UbuntuIRC / 2020 /01 /17 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:50] <lubot> <heysoundude> Uh oh...help! What command do I issue in rescue mode to start my system?
[00:51] <wxl> grub rescue??? oh man what did you do?
[00:52] <lubot> <heysoundude> I have no idea. I’m looking at a terminal screen with … grub rescue>
[00:53] <lubot> <kc2bez> is your drive full disk encrypted?
[00:54] <lubot> <heysoundude> 🤔 possibly. It’s been a few years - I can’t remember
[00:54] <guiverc> @heysoundude, i usually stop at that point, sysrq-reisub & boot a live system & inspect for issues (`fsck` or file-system check; if it detects & fixes something I'd expect it to normally boot next time...) I'm assuming unencrypted though
[00:55] <wxl> agreed. you shouldn't just randomly end up in grub rescue
[00:56] <lubot> <kc2bez> I am not sure which version of Lubuntu you are running but if you incorrectly type (or fail to enter in time) your password on FDE you land at grub rescue
[00:56] <lubot> <kc2bez> at that point you can reboot and try to enter your password (assuming FDE)
[00:56] <guiverc> Good point kc2bez ; my most comomn grub-rescue on laptop is b/c I mistyped the encryption key !!
[00:57] <lubot> <heysoundude> I did have a problem booting, and it told me to run fsck /dev/sda1 and I hit option a (yes to all). When it finished, I typed reboot, then it asked me to “Reboot and Select proper Boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key”
[00:57] <lubot> <heysoundude> It was 18.04.3
[00:58] <lubot> <kc2bez> ^that sounds like a disk problem.
[00:58] <lubot> <heysoundude> It’s a ~2yr old ssd.
[00:59] <lubot> <heysoundude> An HP
[00:59] <lubot> <heysoundude> Is there something to try before we call it DOA?
[01:00] <guiverc> my suggestion (as before) would be boot a 'live' system (eg. Lubuntu install media & use 'Start Lubuntu') and `fsck` your ssd. The reason for using 'live' is so your ssd is unused when you boot, thus is easily checked & issues fixed with `fsck`
[01:00] <lubot> <heysoundude> Ok. Let me see where I put the USB stick...
[01:01] <lubot> <heysoundude> If it’s missing, I have other machines I can use to DL lubuntu. Can I maybe go to 19.04? Or should I?
[01:02] <guiverc> the 'live' system need not be the same version; ideally pretty modern but I'd use anything 18.04 or later myself
[01:02] <lubot> <kc2bez> 19.04 is EOL, if anything you should use 19.10
[01:03] <lubot> <heysoundude> Hmm. Ok. Standby.
[01:03] <lubot> <heysoundude> (And thank you!!)
[01:04] * guiverc got a fright; I'd not posted 19.04's EOL to fridge; but still a few days left of life..
[01:05] <wxl> don't feel bad, when i posted to the list, one of the dates i gave was in the past XD
[01:07] <lubot> <kc2bez> https://lubuntu.me/lubuntu-19-04-end-of-life-and-current-support-statuses/
[01:08] <lubot> <kc2bez> ^ Pinned in Telegram now.
[01:08] <guiverc> yep 23rd fitting with https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2020-January/000252.html - notice of coming EOL (thursday 23)
[01:13] * kc2bez realizes that he never mentioned that in the stand-up
[01:24] <lubot> <heysoundude> Having a hard time getting the torrent of 19.10 to start...
[01:24] <lubot> <heysoundude> The USB I found has 17.04 iso on it
[01:28] <lubot> <heysoundude> Forgot this machine has avast on it...got it going now.
=== trevor is now known as Guest86545
[09:57] <lubot> <devikri> execuse me, is there any rdp client recomended for lubuntu 18.04 ?
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
[11:06] <lubot> <kc2bez> @devikri [execuse me, is there any rdp client recomended for lubuntu 18.04 ?], I use remmina, it works well for me. I haven't used the version that is in 18.04 in a while but it worked the last time I tried it.
[11:15] <lubot> <devikri> (Photo, 1280x719) https://i.imgur.com/EvpPByQ.jpg thx, it works well
[11:15] <lubot> <kc2bez> Happy to help.
[21:33] <retardedguy12345> Hello
[21:33] <wxl> hey
[21:33] <retardedguy12345> Can I ask for help in this channel?
[21:33] <wxl> this is the place
[21:34] <retardedguy12345> I've got laptop Dell with Lubuntu 18.04, it has 100mb network, I bought 1 gigabit usb 3 adapter it works like charm for like 10-15mins and then it stopps I have to replug the usb
[21:34] <retardedguy12345> Is there some kind of power saving option on the USBs or its something else?
[21:35] <retardedguy12345> As soon as i replug it works perfectly again
[21:35] <wxl> hm that's strange indeed. have you ever used it with another network?
