UbuntuIRC / 2020 /01 /28 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
[18:50] <mybit> hi
[18:50] <mybit> when is roughly the packaging cutoff for ubuntu 20.04?
[18:51] <lotuspsychje> cutoff?
[18:51] <tomreyn> see schedule on /topic
[18:52] <mybit> I guess it'd be the feature freeze
[18:53] <mybit> i help with a package and was wondering when we'd need to get a release out of that to see it in 20.04
[18:54] <mybit> er, s/package/open source project/
[18:54] <lotuspsychje> mybit: whats the packagename?
[19:02] <mybit> gnuradio
[19:09] <tomreyn> mybit: you'd need to see into packages landing in ubuntu 20.04 / focal at least (maybe more) a week before feature freeze
[19:10] <tomreyn> mybit: folks in #ubuntu-devel would probably be able to give a better recommendation.
[19:10] <tomreyn> gnuradio | | focal/universe | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x
[19:10] <tomreyn> gnuradio | | focal-proposed/universe | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x
[19:12] <tomreyn> this is the current state. it's in universe, so less strict rules apply to it (but it also gets a lower support level than packages in "main", though a non mandatory package would not easily land in main)
[19:12] <mybit> thanks for the info
[19:14] <tomreyn> i'd say make sure the debian testing version is up to date (which involves making sure it needs to pass the debian unstable -> testing migration, which also adds one week), and file a bug against the ubuntu package to have it merged into focal.
[19:14] <tomreyn> mybit: ^
[19:14] <tomreyn> ... before "Debian Import Freeze "
[19:15] <tomreyn> https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/gnuradio
[19:16] <tomreyn> obviously this also needs to work out for all of its dfirect dependencies
[19:16] <tomreyn> *direct
[19:19] <tomreyn> you may want to coordinate with the debian package maintainer.
[19:20] <tomreyn> mybit: ^ generally, there's #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-app-devel for development purposes
[19:24] <mybit> Maitland who does the packaging is awesome
[19:25] <mybit> I would have asked him but different timezones etc, and was looking to get a quick idea on it
[19:25] <mybit> thanks!
[19:40] <tomreyn> you're welcome.