UbuntuIRC / 2020 /01 /31 /#snappy.txt
Initial commit
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[06:16] <mborzecki> morning
[07:56] <zyga> Hey hey
[08:01] <pedronis> #8061 needs a 2nd review (it's small)
[08:01] <mup> PR #8061: daemon: make users result more consistent <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8061>
[08:01] <mborzecki> pedronis: zyga: mvo: hey
[08:02] <pedronis> mborzecki: hi, should I re-review 8001 or will you push more to it?
[08:03] <mborzecki> pedronis: pushed a little comment tweak, but it should be ok for re-review
[08:03] <pedronis> thx
[08:31] * zyga-laptop has some stuff going on at home with friend dropping a dog for weekend
[08:41] <pedronis> mvo: I never noticed that snap-bootstrap has a bootstrap subpackage just about creating partitions, it's a bit weird tbh
[08:42] <mvo> pedronis: yeah, it's a bit of a leftover of the early days, I guess we need to clean this up
[09:02] <pedronis> mborzecki: +1 on #8001 but there are still some things that need a cleanup
[09:02] <mup> PR #8001: boot: enable UC20 kernel extraction and bootState20 handling <Needs Samuele review> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8001>
[09:05] <pedronis> mborzecki: let me know if you want me to address some of that or you can
[09:05] <pedronis> the last comment is mostly a remark btw, it might get clearer when we split up commit in variants
[09:09] <mborzecki> pedronis: i'll look into that
[09:09] <pedronis> mborzecki: I'm fixing my first comment
[09:09] <mborzecki> pedronis: ok
[09:11] <pedronis> mborzecki: I did this: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8001/commits/9906cdbbfcbf292e2e1e91c004dbba810e8bb0d8
[09:11] <mup> PR #8001: boot: enable UC20 kernel extraction and bootState20 handling <Needs Samuele review> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8001>
[09:11] * pedronis has some quick errands to take care of
[09:50] <mborzecki> pedronis: ok, on to 8001, have you pushed the comment fix?
[09:50] <mborzecki> ah errands, i take that as a no then :)
[09:57] <pedronis> mborzecki: I pushed a fix for my comment, not a a comment fix
[09:57] <mborzecki> pedronis: ah, ok
[09:59] <pedronis> mborzecki: what's left is comment in tests that seems not correct, they mention extraction in tests that test other things etc
[10:48] <mborzecki> pedronis: updated now, tweaked the test a little bit too
[10:48] <mborzecki> anyone can take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8060 ?
[10:48] <mup> PR #8060: gadget: skip update when mounted filesystem content is identical <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8060>
[10:54] <zyga-laptop> mborzecki ay
[10:54] <mborzecki> zyga-laptop: hm? what broke?
[10:54] <zyga-laptop> ?
[10:54] <zyga-laptop> nothing
[10:54] <zyga-laptop> I'm just saying I'll look
[10:54] <zyga-laptop> :)
[10:54] <zyga-laptop> but first, let me grab tea
[10:57] <pedronis> mborzecki: thx
[10:57] <pedronis> mvo: mborzecki: #8001 needs some kind of 2nd review
[10:57] <mup> PR #8001: boot: enable UC20 kernel extraction and bootState20 handling <Needs Samuele review> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8001>
[11:18] <pedronis> #8036 needs a 2nd review
[11:18] <mup> PR #8036: snapstate: refactor things to add the re-refresh task last <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8036>
[11:28] <ijohnson> pedronis, mborzecki should I remove the check in commit() for `if u20.env["kernel_status"] != "" {` ?
[11:28] <pedronis> ijohnson: it was mostly a remark
[11:28] <pedronis> ijohnson: we can think about it when we refactor
[11:29] <pedronis> ijohnson: I'm more interested in this things landing atm
[11:29] <pedronis> but it needs a review from somebody that is not me
[11:29] <ijohnson> pedronis ack I'll wait for a review then
[11:29] <mborzecki> yeah, not me either :P, mvo maybe?
[11:30] <ijohnson> pedronis my refactor with the base snap is much simpler as commit () is 3 different functions for different scenarios
[11:30] <mup> PR snapd#8072 opened: daemon, store: better expose single action errors <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8072>
[11:31] <Chipaca> can I get a second review on #8061 ?
[11:31] <mup> PR #8061: daemon: make users result more consistent <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8061>
[11:32] <zyga-laptop> mborzecki https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8060#pullrequestreview-351447565 +1
[11:32] <mup> PR #8060: gadget: skip update when mounted filesystem content is identical <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8060>
[11:35] <mborzecki> Chipaca: do we get to kill /v2/create-user?