[21:37] <retardedguy12345> Like have I used the adapter on different computer?
[21:38] <wxl> no, with a different network
[21:38] <retardedguy12345> Ive got only one network my home
[21:39] <wxl> well i mean there are other places in the world.. :)
[21:39] <retardedguy12345> https://askubuntu.com/questions/1029250/ubuntu-18-04-ethernet-disconnected-after-suspend
[21:39] <retardedguy12345> People here say if I upgrade the karnel it goes away
[21:41] <retardedguy12345> if i wasnt retarded i wouldnt be here you knwo bRUH!
[21:41] <wxl> that's kind of offensive, you know....
[21:42] <retardedguy12345> All the tech savy users use linux, and then me the fucking dumbest man on planet earth decided to go on linux I cant code i dont understand software
[21:42] <retardedguy12345> and I gotta seek help on forums and irc every single time...
[21:42] <retardedguy12345> :)
[21:42] <wxl> keep the language nice if you would
[21:42] <retardedguy12345> Didn't mean to be offensive to anybody expect me
[21:42] <retardedguy12345> Am really sorry, no bad intentions
[21:42] <retardedguy12345> Trust me!
[21:42] <wxl> what kernel are you running?
[21:43] <retardedguy12345> 4.15
[21:43] <retardedguy12345> LTS
[21:43] <retardedguy12345> I tried once to upgrade latest relese couldnt
[21:44] <retardedguy12345> to latest release*
[21:46] <wxl> which specific kernel?
[21:46] <retardedguy12345> 4.15.0-74-generic
[21:48] <retardedguy12345> When i type in terminal sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[21:48] <retardedguy12345> it dosent upgrade
[21:48] <lubot> <teward001> `dist-upgrade` will only install the latest updates available to your system and the dependent packages
[21:48] <lubot> <teward001> it will not upgrade your OS to a newer version
[21:48] <retardedguy12345> says the Following packages were automaticlly installed and are no longer req:
[21:49] <retardedguy12345> and there is list
[21:49] <retardedguy12345> of 5
[21:49] <retardedguy12345> rows
[21:49] <lubot> <teward001> upgrading the system is the job of `sudo do-release-upgrade` or similar, and not the function of `sudo apt-get ...`
[21:49] <retardedguy12345> Are you sure?
[21:49] <retardedguy12345> is this person or bot?
[21:49] <lubot> <teward001> the bot is carrying my messages from a secondary communication mechanism
[21:49] <lubot> <teward001> my username is teward001
[21:50] <teward> ... or if i were here on my phone, teward here on IRC
[21:50] <teward> (same person...
[21:50] <lubot> <teward001> ... different communication mechanisms, this is the support room over on the Telegram messenger)
[21:50] <retardedguy12345> Ok
[21:50] <retardedguy12345> so what is the command to ugprade the distro
[21:50] <retardedguy12345> to the latest
[21:50] <retardedguy12345> is that gonna upgrade my kernel too?
[21:51] <retardedguy12345> As far as i've been seraching the internet thats the command
[21:51] <teward> you are on 18.04 yes? in *theory* it should be `sudo do-release-upgrade` on the command line. It should also upgrade your base kernel, but it will also upgrade a lot of other software as well. So before you do this, if there is anything you want to keep on your system you should back it up
[21:51] <wxl> that's not recommended
[21:51] <wxl> LXDE -> LXQt
[21:51] <teward> i also agree with wxl
[21:51] <retardedguy12345> what am I supposed to do?
[21:51] <teward> if you need the *latest* kernel, there may be another one to install 1 moment
[21:51] <teward> *polls the packages*
[21:52] <tomreyn> HWE / LTSE is maybe worth a try?
[21:52] <teward> yep
[21:52] <guiverc> are you using 4.15 or 5.0 (HWE enabled on 18.04; soon be 5.3)
[21:53] <teward> guiverc: already answered earlier, they're on 4.15
[21:53] <guiverc> sorry
[21:53] <teward> > 4.15.0-74-generic
[21:54] <teward> you can either install `linux-generic-hwe-18.04` or `linux-generic-hwe-18.04-edge` - the first installs 5.0, the second installs 5.3.
[21:54] <retardedguy12345> thats not gonna break anytihng?
[21:54] <lubot> <heysoundude> @teward [<teward> you can either install `linux-generic-hwe-18.04` or `linux-generic-hwe- …], 👍🏻👍🏻
[21:54] <teward> it could, not all hardware likes to behave on the HWE kernels
[21:54] <retardedguy12345> ok whats the command i'll type it
[21:54] <retardedguy12345> whats HWE short for
[21:55] <retardedguy12345> how do i get to newer karnel safely?
