] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALe934f5628181
[18:14] <lubot> <HMollerCl> wxl @tsimonq2 have you tried https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/02/lightweight-qt-desktop-lumina-1-6-release
[18:18] <lubot> <tsimonq2> Yeah @q5sys, have you tried it? ;)
[18:18] <wxl> @HMollerCl haven't but i'm not sure the "you don't need dbus or ANYTHING" philosophy is necessarily fantastic, nor the fact that this is the first update in a year
[18:22] <lubot> <q5sys> @wxl [<wxl> @HMollerCl haven't but i'm not sure the "you don't need dbus or ANYTHING" …], sadly we got sidelined making an Desktop OS to replace the TrueOS Desktop which iX wanted to discontinue
[18:23] <lubot> <Rutvikm> Heyy
[18:23] <lubot> <Rutvikm> You are releasing 20.04?
[18:23] <lubot> <q5sys> We didnt want to leave our ~18K users in the lurch. So Ken and I focused on the putting out a new TrueOS Desktop Project.
[18:23] <lubot> <Rutvikm> @Rutvikm [You are releasing 20.04?], Know this isn't support, but still
[18:23] <lubot> <q5sys> Last summer due to issues with FreeBSD and getting fixed we needed dealt with by upstream has changed to using Void as a base.
[18:23] <wxl> @Rutvikm you're a little early
[18:24] <lubot> <Rutvikm> @wxl [<wxl> @Rutvikm you're a little early], Nice
[18:24] <lubot> <teward001> @Rutvikm [You are releasing 20.04?], 20.04 will be released the same time as Ubuntu 20.04 releases - in April. You're several months early.
[18:24] <lubot> <teward001> *summons wxl for reasons*
[18:25] <lubot> <Rutvikm> @teward001 [20.04 will be released the same time as Ubuntu 20.04 releases - in April. You'r …], Ah OK
[18:25] <wxl> wot!
[18:25] <lubot> <Rutvikm> I asked because lxqt is still in beta
[18:25] <lubot> <Rutvikm> And lxde is kinda ded
[18:25] <lubot> <Rutvikm> So what's the plan
[18:25] <lubot> <teward001> @wxl [<wxl> wot!], chaos comes upon thee today
[18:25] <lubot> <teward001> LXQt is the plan
[18:25] <wxl> lxqt is not really in beta
[18:25] <lubot> <teward001> it's already on the roadmap. it's what we're using
[18:25] <lubot> <teward001> so i mean
[18:26] <lubot> <Rutvikm> @teward001 [LXQt is the plan], Is it similar to KDE in many aspects as both are based coded in qt
[18:26] <lubot> <Rutvikm> If yes then a stable lxqt can even replace plasma one day
[18:27] <wxl> @Rutvikm there are many things in Qt that have nothing to do or any likeness to KDE
[18:27] <lubot> <Rutvikm> @Rutvikm [If yes then a stable lxqt can even replace plasma one day], If we manage to make it as great
[18:27] <lubot> <teward001> 'tis dependent on certain people providing time and energy to things *glares at Simon*
[18:27] <lubot> <Rutvikm> @wxl [<wxl> @Rutvikm there are many things in Qt that have nothing to do or any likene …], Oh
[18:27] <wxl> i *DO NOT* want another plasma
[18:27] <lubot> <teward001> *shot*
[18:27] <wxl> plasma is honestly the downfall of kde
[18:29] * RikMills chokes
[18:30] <wxl> RikMills: you have to admit it's like the "catch-all" for the whole thing. everything gets thrown into it. it's not really "unixy" like kwin or dolphin or whatever is.
[18:31] <lubot> <q5sys> @teward001 ['tis dependent on certain people providing time and energy to things *glares at …], Glare harder
[18:31] <RikMills> unixy = CDE
[18:31] <RikMills> no thanks
[18:32] <wxl> RikMills: no, Ken Thompson
[18:33] <wxl> plasma is the monolith in an otherwise modular system
[18:34] <RikMills> you wouldn't say that if you had to keep building 80 frameworks sources packages to just provide a based for it!
[18:35] <RikMills> *base
[18:35] <RikMills> :P
[18:35] <RikMills> the old kdelibs and kdeworkspace super sources were monolithic
[18:36] <wxl> yes, it was far worse
[18:38] <lubot> <tsimonq2> @Rutvikm [I asked because lxqt is still in beta], That's wrong
[19:00] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic 18.04.4] (20200203) has been added
[19:00] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic 18.04.4] (20200203) has been added
[19:04] <wxl> ^ oh yeah we need to test that XD
[19:05] <lubot> <kc2bez> XD
[19:06] <lubot> <tsimonq2> Oh there's a point release this week, cool! XD
[19:07] <wxl> @tsimonq2: about that, i'm not really going to be very available to help with that
[19:07] <wxl> @tsimonq2: at least as far as final release is concerned
[20:11] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T137: improve theming] hmollercl (Hans P. Möller) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T137#3090
[20:13] <lubot> <HMollerCl> wxl @kc2bez @The_LoudSpeaker There ^is a pyqt script to change color-scheme of breeze. Pleas your comments
[20:26] <lubot> <The_LoudSpeaker> @HMollerCl [wxl @kc2bez @The_LoudSpeaker There ^is a pyqt script to change color-scheme of b …], Will do.
[20:27] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T137: improve theming] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T137#3092
[20:41] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T137: improve theming] hmollercl (Hans P. Möller) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T137#3093
[21:38] <lubot> <lynorian> wxl I had it in source I just never ended up putting in the table of contents big oops on my part thanks for following me up on thiis
[21:43] <wxl> well i don't know if you were following the convo on phab but we might have a solution that "edit connections" will automatically open it up, too!
[22:01] <lubot> <lynorian> Ok this is made in master just isn't in 19.10
[22:24] <lubot> <HMollerCl> @wxl [<wxl> well i don't know if you were following the convo on phab but we might hav …], Just FYI, that doesn't solve the VPN ask for password issue
[22:24] <wxl> @lynorian can we get it in 10?
[22:24] <wxl> @HMollerCl well we don't have a solution for that, right?
[22:25] <lubot> <HMollerCl> @wxl [<wxl> @HMollerCl well we don't have a solution for that, right?], Nope
[22:28] <wxl> s/10/19.10/
[23:33] <lubot> <lynorian> ok I will have to look at the different stuff
[23:42] <lubot> <lynorian> wxl first cherry pick done
[23:42] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALc6bb078b8616: Add stub title for advanced networking] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALc6bb078b8616
[23:45] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALeb9c76e43b26: Add HmollerCl paster for Adanced Networking] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALeb9c76e43b26