[11:36] <Chipaca> mborzecki: thank you for the review
[11:36] <Chipaca> mborzecki: not at this point in time
[11:36] <Chipaca> mborzecki: killing it would mean adding a deprecation notice, and removing it in N releases
[11:36] <Chipaca> that has not been done
[11:37] <Chipaca> mborzecki: instead we stop talking to it and hope it gets bored and goes away, i guess? :-)
[11:37] <mborzecki> hahah
[11:37] <mborzecki> or return an error telling to use the new api
[11:38] <Chipaca> mborzecki: but, i think we're stuck with it for a good while anyway; people are using it for its intended purpose on devices in the wild
[11:39] <Chipaca> 'people' here includes some big companies, but also some small companies like us via mwhudson iirc
[11:52] <Chipaca> zyga-laptop: how was your famous phrase? "nothing can break with this" but much more nicely said
[11:52] <zyga-laptop> the one where everything breaks? :D
[11:53] <zyga-laptop> <zyga> There is no breaking or risky change induced by this branch.
[11:53] <zyga-laptop> Chipaca ^
[11:53] <ogra> was ther a T-Shirt ?
[11:53] <ogra> *there
[11:53] <zyga-laptop> haha
[11:53] <zyga-laptop> I wish
[11:54] <Chipaca> zyga-laptop: thanks
[11:54] <Chipaca> zyga-laptop: used it in my latest
[11:54] <mup> PR snapd#8073 opened: daemon: drop support for the DELETE method <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8073>
[11:54] <Chipaca> ^
[11:54] <zyga-laptop> if it fails it's the official label for <complex> tag
[11:59] <zyga-laptop> Chipaca final commit of the week? :)
[11:59] <Chipaca> zyga-laptop: ~4 more to come
[12:09] <mup> PR snapd#8061 closed: daemon: make users result more consistent <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8061>
[12:11] <pedronis> mmh, 8001 will likely conflict with 7705, another reason to try to get it in today
[12:12] <mup> PR snapcraft#2901 opened: python plugin: do not leak snapcraft's site-packages <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2901>
[12:15] <mup> PR snapd#8074 opened: client: move to /v2/users; implement RemoveUser <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8074>
[12:26] <mvo> mborzecki: re "yeah, not me either :P, mvo maybe?" - which review was that?
[12:30] <Chipaca> hmm
[12:30] <Chipaca> in a purported 16.04.5 install:
[12:30] <Chipaca> snapd is already the newest version (2.0.2).
[12:30] <Chipaca> hmm²
[12:30] <pedronis> mvo: 8001
[12:33] <mup> PR snapd#7812 closed: asserts: parse plug-names/slot-names constraints <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7812>
[12:51] <mup> PR snapcraft#2902 opened: static: fix some valid flake8 issues <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2902>
[12:53] <cmatsuoka> Chipaca: https://github.com/askervin/python-il/
[12:54] <Chipaca> cmatsuoka: micropython's had that for ages :-D
[12:54] <mup> PR snapcraft#2903 opened: tests: fix status test for staging store <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2903>
[12:54] <Chipaca> cmatsuoka: you should check micropython out sometime, if you haven't
[12:54] * cmatsuoka checks
[12:55] <Chipaca> hah, 6 years down the road I'm still contributor #6 :-)
[12:55] <Chipaca> i guess some things move slowly after a point
[12:55] <Chipaca> ah no, #8 now
[12:55] <mup> PR #8: launchpad.net/snappy -> github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy <Created by chipaca> <Merged by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8>
[12:55] <Chipaca> good
[12:55] <Chipaca> mup: shaddup you
[12:55] <cmatsuoka> haha
[12:55] <mup> Chipaca: I apologize, but I'm pretty strict about only responding to known commands.
[12:56] <Chipaca> mup: from where i'm sitting it looks like you respond to unknown commands as well, tbh
[12:56] <mup> Chipaca: In-com-pre-hen-si-ble-ness.
[12:56] <pedronis> Chipaca: you are #4 by additions
[12:57] <Chipaca> hehe
[12:57] <Chipaca> it's not the size of the pull requests, it's how you use them
[12:57] <Chipaca> or something
[12:59] <pedronis> Chipaca: all those stats are questionable
[12:59] <Chipaca> mhmm
[13:09] <mup> PR snapcraft#2904 opened: meta: move Snap's from_dict() system-username parsing into new method <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2904>
[13:12] <mup> PR snapcraft#2905 opened: requirements-devel: uprev pyinstaller to 3.6 <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2905>
[13:30] <ijohnson> good morning for real this time folks
[13:30] <mborzecki> ijohnson: hey!