[21:55] <teward> sudo apt-get install linux-generic-hwe-18.04
[21:55] <teward> start with that one, i want to avoid edge first :P
[21:55] <teward> that should install the second kernel, if it fails to work on a reboot we'll instruct you how to boot to the older kernel
[21:55] <teward> since it won't remove 4.15 yet
[21:56] <tomreyn> the !LTSE / !HWE trigger recommends also upgrading X. also -hwe also points to 5.3 now, i think.
[21:56] <teward> !LTSE
[21:56] <ubottu> The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack
[21:56] <teward> !HWE
[21:56] <teward> blah stupid ubottu
[21:56] <tomreyn> its an alias
[21:56] <teward> tomreyn: you may want to assist them with the steps
[21:56] <teward> as they've already stated they don't know what they're doing :P
[21:56] <retardedguy12345> so sudo apt-get install linux-generic-hwe-18.04
[21:56] <retardedguy12345> right?
[21:56] <teward> (and i'm headed home, so offline for a short while)
[21:57] <tomreyn> retardedguy12345: please just read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack
[21:57] <tomreyn> or if that's too much, run this: sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04
[21:59] <retardedguy12345> alright @hanks
[21:59] <retardedguy12345> thanks
[21:59] <wxl> i'm not sure the kernel is going to fix this. the bug report is a mess with conflicting reports 4.15.0-24.26
[21:59] <wxl> oops
[21:59] <wxl> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1752772?comments=all
[21:59] <tomreyn> i should have said you also should run this: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
[21:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1752772 in linux-kernel-headers (Ubuntu) "r8169 ethernet card don't work after returning from suspension" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[22:00] <tomreyn> do we actually know that it's r8169?
[22:00] <retardedguy12345> mines
[22:00] <retardedguy12345> r8152
[22:01] <retardedguy12345> Thats what it shows in the network
[22:01] <tomreyn> i should have said you also should run this: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
[22:01] <retardedguy12345> When I go connection info: shows r8152
[22:01] <retardedguy12345> ok i havent run any commands yet
[22:01] <retardedguy12345> i'll run that first
[22:02] <tomreyn> tell us whether it reported anything special other than that you can autoremove those 5 packages.
[22:04] <tomreyn> this is very old but matches the symptom https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1586195
[22:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1586195 in linux (Ubuntu) "Realtek 8153-based ethernet adapter on usb3 eventually stops working requiring unplug/replug" [High,Expired]
[22:05] <retardedguy12345> that command says
[22:05] <retardedguy12345> failed ot fetch link
[22:05] <retardedguy12345> some index files failed to download
[22:06] <retardedguy12345> and the Following packages were auto installed and are no longer req:
[22:06] <retardedguy12345> Theres 7 now
[22:06] <tomreyn> please run all of this and post the http address returned: sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog
[22:06] <tomreyn> it sums up some info on your package system state and posts it to a website so we cna look at it.
[22:08] <retardedguy12345> sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog
[22:09] <retardedguy123it> https://termbin.com/m8pd
[22:09] <retardedguy12345> thats me from the laptop
[22:09] <retardedguy12345> am trying to fix
[22:09] <tomreyn> okay, the chrome repository needs fixing.
[22:11] <tomreyn> winehq-staging is held back, you should see if you can fix this problem sometime. it is with a !PPA
[22:11] <retardedguy12345> Thanks for taking the time to help me tomreyn
[22:12] <retardedguy12345> What a nice human being, god bless you
[22:12] <tomreyn> hehe, you're welcome, but we're really deviating right now. i just wanted to make sure you can use apt in general
[22:13] <tbs> guys here helps a lot, i even ask sefish questions sometimes:)
[22:13] <retardedguy12345> tbs Like what? :)
[22:13] <tomreyn> to remove those packages listed there you can run sudo apt --purge autoremove but that's also for later
[22:13] <tomreyn> (those listed under "The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:")
[22:14] <retardedguy12345> Its removing now stuff
[22:14] <retardedguy12345> Has green "
[22:14] <retardedguy12345> "process" bar
[22:14] <tbs> like can i add more ram to my pc, how can i make my desktop like archman openbox, is there an app like tolwiz timefreez for linux...
