UbuntuIRC / 2020 /01 /27 /#ubuntu-meeting.txt
Initial commit
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
[19:15] <slashd> o/
[19:21] <slashd> Seems like no other DMB member are available at the moment, there is a sprint going on this week, that might explain why. As I don't see applications in the agenda for today and we don't have quorum ... let's reconvene in 2 weeks.
[20:20] <cyphermox> slashd: I am there..
[20:20] <cyphermox> anyway, via email
[20:24] <sarnold> hey cyphermox :) are you at the sprint!?
[20:32] <cyphermox> sarnold: no
[20:33] <sarnold> cyphermox: dang. you gave me a moment of hope :) hehe