[13:31] <ijohnson> hey mborzecki
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
[13:43] <mborzecki> off to school
[14:29] * zyga afk for lunch and stuff
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
[15:06] <mup> PR snapcraft#2906 opened: [ignore me] travis test <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2906>
[15:11] <Chipaca> pedronis: d'oh, was in such a hurry i didn't add tests :-|
[15:14] <roadmr> 😱
[15:21] <pedronis> Chipaca: well, we might pick it up unless missing that blocks the follow ups
[15:23] <mborzecki> re
[15:23] <Chipaca> roadmr: hush, you
[15:23] <Chipaca> pedronis: nah i'll get to it in a bit
[15:23] <roadmr> 😯
[15:23] <roadmr> 🤫
[15:24] <pedronis> Chipaca: on another PR I find funny that you added single error wrapping, while you removed in another
[15:24] <pedronis> I wouldn't add it given it wasn't there and I don't think it relates to what that PR is trying to achieve
[15:24] <Chipaca> pedronis: ah, probably true, i think that's a mis-change
[15:25] <Chipaca> pedronis: also i think that bit isn't tested (otherwise there'd be a change in the test and i don't see it)
[15:25] <pedronis> yes, as well to that
[15:25] <Chipaca> as in, it wasn't tested before my refactor i mean
[15:25] <pedronis> anyway another reason not to touch that bit in particular
[15:26] <Chipaca> mhmm
[15:36] <Chipaca> mborzecki: pedronis: I've addressed your feedback on #8074
[15:36] <mup> PR #8074: client: move to /v2/users; implement RemoveUser <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8074>
[15:36] <cjp256> Any thoughts on what would cause a `Cannot retreive credentials in unknown state` when running `snap set system experimental.snapd-snap=true`?
[15:38] <cjp256> nvm, that's coming from multipass exec
[15:38] <mborzecki> Chipaca: thx!
[15:51] <ijohnson> afk for a little bit
[15:53] <pedronis> Chipaca: yes, all the error paths are not tested in users, something for us at some point
[15:53] <pedronis> I mean in client/users.go
[16:03] <Chipaca> pedronis: un P || Q && R, R is only evaluated if !P and Q
[16:03] <Chipaca> pedronis: right?
[16:03] <pedronis> yes, just me being confused for a second
[16:03] <Chipaca> ah ok
[16:04] <pedronis> otoh some parenthesis wouldn't hurt
[16:04] <Chipaca> i mean, i always think of it as wrong-associative, but :)
[16:04] <Chipaca> pedronis: yep
[16:04] <Chipaca> pedronis: pushing that in a sec
[16:08] <Chipaca> going to take a break now, will bbl to continue punishing travis
[16:13] * Chipaca not gone yet
[16:53] <mvo> ijohnson: 8001 is good from my POV, just one concern about the panic() in there but that can be a followup, let's get the next one up :)
[16:58] <ijohnson> Thanks mvo looking now
[16:59] <ijohnson> ah just missed him oh well
[17:01] <mup> PR snapd#7813 closed: interfaces/policy: enforce plug-names/slot-names constraints <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7813>
[17:08] <pedronis> ijohnson: yes, looks like he was looking at some code, because I commented on that in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8001#discussion_r372451985 and mborzecki fixed it already
[17:08] <mup> PR #8001: boot: enable UC20 kernel extraction and bootState20 handling <Needs Samuele review> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8001>
[17:08] <pedronis> *some old code
[17:08] <ijohnson> yes probably some github ui issue
[17:09] <ijohnson> pedronis: should I merge now then?
[17:09] <pedronis> ijohnson: I would say yes, anyway commit itself will be refactored again
[17:09] <pedronis> afaiu
[17:09] <ijohnson> pedronis: ack, yes I have refactored it
[17:11] <mup> PR snapd#8001 closed: boot: enable UC20 kernel extraction and bootState20 handling <Needs Samuele review> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8001>
[17:15] <mborzecki> yay!
[17:15] <ijohnson> yay indeed!
[17:24] <pedronis> ijohnson: there was indeed a conflict with pawel PR but I pushed a fix hopefully already
[17:24] <pedronis> #8036 needs a 2nd review
[17:24] <mup> PR #8036: snapstate: refactor things to add the re-refresh task last <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8036>
[17:24] <ijohnson> pedronis: which of pawel's PRs?
