UbuntuIRC / 2020 /01 /16 /#xubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:20] <JackFrost> boosabre: And IRCCloud seems to have just reset something.
[00:21] <bluesabre> Sure enough!
[00:21] <bluesabre> Later boosabre
[00:22] <bluesabre> brainwash: please log a bug for xfwm with your findings
[00:28] <bluesabre> JackFrost: commented on that screensaver bug, thanks
[00:29] <JackFrost> You're doing all the hard work. :3
[00:48] <JackFrost> We need boosabre back.
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
[06:48] <astraljava> Hey folks, I was just told that on support channel that light-locker is not even in development anymore. What is the reasoning it's the default choice, still? Just no better alternative available? :D
[06:51] <astraljava> Nevermind, I have not waken up, yet, apparently. Need More Coffee™
[07:21] <JackFrost> xfce4-screensaver! ++
[07:26] <ochosi> astraljava: that's not really accurate. it's maintained by and default in elementaryOS
[07:29] <ochosi> it's true that neither me nor peter are activr anymore in the project
[07:41] <astraljava> ochosi: Ok, thanks for the clarification.
[07:42] <astraljava> JackFrost: Yes, I noticed that's what I actually use on my machine. Now to figure out why it randomly locks my session without user action.
[10:03] <brainwash> bluesabre: you still don't see the bug? have an up-to-date xubuntu 20.04 and start the session with the compositor being disabled.
[10:03] <bluesabre> brainwash: didn't check yet... I just don't use the session without the compositor which is why I would have overlooked it.
[10:04] <brainwash> if it really is a vbox driver bug... then reporting against xfwm4 won't help much I guess
[10:05] <brainwash> I will test with something like openbox too
[10:05] <bluesabre> I'll test it in qemu/kvm
[10:07] <bluesabre> Definitely doesn't seem to be the case in 19.10 on hardware after just turning the compositor off
[10:08] <brainwash> you have to restart the session
[10:08] <bluesabre> vbox has been pretty unstable for quite a while now :\
[10:09] <bluesabre> Alrighty, I can restart my session now, bbiab
[10:10] <bluesabre> brainwash: sure enough, it crashes it on hardware as well after the session is restarted
[10:10] <bluesabre> turning the compositor back on resolves it, so it's an Xfwm bug
[10:11] <brainwash> I tried with openbox, no crash
[10:11] <brainwash> will open a report then
[10:11] <bluesabre> thanks