[22:14] <tomreyn> let's confirm which network interface you have (you can do this in parallel on a separate temrinal window, it's fast): lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet) controller' | nc termbin.com 9999
[22:15] <retardedguy123it> https://termbin.com/k8m9w
[22:16] <tomreyn> i guess the "Dell RTL810xE PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller" will be the integrated one, not the usb one
[22:16] <tomreyn> what does this report: lsusb | nc termbin.com 9999
[22:16] <retardedguy12345> ye the adapter dosent have wireless
[22:16] <retardedguy12345> its gigabit cable lan adapter
[22:17] <tomreyn> oh and make sure you have the usb ethernet dongle attached while you run these
[22:18] <retardedguy12345> its attached
[22:18] <retardedguy12345> to network and everything
[22:18] <tomreyn> ok, so what does this report: lsusb | nc termbin.com 9999
[22:18] <retardedguy123it> https://termbin.com/87as
[22:20] <tomreyn> you can run sudo update-usbids if you want more useful output from the lsusb command in the future
[22:20] <retardedguy12345> Hey Tomreyn
[22:20] <retardedguy12345> just so you know
[22:20] <retardedguy12345> https://termbin.com/k8m9w
[22:20] <tomreyn> but the first on this list will be the one we're lookign for
[22:20] <retardedguy12345> where it says 03:
[22:20] <retardedguy12345> is the adapter
[22:20] <retardedguy12345> not the first one
[22:21] <tomreyn> the second on https://termbin.com/k8m9w is your integrated network interface, the "old" one, not on USB
[22:21] <retardedguy123it> pc@PC:~$ sudo update-usbids--2020-01-17 16:20:48-- http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.idsResolving www.linux-usb.org (www.linux-usb.org)... to www.linux-usb.org (www.linux-usb.org)||:80... connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OKLength: 614379 (600K) [text/plain]Saving to:
[22:21] <retardedguy123it> ‘/var/lib/usbutils/usb.ids.new’/var/lib/usbutils/u 100%[===================>] 599.98K 594KB/s in 1.0s 2020-01-17 16:20:50 (594 KB/s) - ‘/var/lib/usbutils/usb.ids.new’ saved [614379/614379]Done.
[22:21] <tomreyn> is you run lsusb again now you will see the first line there showing your usb ethernet
[22:23] <retardedguy12345> it cutt off the network on the laptop
[22:23] <retardedguy12345> let me replug the adapter
[22:23] <tomreyn> it should say "RTL8153 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter" now. but you don't need to run it unless for yourself
[22:23] <retardedguy12345> ye it does
[22:24] <retardedguyitsme> pc@PC:~$ lsusbBus 002 Device 005: ID 0bda:8153 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8153 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
[22:24] <tomreyn> so that's more useful than what it used to say: https://termbin.com/87as
[22:25] <tomreyn> i suggest you still do the kernel upgrade, just to see whether it's already fixed ina newer kernel.
[22:25] <retardedguy12345> it seems like the network cuts of after 15-16mins
[22:25] <retardedguy12345> every time
[22:25] <retardedguy12345> like a clock
[22:25] <retardedguyitsme> sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade?
[22:26] <tomreyn> !LTSE
[22:26] <ubottu> The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack
[22:26] <tomreyn> this
[22:26] <retardedguy12345> ill disconnect the donggle not to fuck it up mid installation
[22:27] <retardedguy12345> you tthink thats smart
[22:28] <retardedguy12345> uhh it upgrades to 5.3
[22:28] <retardedguy12345> hopefully it all turns good
[22:28] <retardedguy12345> if not am gonna have some fun reinstalling
[22:35] <retardedguy12345> hey that is done
[22:35] <retardedguy12345> do i need to reset for the karntel to take place?
[22:36] <wxl> retardedguy12345: sorry for disappearing on you there but the phone rang shortly after you showed up. you do need to reboot for the new kernel to be used.
[22:38] <paolo_piemonte> hi
[22:38] <retardedguy12345> Thanks wxl
[22:40] <retardedguy12345> on the new karnel touchpad feels more responsive
[22:41] <wxl> generally having newer kernels is better for hardware
[22:43] <retardedguy12345> lets see if the isssue is fixed
[22:44] <retardedguy12345> it will take 15mins from now
[22:45] <retardedguy12345> Thanks everyone here to helping
[22:45] <retardedguy12345> <3
[22:45] <retardedguy12345> god bless you all
[22:45] <retardedguy12345> And wish you fantastic weekend
[22:50] <tomreyn> retardedguy12345: sorry, my isp decided to disconnect me there, i just got back
[22:50] <tomreyn> (i use an irc proxy so shoul dnot have missed much of what you said)
[22:50] <tomreyn> okay, let's wait and see if we worked around it.
[22:52] <retardedguy12345> with the new karnel the touch soft touch click is gone
[22:52] <retardedguy12345> gotta press the pad
[22:52] <retardedguy12345> it dosent bother me
[22:52] <retardedguy12345> all i want is for the adapter to continue working
[22:57] <retardedguy12345> 3mins
[22:58] <retardedguy12345> ;)
[23:04] <retardedguy12345> it seems like bros
[23:04] <retardedguy12345> we fixed it
[23:05] <retardedguy12345> wow
[23:05] <retardedguy12345> thats fantastic
[23:05] <retardedguy12345> <3
[23:05] <retardedguy12345> Sorry for the spam
[23:05] <wxl> all good