[17:50] <pedronis> ijohnson: #7705
[17:50] <mup> PR #7705: o/devicestate: handle preseed in firstboot <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7705>
[17:50] <ijohnson> pedronis: ah right, I have that on my list to review, I'll try to get to that today or Monday
[17:58] <mup> PR snapcraft#2902 closed: static: fix some valid flake8 issues <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2902>
[17:58] <mup> PR snapcraft#2905 closed: requirements-devel: uprev pyinstaller to 3.6 <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2905>
[18:41] * Chipaca kicks travis a bit more
[18:43] <mup> PR snapcraft#2903 closed: tests: fix status test for staging store <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2903>
[18:58] <ijohnson> ugh travis why do you have to be broke right after I merged my PR :-(
[19:00] <Chipaca> ijohnson: it had a troubled childhood and has difficulty expressing its love for you
[19:00] <ijohnson> Chipaca: all that kicking probably didn't help
[19:01] * Chipaca punts it back into orbit
[19:01] <Chipaca> ijohnson: what kicking
[19:01] <ijohnson> tbh I probably wouldn't work too well either if somebody kept kicking me every time I did something wrong
[19:01] <Chipaca> ijohnson: travis is the whipping boy
[19:03] <ijohnson> I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank travis for not being able to kick us back
[19:03] * Chipaca actually LOLs
[19:13] <zyga> Chipaca: are you lol'ing as eod-ing? :)
[19:23] <sdhd-sascha> hey "folks" ;-)
[19:24] <sdhd-sascha> is to say, the word "folks" okay ? for woman, man, and ... ?
[19:24] <sdhd-sascha> is it ?
[19:26] <sdhd-sascha> (sorry, sometimes i make failures. )
[19:28] <ijohnson> sdhd-sascha: yes folks is okay for a generic group of people
[19:30] <sdhd-sascha> ijohnson: thank you :-) *great* ... i'm really poor in language's .. (but i grow) ;-) thank you
[19:30] <ijohnson> np
[19:30] <sdhd-sascha> :-)
[19:32] <sdhd-sascha> ijohnson: still, and again - thankyou
[20:01] <mup> PR snapcraft#2908 opened: Tt <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2908>
[20:28] <mup> PR snapcraft#2906 closed: [ignore me] travis test <Created by cjp256> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2906>
[20:28] <mup> PR snapcraft#2908 closed: Tt <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2908>
[20:35] <mup> PR snapd#8074 closed: client: move to /v2/users; implement RemoveUser <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8074>
[20:42] <Chipaca> #8063 is now open for business
[20:43] <mup> PR #8063: cmd/snap: implement 'snap remove-user' <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8063>
[21:10] <mup> PR snapd#8075 opened: boot: don't use "kernel" from the modeenv anymore <Simple 😃> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8075>
[21:42] * sdhd-sascha Chipaca sorry for me ;-)
[21:42] <Chipaca> sdhd-sascha: ?
[21:43] <sdhd-sascha> Chipaca: i'm not so easy - sometimes ;-) i love your hints ;-)
[21:43] * sdhd-sascha sometimes i have too much beer ...
[21:44] <Chipaca> sdhd-sascha: glad you enjoy them, but i'm at a loss as to which ones in particular you mean this time :-D
[21:46] <sdhd-sascha> Chipaca: as i said - you give me hints, which are very cool, and i understand . not in time. but shorten ... you have a nice way to write ;-)
[21:49] <sdhd-sascha> Chipaca: i love your sarcasm ;-)
[21:49] <Chipaca> :-)
[21:49] <sdhd-sascha> ;-)
[21:49] * sdhd-sascha afk - look for my wife...
[21:53] * sdhd-sascha back (for a moment) .. is it bad, that i can better talk to you folks... ? i cant say it to ....
[21:54] <Chipaca> sdhd-sascha: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it happens :-)
[21:54] * Chipaca takes the dog for a wander
[21:55] * sdhd-sascha i wonder, Chipaca how you type this ;-) thank you - make me smile ;-)
[21:57] <sdhd-sascha> hey, ;-) look forward
[22:04] <mup> PR snapd#8076 opened: boot: add TryBase and BaseStatus to modeenv; use in snap-bootstrap <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8076>
[22:06] * ijohnson EOWs
[22:06] <mup> PR snapd#8077 opened: boot: enable base snap updates in bootstate20 <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8077>
[23:06] * sdhd-sascha how much is too much talk ... can i be litte crazy